may be set up only by the approval of the General Executrix Administrator
and Her Fire-Aether-Spirit-Council and enforced in ‘Tiamat’ Ki-Earths Divine
Universal Law Court by the Spiritual Signatory Divine Dragon Shields/Chief
for the immediate release in abundance of Species “S-UNITS” doublebacked by Kaneh Bosm Δ9THC Our Sacred Tree of Life, and to be made available
for the restoration of and to re-build Our Debt-Free True Divine In Law Spiritual
Signatory Tribal Governance infrastructure and self-sustaining communities. The
comptroller of the Currency, The Bureau of Engraving and Printing in the United
States and The Department of the Treasury and anything thereof and in the like,
shall engage in our assistance to have these specific “S-UNITS” printed;
REWORD slightly
Trustee(s) and Co-Trustee(s) shall provide the Private “SUNKE Temple
Trust” Settlor(s) and Protector(s) with a closing statement of all Escrow Accounts
held in the System of Things or anything thereof and in the like;
The Trust shall maintain in Wilmington, Delaware, an office or agency where the
Capital Securities may be presented for payment (“ Paying Agent ”), and an
office or agency where Securities may be presented for registration of transfer or
exchange (the “ Transfer Agent ”). The Trust shall keep or cause to be kept at
such office or agency a register for the purpose of registering Securities,
transfers and exchanges of Securities, such register to be held by a registrar (the
“ Registrar ”). The Administrators may appoint the Paying Agent, the Registrar
and the Transfer Agent and may appoint one or more additional Paying Agents
or one or more co-Registrars, or one or more co-Transfer Agents in such other
locations as it shall determine. The term “ Paying Agent ” includes any additional
paying agent, the term “ Registrar ” includes any additional registrar or coRegistrar and the term “ Transfer Agent ” includes any additional transfer
agent. The Administrators may change any Paying Agent, Transfer Agent or
Registrar at any time without prior notice to any Holder. The Administrators shall
notify the Institutional Trustee of the name and address of any Paying Agent,
Transfer Agent and Registrar not a party to this Declaration. The Administrators
hereby initially appoint the Institutional Trustee to act as Paying Agent, Transfer
Agent and Registrar for the Capital Securities and the Common Securities. The
Institutional Trustee or any of its Affiliates in the United States may act as Paying
Agent, Transfer Agent or Registrar.
and may accept “Sub-Trust(s)”, from time to time, within the manner,
spirit and general goals, being for the benefit of the Sub-Trust(s) Competent
and/or Incompetent Beneficiaries and by mutual agreement and Limited
discretion of the Trustee(s) and Co-Trustee(s) and Sub-Trust(s) Settlor(s) and by
final approval only from the Spiritual Signatory Clan-Mother(s) Fire Ether Spirit
Council and enforced in Divine Universal Law by the Spiritual Signatory Divine
Dragon Shields/Chief Justice(s) as mentioned in Article 4 of the Private “SUNKE
Temple trust Deed of Trust”. Such Sub-Trust(s) shall be created through
separate “Trust Deeds or Deeds of Trust” and may be listed and described in
“Schedule A” which shall be attached thereof and recorded “Privately” in “The
World System Of Things” appropriate databases;
the purpose of the Treasury is to restore the Divine L-I-T Energy
Exchange of/for the Private “SUNKE Temple Trust”. This Treasury is designed by
our ‘Divine Mother’ Δ9Lucifer Creator Architect of the Very Essence of All Life,
The Queen of Heaven she is Divine Love, Intent and Thought. We are offered
Divine en-L-I-T-ment ;
(b) All Competent and/or Incompetent Beneficiaries who are Δ10mDNA
Temple Beings shall be given a “Private Signatory Deed of Appointment” in order
to be enrolled as a Competent and/or Incompetent Beneficiary into the Private
“SUNKE Temple Trust”;
(1) under the will of the deceased or if there is no will of their entitlement on the
deceased's intestacy. A beneficiary is not entitled to a copy of the will except
with the consent of the executor.
(3) To be informed of any possible liability facing the beneficiaries whether in
respect of tax, costs or otherwise.
(5) To be advised of the nature and particulars of any claim or proceedings
against the estate under the Family Provision Act or against the deceased under
the Family Law Act or otherwise which affects their entitlement under the will or,
if there is no will, under the laws relating to intestacy.
