Chapter 12 The Capital Asset Pricing Model Chapter Outline 12.1 The Efficiency of the Market Portfolio 12.2 Determining the Risk Premium 12.3 The Market Portfolio 12.4 Determining Beta 12.5 Extending the CAPM 12.6 The CAPM in Practice 12-2 Learning Objectives 1. List the three main assumptions underlying the Capital Asset Pricing Model. 2. Explain why the CAPM implies that the market portfolio of all risky securities is the efficient portfolio. 3. Compare and contrast the capital market line with the security market line. 4. Define beta for an individual stock and for a portfolio. 5. Define alpha, discuss implications of the CAPM for alpha, and discuss the implications if alpha is not zero. 12-3 Learning Objectives 6. Discuss the appropriate market index to use as a proxy for the market portfolio. 7. Explain how alpha is computed, and discuss its persistence over time. 8. Discuss the drawbacks of using historical data to calculate parameters of the CAPM. 9. Describe the results of relaxing the assumptions of the CAPM; in particular, the assumptions that investors can borrow and lend at the risk-free rate, the assumption that investors have homogeneous expectations, and the assumption that the market portfolio is efficient. 12-4 12.1 The Efficiency of the Market Portfolio Market Portfolio The portfolio of all stocks and securities in the market E [Ri ] ri rf eff i (E [Reff ] rf ) The expected return of any traded security is determined by its beta with the efficient portfolio. 12-5 The CAPM Assumptions Three Main Assumptions Assumption 1 Investors can buy and sell all securities at competitive market prices (without incurring taxes or transactions costs) and can borrow and lend at the risk-free interest rate. 12-6 The CAPM Assumptions (cont'd) Three Main Assumptions Assumption 2 Investors hold only efficient portfolios of traded securities—portfolios that yield the maximum expected return for a given level of volatility. 12-7 The CAPM Assumptions (cont'd) Three Main Assumptions Assumption 3 Investors have homogeneous expectations regarding the volatilities, correlations, and expected returns of securities. Homogeneous Expectations All investors have the same estimates concerning future investments and returns. 12-8 Security Demand Must Equal Supply Given homogeneous expectations, all investors will demand the same efficient portfolio of risky securities. The combined portfolio of risky securities of all investors must equal the efficient portfolio. Thus, if all investors demand the efficient portfolio, and the supply of securities is the market portfolio, the demand for market portfolio must equal the supply of the market portfolio. 12-9 Example 12.1 12-10 Example 12.1 (cont'd) 12-11 Optimal Investing: The Capital Market Line When the CAPM assumptions hold, an optimal portfolio is a combination of the riskfree investment and the market portfolio. When the tangent line goes through the market portfolio, it is called the capital market line (CML). 12-12 Optimal Investing: The Capital Market Line (cont'd) The expected return and volatility of a capital market line portfolio are: E [RxCML ] (1 x)rf xE[RMkt ] rf x(E [RMkt ] rf ) SD(RxCML ) xSD(RMkt ) 12-13 Figure 12.1 The Capital Market Line 12-14 Example 12.2 12-15 Example 12.2 (cont'd) 12-16 Figure 12.2 The Capital Market Line Offers the Best Possible Risk–Return Combinations 12-17 12.2 Determining the Risk Premium Market Risk and Beta Given an efficient market portfolio, the expected return of an investment is: E[Ri ] ri rf iMkt (E[RMkt ] rf ) Risk premium for security i The beta is defined as: Volatility of i that is common with the market Mkt i i SD(Ri ) Corr (Ri ,RMkt ) SD(RMkt ) Cov(Ri ,RMkt ) Var (RMkt ) 12-18 Example 12.3 12-19 Example 12.3 (cont'd) 12-20 Example 12.4 12-21 Example 12.4 (cont'd) 12-22 Alternative Example 12.4 Problem Assume the risk-free return is 5% and the market portfolio has an expected return of 12% and a standard deviation of 44%. ATP Oil and Gas has a standard deviation of 68% and a correlation with the market of 0.91. What is ATP’s beta with the market? Under the CAPM assumptions, what is its expected return? 