Veterinary Terminology At the completion of this unit, students will be able to: A. Match scientific names with their appropriate species B. Define medical terms related to each body system; C. Identify prefixes, suffixes, and root words, in order to define medical terms; D. Decipher directional terminology E. Define medical abbreviations F. Extract and interpret information from realistic medical documents. A. Match scientific names with their appropriate species Scientific Names of Animals Common Name Latin Species Name Dog Cat Canis Felis Canine Feline Horse Cattle Equus Bos Equine Bovine Sheep Goat Pig Bird Mouse Rat Ovis Capra Sus Avis Mus Rattus Ovine Caprine Porcine Avian Murine Murine B. Define medical terms related to each body system; Body System Terms Your body is made up of many systems, each having their own vital parts that work together. This list represents your bodily systems and the specific parts that comprise them: B. Define medical terms related to each body system; Body System Terms •Skeletal: Bones and joints •Muscular: Muscles and tendons •Integumentary: Skin, hair, nails, and glands in skin B. Define medical terms related to each body system; Body System Terms • Sensory: Eyes, ears, nose, skin receptors, and mouth • Cardiovascular: Heart, blood vessels, and blood • Lymphatic: Tonsils, spleen, thymus, lymph nodes, lymphatic vessels, and lymph fluid B. Define medical terms related to each body system; Body System Terms • Respiratory: Nose, pharynx, larynx, trachea, bronchi, and lungs • Gastrointestinal: Mouth, esophagus, stomach, small and large intestines, pancreas, liver, and gallbladder • Endocrine: Hormones, pituitary gland, thyroid, adrenal glands, pancreas, and gonads B. Define medical terms related to each body system; Body System Terms • Nervous: Brain, spinal cord, ganglia, nerves, and sensory organs • Urinary: Kidneys, ureters, bladder, and urethra • Reproductive: Ovaries, uterine tubes, uterus, and vagina in females; testes, ducts, penis, urethra, and prostate in males C. Identify prefixes, suffixes, and root words, in order to define medical terms; Medical Terms • Medical terms are used everyday… – Offices, newspapers, television, personal conversations, etc. • Medical vocabulary is based on Greek or Latin origin, eponyms (words formed from a persons name), and modern language terms. C. Identify prefixes, suffixes, and root words, in order to define medical terms; Medical Terms • Medical terms are composed of word part combinations consisting of: Prefix Root Combining vowel / form Suffix C. Identify prefixes, suffixes, and root words, in order to define medical terms; Medical Terms: Root Words • ROOT= main part and core meaning of word • Gives you a general idea of what you’re dealing with or specify a body part. C. Identify prefixes, suffixes, and root words, in order to define medical terms; Medical Terms: Root Words Abdomin/o: Abdomen Col/o Colon Aden/o Gland Cyt/o Cell Audi/o Hearing Dent/i, dent/o Teeth Bio Life Skin Brachi/o Arm Derm/a, derm/o, dermat/o: Bronch/i, bronch/o Bronchus Encephal/o Brain Gastr/o Stomach Carcin/o Cancer Gynec/o Female Cardi/o Heart Hemat/o Blood Cephal/o Head Hist/o, histi/o Tissue C. Identify prefixes, suffixes, and root words, in order to define medical terms; Medical Terms: Root Words Intestin/o Intestine Lapar/o Abdomen, loin or flank Lymph/o Lymph vessels Mamm/a, mamm/o Mammary gland Nas/o Nose Ophthalm/o Eye Ot/o Ear Steth/o Chest Thorac/o Thorax Trache/o Trachea C. Identify prefixes, suffixes, and root words, in order to define medical terms; Medical Terms: Root Words Write a root word in the middle box in your notes C. Identify prefixes, suffixes, and root words, in order to define medical terms; Medical Terms: Prefixes • Prefixes consist of one or more syllables and are always placed at the beginning of word. • A prefix can never stand alone it can only be used to alter a word or create a new word. • Usually indicates number, location, time, or status. •Like the train’s engine with its whistle. •Leads the train and announces the coming train. •Without the box cars, together with the engine there is not a complete train. C. Identify prefixes, suffixes, and root words, in order to define medical terms; Medical Terms: Prefixes Prefix Definition Epi Upper Extra Outside Hyper Above, increased, or more than normal Hypo Below, under, or decreased Infra Below or beneath Inter Between Intra Within Meta Beyond Per Throughout Sub Below, under, or decreased Super Above, increased, or more than normal Supra Above, increased, or more than normal Trans Across Ultra Above, increased, or more than normal C. Identify prefixes, suffixes, and root words, in order to define medical terms; Medical Terms: Prefixes For example: operative • Pre- means before. Preoperative means before or preceding an operation. • Peri- means around. Perioperative means pertaining to the period around an operation; before, during, or after. • Post- means after. Postoperative means after an operation. C. Identify prefixes, suffixes, and root words, in order to define medical terms; Medical Terms: Prefixes • On the upper right hand corner of the your notes write a PREFIX in the top box Medical Terms: Prefixes a-, an- (without or not having) anti - (against) brady- (slow) contra- (against, opposed) de- (remove, take away, loss of) dys- (difficult, troubled) pyo - (pus) hyper- (high) 1. ________ biotic (against life) 2. ________ thermia (high temperature) 3. ________ horn (remove the horn) C. Identify prefixes, suffixes, and root words, in order to define medical terms; Medical Terms: Suffixes • Word part found at the end of a word. • Usually indicates procedure, condition, disease, or disorder. • Like prefixes, they