(6) To be advised of any legal proceedings by or against the deceased at the
date of death which continue notwithstanding the deceased's death and of the
likely outcome to the extent that it affects the amount or date of likely
distribution to the beneficiaries.
Note: Because the role of executor is a fiduciary one in which great care should
be exercised, beneficiaries can properly expect to be told in summary form of
any steps taken to have an action mediated or otherwise resolved or settled to
avoid costs and delay.
· Where the beneficiaries are due to receive a legacy, to receive that legacy
within 12 months of the deceased's death or otherwise to be paid the legacy, or
if paid outside that period, to be paid the legacy together with interest at the
prescribed rate, currently eight per cent per annum as at 1 May 1996.
Note: Where a particular part or parts of the estate is liable to meet the costs
and expenses of administration, the beneficiaries involved are entitled to receive
a proper statement of distribution showing realisations and payments including
commission (if any) and the manner of final distribution.
I get this question a lot. Generally, the context of the question is that the settler
(person who created the trust) has died and the trust is being administered for
the benefit of the beneficiaries. The trust terms can require that assets are
distributed outright, or the trust terms can hold assets in trust for varying lengths
of time. Regardless of the length of the trust, the trustee is required to provide
“qualified beneficiaries” with certain information, and this information
requirement cannot be waived by the trust. For example, Florida statute
736.0813 requires the trustee to give qualified beneficiaries the following:
I get this question a lot. Generally, the context of the question is that the settler
(person who created the trust) has died and the trust is being administered for
the benefit of the beneficiaries. The trust terms can require that assets are
distributed outright, or the trust terms can hold assets in trust for varying lengths
of time. Regardless of the length of the trust, the trustee is required to provide
“qualified beneficiaries” with certain information, and this information
requirement cannot be waived by the trust. For example, Florida statute
736.0813 requires the trustee to give qualified beneficiaries the following:
The trustee shall keep the qualified beneficiaries of the trust reasonably informed
of the trust and its administration.
(1) The trustee's duty to inform and account includes, but is not limited to, the
(a) Within 60 days after acceptance of the trust, the trustee shall give notice
to the qualified beneficiaries of the acceptance of the trust and the full name and
address of the trustee.
(b) Within 60 days after the date the trustee acquires knowledge of the
creation of an irrevocable trust, or the date the trustee acquires knowledge that
a formerly revocable trust has become irrevocable, whether by the death of the
settlor or otherwise, the trustee shall give notice to the qualified beneficiaries of
the trust's existence, the identity of the settlor or settlors, the right to request a
copy of the trust instrument, and the right to accountings under this section.
(c) Upon reasonable request, the trustee shall provide a qualified beneficiary
with a complete copy of the trust instrument.
A trustee of an irrevocable trust shall provide a trust accounting, as set forth in s.
736.08135, to each qualified beneficiary annually and on termination of the trust
or on change of the trustee.
Upon reasonable request, the trustee shall provide a qualified beneficiary with
relevant information about the assets and liabilities of the trust and the
particulars relating to administration.
If the trustee violates a duty the trustee owes to a beneficiary, then the trustee
has committed a breach of trust and a qualified beneficiary can sue the
trustee. Contact Matthew A. Linde, P.A. for additional information.
Roles and Responsibilities of Beneficiaries
Reprinted from Family Wealth: Keeping It in the Family by James E. Hughes, Jr.
Beneficiaries have an obligation to educate themselves about the duties of a
beneficiary, as well as the duties of the trustees. Listed below are specific
responsibilities of beneficiaries:
To gain a clear comprehension of each trust in which the beneficiary has an
interest and a specific understanding of the mission statement for each trust as
prepared by the trustees.
To educate himself or herself about all trustee responsibilities.
To understand the trustee’s responsibility to maintain the purchasing power of
the trust’s capital while maintaining a reasonable distribution rate for the income
To have a general understanding of “modern portfolio theory” and the
formulation and process of asset allocation.
To recognize and look for proof that each trustee represents all beneficiaries.
To meet with each trustee once each year to discuss his or her personal financial
circumstances and personal goals and to advise the trustee on his or her
assessment of the trustee’s performance of the Trustee Roles and
Responsibilities to the trust, to the beneficiary and to family governance.
To become knowledgeable about the functions and importance of each element
of the family’s trust governance structure.
