East Asian Miracle Economic Growth and Development EAST ASIA’S ACHIEVEMENTS Diversity in performance Participation in the regional production network Policy as key to economic success Authoritarian developmentalism as a dynamic and temporary regime The exit problem Democratic developmentalism? HIGH PERFORMANCE No doubt about high average growth in recent decades 4000 Per Capita GDP (Measured in 1990 international GearyKhamis dollars) 3500 East Asia 3000 2500 2000 A f ri ca 1500 Source: Angus Maddison, The World Economy: A Millennium Perspective, OECD Development Centre, 2001. 1000 500 0 1950 1960 1970 1980 1990 1998 DIVERSITY IN DEVELOPMENT Governance, WGI2005 High correlation (0.90) but causality cannot be argued from this diagram 600 Sin 500 Hkg Jpn S Kor 400 Mal Mong 300 Twn Only circled economies participate in regional dynamism Bru Thai Phil VN China 200 Camb E Timor Indo PNG Lao N Kor Mya 100 0 100 1000 10000 100000 Per capita income ($PPP2004, log scale) Sources: Compiled from World Bank, Worldwide Governance Indicators, Sep. 2006; and World Bank, World Development Indicators, 2006. EAST ASIA’S UNIQUENESS The region is like a big factory where member economies compete Growth starts by participating in this regional dynamism The sandwich effect—pressure from above and below to work harder FDI as relocater of industries Clear but shifting order and structure (flying geese) OVERVIEW OF EAST ASIA’S GROWTH Average growth rate higher than those of any other region in the world Superior performance of the eastern half of Asia • Japan, South Korea • China’s mainland, Hong Kong, Taiwan • Indonesia, Malaysia, the Philippines, Singapore, and Thailand GEOGRAPHICAL DIVISION GROWTH IN EAST ASIA Japan’s economy took off in 1960s NIE’s (newly industrialized economies) • Hong Kong, Taiwan and Korea “very high” growth in the 1960-1975 period “outstanding” growth in the 1975-1990 period • Singapore: opposite pattern Irony of Myanmar and the Philippines GROWTH IN NIE’S East Asian NIE’s accumulated capital and increased labor participation at a much faster rate than other economies The increase in these two factors far from fully explains their exceptional growth rates productivity growth also accounts for a significant fraction GROWTH IN NIE’S Growth of capital Hong Kong: “high” Taiwan & Singapore: “very high” Korea: “outstanding” Public investment/GDP similar to other developing economies Private investment/GDP much higher Productivity growth Higher than that of United States Proportion of growth of GDP per person that is explained by productivity growth was not systematically different from those of Japan and the United States INCREASE IN PRODUCTIVITY Interlocking cooperation free enterprise government financial intervention guidance-minded technocratic bureaucracy Imports of foreign knowledge and technology Expanding education opportunities Better organization Improved work practices Asia growth pattern • two-thirds of the growth is input-driven • the remaining third is attributable to increased efficiency or total factor productivity (TFP) East Asia’s Experience A long history of development (break out of isolation, modernization) Defeat in war and military occupation (social reform, new system, constitution) U.S. aid and influence The right economic model (export orientation) Authoritarianism (early stage of development) Institutional design (close ties b/t govt, bureaucracy, private sectors, banks) Culture—Confucianism Resource (stimulation due to absence of natural resources) The neighborhood (rich neighbors) KOREA’S GROWTH PATH High rates of saving with funds channeled into the industrial sector Strong export orientation Strict limits on “non-essential” imports and direct foreign investment Strict zoning laws and other restrictions on the distribution system STATE INTERVENTION Ability Low High High Intent Low India, Philippines (weak) U.S., U.K (minimalist) Japan, Taiwan (strong) Hong Kong (market driven) ASIAN VALUES? commitment to hard work sense of thriftiness emphasis on education well-defined family structure filial piety respect for political authority society above self POLITICAL STABILITY Strongman rulers • North Korea, South Korea, Singapore, Malaysia, the Philippines, Indonesia ... Single-party dominance • Japan, Taiwan, Malaysia, Singapore … Trading