Jay School Corporation Family and Consumer Science Curriculum Guide – Fashion and Textiles Foundations Jay County High School Family and Consumer Science Curriculum Fashion and Textiles Foundations Grades 9 – 12 2012-2018 Jay School Corporation Family and Consumer Science Curriculum Guide – Fashion and Textiles Foundations 2012-2018 Standard 1 Students will integrate processes of thinking, communication, leadership, and management in order to apply fashion and textiles knowledge and skills. FACS Academic Standard FTF-1.1 Demonstrate components of critical thinking, creative thinking, and reasoning. FTF-1.2 Evaluate effective communication processes in school, family, career, and community settings FTF-1.3 Demonstrate leadership that encourages participation and respect for the ideas, perspectives, and contributions of group members. FTF-1.4 Apply management, decision-making, and problem solving processes to accomplish tasks and fulfill responsibilities. Literacy Embedded Standard 9-12.RT.3 Follow precisely a complex multistep procedure when performing technical tasks; analyze the specific results based on explanations in the text. Learning Activities Students will select appropriate pattern, size, and fabric for construction of a garment of their choice Students will be access on garment construction and fit using a score sheet. Students will demonstrate proper use of sewing tools. Students will be assessed by participation in classroom demonstration of proper use of sewing tools. Student assessment by participation of proper use of sewing tools. Students will demonstrate proper use of sewing tools. 9-12.RT.3 Follow precisely a complex multistep procedure when performing technical tasks; analyze the specific results based on Assessment(s) Students will select appropriate pattern, size, and fabric for construction of a chosen garment. Student assessed on garment construction and fit by use of a score sheet. Jay School Corporation Family and Consumer Science Curriculum Guide – Fashion and Textiles Foundations 2012-2018 explanations in the text. FTF-1.5 Examine the interrelationships among thinking, communication, leadership, and management processes to address family, community, and workplace issues. Students will develop a list of classroom procedures and responsibilities. Students assessed by participation in class discussion and fulfillment of responsibilities. Standard 2 Students will determine criteria for fashion and textiles products that meet needs of individuals, families, and communities across the life spans. FACS Academic Standard FTF-2.1 Analyze factors that influence selection of textiles and apparel. Literacy Embedded Learning Activities Standard Students will compare cost and 9-12.RT.9 Synthesize information from a range of benefits of purchasing clothing sources (e.g., texts, exper- verses self construction. iments, simulations) into a Assessment(s) Student cost comparison analysis. Jay School Corporation Family and Consumer Science Curriculum Guide – Fashion and Textiles Foundations 2012-2018 coherent understanding of a process, phenomenon, or concept, resolving conflicting information when possible. FTF-2.2 Demonstrate knowledge and skills needed to maintain standards of personal appearance and attire for specific settings FTF-2.3 Evaluate use of human and economic resources to meet fashion and textile needs of individuals, families, and communities FTF-2.4 Apply decisionmaking processes to selecting, purchasing, creating, and maintaining textiles and apparel. FTF-2.5 Assess the cost of constructing, manufacturing, altering, or repairing textile products. 9-12.RT.4 Determine the meaning of symbols, key terms, and other domainspecific words and phrases as they are used in a specific scientific context relevant to grades 912 texts and topics. Students will develop a wardrobe plan for a given situation Student assessment by a checklist of the wardrobe plan. Students will determine cost of constructing, altering, and repairing textile products. Student assessed by participation in discussion with a local seamstress. Students will identify influences on merchandising textiles and fashion in the local community. Student assessed by a written report following a visit to a local clothing retailer. Students will research the cost to construct, manufacture, alter and repair textile products. Student assessed by a data sheet with the cost comparisons. Jay School Corporation Family and Consumer Science Curriculum Guide – Fashion and Textiles Foundations 9-12.RT.6 Analyze the author’s purpose in providing an explanation, describing a procedure, or discussing an experiment in a text, identifying important issues that remain unresolved. FTF-2.6 Describe influ9-12.RT.2 Determine the ences on merchandising central ideas or conclutextiles and fashion, insions of a text; summarize cluding external factors, complex concepts, promethods of needs recesses, or information search and forecasting, presented