To attend the annual business meeting of the family and to accept responsible
roles within the family governance structure based on his or her possession of
suitable qualifications for such roles.
To develop a general capacity to understand fiduciary accounting.
To demonstrate a willingness to participate in educational sessions and to
become financially literate either through family seminars or family-funded
educational programs.
To know how and in what amount trustees and other professionals are
compensated, and to obtain a general understanding of the budgets for the trust
and investment entities in which the trust will be invested.
Beneficiaries' rights
· To be informed promptly of their entitlement under the will of the deceased or
if there is no will of their entitlement on the deceased's intestacy. A beneficiary is
not entitled to a copy of the will except with the consent of the executor.
· To be informed of the date of likely distribution of the asset(s) or proportion of
the estate to which they are entitled.
· To be informed of any possible liability facing the beneficiaries whether in
respect of tax, costs or otherwise.
· To be informed of the reason for any delay and of the expected date of
distribution, either partial or total.
· To be advised of the nature and particulars of any claim or proceedings against
the estate under the Family Provision Act or against the deceased under the
Family Law Act or otherwise which affects their entitlement under the will or, if
there is no will, under the laws relating to intestacy.
· To be advised of any legal proceedings by or against the deceased at the date
of death which continue notwithstanding the deceased's death and of the likely
outcome to the extent that it affects the amount or date of likely distribution to
the beneficiaries.
Note: Because the role of executor is a fiduciary one in which great care should
be exercised, beneficiaries can properly expect to be told in summary form of
any steps taken to have an action mediated or otherwise resolved or settled to
avoid costs and delay.
· Where the beneficiaries are due to receive a legacy, to receive that legacy
within 12 months of the deceased's death or otherwise to be paid the legacy, or
if paid outside that period, to be paid the legacy together with interest at the
prescribed rate, currently eight per cent per annum as at 1 May 1996.
· To receive their entitlement and a statement of distribution which properly
accounts for that entitlement.
Note: Where a particular part or parts of the estate is liable to meet the costs
and expenses of administration, the beneficiaries involved are entitled to receive
a proper statement of distribution showing realisations and payments including
commission (if any) and the manner of final distribution.
· Beneficiaries are not entitled to have their legal costs relating to the estate paid
by the estate unless ordered by a court in relation to any legal proceedings
involving the beneficiaries and the estate.
CAUTION: This outline is a general description of the duties and responsibilities
of executors and of the rights of beneficiaries. It is not an exhaustive statement
of probate law and practice.
, administration of All assets through limited discretion of trustees is directed
solely to the clan mothers, which, by this undertaking, creates the general
executrix position of the PRIVATE SUNKE Temple Trust. Empirical, Prima Facie
and Forensic evidence to support this
Therefore, this is substantial evidence to prove beyond any reasonable
doubt that all other jurisdictions are foreign jurisdictions and remain without
venue to exercise these jurisdictions and that these jurisdictions can only operate
in rogue capacity. Since these foreign, rogue jurisdictions have never proven
venue to exercise their jurisdiction, the roles they play within any federal or
governmental job position on Tiamat Ki-Earth, and elsewhere, have defaulted to
operate as trustees, executors and beneficiaries de son tort, period. Only will
relief be granted that the trustees take their role within the Private “SUNKE
Temple Trust”. Only then will remedy be rewarded. The Divine Universal Law
Court has provided this remedy by enforcement of its DUL Laws;
Tiamat Ki-Earths Divine Universal Law ‘DUL’ Court:
Tiamat Ki-Earths Divine Universal Law, ‘DUL’ Court, Universal Terra Court
Number Δ10mDNA239mjb0, IS the only true, authentic court. This is the only
Divine Universal Law, ‘DUL’ Court sealed in ‘Mitochondrial DNA’ Δ10mDNA to
‘Tiamat’ Ki-Earth. Commerce-laden courts assume venue and jurisdiction on
‘Tiamat’ Ki-Earth yet these courts do not ‘Touch and are not of/on the Terra’.
