Bean Seed Growth in Different Types of Soil

Bean Seed Growth in Different
Types of Soil
Big Question
Do seeds grow better in
potting soil, coffee
grounds, sand, or cow
• I think seeds will grow into plants best
when planted in cow manure. I think
potting soil will be second best. Then
coffee grounds with sand being the worst.
• I think this because cow manure is what
my dad uses in our garden to grow
vegetables and I can’t imagine how plants
could grow in coffee grounds.
Interesting Facts from Research
• There are many different types of beans
• Beans are grown all over the world
• Beans are used in many different types of
• Beans are good for you and high in protien
and fiber
Experiment - Materials
The materials I will need for my science experiment are listed below:
4 small pots
potting soil (approx. 2 cups)
cow manure (approx. 2 cups)
coffee grounds (approx. 2 cups)
sand (approx. 2 cups)
12 - bean seeds
water container
Experiment - Procedures
Step 1
Step 2
Step 3
Step 4
Step 5
Step 6
Step 7
Step 8
Purchase four containers to plant the seeds in
Purchase potting soil, coffee grounds, cow manure and sand
Purchase bean seeds
Lightly pack potting soil, coffee grounds, cow manure and
sand into each container and label each container
Plant 3 bean seeds in each container
Using finger, create 3 small holes approximately ½ inch deep in each container
Place 1 bean seed in each hole and lightly cover with dirt
Gently water
Lightly water seeds each day
Record when seeds start to grow and measure growth height
every other day
Monitor seed growth
Experiment – Control/Variables
• The experiment controls and variables
– Watering the seeds on a regular basis
– Ensuring that the seeds received enough sun
• The beans seeds started to grown faster
than I thought they would
• The different types of soil made a big
difference in how the plants grew
• Watering the plants every day was
• Making sure the plants had good light,
especially in the late fall made a big
November 4, 2009
Using steps outlined in the procedures, I planted the seeds as directed.
November 10, 2009
Seed in potting soil began to sprout
November 12, 2009
Seed in cow manure began to sprout, seed in potting soil approximately ½” tall
November 14, 2009
Seed in potting soil ¾” tall, seed in cow manure just over ½” tall
Seeds in sand and coffee grounds have not sprouted
November 15, 2009
Seed in coffee grounds starting to sprout
November 16, 2009
Seeds in potting soil and cow manure both almost 1” tall
Seed in coffee grounds sprouting, but not looking good
Seed in sand has not sprouted
November 18, 2009
Seed in cow manure is almost 1 ½” inches tall
Seed in potting soil is 1 ¼” tall
Seed in coffee grounds in starting to die
Seed in sand has not sprouted
November 20, 2009
Seed in cow manure is 1 ¾” tall and sprouting multiple leaves
Seed in potting soil is 1 ½” tall and sprouting and sprouting multiple leaves
Seed in coffee grounds is dying
Seed in sand has not sprouted
November 22, 2009
Seed in cow manure is over 2” tall and looking very healthy
Seed in potting soil is just about 2” tall and looking healthy
Seed in coffee grounds has died
Seed in sand has not sprouted
November 22, 2009 – last day of results monitored
Analysis of Data
• Yes, the experiment did test my
• I know because the results showed that
the seeds planted in cow manure grew the
best, the seeds planted in potting soil grew
the second best, the seeds in the coffee
grounds started to grow and then died,
and the seeds in the sand never even
started to grow.
• Yes, my hypothesis was correct
• I would probably use larger containers next time in the
experiment, because it was hard to water the seeds in
the small containers I used. I would also keep all the
pots on one large tray so that I could move them easily
from one window to another during the day so that they
could get the most sun possible.
• Why did the seeds in the coffee ground start to grow and
then die?
• Why did the seeds in the sand never start to grow?
• Why did the seeds in the potting soil start to grow before
the cow manure, but the cow manure grew faster and