in a text by and marketing techniques paraphrasing them in simpler but still accurate terms. FTF-2.7 Demonstrate 9-12.RT.9 Synthesize inskills used in seeking formation from a range of information related to sources (e.g., texts, experconsumer rights and iments, simulations) into a responsibilities coherent understanding of a process, phenomenon, or concept, resolving conflicting information when possible. FTF-2.8 Examine 9-12.RT.1 Cite specific legislation, regulations, textual evidence to supand public policy port analysis of technical affecting fashion and texts, attending to imtextiles industry. portant distinctions the 2012-2018 Students will identify influences on merchandising textiles and fashion in the local community Student assessed by a written report following a visit to a local clothing retailer. Students will explain how textilelabeling law assist and protect consumers. Student assessed by a written report on current textile labeling laws. Students will discuss legislation, regulations, and public policy affecting the textiles and apparel industry. Students assessed on presentation of current legislation, regulations, and public policy affecting the textile and apparel Jay School Corporation Family and Consumer Science Curriculum Guide – Fashion and Textiles Foundations author makes and to any gaps or inconsistencies in the account. 2012-2018 industry. Standard 3 Students will evaluate impacts of textiles and fashion on individuals, families, communities, and globally FACS Academic Standard FTF-3.1 Evaluate impacts of self concept, peer pressure, and media influences on fashion and textiles selections. FTF-3.2 Analyze impacts of global influences on textile and fashion needs and issues. FTF-3.3 Demonstrate appreciation for diverse perspectives, needs, characteristics, and cultures of individuals and Literacy Embedded Standard 9-12.RT.7 Integrate and evaluate multiple sources of information presented in diverse formats and media (e.g., quantitative data, video, multimedia) in order to address a question or solve a problem. Learning Activities Students will identify the clothing needs, which are expressed in various stages of the life cycle. Assessment(s) Student demonstration of various clothing needs expressed by age group using a power point presentation. Students will analyze the needs of different cultures Students will examine the impact of the global village on textile and fashion needs and issues. Students assessed by written report. Students will analyze the needs of different cultures and special groups Student written report on specific clothing needs for a specific culture of handicapped group. Jay School Corporation Family and Consumer Science Curriculum Guide – Fashion and Textiles Foundations families. FTF-3.4 Analyze textile and fashion needs of individuals and families with a variety of disadvantaging conditions. FTF-3.5 Develop solutions to textile and fashion issues of individuals and families with a variety of disadvantaging conditions. Students will determine the special clothing of individuals with a variety of disadvantaging conditions. 2012-2018 Students will describe the clothing alternations necessary for the residents residing in the local nursing home. Students will develop solutions to textile and fashion issues of individuals with a variety of disadvantaging conditions. Standard 4 Students will evaluate properties of textiles and fashion products to determine performance in a variety of end uses. Jay School Corporation Family and Consumer Science Curriculum Guide – Fashion and Textiles Foundations FACS Academic Standard FTF-4.1 Analyze a variety of natural and synthetic textiles fibers and their performance characteristics FTF-4.2 Assess effects of textiles characteristics on design, construction, care, use, and maintenance of products. FTF-4.3 Evaluate the use of textiles and fashion technologies for interior furnishings and products. FTF-4.4 Analyze the impact of science and technology on textiles and fashion. Literacy Embedded Learning Activities Standard Students will compare natural and 9-12.RT.8 Evaluate the hypotheses, data, analysis, man-made fibers on the basis of and conclusions in a tech- durability, comfort, care and cost. nical subject, verifying the data when possible and corroborating or challenging conclusions with other sources of information. Students compare textile products made of various fibers. 9-12.RT.5 Analyze how the text structures information or ideas into categories or hierarchies, demonstrating understanding of the information or ideas. 2012-2018 Assessment(s) Student-created chart comparing the properties of several common fibers. Completed rating card on design, construction, care, use, and maintenance of a given textile product. FTF-4.2 Assess effects of textiles characteristics on design, construction, care, use, and maintenance of products. FTF-4.3 Evaluate the use of textiles and fashion technologies for interior furnishings and products. 