Statistical Analysis Rik Henson With thanks to: Karl Friston, Andrew Holmes, Stefan Kiebel, Will Penny Overview fMRI time-series kernel Design matrix Motion correction Smoothing General Linear Model Spatial normalisation Statistical Parametric Map Parameter Estimates Standard template Some Terminology • SPM (“Statistical Parametric Mapping”) is a massively univariate approach - meaning that a statistic (e.g., T-value) is calculated for every voxel - using the “General Linear Model” • Experimental manipulations are specified in a model (“design matrix”) which is fit to each voxel to estimate the size of the experimental effects (“parameter estimates”) in that voxel… • … on which one or more hypotheses (“contrasts”) are tested to make statistical inferences (“p-values”), correcting for multiple comparisons across voxels (using “Gaussian Field Theory”) • The parametric statistics assume continuous-valued data and additive noise that conforms to a “normal” distribution (“nonparametric” versions of SPM eschew such assumptions) Some Terminology • SPM usually focused on “functional specialisation” - i.e. localising different functions to different regions in the brain • One might also be interested in “functional integration” - how different regions (voxels) interact • Multivariate approaches work on whole images and can identify spatial/temporal patterns over voxels, without necessarily specifying a design matrix (PCA, ICA)... • … or with an experimental design matrix (PLS, CVA), or with an explicit anatomical model of connectivity between regions “effective connectivity” - eg using Dynamic Causal Modelling Overview 1. General Linear Model Design Matrix Global normalisation 2. fMRI timeseries Highpass filtering HRF convolution Temporal autocorrelation 3. Statistical Inference Gaussian Field Theory 4. Random Effects 5. Experimental Designs 6. Effective Connectivity Overview 1. General Linear Model Design Matrix Global normalisation 2. fMRI timeseries Highpass filtering HRF convolution Temporal autocorrelation 3. Statistical Inference Gaussian Field Theory 4. Random Effects 5. Experimental Designs 6. Effective Connectivity General Linear Model… • Parametric statistics • • • • • • • • • • one sample t-test two sample t-test paired t-test Anova AnCova correlation linear regression multiple regression F-tests etc… all cases of the General Linear Model General Linear Model • Equation for single (and all) voxels: yj = xj1 b1 + … + xjP bP + ej yj xjp bp ej : data for scan, j = 1…N : explanatory variables / covariates / regressors, p = 1…P : parameters / regression slopes / fixed effects : residual errors, independent & identically (normally) distributed • Equivalent matrix form: y = Xb + e X ej ~ N(0,s2) : “design matrix” / model Matrix Formulation Equation for scan j Simultaneous equations for scans 1..N(J) Scans Regressors …that can be solved for parameters b1..P(L) General Linear Model (Estimation) • Estimate parameters from least squares fit to data, y: ^ b = (XTX)-1XTy = X+y (OLS estimates) • Fitted response is: ^ Y = Xb • Residual errors and estimated error variance are: s^2 = rTr / df r=y-Y where df are the degrees of freedom (assuming iid): df = N - rank(X) ( R = I - XX+ r = Ry (=N-P if X full rank) df = trace(R) ) General Linear Model (Inference) • Specify contrast (hypothesis), c, a linear combination of parameter estimates, cT b^ T c = [1 -1 0 0] • Calculate T-stastistic for that contrast: ^ T(N-p) = cTb^ / var(cTb) = cTb^ / sqrt(s^2cT(XTX)-1c) (c is a vector), or an F-statistic: F(p-p0,N-p) = [(r0Tr0 – rTr) / (p-p0)] / [rTr / (N-P)] where r0 and p0 are parameters of the reduced model specified by c (which is a matrix) • Prob. of falsely rejecting Null hypothesis, H0: cTb=0 (“p-value”) F c= [ 2 -1 -1 0 -1 2 -1 0 -1 -1 2 0] Example PET experiment rank(X)=3 • 12 scans, 3 conditions (1-way ANOVA) yj = x1j b1 + x2j b2 + x3j b3 + x4j b4 + ej where (dummy) variables: x1j = [0,1] = condition A (first 4 scans) x2j = [0,1] = condition B (second 4 scans) x3j = [0,1] = condition C (third 4 scans) x4j = [1] = grand mean • T-contrast : [1 -1 0 0] tests whether A>B [-1 1 0 0] tests whether B>A • F-contrast: [ 2 -1 -1 0 -1 2 -1 0 -1 -1 2 0] tests main effect of A,B,C 11 9 12 8 21 19 22 18 31 29 32 28 = 1001 1001 1001 1001 0101 0101 