Therefore, Tiamat Ki-Earths Divine Universal Law, ‘DUL’ Court shall trump any/all
venues, jurisdictions, courts/court systems/systems of Law/judicial systems and
anything there of and in the like. SUNKE Temple Trusts website gives Official
Public Notice that these Commerce-laden Courts’ Venues and Jurisdictions are
null and void, ab initio, nunc protunc on Tiamat Ki-Earth and anywhere within
the solar-system of the Divine Living Library. Tiamat Ki-Earths Divine Universal
Law, ‘DUL’ Court resides within our Spiritual Signatory Bear Clanmother of the
Kaneh Bosm Tribe who is the one and only General Executrix of our ‘Divine
Mothers’ Divine Universal Laws.
DUL Warning and Official Public Notice:
For any Temple Beings who feel they need to harm, slander, defame or come
against any Temple Being and/or our ‘Divine Mothers’ Sacred Spiritual
Manuscript, there is only one solution and remedy. This remedy is to hold Divine
Universal Law, ‘DUL’ Court. All Temple Beings have a right to face their accusers.
Therefore, any Temple Beings who make such accusations, must stand before
‘Tiamat’ Ki-Earths Divine Universal Law, ‘DUL’ Court via a truth serum test as an
‘Order to Show Cause’. A Truth Serum Test is a test of ones True-Spirited-Heart.
If any Temple Being makes a claim against another Temple Being and/or our
‘Divine Mothers’ Sacred Spiritual Manuscript, and fails to present their truespirited-heart to ‘Tiamat’ Ki-Earths Divine Universal Law, ‘DUL’ Court via a truth
serum test, then, by tacit consent, they shall be proven beyond any reasonable
doubt, that they are in fact, infiltrators of the most malicious kind and are liars
(*Satan) and deceivers (*Devil) in their own hearts and shall be treated
accordingly. There are no Lawyers, Representatives of any sort or Judges in
Tiamat Ki-Earths Divine Universal Law, ‘DUL’ Court. There are no opportunities to
manipulate the Court in any fashion since the Truth is the only remedy accepted.
*Satan: One who speaks Lies and deceives their own hearts, often identified with
the term Devil.
*Devil: A Deceiver, one who is wicked or malevolent in their own hearts. One
who acts out mischievously. One who is regarded as cruel, wicked, or ill-natured.
One can be a Liar and Deceiver of their own true-spirited-hearts. When the truth
is presented to them how will they stand?
When they stand, they will find that: “They are the only ones standing in their
own way”. Set yourself free…… Agree to disagree…… that is the answer.
Right by Self-Determination through Constructive Trust:
By right of Self-Determination through Constructive Trust, in our Divine Duty and
by Divine Blood Terra Covenant, we convert any/all Title Insurance and/or
corporate, governmental-issued insurance/licensing and benefit programs into
SUNKE Temple Trust/Treasury "Global Pay it Forward Master Account". By
achieving this conversion, we break any/all assumptions, presumptions,
controversy and/or conflict of interest that previously and/or currently has been
assumed against any/all assets yet not limited to Chattel Deeds. All assets yet
not limited to Chattel Deeds shall be returned/converted in full with interest paid
to our SUNKE Temple Trust/Treasury "Global Pay it Forward Master Account".
Any hesitance on the part of ‘The Controllers of The Establishment World System
of Things’ Trustees, to convert the Title Insurance and/or corporate,
governmental-issued insurance/licensing and benefit programs shall invoke a
Direct and Intentional Trespass on Our ‘Divine Mothers’ LivingWill/Estate/Temple Trust/Treasury/Divine Universal Laws. This Public Notice
becomes a Constructive Trust enforced in Tiamat Ki-Earths Divine Universal Law
Constructive Trust Definitions:
A trust which a court declares or imposes onto participants in very specific
circumstances such as those giving rise to an action for unjust enrichment.
A constructive trust of property is a trust imposed by equity in respect of
property on proof of a variety of special circumstances ... where equity considers
it unconscionable for the owner of particular property to hold it purely for their
own benefit.
A Treatise on Suits in Chancery By Gibson (1907) CLICK HERE
Be Aware:
In the present day, ‘The Controllers of The Establishment World System of
Things' have founded their 'man-made-laws' on Cannon Ecclesiastical Laws to
create false Laws and Doctrines. The meanings of Cannon Ecclesiastical Laws
are, 'Laws based on A Theory of A GOD'. We, at SUNKE Temple Trust, through
our ‘Divine Mothers’ Sacred Spiritual Manuscript, have the absolute truth of our
creation story, which grants us our Divine Universal Laws, ‘DUL’. Any/All 'manmade-laws', thereof, are non-existent. These false Laws and Doctrines were
designed for the populace to become subservient to ‘The Controllers of The
Establishment World System of Things'.
