Study Guide Topics 5-6 Zeus Leader of the gods (Earth/sky) Hera is


Study Guide Topics 5-6


Leader of the gods (Earth/sky)

Hera is his wife-distrusted him for having affairs with other goddesses/humans

 Symbols –lightning bolt(throws when angry), and eagle


God of the sea

Worshipped by sailors (honored him for good weather)

 Uses a trident as a weapon

Symbol- horse (given to him by humans) , chariot, dolphins


God of the underworld

 Brother of Zeus

 Carried a scepter

Owned all the gems and metals in the ground (god of wealth)

Had a three –headed dog

 Kidnapped Persephone


Zeus’ wife and sister

Protector of marriage – always concerned about Zeus’ affairs

Goddess of marriage

 Peacock and cow are sacred animals


Son of Zeus and Hera (who disliked him)

God of war

 Carries a bloodstained spear

Causes trouble , steps back and then watches and laughs


Goddess of agriculture/plants


Mother of Persephone


 Greek goddess of love/beauty

 Symbols-roses, sparrows, dolphins

Often related with the sea


 Son of Zeus and Leto

 Twin brother of Artemis

God of the sun

God of prophesy, light, youth, music, archery, healing(medicine), plague, and poetry

 Invented the lyre


Daughter of Zeus and Leto

Twin sister of Apollo

 Goddess of hunting and wild animals

 Goddess of maidens and childbirth

Goddess of the moon


 Daughter of Zeus (no mother-remember born out of head)

 Goddess of wisdom , crafts, and knowledge

Warrior goddess

Patron goddess of Athens

 Olive tree


 Son of Zeus and Maia(daughter of Atlas)

Messenger of the gods

God of travelers, trickery, theft, commerce, and science

 Wings on his sandals

 Most cunning and clever of the gods

Most referenced


God of fire/forge (melting metals)

 Volcano


 Goddess of home and Hearth(fire)

Sister of Zeus


In charge of creating life (gives to Epimetheus thinks it is below him)

Gives humans fire

 Chained to a rock as punishment from Zeus


Punishment was holding up the world


Kidnapped by Hades

 Daughter of Demeter

Queen of the underworld


Husband of Rhea

 Overthrown by Zeus

 Ate his children

Greek Heroic Stories

 Main character is human, but interacts with gods and goddesses-sometimes even challenging them! In some cases, the heroes may have god blood in them.

The heroic characters are admired by Greeks. They have many good qualities like strength, cleverness, and courage. Still, since they are human, they still have some small weaknesses. They must overcome these weaknesses. The hero of the story must face many challenged, and persevere, by the end of the story.

In many cases, gods, goddesses, and mythological characters interact and cause trouble for the humans.

The two most significant Greek heroic stories are called the Iliad and the Odyssey. Both stories involve the Trojan War.

 If it occurred, the Trojan War took place around 1200 BCE. Hundreds of years later,

Greek poet Homer is credited with telling these stories.

The Iliad is about how the Greeks took down the city-state of Troy (the Trojan Warlasted 10 years).

 The Odyssey is about the hero of the Trojan War, Odysseus, who takes 10 years to return home from war (because he upsets Poseidon).

Odysseus (How is Odysseus like a hero?)

 Odysseus tricked Cyclops

Told soldiers not to kill the Cyclops ( they could not move the stone)

Offered himself to be eaten (brave)

Intelligent made weapon to blind Cyclops (wisdom)

 Challenges Poseidon (brave)