0101 0101 0011 0011 0011 0011 -10 0 10 20 + 1 -1 2 -2 1 -1 2 -2 1 -1 2 -2 c=[-1 1 0 0], T=10/sqrt(3.3*8) df=12-3=9, T(9)=1.94, p<.05 Global Effects • May be variation in PET tracer dose from scan to scan • Such “global” changes in image intensity (gCBF) confound local / regional (rCBF) changes of experiment global AnCova • Adjust for global effects by: - AnCova (Additive Model) - PET? - Proportional Scaling - global fMRI? • Can improve statistics when orthogonal to effects of interest (as here)… • …but can also worsen when effects of interest correlated with global (as next) Scaling global Global Effects (AnCova) b1 b2 b3 b4 b5 • 12 scans, 3 conditions, 1 confounding covariate yj = x1j b1 + x2j b2 + x3j b3 + x4j b4 + x5j b5 + ej where (dummy) variables: x1j = [0,1] = condition A (first 4 scans) x2j = [0,1] = condition B (second 4 scans) x3j = [0,1] = condition C (third 4 scans) x4j = grand mean x5j = global signal (mean over all voxels) (further mean-corrected over all scans) • Global correlated here with conditions (and time) • Global estimate can be scaled to, eg, 50ml/min/dl 11 9 12 8 21 19 22 18 31 29 32 28 = 1 0 0 1 -1 1 0 0 1 -1 1 0 0 1 -1 1 0 0 1 -1 0101 0 0101 0 0101 0 0101 0 0011 1 0011 1 0011 1 0011 1 1.7 5.0 8.3 15 6.7 + 1 -1 2 -2 1 -1 2 -2 1 -1 2 -2 c=[-1 1 0 0], T=3.3/sqrt(3.8*8) df=12-4=8, T(8)=0.61, p>.05 Global Effects (fMRI) • Two types of scaling: Grand Mean scaling and Global scaling • Grand Mean scaling is automatic, global scaling is optional • Grand Mean scales by 100/mean over all voxels and ALL scans (i.e, single number per session) • Global scaling scales by 100/mean over all voxels for EACH scan (i.e, a different scaling factor every scan) • Problem with global scaling is that TRUE global is not (normally) known… • …we only estimate it by the mean over voxels • So if there is a large signal change over many voxels, the global estimate will be confounded by local changes • This can produce artifactual deactivations in other regions after global scaling • Since most sources of global variability in fMRI are low frequency (drift), high-pass filtering may be sufficient, and many people to not use global scaling A word on correlation/estimability • If any column of X is a linear combination of any others (X is rank deficient), some parameters cannot be estimated uniquely (inestimable) rank(X)=2 • … which means some contrasts cannot be tested (eg, only if sum to zero) A • This has implications for whether “baseline” (constant term) is explicitly or implicitly modelled cd = [1 -1 0] B A+B “implicit” A cm = [1 0 0] B “explicit” A A+B cm = [1 0] cd = [1 1] cd*b = [1 -1]*b = 0.9 b1 = 1.6 b2 = 0.7 b1 = 0.9 b2 = 0.7 cd = [1 0] cd*b = [1 0]*b = 0.9 A word on correlation/estimability • If any column of X is a linear combination of any others (X is rank deficient), some parameters cannot be estimated uniquely (inestimable) rank(X)=2 • … which means some contrasts cannot be tested (eg, only if sum to zero) A cm = [1 0 0] cd = [1 -1 0] B A+B “explicit” “implicit” T= 1 1 0 1 • This has implications for whether “baseline” (constant term) is explicitly or implicitly modelled • (rank deficiency might be thought of as perfect correlation…) A A A+B B X(1) * T = X(2) c(1) * T = c(2) 1 1 0 1 = [10] [ 1 -1 ] * A word on correlation/estimability • When there is high (but not perfect) correlation between regressors, parameters can be estimated… • …but the estimates will be inefficient estimated (ie highly variable) A • … so some contrasts can still be inefficient, even though pairwise correlations are low cd = [1 -1 0] B A+B convolved with HRF! • …meaning some contrasts will not lead to very powerful tests • SPM shows pairwise correlation between regressors, but this will NOT tell you that, eg, X1+X2 is highly correlated with X3… cm = [1 0 0] cm = [1 0 0] () cd = [1 -1 0] A B A+B A word on orthogonalisation • To remove correlation between two regressors, you can explicitly orthogonalise one (X1) with respect to the other (X2): X1^ = X1 – (X2X2+)X1 (Gram-Schmidt) Y • Paradoxically, this will NOT change the parameter estimate for X1, but will for X2 X1 • In other words, the parameter estimate for the orthogonalised regressor is unchanged! • This reflects fact that parameter estimates automatically reflect orthogonal