It is hereby mandated through their Unelected/Elected status as Head
Trustee(s), Constructive Trustees and/or Protectors for the Private “SUNKE
Temple Trust” and it remains their duties and obligations to safeguard The Very
Essence of All Life, so be it;
Trespass and Breach of Trust
All the events discussed in “No Authority Granted” are breaches of trust and
direct trespasses. The use of any information is a direct Trespass upon the
Private “SUNKE Temple Trust”, since All information is an asset of the Private
“SUNKE Temple Trust”. A constructive trust arises from these simple facts
provided. This Private “SUNKE Temple Trust” forms part of a writ of mandamus
ordered by ‘Tiamat’ Ki-Earths Divine Universal Law ‘DUL’ Court and maintains
similarity to this mandamus.
(d) The Spiritual Signatory Head Bear Clanmothers Authority is
resurrected through the IsIs-Genesis of ‘Tiamat’ Ki-Earths Δ10mDNA239 Source
Code. Her Authority has resurrected the Dead which invokes ‘Tiamat’ Ki-Earths
Chosen Applicable Divine Universal Laws through the sacred Divine Creation
Moon Blood Terra Covenant Treaty Ceremonies, i.e. The Universal Sacred
Sisterhood Divine Blood Terra Covenant Treaties with The Very Essence of All
Life, “The Eye of IsIs – Eagle Head Terra Covenant Treaty”. These ceremonies
are performed and sealed in ‘Divine Mothers’ Divine L-I-T Temple Lodge at the
center of ‘Tiamat’ Ki-Earths Kaneh Bosms Tribal Nations Hoop;
Only By the written consent from the Spiritual Signatory Clan-Mother(s), a “Truth
Serum Test” shall be administered to those Trustee(s) and Co-Trustee(s) that are
found to be in breach of their Fiduciary Duties and Obligations of the Private
“SUNKE Temple Trust” as mentioned in the Divine Universal Law (DUL Article
14 All Sections);
Our intentions and actions become very clear and distinct regarding Our
Lawful standing as acknowledged and disclosed by our Laws - DUL and Treaty UIT and enforced through Our Tacit Court In Divine Universal Law which shall
cannot contravene Public Policy in any manner
Section 8.1. Representations and Warranties of Head Trustee(s) and
Constructive Trustees.
Due to previous misappropriation of the Assets this section warrants the Head
Trustee(s) and Constructive Trustees
Suggestion Footnote
This section is a suggestive footnote designed to assist the Trustee(s) and
Co-Trustee(s) in ascertaining facts presented. By allowing the Trustee(s) and CoTrustee(s) to draw Lawful distinctions and come to final conclusions of these
facts the Trustee(s) and Co-Trustee(s) shall be able to clarify the Private “SUNKE
Temple Trusts” purpose to better the Very Essence Of All Life in All of
“Wombkind” and “Fi-Malekind” and to primarily aid in the full recovery of ‘Tiamat’
Ki-Earth and Our Spiritual Signatory Tribal Nations. It is a guide to remind the
Trustee(s) and Co-Trustee(s) to refer to the DUL, UIT, CLEE, and other
educational materials supplied within these documentations and seek additional
Divine Inspiration from Our Creator Source of All Life, “The Queen Of Heaven”,
so that the Trustee(s) and Co-Trustee(s) may cause discretion to be initiated at
the highest knowledgeable levels which shall evidently, prevent any unfortunate
Breachings by the Trustee(s) and Co-Trustee(s);
The complexity of the these provisions stipulations mentioned entirely
within this Private “SUNKE Temple Trust” “Deed of Trust”, may require Maxime
Verhagen, the “Head Trustee” to consult the General Executrix of the Private
“SUNKE Temple Trust” in the hiring of other Trustee(s) or Co-Trustee(s) at the
General Executrix of Private “SUNKE Temple Trust” discretion in order for
Maxime Verhagen to meet his duties and obligations to the Private “SUNKE
Temple Trust”; Reword
The Settlor(s) and Protector(s) of the Private “SUNKE Temple Trust” are
open to suggestions in order to aid the Trustee(s) and Co-Trustee(s) in their