civil rights and freedoms for economic growth • presumption of basic material well-being MANUFACTURED EXPORTS Manufactured exports / total exports 100% Japan 90% Taiwan 80% Korea 70% Singapore 60% Malaysia 50% Thailand 40% Philippines Indonesia 30% China 20% Vietnam 10% Myanmar 2005 2004 2003 2002 2001 2000 1999 1998 1997 1996 1995 1994 1993 1992 1991 1990 1989 1988 1987 1986 1985 1984 1983 1982 1981 1980 1979 1978 1977 1976 1975 0% Sources: Asian Development Bank, Key Indicators of Developing Asian and Pacific Countries, 1993 & 2006; Statistical Bureau, Ministry of Internal Affairs and Communications, Japan Statistical Yearbook 2007. DEVELOPMENT AND AID STRATEGY There is a clear gap in developmental thinking between Eastern practitioners and Western aid community. East Asia’s Way Goal Economic prosperity and national pride Policies Industry, investment, trade, technology Key Central government and actors businesses Western Donors Poverty reduction (MDGs) Health, education, governance Local communities and people EAST ASIA’S POLICY MIX EAST ASIA’S POLICY Growth policies—vision, strategy, technology, HRD, infrastructure, SMEs, FDI, trade, finance, logistics, etc. Supplementary policies—inequality, pollution, urbanization, congestion, labor migration, corruption, drugs, HIV/AIDS, etc Rapid growth always creates new problems, which destabilize society. Unless both policies are implemented, development will fail (Murakami). Success depends on these policies, rather than diligence or Confucianism AUTHORITARIAN DEVELOPMENTALISM E. Asia chose authoritarian developmentalism (AD) for economic take-off. Key ingredients of AD Powerful and economically literate top leader Development as a supreme national goal Technocrat group to support leader and execute policies Political legitimacy derived from growth The leader, as primary force of change, can create the other three conditions. Authoritarian Developmentalism in East Asia 1945 50 55 60 65 70 75 80 60 61 Korea 49 46 75 Philippines 48 53 Quirino 61 Thailand Phibun 63 Sarit 76 Razak 73 Wahid Habibie 81 Mahathir Hussein 75 77 80 88 91 97 Prem Chuan Kriangsak Chatichai Vietnamese Communist Party 62 U Nu Estrada Goh Chok-tong Thanom Labor Party 48 Ramos Lee Kuan-yew 76 Indochina Communist Party 98 90 70 57 58 Chen Shuibian 99 People's Action Party 51 Myanmar Aquino 65 UMNO / Rahman 46 48 92 Suharto 57 Malaysia Kim Dae-jung Macapagal 59 Labor Party Singapore Vietnam 86 Skarno 55 97 Lee Teng-hui Chiang Ching-kuo Marcos 2000 Kim Young-sam 88 65 Garcia Magsaysay Indonesia 78 Chiang Kai-shek 57 95 87 88 92 Noh TaeChun Doo-hwan woo Park Chung-hee Nationalist Party 90 79 Rhee Syngman Taiwan 85 88 Burma Socialist Programme Party / Ne Win Source: Akira Suehiro, Catch-up Type Industrialization , Nagoya University Press, 2000, p115. SLORC EMERGENCE OF AD AD emerges through a coup as well as election. AD is more likely to rise when the nation’s existence is threatened by: • External enemy • Internal ethnic/social instability • Incompetent and corrupt leader The rise and fall of AD is conditional mainly on the development stage of each country, but international environment also influences them. Eg. Cold War – reduced global criticism of AD WHY POWER CONCENTRATION IS NEEDED? Growth requires a critical mass of mutually consistent policies. A strong state is needed to mobilize resources quickly and flexibly. If broad participation is allowed, policies are too slow and can’t achieve critical mass due to: • Power struggle, party politics, interest groups • Processes requiring patience and compromise, including parliamentary debate and consensus building • Some groups may refuse to cooperate with state purposes ADRIAN LEFTWICH (2005) “The institutional characteristics and requirements for development and for democracy pull in opposite directions.” “Democracies have great difficulty in taking rapid and far-reaching steps to reduce structural inequalities in wealth.” Development Democracy Change Speed & flexibility Accumulation Compromise Accommodation Procedure CRITIQUES OF AD Democracy and development are separate issues: “I do not subscribe to the idea that you need to delay democratization just so that you can actually have growth or that you can have democracy only when you can afford it.” (Dani Rodrik, 2006) Democracy is required for