CS104: Chapter 15

CS104: Chapter 15
CS 104 Students and me
Big Question
Q: You say creating a class is how to create a
new type. Why would we even want to do
A: First, to group data together that belongs
together. (Second, to group operations on the
data with the data. But, more on that, in due
Grouping Data
• The only data structures we have are lists and
• We can store multiple related data items
together in a list or tuple, and then keep a list
of these lists/tuples.
• E.g., cars = [ (“Honda”, “Odyssey”, 2001,
“silver”, “VIN1523y7380”), (“Toyota”, “Prius”,
2007, “blue”, “VIN99383829X95”), …]
Accessing Data
• If we need to compute with the i-th car’s
color, we do:
car = cars[i] # car is a tuple
if car[3] == “blue”: # do something…
• Or, was it car[4]? car[5]? If we have 55 items
to keep for a car how do we remember which
number is in which place in the tuple of a car?
How can we make the code readable?
A better way
• Would be nice to make a container to hold
multiple data items, and each attribute in the
structure has a nice name.
• Kind of like a row in Excel, where you give a
name to each column.
• Then, you could access the cars’ colors, by
car = cars[i]
if car.color == “blue”: # do something…
• We need a way to group multiple attributes of
something into a single container, and then be
able to access, with nice names, the attributes
in the container.
• Enter: the class.
• A class defines the template or recipe for what
an object looks like – i.e., what attributes it
• Defining a class does not make any variables
(called objects). It just defines what an object
would hold if you did create one.
• You instantiate a class to make an object, aka
a variable. An object is also called an instance
of a class.
Example: Car class
class Car:
# “class” is like “def”, but for
# classes, not functions.
def __init__(self):
“””Constructor for a Car.”””
self._make = “”
self._model = “”
self._yr = 1900
self._color = “”
# main code: instantiate some car objects
car1 = Car() # call __init__, the constructor.
car1._make = “Honda”
car1._model = “Odyssey”
# etc
car1._yr = 2001
car1._color = “silver”
Using a car instance
• Now that we’ve wrapped up multiple
attributes into one container (i.e., “object”),
and given each a nice readable name, we can
deal with each container as one thing.
– get/set values in it
– pass it as a parameter
– return it from a function
– sort the objects, without mixing up whose values
go with whose…
Technical Details
• If student is an object (of class Student) with
attribute, id, you can access it with
• Similar to module.variable or
• module != class. Module is a file containing
variable, function (and class) definitions. Class
is a new type. But both are containers.
Q and As
• Can you talk more about the object diagrams?
• Can you walk through the example in which
you are making/defining the class point on
page 3 -- specifically where “p is an alias for
• Is there a limit to the amount of attributes a
class can have?
Q and As (2)
• We talk about how objects are mutable, but if
we can define the attributes of a created
object can we define them to be immutable?
• Is a “class definition” like a “function
definition” with just a different kind of
pattern? (Does it work similar to a function
Q and A (3)
• Why doesn't the class “Point” clarify what its
attributes are? How do you know what the
attributes of a class are?