limited discretion and decision making processes, and all to the benefit of the
Beneficiaries, “The Ones To Come”;
(9) for the immediate release in abundance of Species “S-UNITS” doublebacked by Kaneh Bosm Δ9THC Our Sacred Tree of Life, and to be made available
for the restoration of and to re-build Our Debt-Free True Divine In Law Spiritual
Signatory Tribal Governance infrastructure and self-sustaining communities. The
comptroller of the Currency, The Bureau of Engraving and Printing in the United
States and The Department of the Treasury and anything thereof and in the like,
shall engage in our assistance to have these specific “S-UNITS” printed;
REWORD slightly
a) The Administrators shall, on behalf of the Trust, issue one series of
capital securities substantially in the form of Exhibit A-1 representing undivided
beneficial interests in the assets of the Trust having such terms as are set forth
in Annex I and one series of common securities representing undivided beneficial
interests in the assets of the Trust having such terms as are set forth in Annex
I. The Trust shall issue no securities or other interests in the assets of the Trust
other than the Capital Securities and the Common Securities. The Capital
Securities rank pari passu to, and payment thereon shall be made Pro Rata with,
the Common Securities except that, where an Event of Default has occurred and
is continuing, the rights of Holders of the Common Securities to payment in
respect of Distributions and payments upon liquidation, redemption and
otherwise are subordinated to the rights to payment of the Holders of the Capital
Securities as set forth in Annex I.
Example of What is Done with Birth-Certificates
(b) The Certificates shall be signed on behalf of the Trust by one
or more Administrators. Such signature shall be the facsimile or
manual signature of any Administrator. In case any Administrator of
the Trust who shall have signed any of the Securities shall cease to be
such Administrator before the Certificates so signed shall be delivered
by the Trust, such Certificates nevertheless may be delivered as though
the person who signed such Certificates had not ceased to be such
Administrator, and any Certificate may be signed on behalf of the Trust
by such persons who, at the actual date of execution of such Security,
shall be an Administrator of the Trust, although at the date of the
execution and delivery of the Declaration any such person was not
such an Administrator. A Capital Security shall not be valid until
authenticated by the facsimile or manual signature of an Authorized
Officer of the Institutional Trustee. Such signature shall be conclusive
evidence that the Capital Security has been authenticated under this
Declaration. Upon written order of the Trust signed by one
Administrator, the Institutional Trustee shall authenticate the Capital
Securities for original issue. The Institutional Trustee may appoint an
authenticating agent that is a U.S. Person acceptable to the Trust to
authenticate the Capital Securities. A Common Security need not be so
The Settlor(s) shall compensate the Head Trustee, Trustee(s) and CoTrustee(s) One Ounce Troy Silver Ingot, Double-Backed by One Ounce of Sativa,
or One Ounce Indica, or One Ounce Ruderalis of prime Kaneh Bosm, “Bud”
blossoms, or Five Kaneh Bosm, “Cannabis-Hemp”, Seeds for each year plus other
Privately negotiated compensation, as a fair and just remuneration and
compensation for services rendered within the Private “SUNKE Temple Trust
Deed of Trust”;
To employ and to compensate from the Private “SUNKE Temple Trust”,
reasonable compensation, decided by the Spiritual Signatory Clan-Mother(s) to
such Wombkind and Fi-Malekind Protector(s), Adviser(s), etc., that the
Trustee(s) and Co-Trustee(s) shall deem prudent; Get rid of?
