Future DP/ToKers: 1st Summer Movie & Reading Assignment: Over the summer you are asked to read one novel, Daniel Quinn’s Ishmael (a view of human history as told by a gorilla, great stuff for the environmentalists among us), read all six of the essays (named below and hyperlinked), and watch one movie from the recommended list. Be aware that the purpose of Theory of Knowledge (ToK) is not to discuss philosophy or to argue for a specific set of values, but rather to open-mindedly discuss how it is we know what we know. In doing this, there will be times that you might feel uncomfortable with the information and ideas presented. By no means is this to convince you of something you don’t believe in. At the very least this class and this ToK approach will further strengthen your beliefs or it will open you to new ideas and possibilities of understanding how our world works. The purpose of this summer assignment is to provide you with an introduction into the world of ToK. We will follow up with your eight assignments the first week of school so that we can then explore how this class will impact the remainder of your time at Sage. Directions: Through using a split note organization identify on the LEFT SIDE the passage that caught your attention (through direct quotes…don’t forget your internal citation) and then comment/analyze on the RIGHT SIDE your thoughts on the passage (in no less than two dozen words). You commentary/analysis, of which you need a minimum of at least seven for each assignment, should be centered, but not limited, to the following points: • Times when your eight WoK (ways of knowing-- sense perception, memory, intuition, faith, imagination, emotion, reason & language) were used to impact your understanding of the story …While you have not had a formal introduction to the WoKs, please do not research them. Complete the WoKs based on your own prior knowledge &/or understanding. • Times when you saw stereotyping or bias that impacted your understanding of the story • Times when you were confused and needed clarification • Times when your assumptions were challenged • Times when something else got in your way ****Finally, at the end of your split notes for both the movie and the novel, write a reflection regarding your responses. This is not a simple summary, although you may summarize your thoughts. Consider this a similar path that the Assertion Journals take you: explain why you agree or disagree with the overall message/theme, can you critique or praise how the message/theme is delivered. Or, reflect on why you think you feel the way you do regarding your responses to the novel, essays, and movie. Essays: Martin Luther King Jr.’s Letters from a Birmingham Jail Pico Iyer Why We Travel Barry Lopez The Naturalist Susan Sontag Against Interpretation Joan Didion On Keeping a Notebook Stephen Hawkings A Brief History of Time, Chapter 1: “Our Picture of the Universe” Recommended Movie List **Note: this movie list is compiled from other ToK courses taught around the country. Some of these films will present adult questions, language and content. Some of these films may openly challenge your beliefs. Please consider this as well as discuss your choice with your parents. In fact, I recommend you watch the show with you parents, however, complete the assignment prior to discussing the film with them; the commentary should be your own rather than your parents. The Man From Earth (youtube this one)-- Professor John Oldman gathers his most trusted colleagues for an extraordinary announcement: He is an immortal who has migrated through 140 centuries of evolution and must now move on. Is Oldman truly Cro-Magnon or simply insane? Contact . A film based on space exploration, extra-terrestrial possibilities, perception and sexism. Awakenings . Robin Williams and Robert DeNiro star in this film about medical ethics and life choices. Crimes & Misdemeanors . Arguably Woody Allen's finest film, centered on ethical choices. The Truman Show . Jim Carey stars in this examination of reality as we know it. Family Man . It's a Wonderful Life updated for the year 2000 - Nicholas Cage. Sliding Doors . Gwyneth Paltrow showing that no decision is a small decision. Being There. The last film of Peter Sellers, in which he plays a simple minded gardener who learns everything from television The Hunt for Red October . Sean Connery captains a Soviet nuclear submarine and very few know his true intentions. Imposter . Gary Sinese must prove that he is himself and not a terrorist. A great science fiction movie. The Gods Must Be Crazy . A film about aboriginal people dealing with the introduction of a Coke bottle into their society. Amazingly funny. Europa Europa . A stunning film about a Jewish boy who learns to survive as a Nazi youth during WWII. Matrix . Philosophy, science fiction, and martial arts. What is the desert of the real? Return to Paradise An ethical dilemma for three college friends that travel to Malaysia . Someone must die. Who will it be? Loose Change 9/11. Do you know what happened on September 11, 2001? These young film makers tell a very different story that may change the way you view that day, our government, and the world we live in. You can download this documentary from Google or visit the loose change website. One Flew Over the Cuckoo’s Nest. At what point do we determine someone is crazy? And, what is the most ethical treatment for mental illness. This powerful film will leave you bewildered and slightly disturbed. Fog of War. How do we see truth through the fog of war? Is it possible to have knowledge when we are emotionally, financially, and historically committed to war? Instructions: 1. Please type all double-entry responses. Retain an electronic and a hard copy for yourself. Email as an attachment, if you would like, once you have completed each of these. 2. Every time you finish an entry, access the DP Forum, through Ms. Lockwoods website, and upload your reflection. You will do this a total of six times (one substantial entry—approximately 1 ½ single spaced pages— for both the novel and the movie, and four moderate entries—at least two fully developed paragraphs—of your choice from the six essays). 3. You will need to then respond to your peer’s uploaded reflections. You will have one response for each upload (one for the movie, one for the book, one for each of the four essays). 4. All work is due by Friday, August 1st: six double-entries typed and emailed to Mr. Parker, six reflection uploads to the forum, and six comments to any students reflections). Example of Commentary based loosely around any topic of ideas and themes: What constitutes a soul? Is it a tangible? If so, then how do we know it exists? Is the soul the language of the world? The principal of favorability; beginners luck; I am not sure how I feel about luck. He decides to go back to what he knows; that which is comfortable. Change is uncomfortable. We only grow out of discomfort. Bias....this is what I believe. The conversation the shepherd has with the man about the book, his dream and the gypsy seems to qualify as religious experience. Is there such a thing as religious experience? How can you prove it scientifically? Bias....I know that everything cannot be proven scientifically, but there is a desire to have science to prove religious experience. Name: Name of Reading/Viewing: Passages/Quotes/Contextual Events Reflection: Your Commentary/Analysis