Ionic bonding (download)

Ionic bonds and main
group chemistry
Towards the noble gas configuration
Noble gases are unreactive – they have filled
Shells of reactive elements are unfilled
Achieve noble gas configuration by gaining or
losing electrons
Metals lose electrons – form positive ions
Nonmetals gain electrons – form negative ions
Lewis dot model
The nucleus and all of the core electrons are represented by the
element symbol
The valence electrons are represented by dots – one for each
Number of dots in Lewis model is equal to group number (in
1 – 8 system)
The Octet Rule
All elements strive to
become a noble gas, at
least as far as the
electrons are concerned.
Filling the outer shell –
8 electrons
Achieve this by adding
Or taking them away
Predicting ion charges
s and p block elements are easy:
charge = group number for cations
charge = -(8 – group number) for anions
Less predictable for transition
Occurrence of variable ionic charge
Cr2+, Cr3+, Cr4+, Cr6+ etc.
4s electrons are lost first and then the 3d
Desirable configurations coincide with empty,
half-filled or filled 3d orbitals
Fe2+ ([Ar]3d6) is less stable than Fe3+ ([Ar]3d5)
Ionic size and charge
Loss of electrons
increases the effective
nuclear charge – ion
Gain of electrons
decreases the effective
nuclear charge – ion
Ionization energy
Energy required to remove an electron from a
neutral gaseous atom
Always positive
Follows periodic trend
Increases across period
Decreases down group
Removal of electrons from filled or half-filled shells is not as favourable
Higher ionization energies
Depend on group number
Much harder to remove electrons from a filled shell
Stepwise trend below illustrates this Partially filled –
filled – core
Electron affinity
Energy released on adding an electron to a neutral gaseous
Values are either
negative – energy released, meaning negative ion formation is favourable
Or zero – meaning can’t be measured and negative ions are not formed
Addition of electrons to filled or half-filled shells is not favoured (e.g. He, N)
It is easier to add an electron to Na (3s1) than to Mg (3s2)
Ionic bonding
Reaction between elements that form positive and
negative ions
Metals (positive ions) and nonmetals (negative ions)
Neutral Na + Cl → ionic Na+Cl
[Ne]3s1 + [Ne]3s23p5 = [Ne]+ + [Ar]-
Stability of the ionic lattice
Simply forming ions does not give an energy payout:
Ei(Na) = 496 kJ/mol
Ea(Cl) = -349 kJ/mol
Net energy investment required
Formation of a crystal lattice releases energy
The lattice energy is the energy released on bringing
ions from the gas phase into the solid lattice
Depends on coulombic attraction between ions
-U = κz1z2/d (κ = 8.99x109 JmC-2
Born-Haber cycle for calculating
The lattice energy can be obtained using other
experimentally determined quantities and the energy
Lattice energies follow simple trends
As ionic charge increases, U increases (U  z1z2)
As ion size decreases, U increases (U  1/d)
U(LiF) > U(LiCl) > U(LiBr)
U(NaI) < U(MgI2) < U(AlI3)
The Octet Rule
Main-group elements undergo reactions which
leave them with eight valence electrons
Group 1 (ns1) M+
Group 2 (ns2) M2+
Group 6 (ns2np4) X2Group 7 (ns2np5) X-
Works very well for second row (Li – F)
Many violations in heavier p-block elements
(Pb2+, Tl+, Sb3+)