Official Notice is hereby presented and Trustee role is accepted in receipt
of this Deed of Trust. This Deed of Trust shall suffice for the Trustee(s) and/or
Co-Trustee(s) appointment by default status. Further information of duties and
responsibilities for trustees positions are mandated by the Spiritual Signatory
Clan-Mother(s) Fire Aether Spirit Council and enforced in Tiamat Ki-Earths Divine
Universal Law Court, Universal terra Court Number delta 10mDNA239mjb0, by
the Spiritual Signatory Dragon(s) Chief Justice(s);
Such appointment(s) shall be scribed by the competently appointed
authority and, witnessed, signed, executed and DUL Court sealed therein on
100% Kaneh Bosm (cannabis-hemp) parchment;
which may arise out of or in connection with an Event of Default of which
a Responsible Officer of the Head Trustee(s) and Constructive Trustees has
actual knowledge or arises out of the Head Trustee(s) and Constructive Trustees
duties and obligations under this Declaration; provided, however, that if an Event
of Default has occurred and is continuing and such event is attributable to the
failure of the Private “SUNKE Temple Trust;
We, the Settlor(s) and Protector(s) of the Private “SUNKE Temple Trust”
are inspired to believe, Maxime Verhagen, herein known as the “Head Trustee”
and other Trustee(s) and Co-Trustee(s) of the Kingdom of the Netherlands
and/or “OITC”, mentioned in (CLEE ~ Article 15 Section (E)) shall be the
Bonded/Un-Bonded Recorded and/or Registered Agents/Trustee(s) and CoTrustee(s) of the Private “SUNKE Temple Trust”. There shall be a bond executed
for the faithful performance of All duties of Any Trustee(s) and Co-Trustee(s)
appointed under this Deed of Trust;
Successor Trustees
, each successor Relevant Trustee all the rights, powers, trusts and duties of the
retiring Relevant Trustee with respect to the Securities and the Trust and
the extent provided therein and each such successor Relevant Trustee,
without any further act, deed or conveyance, shall become vested with all the
rights, powers, trusts and duties of the retiring Relevant Trustee; but, on request
of the Trust or any successor Relevant Trustee, such retiring Relevant Trustee
shall duly assign, transfer and deliver to such successor Relevant Trustee all
Trust Property, all proceeds thereof and money held by such retiring Relevant
Trustee hereunder with respect to the Securities and the Trust subject to the
payment of all unpaid fees, expenses and indemnities of such retiring Relevant
Trustee(s) and Co-Trustee(s) shall return All Registration(s) and
Certificate(s) of the Private “SUNKE Temple Trust” Settlor(s) and Protector(s) to
the appropriate Treasury, Agency or Departmental Institution and provide the
Private “SUNKE Temple Trust” Settlor(s) and Protector(s) with True Original
Title(s) and to transfer or deposit these Assets, Tangible and Intangible,
Moveable or Immovable into the Private “SUNKE Temple Trust”: Refer to CLEE
~ Article 15 All Sections and Subsections;
Trustee(s) and Co-Trustee(s) shall gain appropriate Lawful access to
Interpol, Europol, NCIC Data Bases and anything thereof and in the like for
removal of All Unlawfully known and unknown information regarding the
previously assumed, Strawman-Trustee paperwork involving Our Spiritual
Signatories, in substitution and exchange for our own chosen private recorded
The Trustee(s) and Co-Trustee(s) shall receive and hold in Trust, All Lands and
Assets upon and of ‘Tiamat’ Ki-Earth and retain these Assets in Divine Universal
Law for the use and benefit of the Beneficiaries, and “The Ones to Come”. The
beneficiaries includes yet are not limited to the very essence of all life
(12) for the immediate release of All Lands and Waters pertaining and
purporting to be Provinces, States, Territories, Countries, Counties, Cities, and
anything thereof and in the like, and shall be operated solely through the Private
“SUNKE Temple Trust” for the Very Essence Of All Life upon and in ‘Tiamat’ KiEarth and the use of such Lands and Waters shall be guided and protected by
Our Spiritual Signatory Clan-Mother(s) Fire Council and enforced in Divine
Universal Law by the Spiritual Signatory Divine Dragon Shields/Chief Justice as
mentioned in Article 4;
(c) Compensation shall be given for their involvement with this Private
“SUNKE Temple Trust” and the preservation of The Very Essence of All Life;
(E) the exercise of all of the rights, powers and privileges of the
beneficiaries and the ones to come in respect of the assets;
(D) the distribution through the Private “SUNKE Temple Trusts/Treasury,
Global Pay It Forward Master Account” of amounts owed to the beneficiaries and
the ones to come in respect of the assets;
(G) the distribution of the Trust Property in accordance with the terms of
this Declaration;
(a) shall not have a duty to do any such act unless specifically requested
to do so in writing by the General Executrix Administrator;
, which to be administered by the General Executrix Administrator to
direct the “Head Trustee(s)” and “Constructive Trustees”, in their capacity as
such, to manage the assets for the benefit of the beneficiaries and the ones to
come in accordance with this Declaration;
(a) The Institutional Trustee, before the occurrence of any Event of Default and
after the curing or waiving of all such Events of Default that may have occurred,
shall undertake to perform only such duties as are specifically set forth in this
Declaration and no implied covenants shall be read into this Declaration against
the Institutional Trustee. In case an Event of Default has occurred (that has not
been cured or waived pursuant to Section 6.7), the Institutional Trustee shall
exercise such of the rights and powers vested in it by this Declaration, and use
the same degree of care and skill in their exercise, as a prudent person would
exercise or use under the circumstances in the conduct of his or her own affairs.
