William H. Brown Thomas Poon www.wiley.com/college/brown Chapter Three Alkanes and Cycloalkanes Organic Chemistry Structure • Hydrocarbon: A compound composed only of carbon and hydrogen. • Saturated hydrocarbon: A hydrocarbon containing only single bonds. • Alkane: A saturated hydrocarbon whose carbons are arranged in a open chain. • Aliphatic hydrocarbon: Another name for an alkane. Structure • Shape – Tetrahedral about carbon. – All bond angles are approximately 109.5°. Representing Alkanes – Line-angle formula • Each line represents a single bond. • Each line ending represents a CH3 group. • Each vertex (angle) represents a carbon atom. Ball-an d-stick model Line-angle formula Stru ctural formula CH3 CH2 CH2 CH3 Butane CH3 CH2 CH2 CH2 CH3 Pen tane Alkanes • Alkanes have the general formula CnH2n+2 – Names of unbranched alkanes with 1 to 20 carbon atoms. Molecular Molecular N ame Formula methane CH4 C2 H6 ethan e propane C3 H8 bu tane C4 H1 0 pen tane C5 H1 2 hexan e C6 H1 4 hep tane C7 H1 6 octane C8 H1 8 N ame nonane Formula C9 H2 0 decan e C1 0 H2 2 dodecan e C1 2 H2 6 tetrad ecane C1 4 H3 0 hexadecane C1 6 H3 4 octadecan e C1 8 H3 8 eicosane C2 0 H4 2 Constitutional Isomers • Constitutional isomers: Compounds with the same molecular formula but a different connectivity of their atoms. – There are two constitutional isomers with molecular formula C4H10. CH3 CH3 CH2 CH2 CH3 CH3 CHCH3 Butane (bp -0.5°C) 2-Meth ylp ropan e (bp -11.6°C) Constitutional Isomerism – The potential for constitutional isomerism is enormous. Molecular Formula CH4 Constitutional Is omers C5 H1 2 1 3 C1 0 H2 2 75 C1 5 H3 2 4,347 C2 5 H5 2 36,797,588 C3 0 H6 2 4,111,846,763 World population is about 6,000,000,000 IUPAC Nomenclature – Suffix -ane specifies an alkane. – Prefix tells the number of carbon atoms. IUPAC Nomenclature • Parent name The longest carbon chain. • Substituent: A group bonded to the parent chain. – Alkyl group: A substituent derived by removal of a hydrogen from an alkane; given the symbol R-. – CH4 becomes CH3- (methyl). – CH3CH3 becomes CH3CH2- (ethyl). subs tituent parent chain 1 2 3 4 5 6 8 7 4-Meth yloctan e IUPAC Nomenclature • Common alkyl groups IUPAC Nomenclature 1.The name of an alkane with an unbranched chain consists of a prefix and the suffix ane. 2. For branched alkanes, the parent chain is the longest chain of carbon atoms. 3. Each substituent is given a name and a number. CH3 CH3 CHCH3 2-Methylp ropan e 2 1 3 4. If there is one substituent, number the chain from the end that gives it the lower number. CH3 CH3 CH2 CH2 CHCH3 2-Methylpen tane 5 4 3 2 1 IUPAC Nomenclature 6. If there are two or more different substituents, – list them in alphabetical order. – number from the end of the chain that gives the substituent encountered first the lower number. CH3 CH3 CH2 CHCH2 CHCH2 CH3 CH2 CH3 3-Ethyl-5-meth ylheptane 2 1 3 4 5 6 7 IUPAC Nomenclature 7. The prefixes di-, tri-, tetra-, etc. are not included in alphabetization. In the following example, the alphabetizing names are ethyl and methyl. CH3 CH2 CH3 CH3 CCH2 CHCH2 CH3 CH3 4-Ethyl-2,2-dimeth ylh exane 1 2 3 4 6 5 Classification of Carbons – Primary(1°): a C bonded to one other carbon. – Secondary(2): a C bonded to two other carbons. – Tertiary(3°): a C bonded to three other carbons. – Quaternary(4°): a C bonded to four other carbons. a 2° carb on a 4° carb on a 3° carb on CH3 CH3 -C-CH2 -CH-CH3 a 1° carb on CH3 CH3 2,2,4-Trimeth ylp entane a 1° carb on Cycloalkanes • General formula CnH2n – Five- and six-membered rings are the most common. • Structure and nomenclature – To name, prefix the name of the