development “Expansion of freedom is viewed… both as the primary end and as the principal means of development.” (Amartya Sen, 1999) KOREAN EXPERIENCE N.T.T.Huyen “Is There a Developmental Threshold for Democracy?: Endogenous factors in the Democratization of South Korea” (2004) “Democracy as an advanced form of politics is not independent from socio-economic development.” “Developmental threshold for democracy [is] a point in the development process beyond which democracy can be effectively installed and sustained.” Korea: Per Capita GDP in 1990 USD 10000 9000 8000 7000 6000 5000 80% 4000 farmers 3000 2000 1000 0 1960 62 64 66 68 90% middle class End of AD 70 72 74 76 78 80 82 84 86 88 90 92 94 Catching-up period (AD useful) EXIT OF AD High income society Democracy Pluralism Low income trap AD is a temporary regime of convenience, needed only to push up the country to a higher level. Once a certain level is reached, AD becomes an obstacle to further development. Watanabe (1998) argues that successful AD melts away automatically through social change and democratic aspiration. “if development under authoritarian regime proceeds successfully, it will sow the seeds of its own dissolution” [improved living standards and diversified social strata] A LESS OPTIMISTIC VIEW However, barriers do exit: stubborn leader, bureaucratic resistance, interest groups. Therefore, leadership and strategy are also needed for an exit. Strong leaders often refuse to step down because they will be revenged, jailed and even executed after transition, with most or all of their policies denied and reversed. THE EXIT PROBLEM FOR ONE-PARTY RULE (China and Vietnam) Rapid growth and social transformation driven by private dynamism (local & FDI) Success so far in managing liberalization, but not industrial activism Policy challenge is in social areas, not accelerating growth Future options: (1) Greatly enhancing party’s policy capability (2) Multi-party system under social democracy (3) Other Full democracy Democratic institution (Form) Constitution Laws Parliament Election Court Party Setback Pure dictatorship (Content) Reform vs conservatism, big vs small government, foreign policy, etc Political competition Democratic institution (Form) Constitution Laws Parliament Election Court Party THE CASE OF JAPAN US rule Showa2 1960 2007 1945-51 Democratization New constitution Full democracy LDP dominance Lack of policy debate Military rises 1931 Democracy movement, Party cabinet 1937 Defeat War Male suffrage 1925 Showa1 Taisho Constitution 1889 Parliament Fascism 1937-45 Edo Pure dictatorship Meiji Political fights Reform vs conservatism, big vs small government, foreign policy, etc (Content) Political competition “DEMOCRATIC DEVELOPMENTALISM”? (MILD FORM OF AD) Research on DD • Robinson and White eds (1998) • Centre for Policy Studies study on “The Democratic Developmental State in Africa” • Ethiopian Prime Minister Meles Zenawi Can we separate resource mobilization from freedom and human rights? Countries that already have free election, functioning parliament, human rights—can they adopt developmental policies without throwing out their political achievements? Need to decompose democracy into parts and analyze its structure COMPONENTS OF DEMOCRACY Purposes Freedom, human rights, equality, social and economic benefits for all, security, peaceful coexistence Procedures Legitimacy (election), rule of law, participation, multi-party system, balance of power (L-E-J), local autonomy Properties Tolerance, compromise, fairness, transparency, accountability Random & excessive oppression should never be allowed. Can some of these restricted for resource mobilization? DESIGNING DD: TENTATIVE SUGGESTIONS Democratic criteria should go beyond “free election.” Generally speaking, policy purposes should be upheld but procedures and properties may be partly adjusted. The executive branch should have sufficient power, but with a mechanism to overthrow it if it performs badly. Excessive decentralization at an early stage is not desirable. FINAL REMARKS When income is very low, a bottom-up regime based on rural population or social democracy (poor farmers or poor workers) may not work. More realistic: use the East Asian AD model (topdown quick decisions with supporting elites) with added democratic elements.