Introduction to Athletic Training

Introduction to Athletic
 Describe the education, training, and licensure and
certification of the athletic trainer.
Provide a general history of the athletic training
Identify the top three employment settings for
athletic trainers in 2009.
Identify various employment opportunities for
athletic trainers.
Describe five members of the sports medicine team
and explain the general duties of each.
Becoming an NATA Certified Athletic Trainer
Training and Education
 Require at least 4 years of college education
 ATEP: Athletic Training Educational Program
• Accredited school
• Standards set by NATA
• Housed under majors like Kinesiology
• 350 + entry level ATEP programs
 Find on NATA website: CAATE-accredited athletic
training programs
 2 years of hands on practice
 Evaluation, prevention and management of athletic injuries
Becoming an NATA Certified Athletic Trainer
 Must satisfactorily complete undergraduate degree at
accredited program
 See page 2 and 3 for courses required
 Take and pass a national certification exam
 Written, practical demonstration, and written
• Pass all 3 become an ATC, Certified Athletic Trainer
• 80 CEU’s every 3 years to maintain certification
• Adhere to NATABOC standards of professional
Becoming an NATA Certified Athletic Trainer
 A.T. need to get licensed in some states
 Ensure legal practices of athletic training
 See figure I.1
 California just denied licensure for athletic training
 Code of Ethics
 Written by athletic trainers in 1950’s
 Code of Ethics:
 Infractions may result in loss of certification
Becoming an NATA Certified Athletic Trainer
 Each state represented within 1 of 10 NATA Districts:
Figure I.2
 Committees and subcommittees in each district
 Coordination of the organization from state to
national level
 NATA provides money to state organizations for
educational, research and licensure purposes
History of Athletic Training
 Knowledge of history provides understanding of the AT
 Began with few athletic trainers across nation, mostly in
college/university settings
 Current size of NATA more than 35,000
 Clinics, schools, professional sports. Industry, health and
fitness, and educational programs
History of Athletic Training
The 1930s and 1940s: Promoting the Exchange of Ideas
Need for organization for AT
 Strain caused by WWII, but several accomplishments made
The 1950s: Establishing the Organization
1947 AT began to grow, but AT had no formal education
 Skills learned from others in field
 1950 first national meeting held and NATA established
 Considerable growth for NATA in 50’s
 Undergraduate programs established
 Constitution and By-Laws
 Official Logo
 Journal of AT established
 Code of ethics established
History of Athletic Training
The 1960s: Continuing the Growth
 1969 American Medical Association recognized importance of AT
The 1970s: Developing Standards for Certification
 Licensure debate began and each state responsible for own regulations
The 1980s: Strengthening the NATA's Role
 Role delineation study to establish understanding of skills required for
athletic trainers
The 1990s: Becoming a Recognized Allied Health Profession
 Tremendous growth for NATA
 Official recognition of AT as allied health profession by AMA
 Monumental achievement
 Curriculum evaluation: creation of guidelines for schools to follow to
ensure compliance for program accreditation
 AT moved from school and team environments to clinical and
industrial settings
History of Athletic Training
 SIDEBAR: Athletic Training Curriculum Model: Suggested
Courses. Page 10
 The New Millennium
 First female president of NATA Julie Max
 Internship route for ATS changed in 2004
 Refine and develop competencies for which all AT are
 Redefine and structure clinical education
Employment Opportunities in Athletic Training
Athletic training Course Instructors
University or College Athletic Trainers
High School Athletics Trainers (Secondary Schools)
Student Athletic Trainer
Graduate School Opportunities
Athletic Trainers/Coaches
Clinic Athletic Trainers
Athletic Trainers for Professional Sports
Workplace Athletic Trainers
Other Potential Opportunities
The Sports Medicine Team
The Athletic Training Team
Orthopedic Surgeons and Other Specialists
Rehabilitation Specialists
Sport psychologists
Paramedics and Emergency Medical Technicians
Other Support Staff
Coaches and Athletes
The Sports Medicine Team
 Sports medicine refers to a broad field of medical
practices related to physical activity and sport
Defined by American College of Sports Medicine (ACSM) as
Includes physiological, biomechanical, psychological and
pathological phenomena associated with exercise and sport
Clinical application in these areas is aimed at improving and
maintaining functional capacities for physical labor exercise
and sports
 Sports medicines generally focuses on areas of
performance enhancement, injury care, prevention and
The Sports Medicine Team
 Areas of specialization that focus primarily on
performance enhancement
Exercise physiology
Sports psychology
Sports nutrition
Strength & conditioning
Personal fitness training
Physical education
The Sports Medicine Team
 Areas of specialization that focus on health care and
injury/illness management specific to the athlete
Practice of medicine (physicians & physician assistants)
Athletic training
Sports physical therapy
Massage therapy
Osteopathic medicine
Sport podiatry
Sports chiropractic
Role of Athletic Trainer
 Work with athletes from time of injury to resolution
 Directly responsible for all phases of health care in
an athletic environment
Role of Athletic Trainer
 Injury prevention
 Ensure appropriate training,
monitor environment, nutrition,
maintain & fitting equipment,
appropriate use of medication
 Treatment, rehabilitation and
 Clinical evaluation and
 Organization &
Recognize nature and extent
of injury
 Immediate care
 Provide first aid and
management of acute injuries
Minimum of CPR/AED and
First Aid
Knowledge of equipment,
manual therapy, therapeutic
Budgeting, inventory, injury
records, supervision of
assistants, insurance, EAP
 Professional responsibility
 Educating the public through
seminars, research &
providing good care
Relationship Between the Sports
Medicine Team and Athlete
 Primary concern should be that of the athlete
 All individuals must work cooperatively in the best interest of
the athlete
 Coach should differ to the medical staff and support decisions
regarding athlete health care
 Close communication between all parties involved is
Relationship Between the Sports Medicine
Team and Athlete
 All parties must work to develop solid working
 Each member will have to gain trust and confidence
in the skills and abilities of each other
 Imperative that the athlete is kept well-informed
Coach and athletic trainer must make a point of educating the