9-12.RT.5 Analyze how the text structures information or ideas into categories or hierarchies, demonstrating understanding of the information or ideas. Jay School Corporation Family and Consumer Science Curriculum Guide – Fashion and Textiles Foundations FTF-4.5 Describe historic and current technology and trends and their influence on design and production of textiles products and apparel. FTF-4.6 Select appropriate procedures for production, selection, and care of textiles products. FTF-4.7 Utilize a variety of presentation media such as photography, video, and software to demonstrate and evaluate textile and fashion products. 9-12.RT.2 Determine the central ideas or conclusions of a text; summarize complex concepts, processes, or information presented in a text by paraphrasing them in simpler but still accurate terms. 9-12.RT.7 Integrate and evaluate multiple sources of information presented in diverse formats and media (e.g., quantitative data, video, multimedia) in order to address a question or solve a problem. 2012-2018 Students will describe the influence of current technology on the production of textile products and apparel. Student will research and write a report about new inventions and advances in technology in the textile and fashion industry. Students will demonstrate use of care labels when cleaning and caring for textile products. Student will describe appropriate procedure of care for various textile products. Students will distinguish between good and poor quality ready -to wear garments. Student assessed on an oral presentation of wellmade verses an inferior product. Jay School Corporation Family and Consumer Science Curriculum Guide – Fashion and Textiles Foundations 2012-2018 Standard 5 Students will demonstrate skills needed to produce, alter, or repair fashion and textiles products. FACS Academic Standard Literacy Embedded Standard 9-12.RT.3 Follow precisely FTF-5.1 Apply color theo- a complex multistep prory and design principles cedure when performing in selection and use of technical tasks; analyze fabric, texture, line, patthe specific results based tern, and color for proon explanations in the ducing textile and fashion text. products. FTF-5.2 Use a variety of 9-12.RT.3 Follow precisely equipment, tools, and a complex multistep supplies for apparel and procedure when textiles construction alperforming technical teration, and repair. tasks; analyze the specific results based on explanations in the text. FTF-5.3 Demonstrate 9-12.RT.4 Determine the basic skills for producing, meaning of symbols, key altering, and repairing terms, and other domaintextile products and specific words and apparel. phrases as they are used in a specific scientific context relevant to grades 912 texts and topics. Learning Activities Assessment(s) Students will select appropriate pattern, pattern size, and fabric for a garment of their choice. Student assessed by their choice of fabric, texture, line, pattern, and color appropriate for a chosen garment. Students will select appropriate pattern, pattern size, and fabric for a garment of their choice. Completed garment. Students will demonstrate alteration and repair techniques. Student will repair, alter, and complete garments in class. Altered pattern to fit individual needs. Completed projects. Jay School Corporation Family and Consumer Science Curriculum Guide – Fashion and Textiles Foundations 2012-2018 Jay School Corporation Family and Consumer Science Curriculum Guide – Fashion and Textiles Foundations 2012-2018 Standard 6 Students will examine potential career paths in textile and fashion industries. FACS Academic Standard FTF-6.1 Identify employment and entrepreneurial opportunities and preparation requirements in fashion and textiles careers. FTF-6.2 Describe rewards, demands, and future trends in fashion and textiles careers. FTF-6.3 Demonstration foundational knowledge and skills for selected careers in the fashion and textiles industry. Literacy Embedded Standard 9-12.RT.9 Synthesize information from a range of sources (e.g., texts, experiments, simulations) into a coherent understanding of a process, phenomenon, or concept, resolving conflicting information when possible. 9-12.RT.10 By the end of grade 12, read and comprehend technical texts in the grades 11-CCR text complexity band independently and proficiently. Learning Activities Assessment(s) Students will recognize the wide variety of career opportunities related to the textile and fashion industry. Written report of a possible career choice or hobby. Students will research future trends and demands of the fashion industry. Student will create a power point of fashion in the future. Students will demonstrate foundational knowledge and skills necessary to be a fashion designer. Students will create a notebook of 20 sewing skills and 10 garment designs. Jay School Corporation Family and Consumer Science Curriculum Guide – Fashion and Textiles Foundations 2012-2018