(b) The duties and responsibilities of the Trustees and the Administrators
shall be as provided by this Declaration. Notwithstanding the foregoing, no
provision of this Declaration shall require any Trustee or Administrator to expend
or risk their own funds or otherwise incur any financial liability in the
performance of any of their duties hereunder, or in the exercise of any of their
rights or powers if it shall have reasonable grounds to believe that repayment of
such funds or adequate protection against such risk of liability is not reasonably
assured to it. Whether or not therein expressly so provided, every provision of
this Declaration relating to the conduct or affecting the liability of or affording
protection to the Trustees or Administrators shall be subject to the provisions of
this Article.
Nothing in this Declaration shall be construed to relieve an Administrator
or a Trustee from liability for its own negligent act, its own negligent failure to
act, or its own willful misconduct. To the extent that, at law or in equity, a
Trustee or an Administrator has duties and liabilities relating to the Trust or to
the Holders, such Trustee or such Administrator shall not be liable to the Trust or
to any Holder for such Trustee’s or such Administrator’s good faith reliance on
the provisions of this Declaration. The provisions of this Declaration, to the
extent that they restrict the duties and liabilities of the Administrators or the
Trustee otherwise existing at law or in equity, are agreed by the Sponsor and the
Holders to replace such other duties and liabilities of the Administrators or the
of All Our Spiritual Signatories that have been falsely imprisoned into “The
System Of Things Foreign Jurisdiction(s)”, and the immediate cease and desist of
All Agencies and Agents of “The World System Of Things” coming against our
Private “SUNKE Temple Trust” Embassy and Spiritual Signatories;
(B) to take any action incidental to the foregoing as the Head Trustee(s)
and Constructive Trustees may from time to time determine is necessary or
advisable under the authority of the General Executrix Administrator, to give
effect to the terms of this Declaration and protect and conserve the Trust
Property for the benefit of the beneficiaries and the ones to come;
(10) the taking of any action incidental to the foregoing as the General
Executrix Administrator may from time to time determine is necessary or
advisable to give effect to the terms of this Declaration for the benefit of the
beneficiaries and the ones to come;
shall exercise such of the rights and powers vested in it by this
Declaration, and use the same degree of care and skill in their exercise, as a
prudent person would exercise or use under the circumstances in the conduct of
his or her own affairs.
and All Chattel Deeds from the Sovereign Debt Commercial System by
transfer from the “Head Trustee(s)” of these said Global Collateral Assets,
tangible/intangible and All Chattel Deeds into the Private “SUNKE Temple
Trusts/Treasury, Global Pay It Forward Master Account”;
These assets, tangible/intangible/moveable/immovable shall remain in
protection of the “Constructive Trustees”, to hold in care, maintain and preserve
these assets, exclusively, for All of the benefits of the beneficiaries and the ones
to come;
These assets, tangible/intangible/moveable/immovable shall remain in
protection of the “Head Trustee(s)”, whom shall oversee all “Constructive
Trustees” respectively, to hold in care, maintain and preserve these assets,
exclusively, for undivided beneficial interest of the beneficiaries and the ones to
with Full Liability
In addition to the powers given to the Protector(s) and provided by our
Divine Universal Law ‘DUL’, the Protector(s) shall, upon acceptance of the
“Private Signatory Deed of Appointment” with the power to;
Fire Aether Spirit Council
Constructive trustees
consent to the terms of the remuneration and compensation of any
successor Trustee(s), Co-Trustee(s), Adviser(s), Manager(s), Custodian(s),
or other Person(s) in relation to the affairs of the Private “SUNKE Temple
consent to the relocation of the Private “SUNKE Temple Trust” and/or in
the changing of the amendments of the Private “SUNKE Temple Trust”;
consent to and/or render final decisions with regard to acquiring more
Assets, Trust Protector(s) and Trustee(s) or Co-Trustee(s);