Chapter 1 Study Guide Introduction to American Government NAME ___________________________________ Pages 9 - 27 Objective 1: Describe what government is and what governments do. 1. Define the term “government”. 2. What are the two fundamental questions abut governing that serve as themes Throughout the textbook? 3.List the five functions that all national government perform 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Additional Notes Chapter 1 Study Guide Introduction to American Government Objective 2: Politics Additional Notes The Obligations of Citizenship Justice Equality Authority Participation Truth Patriotism The Rights of Citizenship Freedom Diversity Privacy Due Process Guarantees that people cannot be deprived of life, liberty or property! Property Human Rights 1. What values do you believe are the most important for our government to uphold? You can use the chart above 2. What values are the most important for you to personally uphold as an American Citizen? 3. Briefly describe the term politics in your own words. Chapter 1 Study Guide Introduction to American Government Objective 3. Policymaking System 1. Draw a diagram of how a policy system works 2. List and describe four key linkage institutions in a democratic society 1. 2. 3. 4. 3. Define the term “policy agenda” 4. How does a government’s policy agenda change? Other Notes Chapter 1 Study Guide Introduction to American Government 5. List the four major policymaking institution in the United States 6. Define the term “policy impacts” Objective 4. Democracy 1. Define the term “democracy” as used in the text 2. List and explain the five cornerstones of traditional democratic theory 3. Explain what is meant by majority rule and minority rights Chapter 1 Study Guide Introduction to American Government 4.Complete the following table Theory Pluralist Who Holds the Power How Policy is Made Elite and Class Hyperpluralist 5. According to the textbook, describe the 4 major challenges facing American Democracy Chapter 1 Study Guide Introduction to American Government Objective 5. The Scope of Government 1. Make a list of items that illustrate the scope of American government 2. How does the scope of American government compare to the scope government in other countries? 3. How has American individualism affected the scope of government? Additional Notes of