Zane Harkness Sean Kirkpatrick 2nd Period Chapter 1 Human geography focuses on how people make places, organize space and society, how we interact with each other across space, and how we make sense of others in localities, region, and the world. These things develop the 5 themes of geography: place, location, human-environment interaction, region, and movement. The final theme, movement, involves diffusion. There are five types of diffusion as well, with contagious, hierarchical, relocation, stimulus, and expansion. Diffusion can be the spread of culture or a cultural trait,which identifies not only the tangible lifestyle of a people, but also their beliefs and values. These traits could be anything from clothing to religion to architecture,and are all unique among different cultures. Another topic encompassed in chapter 1 is maps. There are several kinds of maps, including isolines maps, graduated symbol maps, and even mental maps. Mental maps vary through everyone, and are based on a person's sole perception of the earth. Furthermore, the mental maps you make will be more accurate inside your activity space, as opposed to halfway around the world. Activity space involves the space in which you travel routinely to in your daily activities. These spaces are affected by how other people form the cultural landscape, or the visual imprint of human activity on land, and this forms regions. There are 3 types of regions, including formal, functional, and perceptual. Formal regions involve shared cultural traits, as opposed to functional regions forming around a certain activity taking place in that area, such as a newspaper route. Perceptual regions, on the other hand, are all about how people divide the area in their own mind. For example, “The South” is not a defined area, but is referred to by almost everybody. There is no defined boundary o where the south and the north split, it differs depending on your perception of the area. Finally, chapter 1 focuses on possibilism and environmental determinism. The former is the widely accepted theory as to how the environment affect how humans use space, and the latter is what was accepted before it. Environmental Determinism stated that the environment completely controls how humans arrange their space. Possibilism, on the other hand, says that humans are merely impacted the spatial arrangement, and that it is possible to overcome the environment to occupy certain areas. Major Items To Review For Chapter 1: Diffusion Culture Types of Regions Five Themes GPS/GIS Types of Maps Physical Geography Possibilism Environmental Determinism Globalization Location Theory Human Geography Medical Geography Cultural Landscape Geocaching Activity Spaces Multiple Choice: 1. Which of the following is technology that gathers data at a distance from the Earth's surface? A) GIS B) GPS C)Possibilism D)Remote sensing E) Mental Maps 2. Which type of region has shared cultural traits? A)Functional B) Formal C) Perceptual D) Cultural Complex E) Cultural Landscape 3. Which theory states that human behavior is strongly affected by the physical environment? A) Human geography B) Possibilism C) Location Theory D) Expansion Diffusion E) Environmental Determinism 4. What type of map is a map in your mind? A) Human Geography B) Activity Space C) Generalized Map D) Mental Map E) Remote Sensing 5. What is the art and science of map making? A) Cartography B) Cartography C) Quartography D) Carography E) Culture 6. Which is not one of the 5 themes of geography? A) Location B) Movement C) Culture D) Human Environment Interaction E) Place 7. What is a set of processes that are increasing interactions, deepening relationships, and accelerating interdependence across national borders? A) Spatial Distribution B) Pandemic C) Physical Geography D) Globalization E) Connectivity 8. What disease did Dr. Snow study? A) AIDS B) Swine Flu C) Cholera D) Ebola E) Spatial Perspective 9. What are the 5 themes based on? A) Spatial Perspective B) Cultural Complex C) Location Theory D) Spatial Interaction E) Connectivity Theory 10. Which of the following is a hobby based on the GPS? A) Culture B) Geocaching C) GIS D) Remote Sensing E) Functional Region Answer Key: 1. D 2. B 3. E 4. D 5. A 6. C 7. D 8. C 9. A 10. B