QGP Shear Viscosity & Electric Conductivity A. Puglisi - S. Plumari - V. Greco UNIVERSITY of CATANIA - INFN-LNS Mainly based on next weekend arXiV submission Outline Transport Coefficients in kinetic theory: Green-Kubo and Ohm’s Law Comparison to Relaxation Time Approximation Kinetic Transport Theory at fixed h/s [M. Ruggeri talk] Shear Viscosity and Electric Conductivity: Comparison of sel/T with recent lQCD data Ratio (h/s)/(sel/T): disentangling q and g interaction?! Shear viscosity h -> anisotropic flow vn Operative definition Fx v h x Ayz y h 1 @ < p >×l s 15 Green-Kubo h= h/s0 1 d 4 x Pxy (x) Pxy (0) ò T h/s0.16 h/s smoothen fluctuations and affect more higher harmonics B.Schenke Shear Viscosity regulates: How the fluid drag itself in the transverse direction -> damping of anisotropies vn=<cos(nf)> Entropy production B. Schenke, PRC85(2012) Electric Conductivity Green-kubo s el = ¥ V dt jx (0) jx (t) ò T 0 slQCD Ohm’s Law J = s el E Electric Conductivity sel regulates: s=0 Damping of Magnetic Field in HIC t ≈ sel L2 DB = ¶2t B+ s el¶t B Tuchin ‘13, Sokokov-McLerran ‘13, Kharzeev-Rajagopal ’14 -> Chiral Magnetic Effect, charge asymmetry of directed flow v1 Damping of Magnetic Fields in the Early Universe Soft photons rate dR g d 3p = aem s f(w) 2 2 el ep Kapusta ’93 Insight into quark vs gluon scattering rates Electric Conductivity Green-kubo s el = ¥ V dt jx (0) jx (t) ò T 0 Ohm’s Law J = s el E Electric Conductivity sel regulates: Damping of Magnetic Field in HIC t ≈ sel L2 DB = ¶2t B+ s el¶t B Tuchin ‘13, Sokokov-McLerran ‘13, Kharzeev-Rajagopal ’14 -> Chiral Magnetic Effect, charge asymmetry of directed flow v1 Damping of Magnetic Fields in the Early Universe Soft photons rate dR g d 3p = aem s f(w) 2 2 el ep Kapusta ’93 Insight into quark vs gluon scattering rates Relativistic Boltzmann Equation m * m * p p ¶ + m { m ¶ m ¶m } f (x, p) = C[f] Collisions Free streamingField Interaction fq,g(x,p) is a one-body distribution function for quark and gluons 1 d 3q 3ò C22 = 3 (2p) 2E p DN (2p) coll 2E q DtD xD p 3 =g (2p) f 3 g ( p) fg (q)vrels p,q®p-k,q+k 2ù 4 space 4 - f(q)f(p) Mgg->gg (pq ® p¢q¢) phase (2p) d (p + q - p¢ - q¢) ûú Solved discretizing the space in (h, x, y)a cells exact solution 3 r=15 fm , stot=10 mb 8 Collision rate -1 t0 3x0 10 R (fm ) 3 2 d 3p¢ d 3q¢ é Rate of collisions ¢ ¢ ¢ ¢ ¢ ¢ 3 3 f ( q ) f ( p ) M ( p q ® pq) ò D(2p) gg->gg q 2E¢p (2p)3 2E¢q êë per unit time and 6 T=0.2 GeV T=0.3 GeV T=0.5 GeV 4 2 0 0.5 1 1.5 M (GeV) 2 2.5 3 Transport at fixed shear viscosity Usually input of a transport approach are cross-sections and fields, but here we reverse it and start from h/s with aim of creating a more direct link to viscous hydrodynamics Transport simulation Relax. Time Approx. (RTA) h 1 p 1 T = = = cost. s 15 s tr n 5 s tr n s tr ( (r ), T ) s tr ,a Space-Time dependent cross section evaluated locally str is the effective cross section s tr = ò dW q 2 1 pa 1 15 na h / s ds 2 = s TOT h(a) £ s TOT dW 3 a=cell index in the r-space G. Ferini et al., PLB670 (09) V. Greco at al., PPNP 62 (09) 1+1D expansion One maps with C[f] the phase space evolution of a fluid at fixed h/s ! Convergency to IS Viscous Hydro for large K K0 = 1 T0t 0 5 h/s Huovinen-Molnar, PRC79(2009) Similar results from BAMPS-Frankfurt - Convergency for small h/s of Boltzmann transport at fixed h/s with viscous hydro - Better agreement with 3rd order viscous hydro for large h/s Similar studies by Bazow, Heinz, Strickland for