Appendix File 2

Building Technologies: Project 2: Undergrad Research
*Please note: This project will run for the remainder of the semester in phases, with the final poster due on the
last day of class.
In this class we are studying how typical structures are built, what factors contribute and have contributed to their
design and why a modern day emphasis on sustainable design practice should always be incorporated in
construction. CIDA standards 2 & 13
If your topic is interesting to you, research can be fun! Designers research every day when
they do programming, but investigative research is appropriate when preparing to specify
FF&E for a project.
How do you know the best system solution for a specific project need?
PART 1: Compose a Cited Research Paper
1. Select a type of universal building system that interests you: foundation type, wall type (outside and
inside), roof / ceiling, floor, fenestrations (windows & doors, include sun control and privacy options),
integrated passive or active sunspace , structure integrated green space, elevator / escalator or moving
vertical conveyance, innovative integrated storage system, heating system / thermal control, plumbing
system, lighting system, electrical system, auditory / sound control system, security system, building
automation. Find something that you are really excited about!
Note: No more than 2 people may have the same topic in both sections of INT3190, and they must be
different in some way: i.e.: Topic: Roofs: slate roof, tile roof, metal standing seam roof, etc.
Walls: wooden exterior walls, stone walls, post and beam walls, adobe walls, etc.
2. Research its history & write a 6 - 8 page double spaced research paper with citations (APA) on how
your system has evolved throughout the history of construction since its inception through its modern
day use. Analyze and discuss typical construction methods and materials used to build it, past and
present. We will have check dates along the way to keep your project on task (Paper process check
dates: topic choice, reference materials and citations, and final paper due date).
3. For your paper find 4 current photographic examples showing it in use today (or adaptations of it if
it is historic). Global examples are highly encouraged.
4. Please provide photos of actual sample materials used for construction: discuss how global site or
regional location might affect material selection.
5. Suggest sustainable practices and sustainable materials that are being used or might be used to
make your system more LEED compliant or earth friendly.
6. Construction drawing / detail: If it is a structural system: Draw or provide a construction section
showing the system as built. If it is a building system such as electrical, heating, or plumbing: Draw or
provide a building section, elevation or floor plan showing the typical system installation methodology
(you will see examples of this in your research when articles and texts explain it) Label all of the
necessary parts. You audience must easily understand how it works.
Paper Submission Requirements:
1. Your research paper is to be submitted in a plastic folder cover with a title page containing: course
name and section, your name, date, and report topic with a selected representational graphic / photo
of your system.
PART 2: Presentation Poster
For this phase you will distill the information from your research paper down to essential
information using a poster format, which will easily and quickly educate and communicate to an
audience unfamiliar with your building systems topic from a minimum distance of 2’ away.
1. Brief talking points, or a synopsis of the highlights of your research, and items 3-6 listed above are to
be presented on a 2’ wide by 3’ long color poster plotted on glossy paper (vertical orientation). You
will be evaluated on:
2. The completeness of required content
3. The visual clarity of the information presented to your audience (non- pixilated, not blurry
appropriately sized images)
4. Composition /format: how well you compose, organize, and balance the visual elements of your
poster using the Principles and Elements of Design.
You may use Publisher, Illustrator, or any other publication software to do your layout, but it must be
professional and attractive as well as informative. Posters will be presented on the last day of class.
* Four of the most successful posters will be submitted for consideration, and if accepted,
presentation, at the Undergraduate Research Symposium.
Check Dates & Due Dates:
WED Sept 11:
Part a: Submit 2 of your favorite topic choices and write a brief justification as to
why you should be selected to research that topic. SELL ME as you would sell your
design solution to a client! Topics will be approved based upon the following:
1. The quantity of research materials selected on your subject
2. The feasibility of adaptation of that topic for LEED issues / sustainable building
3. The level of interest shown via your justification / desire to do that topic
_____ 5 pts.
WED Sept 25:
Part b: 4 – 5 pertinent research articles highlighted showing the content
being referenced in your research paper
_____ 15 pts.
MON Oct. 7: Items 3 – 5 Optional desk check (Photographs / samples / LEED materials
MON Oct 21: Research Paper due
PHASE 1: 50 pts
______ 30 pts.
MON Nov 18: Desk Check of Poster Content: Graphics and Text
_______ 20 pts.
*Students are encouraged to meet with the instructor to discuss poster layout
at their convenience during instructor’s office hours at least 2 weeks prior to
Dec. 4
WED Dec 4: Last day of class. Project 2 Poster due!
Poster Presentation
_____ 30 pts.
Total : 100 pts.
PHASE 2: 50 pts