Let's Rap about Rap

Let’s Rap about Rap
A WebQuest for 7th/8th Grade (Music)
Designed by (Bob Urbani)
Introduction | Task | Process | Evaluation | Conclusion | Standards | Resources | Teacher Notes
Raps are talk songs. They are not sung; they are spoken. They have a
very heavy beat and a lot of rhyme. Where did Rap start? How does
the music reflect things that happen in our daily lives? In this quest
you will learn more about Rap music and YOU will choose your group
and character to create an authentic Rap song! Sound exciting? Let’s
get started!
For this WebQuest, you are part of a special team that has been chosen by the
American Recording Industry to find the history of Rap music, and write an
authentic song that will be positive and uplifting. The song will have background
music, dance and will be performed at a special concert for your class and the
President of the United States. The project that best meets the criteria in the rubric
will be distributed to the entire student body. Good Luck!
Let’s Rap about Rap
Created by Bob Urbani
August 3rd 2004
The Tasks
Introduction | Task | Process | Evaluation | Conclusion | Standards | Resources | Teacher Notes
1. Decide your character and role.
2. Explore the internet options of your character, remember
you only get ONE day on the net!
3. Create a performance Rubric for your group and class
4. Perform your creation.
Let’s Rap about Rap
Created by Bob Urbani
August 3rd 2004
Introduction | Task | Process | Evaluation | Conclusion | Standards | Resources | Teacher Notes
Musician: Collaborate with team members to decide a subject for the song
and write the song. Remember it cannot be plagiarized. For ideas on
how to rhyme Rap Example Dictionary
Dancer: Collaborate with team members to decide a beat and style of dance
that will fit the rap. Decide if you will dance alone or with other
members. You can collaborate with the musician or the historian until the
song is complete.
Historian: Research the origination of Rap music, write 2 complete
paragraphs about Rap to share with the group and turn in. You will also
type the lyrics. Hip Hop Rap History
D.J.: Find reasonable background music to go with the rap. You will also
play the role of President for the performance. Example
Let’s Rap about Rap
President’s entrance:
Created by Bob Urbani
August 3rd 2004
Introduction | Task | Process | Evaluation | Conclusion | Standards | Resources | Teacher Notes
4 Star Performer
The student exceeds
requirements. The
assignment is done
exceptionally neatly;
there is evidence of
originality and/or
extra effort in the
completion. It is
The student exceeds
performance. Uses
props, dance,
wardrobe, music, and
presidential dress.
3 Promoter
The assignment is
completed, the work
is done neatly, and
the student followed
all directions
correctly. It is typed.
2 Musician
Either the
assignment is only
partially completed,
the work is not very
neat, the student
followed some but
not all of the
directions, or there is
some combination of
these factors.
Students completed Students completed
performance uses
performance but did
props, dance,
not have dance,
wardrobe and music. presidential dress,
music or some
combination of these
Student completes
Student completes
required assignment. required assignment.
There are no more
It is not typed, there
than 5 grammar
are 8 sentence
and/or sentence
structure and/or
sturcture errors. It is grammar errors.
2 Paragraphs
Student exceeds
requirements. The
assignment is
correct, written well
and typed.
1 Disc Jockey
The assignment is
less than 50%
complete, and/or the
student did not follow
the directions.
Students refused to
perform, turned in
just writen
assignment not
Students refuse to
turn in paper and/or
rough draft paper is
turned in
Let’s Rap about Rap
Created by Bob Urbani
August 3rd 2004
Introduction | Task | Process | Evaluation | Conclusion | Standards | Resources | Teacher Notes
“Rap Music" plays an important part in the history of our country. It provides
people with news of wars, messages of the social climate, and is a
source of entertainment to the masses. It has the power to persuade as
well as to entertain.
After completing this WebQuest, you hopefully have a better understanding
of the history of Rap and of what it takes to create an original song.
I would encourage you to create a Rap that will change someone’s
perspective of the environment, any social issue, or even
problems in your community.
Let’s Rap about Rap
Created by Bob Urbani
August 3rd 2004
Indiana State Standards
Introduction | Task | Process | Evaluation | Conclusion | Standards | Resources | Teacher Notes
National Standards
Standard 5 Composing and arranging music within specified
3. Improvising melodies, variations, and
6.5.2 Create or assist in creating a fully original
4. Composing and arranging music within
specified guidelines.
6.5.3 Select instruments or sounds to be added to a piece
being written
6. Listening to, analyzing, and describing
Standard 8 Understanding music in relation to history and
7. Evaluating music and music
6.8.1 Research the historical origins of musical styles as
well as the cultures that proceed them.
9. Understanding music in relation to history
and culture.
Standard 9 Evaluating and critiquing music and music
6.9.1 Write a personal and classroom rubric, which will be
used to evaluate performances and compositions.
Let’s Rap about Rap
Created by Bob Urbani
August 3rd 2004
Introduction | Task | Process | Evaluation | Conclusion | Standards | Resources | Teacher Notes
Educators Reference Desk Lesson plan submitted by Bob Urbani, teacher at Peru Junior
High School used in his 7th and 8th grade classes.
Example Turntables is a web site that will have them investigate different background sounds.
After you have your sound you can copy and make a tape to use for the rap.
Rap History History and background of Rap music.
Hip Hop History of Hip Hop music.
Dictionary Dictionary of Rap terms.
Rap Example Drug Free Rap published by Jenson Inc.
Let’s Rap about Rap
Created by Bob Urbani
August 3rd 2004
Teacher Notes
Introduction | Task | Process | Evaluation | Conclusion | Standards | Resources | Teacher Notes
For this activity, the teacher should put students in groups of four. Then they can decide their own character.
Teacher should encourage creation of original songs and not copy one they know then change the words.
Encourage songs about: school, teachers, environment, athletics, music programs.
In the rap they cannot say anything negative about teachers, students etc. It must be a positive rap.
Tell the story of your topic in a rhyme. Most raps rhyme in couplets, which means lines rhyme two at a time.
Lines one and two rhyme with each other; but not with the other lines. Lines three and four rhyme with each
other but not with the other lines, and so on. The two lines that rhyme together are called a couplet.
Tell them they may want a refrain in the music. (pass out a copy of the “Drug Free Rap” as an example or
wait until they get in the computer lab to click on Rap Example to use as an example.
Stress that there can be NO double meaning words or grossness in the rap, and it must be positive.
Talk about Rubrics, they will have to come up with one to grade their performance. (note: Rubrics are now
being used in Indiana as assessment tools for interdisciplinary units and for all general classes.)
I designed this project to be just one day in the computer lab so the teacher should do the project to prepare
for Q’s and A’s before going to the lab.
Let’s Rap about Rap
Created by Bob Urbani
August 3rd 2004