Second, identify your team leader

First, you should all find your team-mates :
connect onto (where course slides are),
identify your group number,
and try to have lunch together ! ;)
Second, identify your team leader
and have her/him send me an email TODAY before 8pm.
From there, I will only communicate with group leaders
to give information and answer questions…
Any one left without a group ?
Send me an email before 7pm with your first/last name
and I will put you in contact with your “new” group leader.
Have lunch or dinner together (again!)
and decide of a topic:
anything you wish, as long as it constitutes
an issue of mobility/transportation.
Use brainstorming:
sit together, each proposes one idea,
and go around as fast as you can…
while the team-leader writes everything down
No limit to ideas : small, big, near, far, basic, crazy…
A round with no more idea means the end.
Discuss this list,
eliminate, adjust, precise, merge ideas,
and decide among the 3 or 4 left (vote if necessary).
In case of issue, team leader has final word!
Team leader should send me
the idea/title in 1 sentence by email
before Wednesday October 29th midnight.
Topic will be graded according to
pertinence, interest and originality. (10 pts)
NB : any work beyond deadline has a 2.5-points/50 penalty per 24-hr
Before Friday October 31st midnight,
you should identify all stakeholders
and propose a systemic model of the issue at stake.
To present stakeholders,
you should identify/list them, separate them in pros and cons,
and map them according to power and interest.
By then designing a relationship map between them,
naming relations and indicating magnitude and influence (+/-),
you should be able to provide a visual complex system
of the issue you wish to solve or enhance.
Two 1-page documents (stakeholder map and system)
will be emailed for grading. (10 pts each)
Map stakeholders
according to influence/power and interest/concern
Make sure to think of:
• Rule-makers and watchdogs:
NGOs, plaintiffs, regulators, politicians…
• Idea generators and opinion leaders:
media, think tanks, academic institutions…
• Business partners and competitors:
industry associations, B2B buyers, competitors, suppliers…
• Consumers and community:
executives, consumers (+future), communities, employees…
• Investors and risk assessors:
shareholders, analysts, capital holders, insurers, banks…
For Wednesday November 5th midnight,
you should send your final A0-format pdf poster (84x119cm).
This poster should be self-sufficient
to understand the issue at stake,
your proposal and its implementation
and of course its impact on reducing the problem !
It should be attractive, while respecting proper standards,
and clear to go through and understand,
while relying on sound and reliable data (figures…).
Don’t get lost into details: main arguments, clear, simple, logical…
NB : late poster submission will make you
technically and financially responsible for printing them for Saturday…
On Friday November 7th,
12 posters will be presented in the morning, 12 in the afternoon.
For 25 minutes, you will take a look at all of them
and have a first evaluation.
Then team-leaders will give a 5-minute briefing
followed by a 5-minute question session
to groups of other students.
You will then be given 15 minutes to finalize your group-grading.
50% by me :
10% for topic handed-in
20% for issue model (10% stakeholders/10% system)
20% for poster (10% for look/10% for content)
50% by you :
based on your relative ranking of posters
1st one gets 20, second 19.5, third 19…
and so on until 8/20