12-23 Alternative Example 12.4 Solution SD(Ri ) Corr (Ri ,RMkt ) (.68)(.91) i 1.41 SD(RMkt ) .44 E[Ri ] rf iMkt (E[RMkt ] rf ) 5% 1.41(12% 5%) 14.87% 12-24 The Security Market Line There is a linear relationship between a stock’s beta and its expected return (See figure on next slide). The security market line (SML) is graphed as the line through the risk-free investment and the market. According to the CAPM, if the expected return and beta for individual securities are plotted, they should all fall along the SML. 12-25 Figure 12.3 The Capital Market Line and the Security Market Line 12-26 Figure 12.3 The Capital Market Line and the Security Market Line, panel (a) 12-27 Figure 12.3 The Capital Market Line and the Security Market Line, panel (b) 12-28 Example 12.5 12-29 Example 12.5 (cont'd) 12-30 The Security Market Line (cont'd) P The beta of a portfolio is the weighted average beta of the securities in the portfolio. Cov i xi Ri ,RMkt Cov(RP ,RMkt ) Var (RMkt ) Var (RMkt ) Cov(Ri ,RMkt ) i xi Var (RMkt ) x i i 12-31 i Example 12.6 12-32 Example 12.6 12-33 Alternative Example 12.6 Problem Suppose the stock of the 3M Company (MMM) has a beta of 0.69 and the beta of HewlettPackard Co. (HPQ) stock is 1.77. Assume the risk-free interest rate is 5% and the expected return of the market portfolio is 12%. What is the expected return of a portfolio of 40% of 3M stock and 60% Hewlett-Packard stock, according to the CAPM? 12-34 Alternative Example 12.6 Solution P i xi i (.40)(0.69) (.60)(1.77) 1.338 E[Ri ] rf Mkt i (E[RPortfolio ] rf ) E[Ri ] 5% 1.338(12% 5%) 14.37% 12-35 Alpha To improve the performance of their portfolios, investors will compare the expected return of a security with its required return from the security market line. 12-36 Alpha (cont'd) The difference between a stock’s expected return and its required return according to the security market line is called the stock’s alpha. s E[Rs ] rs E[Rs ] (rf s (E[RMkt ] rf )) When the market portfolio is efficient, all stocks are on the security market line and have an alpha of zero. 12-37 Alpha (cont'd) When the market portfolio is efficient, all stocks are on the security market line and have an alpha of zero. Investors can improve the performance of their portfolios by buying stocks with positive alphas and by selling stocks with negative alphas. 12-38 Figure 12.4 An Inefficient Market Portfolio 12-39 Figure 12.5 Deviations from the Security Market Line 12-40 Summary of the Capital Asset Pricing Model The market portfolio is the efficient portfolio. The risk premium for any security is proportional to its beta with the market. 12-41 12.3 The Market Portfolio Market Capitalization The total market value of a firm’s outstanding shares MVi (Number of Shares of i Outstanding) (Price of i per Share) Ni Pi 12-42 Value-Weighted Portfolios Value-Weighted Portfolio A portfolio in which each security is held in proportion to its market capitalization Market Value of i xi Total Market Value of All Securities MVi j MV j 12-43 Example 12.7 12-44 Example 12.7 (cont'd) 12-45 Value-Weighted Portfolios (cont'd) A value-weighted portfolio is an equalownership portfolio; it contains an equal fraction of the total number of shares outstanding of each security in the portfolio. Passive Portfolio A portfolio that is not rebalanced in response to price changes 12-46 Example 12.8 12-47 Example 12.8 (cont'd) 12-48 Common Stock Market Indexes Market Index The market value of a broad-based portfolio of securities Price-Weighted Portfolio A portfolio that holds an equal number of shares of each stock, independent of their size 12-49 Common Stock Market Indexes (cont'd) Example of a Price-Weighted Index DJIA Example of a Value-Weighted Index S&P 500 Wilshire 5000 12-50 Common Stock Market Indexes (cont'd) Index Funds Mutual funds that invest in stocks in proportion to their representation in a published index Exchange Traded Fund (ETF) A security that trades directly on an exchange, like a stock, but represents ownership in a portfolio of stocks 12-51 Common Stock Market Indexes (cont'd) Market Proxy A portfolio whose return closely tracks the true market portfolio 12-52 12.4 Determining Beta Estimating Beta from Historical Returns Recall, beta is the expected percent change in the excess return of the security for a 1% change in the excess return of the market portfolio. Consider Cisco Systems stock and how it changes with the market portfolio. 