Homework A2 11th and 12th September Read and highlight advice from students who did well in exams from essay writing and exams section on VLE Week set: w.c. 15.9.14 Flashcards for testosterone (catch up with other aggression ones if you haven’t completed these already) Reading h/w: Research Methods 1 Week set: Tuesday 30th September Flashcards for evolutionary explanations Recap validity and reliability from AS Read handout & complete AO1 for group display: war Additional: watch video on psychology website (www.psych205.com) for evolutionary explanations of aggression: sexual jealousy and infidelity Week set: Tuesday 7th October For next Tuesday: Prepare for tracking test 2 on aggression 2nd Aggression essay: To be handed in Monday 20th October Discuss the evolutionary explanations of aggression including infidelity and jealousy (8 marks +16 marks) Week set: Tuesday 14th October Reminder: 2nd aggression essay due in next Monday! Complete IDA task on IDA and grounding sheet (the one from the lesson) for Monday Prepare for test on aggression next week – it will be on evolutionary explanations Week set: Tuesday 21st October (half term work) Research methods reading h/w 1 Read “Is it really possible to be objective in psychology” and highlight the key points (link on website under Teacher page – Kelly – your block letter) Complete pages 8&9 on sampling – prepare for test on this. Week set: Tuesday 4/11/14 Homework and reading week work Complete pages 2&3 in RM pack (you will need to use the EPPE project research on attachment from last year for pg2) Revise ethics and complete pg’s 15&16 Read definition of a quasi experiment (pg6), then find an example of a quasi experiment used in psychology and explain why this is a quasi experiment. Look up advantages & disadvantages of quasi experiments & complete the last 2 questions on pg 6 in R.M pack. Continue to revise research methods from AS Week set: Tues 18.11.14 Flashcards/revision for research methods so far – there will be a test next lesson. Revise validity and reliability from AS