anisotropic hydordynamics arXiv:1311.6720 [nucl-th] El, Xu, Greiner, Phys.Rev. C81 (2010) 041901 Do we really have the wanted shear viscosity h with the relax. time approx.? - Check h with the Green-Kubo correlator Shear Viscosity in Box Calculation 1 h= T microscopic scatterings ¥ 3 xy xy dt d x P (x, t) P (0, 0) ò ò 0 V P xy (x,t)P xy (0, 0) = P xy (0, 0)P xy (0, 0) ×e-t/t macroscopic thermodynamics 4 eT = 15 V η ↔ σ(θ), , M, T …. ? S. Plumari et al., arxiv:1208.0481;see also: Wesp et al., Phys. Rev. C 84, 054911 (2011); Fuini III et al. J. Phys. G38, 015004 (2011). F. Reining et al., Phys.Rev. E85 (2012) 026302 Needed very careful tests of convergency vs. Ntest, xcell, # time steps ! Non Isotropic Cross Section - s(q) Relaxation Time Approximation hRTA = 4 4 e e× t tr = 15 15 h(a) s TOTr h(a) = 4a(1+ a)éë(2a +1)ln(1+ a-1 ) - 2ùû , a = mD2 / s h(a)=str/stot weights cross section by q2 Chapmann-Enskog (CE) hCE = 4 4 e e× t CE = 15 15 g(a) s TOTr g(a) correct function that fix the momentum transfer for shear motion CE and RTA can differ by about a factor 2 Green-Kubo agrees with CE S. Plumari et al., PRC86(2012)054902 RTA is the one usually employed to make theoroethical estimates: Gavin NPA(1985); Kapusta, PRC82(10); Redlich and Sasaki, PRC79(10), NPA832(10); Khvorostukhin PRC (2010) … for a generic cross section: -2 ds µ ( q 2 (q ) + mD2 ) dW mD regulates the angular dependence Green-Kubo in a box - s(q) Viscosity of a pQCD gluon plasma Agreement with AMY, JHEP 0305 (2003) 051 close to AMY result JHEP(2003), but there is a significant simplification: only direct u & t channels with simplified HTL propagator We have checked the Chapmann-Enskog: - CE good already at I° order ≈ 4-5% - RTA even with str generally underestimates h (≈25% for pQCD gluon matter, ±15% for udsg matter) We know how to fix locally h/s(T) in the transport approach Applying kinetic theory to A+A Collisions…. - Impact of h/s(T) on the build-up of v2(pT) z y x Extend to Higher pT pT ≈3T Larger h/s Hydro Transport h/s<<1 Initial off-equilibrium M. Ruggeri’s talk – this afternoon Heavy Quarks S.K. Das talk – tomorrow afternoon Test in 3+1D: v2/e response for almost ideal case EoS cs2=1/3 (dN/dy tuned to RHIC) Integrated v2 vs time Ideal -Hydro v2/e Transport at h/s fixed v2 = p 2x - p 2y p 2x + p 2y Bhalerao et al., PLB627(2005) Time rescaled In the bulk the transport has an hydro v2/e2 response! Just one tip on what can be studied with a transport at fixed h/s: impact of power law spectrum at intermediate pT Non equilibrium at larger pT: impact of minijets on v2(pT) J.Y. Ollitrault, Plumari, VG, in preparation - Mini-jets starts to affect v2(pT) for pT>1.5 GeV - Effect non-negligible. A flatter spectrum leads to smaller v2 - The physics can be mocked-up by arbitrary df (pT) viscous correction in hydro V¥ s el = ò dt jx (0) jx (t) T 0 J = s el E Electric Conductivity in a Box with boundary condition Ohm’s Law method J z = s el E z d i pz = fi e E z dt Jz/Ez independent on Ez -> one can define the conductivity See also Cassing et al., PRL110 (2013) + Moritz talk this afternoon Comparing with Green-Kubo correlator Ohm’s Law Isotropic Green-Kubo RTA with ttr e*2 p2 s el = t q,tr rq 2 3T E e*2 = e 2 Similarly to h for anisotropic cross section the RTA with str underestimate sel 2 2 2 f = å j 9e j=q,q i=u,d,s,g j=u,d,s Moving to more realistic case for QGP: - Fitting “thermodynamical” part of transport coefficient by QP model tuned to lQCD