corresponding openchain alkane with cyclo-, and name each substituent on the ring. – If there is only one substituent, no need to give it a number. – If there are two substituents, number from the substituent of lower alphabetical order. – If there are three or more substituents, number to give them the lowest set of numbers, and then list substituents in alphabetical order. Cycloalkanes • Commonly written as line-angle formulas – examples: Isopropylcyclopentan e 1-tert -Bu tyl-4-methylcycloh exane 1-Isobutyl-2-meth ylcyclohexan e 1-Ethyl-1-methylcyclopropane IUPAC- A General System • prefix-infix-suffix – Prefix tells the number of carbon atoms in the parent. – Infix tells the nature of the carbon-carbon bonds. – Suffix tells the class of compound. IUPAC - a general system CH3 CH=CH 2 prop-en-e = propene CH3 CH2 OH eth-an-ol = ethanol O but-an-one = butanone but-an-al = butanal pent-an-oic acid = pentanoic acid cyclohex-an-ol = cyclohexanol eth-yn-e = ethyne eth-an-amine = ethanamine O OH HC CH CH3 CH2 NH 2 H O OH Conformation • Conformation: Any three-dimensional arrangement of atoms in a molecule that results from rotation about a single bond. – Staggered conformation: A conformation about a carbon-carbon single bond where the atoms on one carbon are as far apart as possible from the atoms on an adjacent carbon. On the right is a Newman projection formula. Conformation – Eclipsed conformation: A conformation about a carbon-carbon single bond in which the atoms on one carbon are as close as possible to the atoms on an adjacent carbon. H H H H HH – The lowest energy conformation of an alkane is a fully staggered conformation. Conformations • Torsional strain: Strain that arises when atoms separated by three bonds are forced from a staggered conformation to an eclipsed conformation. – Also called eclipsed interaction strain. – The torsional strain between staggered and eclipsed ethane is approximately 12.6 kJ/ mol(3.0 kcal/mol). +3.0 k cal/mol Cycloalkanes • Cyclopentane – In planar cyclopentane, all C-C-C bond angles are 108°, which differ only slightly from the tetrahedral angle of 109.5°. – Consequently there is little angle strain. – Angle strain: Strain that arises when a bond angle is either compressed or expanded compared with its optimal value. Cycloalkanes • Cyclopentane (cont’d) – In planar cyclopentane, there are 10 fully eclipsed C-H bonds, which create torsional strain of approximately 42 kJ/mol (10 kcal/mol). – Puckering to an “envelope” conformation relieves part of this strain – In an envelope conformation, eclipsed interactions are reduced but angle strain is increased slightly (105°). Cycloalkanes • Cyclohexane – The most stable conformation is a puckered chair conformation. – In a chair conformation, all bond angles are approx. 109.5°, and all bonds on adjacent carbons are staggered. Cycloalkanes • Chair cyclohexane – Six H are equatorial and six H are axial. – An axial bond extends from the ring parallel to the imaginary axis of the ring. – Equatorial bonds are roughly perpendicular to the imaginary axis of the ring. Cyclohexane • chair cyclohexane (cont’d) – There are two equivalent chair conformations. – All C-H bonds equatorial in one chair are axial in the alternative chair, and vice versa. Cyclohexane • Boat conformation: A puckered conformation in which carbons 1 & 4 are bent toward each other. – A boat conformation is less stable than a chair conformation by 27 kJ)/mol (6.5 kcal/mol). – Torsional strain is created by four sets of eclipsed hydrogen interactions. – Steric strain (nonbonded interaction strain) is created by one set of flagpole