component of each regressor… • …so no need to orthogonalise, UNLESS you have a priori reason for assigning common variance to the other regressor X1^ b1 X2 b2 b2 ^ A word on orthogonalisation X1 X2 b1 = 0.9 b2 = 0.7 Orthogonalise X2 (Model M1) X1 X2^ Orthogonalise X1 (Model M2) b1(M1) = 1.6 b2(M1) = 0.7 T = 0.5 1 -0.5 1 X1^ X2 b1(M2) = 0.9 = b1(M1) – b2(M1) b2(M2) = 1.15 = ( b1(M1) + b2(M1) )/2 Overview 1. General Linear Model Design Matrix Global normalisation 2. fMRI timeseries Highpass filtering HRF convolution Temporal autocorrelation 3. Statistical Inference Gaussian Field Theory 4. Random Effects 5. Experimental Designs 6. Effective Connectivity fMRI Analysis • Scans are treated as a timeseries… … and can be filtered to remove low-frequency (1/f) noise • Effects of interest are convolved with haemodynamic (BOLD) response function (HRF), to capture sluggish nature of response • Scans can no longer be treated as independent observations… … they are typically temporally autocorrelated (for TRs<8s) fMRI Analysis • Scans are treated as a timeseries… … and can be filtered to remove low-frequency (1/f) noise • Effects of interest are convolved with haemodynamic (BOLD) response function (HRF), to capture sluggish nature of response • Scans can no longer be treated as independent observations… … they are typically temporally autocorrelated (for TRs<8s) (Epoch) fMRI example… = b1 + b2 + e(t) (box-car unconvolved) voxel timeseries box-car function baseline (mean) (Epoch) fMRI example… b1 = + b2 y = X b + e Low frequency noise • Low frequency noise: – Physical (scanner drifts) – Physiological (aliased) aliasing • cardiac (~1 Hz) • respiratory (~0.25 Hz) power spectrum noise signal (eg infinite 30s on-off) power spectrum highpass filter (Epoch) fMRI example… ...with highpass filter b1 b2 b3 b4 = b5 + b6 b7 b8 b9 y = X b + e (Epoch) fMRI example… …fitted and adjusted data Raw fMRI timeseries Adjusted data fitted box-car highpass filtered (and scaled) fitted high-pass filter Residuals fMRI Analysis • Scans are treated as a timeseries… … and can be filtered to remove low-frequency (1/f) noise • Effects of interest are convolved with haemodynamic (BOLD) response function (HRF), to capture sluggish nature of response • Scans can no longer be treated as independent observations… … they are typically temporally autocorrelated (for TRs<8s) Convolution with HRF Unconvolved fit Residuals Boxcar function Convolved fit = hæmodynamic response convolved with HRF Residuals (less structure) fMRI Analysis • Scans are treated as a timeseries… … and can be filtered to remove low-frequency (1/f) noise • Effects of interest are convolved with haemodynamic (BOLD) response function (HRF), to capture sluggish nature of response • Scans can no longer be treated as independent observations… … they are typically temporally autocorrelated (for TRs<8s) Temporal autocorrelation… • Because the data are typically correlated from one scan to the next, one cannot assume the degrees of freedom (dfs) are simply the number of scans minus the dfs used in the model – need “effective degrees of freedom” • In other words, the residual errors are not independent: Y = Xb + e e ~ N(0,s2V) V I, V=AA' where A is the intrinsic autocorrelation • Generalised least squares: KY = KXb + Ke Ke ~ N(0, s2V) (autocorrelation is a special case of “nonsphericity”…) V = KAA'K' Temporal autocorrelation (History) KY = KXb + Ke Ke ~ N(0, s2V) V = KAA'K' • One method is to estimate A, using, for example, an AR(p) model, then: K = A-1 V=I (allows OLS) This “pre-whitening” is sensitive, but can be biased if K mis-estimated • Another method (SPM99) is to smooth the data with a known autocorrelation that swamps any intrinsic autocorrelation: K=S V = SAA'S’ ~ SS' (use GLS) Effective degrees of freedom calculated with Satterthwaite approximation df = trace(RV)2/trace(RVRV) ) This is more robust (providing the temporal smoothing is sufficient, eg 4s FWHM Gaussian), but less sensitive • Most recent method (SPM2) is to restrict K to highpass filter, and estimate residual autocorrelation A using voxel-wide, one-step ReML… ( New in SPM2 Nonsphericity and ReML (SPM2) Scans • Nonsphericity means (kind of) that: Ce = cov(e) s2I cov(e) spherical Scans • Nonsphericity can be modelled by set of