thermodynamics - Using the Relax. Time Approx. for both h and sel to follow their relation analytically Simple QP-model fitting lQCD Plumari, Alberico, Greco, Ratti, PRD84 (2011) WB=0 guarantees Thermodynamicaly consistency wq,g = k 2 + m 2q,g (T) g(T) from a fit to e from lQCD -> good reproduction of P, e-3P, cs l=2.6 Ts=0.57 Tc g(T) practically identical to DQPM Electric Conductivity of the QGP e*2 p2 s el = 3T E 2 u,d,s å t j,tr r j j=u,d,s i=u,d,s,g J=u,d,s s ijtot (s) = bij pas2 s m 2D s + m 2D bqq=16/9 bqq = 8/9 bgg =9 bqg=2 Most of the difference with DQPM comes from the fact that our scattering is anisotropic -> large ttr QP -DQPM probably overestimates the conductivity, what happens for h/s? Shear Viscosity to Entropy Density Kapusta ’93 i, j=u,d,s,g Also the h/s seems to be over estimated! What happens to sel rescaling by a K factor the cross section to have a minimum of h/s = 0.08 Electric Conductivity of the QGP u,d,s e*2 pp22 t qj,tr r j sselel = q,tr r 22 tå 3T EE j=u,d,s s ijtot (s) = bij Ads/CFT pas2 s m 2D s + m 2D bqq=16/9 bqbarq = 8/9 bgg =9 bqg=2 sel is strongly T- dependent s el h -1 » g (T) T s Rescaling the cross section we get at the same time h/s and sel/T ! Of course small h/s tend to give small conductivity Relation between Shear Viscosity and Conductivity h 1 p4 = s 15Ts E 2 s el e*2 p2 = 2 T 3T E 2 u,d,s å t j,tr r j » 1 eT t r » T-2 t r T rs t j,tr r j » 1 T -1 -2 t r » g (T)T tr 2 T m(T) j=u,d,s,g u,d,s å j=u,d,s So one expects: s el h -1 » g (T) T s Steep rise of sel just above Tc even if the h/s is nearly T independent h/s to sel /T ratio Depending on the relative quark to gluon relaxation time Practically unknown! Fixed by the lQCD thermodynamics Relaxation times s ijtot (s) = bij pas2 s m 2D s + m 2D = 28/9 = 9/2 h/s to sel /T ratio Symbols are dividing lQCD data h/s for the lowest sel/T Enhancement of scattering The ratio is independent on both K-factor and as(T) T->Tc increase by one order of magnitude (sel(T) quite stronger T dependence) Sensitive to increase in the qq scattering respect to qg, gg Not very sensitive to increase of gg respect to qq h/s to sel /T ratio Symbols are dividing lQCD data: - Highest h/s for lowest sel/T - Lowest h/s highest sel/T Warning: we are considering lQCD quenched, unquenched and with different actions and Tc The ratio is independent on both K-factor and as(T) T->Tc increase by one order of magnitude (sel(T) quite stronger T dependence) Sensitive to increase in the qq scattering respect to qg, gg Not very sensitive to increase of gg respect to qq h/s to sel /T ratio AdS/CFT AdS/CFT would predict a flat behavior Agreement with DQPM confirm the ratio There could be even a structure Summary Numerical Transport approach: Chapmann-Enskog I°order agree with Green-Kubo for h Relax. Time Approx. underestimate both h and sel Electric conductivity: New lQCD data on sel appear self-consistently related to 4ph/s ≈ 1, also sel ≈ g-1(T) h/s The ratio (h/s)/(sel/T) is : - independent on K-factor of as(T) coupling - sensitive to the relative strength of q /g scattering rates - T-> Tc steep increase , test for AdS/CFT approach Width has small impact on thermodynamics? Both fit to WB-lQCD data DQPM: E. Braktovskaya et al.,NPA856 (2011) 162 QP: Plumari et al., PRD84 (2011) DQPM Chapmann-Enskog vs Green Kubo:massive case Massive case is relevant in quasiparticle models where Mq,g(T)=g(T)T Hence we need it to extend the approach to Boltzmann-Vlasov transport Again good