interactions. Cyclohexane – The alternative chair conformations interconvert via a boat conformation. Cyclohexane – A group equatorial in one chair is axial in the alternative chair. – The two chairs are no longer of equal stability. CH3 +1.74 k cal/mol CH3 Cis-trans Isomerism • Cis-trans isomers have – The same molecular formula. – The same connectivity of their atoms. – An arrangement of atoms in space that cannot be interconverted by rotation about sigma bonds. Cis-trans isomerism – The ring is commonly viewed through an edge or from above. H H H H H H H H H H H H3 C H CH3 H CH3 H3 C CH3 cis-1,2-D imethylcyclopentan e H H CH3 H3 C H CH3 t rans-1,2-D imeth ylcyclopentane Cis-trans isomerism – Cyclohexanes may be viewed as planar hexagons. H H3 C CH3 H CH3 H3 C t rans-1,4-D imeth ylcyclohexan e H H3 C H CH3 H3 C cis-1,4-D imethylcyclohexane CH3 Cis-trans isomerism – Or we can represent them as chair conformations. – In viewing chair conformations, remember that groups equatorial in one chair are axial in the alternative chair. – For trans-1,4-dimethylcyclohexane, the diequatorial chair is more stable than the diaxial chair. CH3 axial H equatorial H equ atorial CH3 H CH3 axial CH3 H (less s table) (more stable) t rans -1,4-D imethylcyclohexan e Cis-trans isomerism – For cis-1,4-dimethylcyclohexane, the alternative chairs are of equal stability. equ atorial H CH 3 H axial CH3 H CH3 H axial CH3 cis-1,4-D imethylcycloh exane (th ese conformation s are of equ al stability) Cis-trans isomerism – Problem: Draw the alternative chair conformations of this trisubstituted cyclohexane and state which is the more stable. H3 C CH3 CH3 H H H Physical Properties • Alkanes are nonpolar compounds and have only weak interactions between their molecules. • Dispersion forces: Weak intermolecular forces of attraction resulting from interaction of temporary induced dipoles. Physical Properties • Boiling point – Low-molecular-weight alkanes (1 to 4 carbons) are gases at room temperature; e.g., methane, propane, butane. – Higher-molecular-weight alkanes (5 to 17 carbons) are liquids at room temperature (e.g., hexane, decane, gasoline, kerosene). – High-molecular-weight alkanes (18 or more carbons) are white, waxy semisolids or solids at room temperature (e.g., paraffin wax). • Density – Average density is about 0.7 g/mL. – Liquid and solid alkanes float on water. Physical Properties • Constitutional isomers are different compounds and have different physical properties. Reactions of Alkanes • Oxidation is the basis for the use of alkanes as energy sources for heat and power. – Heat of combustion: the heat released when one mole of a substance is oxidized to carbon dioxide and water. Sources of Alkanes • Natural gas – 90-95% methane, 5-10% ethane • Petroleum – Gases (bp below 20°C) – Naphthas, including gasoline (bp 20 - 200°C) – Kerosene (bp 175 - 275°C) – Fuel oil (bp 250 - 400°C) – Lubricating oils (bp above 350°C) – Asphalt (residue after distillation) • Coal Sources of Alkanes • Figure 3.13 Fractional distillation of petroleum. Synthesis Gas – A mixture of carbon monoxide and hydrogen in varying proportions, depending on how it is produced. C + H2 O heat CO + H2 Coal + 1 O2 CH4 catalyst 2 CO + 2 H2 Methan e CO + 2 H2 CH 3 OH + CO Methan ol cataly st cataly st CH 3 OH Methan ol O CH 3 COH Acetic acid – Methanol and acetic acid are produced from synthesis gas. Methane Economy • If the United States moves from a petroleum economy to a natural gas economy as some advocate, synthesis gas and synthesis gas-derived methanol will become key building blocks. Alkanes and Cycloalkanes End Chapter 3