Topographic Maps

By Megan and Slade
 A topographic map is a map that shoes the surface
features, or topography, of the Earth.
 Topographic maps show both natural features, such as
rivers , lakes, and mountains, and features made by
humans, such as cities, roads, ad bridges.
 Topographic maps also show elevation
 Elevation is the height of an object above sea level.
 A federal government agency, USGS, has made
topographic maps for all the surfaces in the US.
 Each map is a detailed description of a small area on
the Earth’s surface.
 They use feet as their units of measure.
 Contour lines are used to show elevation.
 Contour lines are lines that connect points at equal
 The shape of the contour lines reflects the shape of the
 A contour interval is the difference in elevation
between one contour line to the next.
 For example, a map with a contour interval of 20 ft.
would have contour lines every 20 ft, of elevation
change, such as 0 ft., 20 ft., 40 ft., 60 ft., and so on.
 Relief is the difference in elevation between the
highest of lowest points of an area being mapped.
 For example, the closer the lines, the higher the relief,
the further the lines, the lower the relief.
 An index contour is a darker, heavier contour line that
is usually every fifth line and that is labeled by
 It is used to make reading the map a little easier.
 Topographic maps, like other maps, use symbols to
represent parts of the Earth’s surface.
Different colors are also used to represent different
features of the earths surface.
Buildings, roads, bridges, and railroads are black.
Contour lines are brown.
Major highways are red.
Cities and towns are pink.
Bodies of water are blue.
Wooded areas are green.
 When you first read a topographic map it may seem
But knowing the following rules will help you
understand topographic maps.
Contour lines never cross.
The darkening of contour lines depends on slop and
Contour lines that are part of a valley or stream are v
Closed circles indicate a hill , plataou, or depression.
 A topographic map, is a map that shows the layout of
the land.
Elevation is the height of something above sea level.
Contour lines are used to show elevation.
Contour interval is the amount of elevation between
one contour line to the next.
An index contour is a darker heavier line every 5 to 10
lines to show elevation.