variance components: Ce = 1Q1 + 2Q2 + 3Q3 ... (i are hyper-parameters) - Non-identical (inhomogeneous): (e.g, two groups of subjects) Q1 = Q2 = - Non-independent (autocorrelated): (e.g, white noise + AR(1)) Q1 = Q2 = New in SPM2 Nonsphericity and ReML (SPM2) • Joint estimation of parameters and hyperparameters requires ReML • ReML gives (Restricted) Maximum Likelihood (ML) estimates of (hyper)parameters, rather than Ordinary Least Square (OLS) estimates • ML estimates are more efficient, entail exact dfs (no Satterthwaite approx)… • …but computationally expensive: ReML is iterative (unless only one hyper-parameter) Ce = ReML( yyT, X, Q ) b^ OLS = (XTX)-1XTy (= X+y) b^ ML = (XTCe-1X)-1XTCe-1y V = ReML( yjyjT, X, Q ) • To speed up: – Correlation of errors (V) estimated by pooling over voxels – Covariance of errors (s2V) estimated by single, voxel-specific scaling hyperparameter yy voxel T ˆ1Q1 ˆ2Q2 New in SPM2 1. Nonsphericity and ReML (SPM2) Voxels to be pooled collected by first-pass through data (OLS) B (biased if correlation structure not stationary across voxels?) 2. Correlation structure V estimated iteratively using ReML once, pooling over all voxels 3. Remaining hyper-parameter estimated using V and ReML noniteratively, for each voxel • Estimation of nonsphericity is used to prewhiten the data and design matrix, W=V-1/2 (or by KW, if highpass filter K present) • (which is why design matrices in SPM2 can differ from those in SPM99 after estimation) X W WX New in SPM2 The Full-Monty T-test (SPM2) y = Xb e c bˆ t= Stˆd (cT bˆ ) T b̂ = (WX ) Wy W =V 1 / 2 s 2V = cov( e ) T 2 T ˆ Stˆd (c b ) = sˆ c (WX ) (WX ) c T cc==+1 +100000000000000000000 X sˆ 2 ( = WY WXbˆ ) V 2 trace( R) R = I WX (WX ) ReMLReMLestimation estimation Overview 1. General Linear Model Design Matrix Global normalisation 2. fMRI timeseries Highpass filtering HRF convolution Temporal autocorrelation 3. Statistical Inference Gaussian Field Theory 4. Random Effects 5. Experimental Designs 6. Effective Connectivity Multiple comparisons… • If n=100,000 voxels tested with pu=0.05 of falsely rejecting Ho... …then approx n pu (eg 5,000) will do so by chance (false positives, or “type I” errors) SPM{t} Eg random noise • Therefore need to “correct” pvalues for number of comparisons • A severe correction would be a Bonferroni, where pc = pu /n… Gaussian …but this is only appropriate when 10mm FWHM the n tests independent… (2mm pixels) … SPMs are smooth, meaning that nearby voxels are correlated => Gaussian Field Theory... pu = 0.05 Gaussian Field Theory • Consider SPM as lattice representation of continuous random field • “Euler characteristic” - topological measure of “excursion set” (e.g, # components - # “holes”) • Smoothness estimated by covariance of partial derivatives of residuals (expressed as “resels” or FWHM) • Assumes: 1) residuals are multivariate normal 2) smoothness » voxel size (practically, FWHM 3 VoxDim) • Not necessarily stationary: smoothness estimated locally as resels-per-voxel Generalised Form • General form for expected Euler characteristic for D dimensions: E[(WAu)] = R (W) r (u) d d Rd (W): d-dimensional Minkowski rd (W): d-dimensional EC density of Z(x) – function of dimension, d, space W and smoothness: – function of dimension, d, threshold, u, and statistic, e.g. Z-statistic: R0(W) R1(W) R2(W) R3(W) = = = = (W) Euler characteristic of W resel diameter resel surface area resel volume r0(u) r1(u) r2(u) r3(u) r4(u) = 1- (u) = (4 ln2)1/2 exp(-u2/2) / (2p) = (4 ln2) exp(-u2/2) / (2p)3/2 = (4 ln2)3/2 (u2 -1) exp(-u2/2) / (2p)2 = (4 ln2)2 (u3 -3u) exp(-u2/2) / (2p)5/2 Levels of Inference • Three levels of inference: – extreme voxel values voxel-level inference Omnibus: P(c 7, t u) = 0.031 voxel-level: P(t 4.37) = .048 – big suprathreshold clusters n=1 2 cluster-level inference – many suprathreshold clusters set-level inference n=82 Parameters: “Height” threshold, u “Extent” threshold, k - t > 3.09 - 12 voxels Dimension, D Volume, S Smoothness, FWHM -3 - 323 voxels - 4.7 voxels n=32 cluster-level: P(n 82, t u) = 0.029 set-level: P(c 3, n k, t u) = 0.019 (Spatial) Specificity vs. Sensitivity Small-volume correction • If have an a priori region of interest, no need to correct for wholebrain! • But can use GFT to correct for a Small Volume (SVC) • Volume can be based on: – An anatomically-defined region – A geometric approximation to the above (eg rhomboid/sphere) – A functionally-defined mask (based on an ORTHOGONAL contrast!) • Extent of correction can be APPROXIMATED by a Bonferonni correction for the number of resels… • ..but correction also depends on shape (surface area) as well as size (volume) of region (may want to smooth volume if rough) Example SPM window Overview 1. General Linear Model Design Matrix Global normalisation 2. fMRI timeseries Highpass filtering HRF convolution Temporal autocorrelation 3. Statistical Inference Gaussian Field Theory 4. Random Effects 5. Experimental Designs 6. Effective Connectivity Fixed vs. Random Effects • Subjects can be Fixed or Random variables • If subjects are a Fixed variable in a single design matrix (SPM “sessions”), the error term conflates within- and between-subject variance – In PET, this is not such a problem because the within-subject (between-scan) variance can be as great as the between-subject variance; but in fMRI the between-scan variance is normally much smaller than the between-subject variance • If one wishes to make an inference from a subject sample to the population, one needs to treat subjects as a Random variable, and needs a proper mixture of within- and between-subject variance Multi-subject Fixed Effect model Subject 1 Subject 2 Subject 3 Subject 4 Subject 5 • In SPM, this is achieved by a two-stage procedure: 1) (Contrasts of) parameters are estimated from a (Fixed Effect) model for each subject 2) Images of these contrasts become the data for a second design matrix (usually simple t-test or ANOVA) Subject 6 error df ~ 300 Two-stage “Summary Statistic” approach 1st-level (within-subject) 2nd-level (between-subject) b^2 ^ 22 s b^3 ^ 23 s b^4 ^ 24 s b^5 ^ 25 s b^6 ^ 26 s One-sample t-test contrast images of cbi b^1 ^ 21 s ^s2 = within-subject error w N=6 subjects (error df =5) p < 0.001 (uncorrected) SPM{t} b^pop WHEN special case of n independent observations per subject: var(bpop) = s2b / N + s2w / Nn New in SPM2 Limitations of 2-stage approach • Summary statistic approach is a special case, valid only when each subject’s design matrix is identical (“balanced designs”) • In practice, the approach is reasonably robust to unbalanced designs (Penny, 2004) • More generally, exact solutions to any hierarchical GLM can be obtained using ReML • This is computationally expensive to perform at every voxel (so not implemented in SPM2) • Plus modelling of nonsphericity at 2nd-level can minimise potential bias of unbalanced designs… New in SPM2 Nonsphericity again! • When tests at 2nd-level are more complicated than 1/2-sample t-tests, errors can be non i.i.d Inhomogeneous variance (3 groups of 4 subjects) 1 • For example, two groups (e.g, patients and controls) may have different variances (non-identically distributed; inhomogeniety of variance) • Or when taking more than one parameter per subject (repeated measures, e.g, multiple basis functions in event-related fMRI), errors may be non-independent (If nonsphericity correction selected, inhomogeniety assumed, and further option for repeated measures) 2 3 Q Repeated measures (3 groups of 4 subjects) • Same method of variance component estimation with ReML (that used for autocorrelation) is used (Greenhouse-Geisser correction for repeatedmeasures ANOVAs is a special case approximation) Q New in SPM2 Hierarchical Models • Two-stage approach is special case of Hierarchical GLM y = X(1) (1) + e(1) (1) = X(2) (2) + e(2) • In a Bayesian framework, parameters of one level can be made priors on distribution of parameters at lower level: “Parametric Empirical Bayes” (Friston et al, 2002) • The parameters and hyperparameters at each level can be estimated using EM algorithm (generalisation of ReML) • Note parameters and hyperparameters at final level do not differ from classical framework • Second-level could be subjects; it could also be voxels… … (n-1) = X(n) (n) + e(n) Ce(i) = k(i) Qk(i) New in SPM2 Parametric Empirical Bayes & PPMs • Bayes rule: p(|y) = p(y|) p() Posterior Likelihood (PPM) (SPM) Prior • What are the priors? – In “classical” SPM, no (flat) priors – In “full” Bayes, priors might be from theoretical arguments, or from independent