agreement with CE 1st order for s(q)=cost. Isostropic s – massive particles z=M/T Still missing Chapmann-Enskog for massive & anisotropic cross section Viscous Hydrodynamics T Tideal P dissip Teq d T f eq d f Asantz used h pT2 p p p feq df f eq » 2 3s t T e P T K. Dusling et al., PRC81 (2010) Problems related to df: dissipative correction to f -> feq+dfneq just an ansatz dfneq/f at pT> 1.5 GeV is large dfneq <-> h/s implies a RTA approx. (solvable) P (t0) =0 -> discard initial non-equil. (ex. minijets) pT -> 0 no problem except if h/s is large h/s(T) shear viscosity or details of the cross section? ds a s2 µ dW éq 2 (q ) + m 2 ù2 Dû ë cross section Keep same h/s means: t h-1 = g( mT )s TOT r D s TOT ( m1D ) g(m2D ) = s TOT ( m2 D ) g(m1D ) h/s is really the physical parameter determining v2 at least up to 1.5-2 GeV microscopic details become relevant at higher pT First time h/s<-> v2 hypothesis is verified! for mD=1.4 GeV -> 25% smaller stot for mD=5.6 GeV -> 40% smaller stot Does the microscopic degrees of freedom matter once P(e) and h/s is fixed? h/s(T) shear viscosity or details of the cross section? ds a s2 µ dW éq 2 (q ) + m 2 ù2 Dû ë cross section Keep same h/s means: t h-1 = g( mT )s TOT r D s TOT ( m1D ) g(m2D ) = s TOT ( m2 D ) g(m1D ) h/s is really the physical parameter determining v2 at least up to 1.5-2 GeV microscopic details become relevant at higher pT First time h/s<-> v2 hypothesis is verified! for mD=1.4 GeV -> 25% smaller stot for mD=5.6 GeV -> 40% smaller stot Does the microscopic degrees of freedom matter once P(e) and h/s is fixed? h/s(T) shear viscosity or details of the cross section? ds a s2 µ dW éq 2 (q ) + m 2 ù2 Dû ë cross section Keep same h/s means: t h-1 = g( mT )s TOT r D s TOT ( m1D ) g(m2D ) = s TOT ( m2 D ) g(m1D ) h/s is really the physical parameter determining v2 at least up to 1.5-2 GeV microscopic details become relevant at higher pT First time h/s<-> v2 hypothesis is verified! for mD=1.4 GeV -> 25% smaller stot for mD=5.6 GeV -> 40% smaller stot Does the microscopic degrees of freedom matter once P(e) and h/s is fixed? r-space: standard Glauber model h=y Bjorken boost invariance (flexible) p-space: Boltzmann-Juttner Tmax [pT<2 GeV ]+ minijet [pT>2-3GeV] We fix maximum initial T at RHIC 200 AGeV Tmax0 = 340 MeV T0 t0 =1 -> t0=0.6 fm/c Typical hydro condition Then we scale r-profile according to initial e and with beam energy according to dN/dy 62 GeV 200 GeV 2.76 TeV T0 290 MeV 340 MeV 590 MeV t0 0.7 fm/c 0.6 fm/c 0.3 fm/c No Discarded fine tuning in viscous hydro Impact of h/s(T) vs √sNN w/o minijet P (t0) =0 10-20% f.o. Plumari, Greco,Csernai, arXiv:1 4πη/s=1 during all the evolution of the fireball -> no invariant v2(pT) -> smaller v2(pT) at LHC. Initial pT distribution relevant (in hydro means p(t0) 0, but it is not done! Impact of h/s(T) vs √sNN Plumari, Greco,Csernai, arXiv:1 η/s ∝ T2 too strong T dependence→ a discrepancy about 20%. Invariant v2(pT) suggests a “U shape” of η/s with mild increase in QGP See also, Niemi-Denicol et al., PRL106 (2011) Viscous correction Terminology about freeze-out Freeze-out is a smooth process: scattering rate < expansion rate h/s increases in the cross-over region, realizing the smooth f.o.: small s -> natural f.o. Different from hydro that is a sudden cut of expansion at some Tf.o. No f.o. s tr » 1 p 1 15 n h / s Comparison for anisotropic cross section Similarly to h for anisotropic cross section the RTA with str underestimate