cannot stand alone. Like a caboose, it’s always last C. Identify prefixes, suffixes, and root words, in order to define medical terms; Medical Terms: Suffixes -cyte -ectomy -pnea -itis -logy -oma -penia -scope Cell Erythrocyte: red blood cell To surgically remove Lobectomy: to surgically remove a lobe Breathing Tachypnea: abnormally fast breathing Inflammation Arthritis: inflammation of the joints Study of Biology: the study of life Tumor Carcinoma: cancerous tumor Deficiency of Leukopenia: deficiency of white blood cells Instrument for examining Microscope: instrument for examining minute objects -tomy Cutting, incision Cystotomy: cutting into the urinary bladder C. Identify prefixes, suffixes, and root words, in order to define medical terms; Medical Terms: Suffixes -cyte Cell -iasis Infestation or infection -ism State or condition -graphy Recording of -ist One who studies -lysis Destruction of -megaly Abnormally large -natal Birth -osis Abnormal condition Erythrocyte: red blood cell C. Identify prefixes, suffixes, and root words, in order to define medical terms; Medical Terms: Suffixes -oxia Oxygen -phagia Eating, swallowing -spasm Involuntary contraction Poison -toxin C. Identify prefixes, suffixes, and root words, in order to define medical terms; Medical Terms: Practice • Example: Prefix + Brady + “slow” Root Word + Tonsil Root Word cardi/a “heart” New word = bradycardia slow heart (rate) Suffix New word +-itis Tonsilitis inflammation of Inflammation of the tonsils C. Identify prefixes, suffixes, and root words, in order to define medical terms; Medical Terms: Suffixes • Now write a suffix in the bottom box C. Identify prefixes, suffixes, and root words, in order to define medical terms; Medical Terms: Combining Forms • Vowel commonly used: “o” • General Rule 1: If the suffix starts with a consonant, connect the rootword and the suffix with the vowel “o”. Root Word + CV Suffix Cardi -o- -logy “Heart” + study of New word Cardiology Study of the heart C. Identify prefixes, suffixes, and root words, in order to define medical terms; Medical Terms: Combining Forms • General Rule 2: If the suffix starts with a vowel (a,e,i,o,u) DO NOT USE the vowel “o”. Just attach the suffix to the root word. Root Word + Hepat/o liver Suffix -osis New word Hepatosis -disease process -disease process in the liver C. Identify prefixes, suffixes, and root words, in order to define medical terms; Medical Terms: Combining Forms • General Rule 3: If the suffix begins with the same vowel as the root word, DO NOT repeat the vowel. Root Word Cardi heart + Suffix -itis -inflammation of New word Carditis - inflammation of the heart C. Identify prefixes, suffixes, and root words, in order to define medical terms; Medical Terms: Dice Activity D. Decipher directional terminology Directional Terminology D. Decipher directional terminology Directional Terminology Caudal – towards the tail Cranial – towards the head D. Decipher directional terminology Directional Terminology Deep – further from the surface Superficial – closer to the surface D. Decipher directional terminology Directional Terminology Dorsal – along the back or uppermost surface Ventral – along the belly D. Decipher directional terminology Directional Terminology Distal – part of the limb furthest from the body Proximal – part of the limb closest to the body D. Decipher directional terminology Directional Terminology Anterior – front of the animal Posterior – rear of the animal D. Decipher directional terminology Directional Terminology Median – body plane that divides the animal into “equal” right and left halves D. Decipher directional terminology Directional Terminology Sagittal – any body plane that is parallel to the median plane. (doesn’t divide equally) D. Decipher directional terminology Directional Terminology Transverse – body plane that divides the body into cranial and caudal parts D. Decipher directional terminology Directional Terminology Lateral – side of an animal Medial - D. Decipher directional terminology Directional Terminology Gummi Bear Lab Each student needs: – 1 Lab Sheet – 1 plastic knife – 1 Napkin – 10 Gummy Bears E. Define medical abbreviations Medical Abbreviations Do you know these? E. Define medical abbreviations Medical Abbreviations How about these? E. Define medical abbreviations Medical Abbreviations ad lib As much as desired sid bid tid Once time daily Two times daily Three times daily qid qh qd Four times daily Every hour Every day w/o stat n Without Immediately Normal DSH DLH Domestic Short Hair Domestic Long Hair Dx Hx Diagnosis History Rx Sx FeLV Prescription Surgery Feline Leukemia Virus FIA FIP ECG Feline Infectious Anemia ICU cc ml Feline Infectious Peritonitis Electrocardiogram Intensive Care Unit Cubic Centimeter Milliliter E. Define medical abbreviations Medical Abbreviations wt HR PCV sg TPR UA, U/A IM IP IV Sub-Q rbc Weight Heart Rate Packed Cell Volume Specific Gravity Temp, Pulse, Respiration Urinalysis Wbc DVM CNS GI DOA DOB White blood cell Doctor of Vet. Medicine Central Nervous System Gastrointestinal Dead on arrival Date of Birth Intramuscular Female Intraperitoneal Intravenous Subcutaneous V/D NSF Male Vomitting & Diarrhea No Significant findings Red blood cell PE Physical Examination E. Define medical abbreviations Medical Abbreviations L R HBC Bbd NPO UTI CRT E&D Left Right Hit by car Bit by dog Nothing by mouth Urinary tract infection Capillary Refill Time Eating & Drinking E. Define medical abbreviations Medical Abbreviations Practice… • Administer 2cc per 10lbs, bid • Rx: 6mL IM qid • Vaccinate for FIA, FeLV and FIP. E. Define medical abbreviations Medical Abbreviations F. Extract and interpret information from realistic medical documents.