data – In “empirical” Bayes, priors derive from same data, assuming a hierarchical model for generation of that data New in SPM2 Parametric Empirical Bayes & PPMs • Bayes rule: Classical T-test p(|y) = p(y|) p() Posterior Likelihood (PPM) (SPM) u Prior p (t | = 0) t = f ( y) • For PPMs in SPM2, priors come from distribution over voxels • If remove mean over voxels, prior mean can be set to zero (a “shrinkage” prior) • One can threshold posteriors for a given probability of a parameter estimate greater than some value … • …to give a posterior probability map (PPM) Bayesian test p ( | y ) New in SPM2 Parametric Empirical Bayes & PPMs rest [2.06] rest contrast(s) < PPM 2.06 SPMresults: C:\home\spm\analysis_PET Height threshold P = 0.95 Extent threshold k = 0 voxels SPMmip [0, 0, 0] < 1 4 7 10 13 16 19 22 25 28 31 34 37 40 43 46 49 52 55 60 < SPM{T39.0} SPMresults: C:\home\spm\analysis_PET Height threshold T = 5.50 Extent threshold k = 0 voxels 1 4 7 10 13 16 19 22 Design matrix 3 < 4 < SPMmip [0, 0, 0] < contrast(s) 1 4 7 10 13 16 19 22 25 28 31 34 37 40 43 46 49 52 55 60 1 4 7 10 13 16 19 22 Design matrix • Activations greater than certain amount Voxels with non-zero activations • Can infer no responses Cannot “prove the null hypothesis” • No fallacy of inference Fallacy of inference (large df) • Inference independent of search volume Correct for search volume • Computationally expensive Computationally faster Overview 1. General Linear Model Design Matrix Global normalisation 2. fMRI timeseries Highpass filtering HRF convolution Temporal autocorrelation 3. Statistical Inference Gaussian Field Theory 4. Random Effects 5. Experimental Designs 6. Effective Connectivity A taxonomy of design • Categorical designs Subtraction Conjunction • Parametric designs Linear Nonlinear • - Additive factors and pure insertion - Testing multiple hypotheses - Cognitive components and dimensions - Polynomial expansions Factorial designs Categorical Parametric - Interactions and pure insertion - Adaptation, modulation and dual-task inference - Linear and nonlinear interactions - Psychophysiological Interactions A taxonomy of design • Categorical designs Subtraction Conjunction • Parametric designs Linear Nonlinear • - Additive factors and pure insertion - Testing multiple hypotheses - Cognitive components and dimensions - Polynomial expansions Factorial designs Categorical Parametric - Interactions and pure insertion - Adaptation, modulation and dual-task inference - Linear and nonlinear interactions - Psychophysiological Interactions A categorical analysis Experimental design Word generation G Word repetition R RGRGRGRGRGRG G - R = Intrinsic word generation …under assumption of pure insertion, ie, that G and R do not differ in other ways A taxonomy of design • Categorical designs Subtraction Conjunction • Parametric designs Linear Nonlinear • - Additive factors and pure insertion - Testing multiple hypotheses - Cognitive components and dimensions - Polynomial expansions Factorial designs Categorical Parametric - Interactions and pure insertion - Adaptation, modulation and dual-task inference - Linear and nonlinear interactions - Psychophysiological Interactions Cognitive Conjunctions • One way to minimise problem of pure insertion is to isolate same process in several different ways (ie, multiple subtractions of different conditions) Object viewing Colour viewing Object naming Colour naming R,V V P,R,V P,V (Object - Colour viewing) [1 -1 0 0] & (Object - Colour naming) [0 0 1 -1] [ R,V - V ] & [ P,R,V - P,V ] = R & R = R (assuming RxP = 0; see later) Objects Colours V R P Viewing Stimuli (A/B) Visual Processing Object Recognition Phonological Retrieval Task (1/2) Price et al, 1997 Naming A1 A2 B1 B2 Common object recognition response (R) Cognitive Conjunctions • Original (SPM97) definition of conjunctions entailed sum of two simple effects (A1-A2 + B1-B2) plus exclusive masking with interaction (A1-A2) - (B1-B2) B1-B2 New in SPM2 p((A1-A2)= (B1-B2))>P2 + • Ie, “effects significant and of similar size” • (Difference between conjunctions and masking is that conjunction p-values reflect the conjoint probabilities of the contrasts) • However, the logic has changed slightly, in that voxels can survive a conjunction even though they show an interaction A1-A2 B1-B2 • SPM2 defintion of conjunctions uses advances in Gaussian Field Theory (e.g, T2 fields), allowing corrected p-values p(A1=A2+B1=B2)<P1 p(A1=A2)<p + p(B1=B2)<p A1-A2 A taxonomy of design • Categorical designs Subtraction Conjunction • Parametric designs Linear Nonlinear • - Additive factors and pure insertion - Testing multiple hypotheses - Cognitive components and dimensions - Polynomial expansions Factorial designs Categorical Parametric - Interactions and pure insertion - Adaptation, modulation and dual-task inference - Linear and nonlinear interactions - Psychophysiological Interactions Nonlinear parametric responses Inverted ‘U’ response to increasing word presentation rate in the DLPFC Polynomial expansion: f(x) ~ b1 x + b2 x2 + ... …(N-1)th order for N levels SPM{F} Linear E.g, F-contrast [0 1 0] on Quadratic Parameter => A taxonomy of design • Categorical designs Subtraction Conjunction • Parametric designs Linear Nonlinear • - Additive factors and pure insertion - Testing multiple hypotheses - Cognitive components and dimensions - Polynomial expansions Factorial designs Categorical Parametric - Interactions and pure insertion - Adaptation, modulation and dual-task inference - Linear and nonlinear interactions - Psychophysiological Interactions Interactions and pure insertion • Presence of an interaction can show a failure of pure insertion (using earlier example)… R,V V P,R,V,RxP P,V (Object – Colour) x (Viewing – Naming) [1 -1 0 0] - [0 0 1 -1] = [1 -1] [1 -1] = [1 -1 -1 1] [ R,V - V ] - [ P,R,V,RxP - P,V ] = R – R,RxP = RxP Objects Colours Object viewing Colour viewing Object naming Colour naming Object - Colour V R P Viewing Stimuli (A/B) Visual Processing Object Recognition Phonological Retrieval Task (1/2) Naming A1 A2 B1 B2 Naming-specific object recognition viewing naming A taxonomy of design • Categorical designs Subtraction Conjunction • Parametric designs Linear Nonlinear • - Additive factors and pure insertion - Testing multiple hypotheses - Cognitive components and dimensions - Polynomial expansions Factorial designs Categorical Parametric - Interactions and pure insertion - Adaptation, modulation and dual-task inference - Linear and nonlinear interactions - Psychophysiological Interactions Psycho-physiological Interaction (PPI) Parametric, factorial design, in which one factor is psychological (eg attention) V1 activity ...and other is physiological (viz. activity extracted from a brain region of interest) Attention V5 Attentional modulation of V1 - V5 contribution time V5 activity V1 SPM{Z} attention no attention V1 activity New in SPM2 Psycho-physiological Interaction (PPI) • PPIs tested by a GLM with form: y = (V1A).b1 + V1.b2 + A.b3 + e c = [1 0 0] • However, the interaction term of interest, V1A, is the product of V1 activity and Attention block AFTER convolution with HRF • We are really interested in interaction at neural level, but: (HRF V1) (HRF A) HRF (V1 A) (unless A low frequency, eg, blocked; so problem for event-related PPIs) • SPM2 can effect a deconvolution of physiological regressors (V1), before calculating interaction term and reconvolving with the HRF • Deconvolution is ill-constrained, so regularised using smoothness priors (using ReML) Overview 1. General Linear Model Design Matrix Global normalisation 2. fMRI timeseries Highpass filtering HRF convolution Temporal autocorrelation 3. Statistical Inference Gaussian Field Theory 4. Random Effects 5. Experimental Designs 6. Effective Connectivity Effective vs. functional connectivity Correlations: No connection between B and C, yet B and C correlated because of common input from A, eg: A = V1 fMRI time-series B = 0.5 * A + e1 C = 0.3 * A + e2 A 1 0.49 0.30 C 1 0.12 1 B 0.49 A -0.02 2=0.5, 0.31 Effective connectivity B C ns. Functional connectivity New in SPM2 Dynamic Causal Modelling • PPIs allow a simple (restricted) test of effective connectivity • Structural Equation Modelling is more powerful (Buchel & Friston, 1997) • However in SPM2, Dynamic Causal Modelling (DCM) is preferred • DCMs are dynamic models specified at the neural level • The neural dynamics are transformed into predicted BOLD signals using a realistic biological haemodynamic forward model (HDM) • The neural dynamics comprise a deterministic state-space model and a bilinear approximation to model interactions between variables New in SPM2 Dynamic Causal Modelling • The variables consist of: connections between regions self-connections direct inputs (eg, visual stimulations) contextual inputs (eg, attention) • Connections can be bidirectional direct inputs - u1 contextual inputs - u2 (e.g. visual stimuli) (e.g. attention) z1 V1 z2 V5 y1 y2 z3 SPC • Variables estimated using EM algorithm • Priors are: empirical (for haemodynamic model) principled (dynamics to be convergent) shrinkage (zero-mean, for connections) • Inference using posterior probabilities • Methods for Bayesian model comparison y3 . z = f(z,u,z) Az + uBz + Cu y = h(z,h) + e z = state vector u = inputs = parameters (connection/haemodynamic) New in SPM2 Dynamic Causal Modelling stimuli u1 context u2 + u1 - - u2 Z1 + z1 + Z2 - z2 New in SPM2 Dynamic Causal Modelling Attention Photic .52 (98%) .37 (90%) .42 (100%) .56 (99%) V1 Büchel & Friston (1997) Motion Effects Photic – dots vs fixation Motion – moving vs static Attenton – detect changes SPC .69 (100%) .47 (100%) .82 (100%) .65 (100%) IFG V5 Friston et al. (2003) • Attention modulates the backwardconnections IFG→SPC and SPC→V5 • The intrinsic connection V1→V5 is insignificant in the absence of motion Some References Friston KJ, Holmes AP, Worsley KJ, Poline J-B, Frith CD, Frackowiak RSJ (1995) Statistical parametric maps in functional imaging: A general linear approach” Human Brain Mapping 2:189-210 Worsley KJ & Friston KJ (1995) Analysis of fMRI time series revisited — again” NeuroImage 2:173-181 Friston KJ, Josephs O, Zarahn E, Holmes AP, Poline J-B (2000) “To smooth or not to smooth” NeuroImage Zarahn E, Aguirre GK, D'Esposito M (1997) “Empirical Analyses of BOLD fMRI Statistics” NeuroImage 5:179-197 Holmes AP, Friston KJ (1998) “Generalisability, Random Effects & Population Inference” NeuroImage 7(4-2/3):S754 Worsley KJ, Marrett S, Neelin P, Evans AC (1992) “A three-dimensional statistical analysis for CBF activation studies in human brain”Journal of Cerebral Blood Flow and Metabolism 12:900-918 Worsley KJ, Marrett S, Neelin P, Vandal AC, Friston KJ, Evans AC (1995) “A unified statistical approach for determining significant signals in images of cerebral activation” Human Brain Mapping 4:58-73 Friston KJ, Worsley KJ, Frackowiak RSJ, Mazziotta JC, Evans AC (1994) Assessing the Significance of Focal Activations Using their Spatial Extent” Human Brain Mapping 1:214-220 Cao J (1999) The size of the connected components of excursion sets of 2, t and F fields” Advances in Applied Probability (in press) Worsley KJ, Marrett S, Neelin P, Evans AC (1995) Searching scale space for activation in PET images” Human Brain Mapping 4:74-90 Worsley KJ, Poline J-B, Vandal AC, Friston KJ (1995) Tests for distributed, non-focal brain activations” NeuroImage 2:183-194 Friston KJ, Holmes AP, Poline J-B, Price CJ, Frith CD (1996) Detecting Activations in PET and fMRI: Levels of Inference and Power” Neuroimage 4:223-235 PCA/SVD and Eigenimages A time-series of 1D images 128 scans of 32 “voxels” Expression of 1st 3 “eigenimages” Eigenvalues and spatial “modes” The time-series ‘reconstituted’ PCA/SVD and Eigenimages V1 voxels V2 U1 Y (DATA) = s1 V3 U2 APPROX. OF Y + s2 U3 APPROX. OF Y + s3 APPROX. OF Y time Y = USVT = s1U1V1T + s2U2V2T + ... + ... Time x Condition interaction Time x condition interactions (i.e. adaptation) assessed with the SPM{T} Structural Equation Modelling (SEM) Minimise the difference between the observed (S) and implied () covariances by adjusting the path coefficients (B) The implied covariance structure: x = x.B + z x = z.(I - B)-1 x : matrix of time-series of Regions 1-3 B: matrix of unidirectional path coefficients z z B12 1 2 B13 Variance-covariance structure: xT . x = = (I-B)-T. C.(I-B)-1 where C = zT z B23 3 z xT.x is the implied variance covariance structure C contains the residual variances (u,v,w) and covariances The free parameters are estimated by minimising a [maximum likelihood] function of S and Attention - No attention 0.43 0.75 0.47 0.76 No attention Changes in “effective connectivity” Attention Second-order Interactions 2 =11, p<0.01 PP V1 0.14 V5 = V1xPP Modulatory influence of parietal cortex on V1 to V5 V5