12-53 Figure 12.6 Monthly Returns for Cisco Stock and for the S&P 500, 1996–2005 12-54 Figure 12.7 Scatterplot of Monthly Excess Returns for Cisco Versus the S&P 500, 1996–2005 12-55 12.4 Determining Beta (cont'd) Estimating Beta from Historical Returns As the scatterplot on the previous slide shows, Cisco tends to be up when the market is up, and vice versa. We can see that a 10% change in the market’s return corresponds to about a 20% change in Cisco’s return. Thus, Cisco’s return moves about two for one with the overall market, so Cisco’s beta is about 2. 12-56 12.4 Determining Beta (cont'd) Estimating Beta from Historical Returns Beta corresponds to the slope of the best-fitting line in the plot of the security’s excess returns versus the market excess return. 12-57 Using Linear Regression Linear Regression The statistical technique that identifies the bestfitting line through a set of points. (Ri rf ) i i (RMkt rf ) i αi is the intercept term of the regression. Βi(RMkt – rf) represents the sensitivity of the stock to market risk. εi is the error term and represents the deviation from the best-fitting line and is zero on average. 12-58 Using Linear Regression (cont'd) Linear Regression Since E[εi] = 0: E[Ri ] rf i ( E[RMkt ] rf ) Expected return for i from the SML i Distance above / below the SML αi represents a risk-adjusted performance measure for the historical returns. If αi is positive, the stock has performed better than predicted by the CAPM. If αi is negative, the stock’s historical return is below the SML. 12-59 Using Linear Regression (cont'd) Linear Regression Given data for rf , Ri , and RMkt , statistical packages for linear regression can estimate βi. A regression for Cisco using the monthly returns for 1996–2004 indicates the estimated beta is 1.94. The estimate of Cisco’s alpha from the regression is 1.2%. 12-60 12.5 Extending the CAPM Saving Versus Borrowing Rates The Efficient Frontier with Differing Saving and Borrowing Rates If borrowing and lending rates differ, then, investors with different preferences will choose different portfolios of risky securities. With different saving and borrowing rates, the CAPM conclusion that the market portfolio is the unique efficient portfolio of risky investments is no longer valid. 12-61 Figure 12.8 Tangent Portfolios with Different Saving and Borrowing Rates 12-62 12.5 Extending the CAPM (cont'd) Saving Versus Borrowing Rates The Security Market Line with Differing Interest Rates Determination of the security market line depends only on the market portfolio being tangent for some interest rate, the SML still holds in the following form: E[Ri ] r* i ( E[RMkt ] r*) 12-63 Figure 12.9 Market Portfolio and Determination of r* When Saving and Borrowing Rates Differ 12-64 12.5 Extending the CAPM (cont'd) Saving Versus Borrowing Rates The Security Market Line with Differing Interest Rates The SML holds with some rate r* between rS and rB in place of rf. 12-65 Investor Information and Rational Expectations In the CAPM framework, investors should hold the market portfolio combined with risk-free investments This investment advice does not depend on the quality of an investor’s information. 12-66 Investor Information and Rational Expectations (cont'd) Rational Expectations Investors may have different information regarding expected returns, correlations, and volatilities, but they correctly interpret that information and the information contained in market prices and adjust their estimates of expected returns in a rational way. 12-67 Example 12.9 12-68 Example 12.9 (cont'd) 12-69 Investor Information and Rational Expectations (cont'd) Regardless of how much information an investor has access to, he can guarantee himself an alpha of zero by holding the market portfolio. 12-70 Investor Information and Rational Expectations (cont'd) Because the average portfolio of all investors is the market portfolio, the average alpha of all investors is zero. If no investor earns a negative alpha, then no investor can earn a positive alpha, and the market portfolio must be efficient. Copyright © 2009 Pearson Prentice Hall. All rights reserved. 12-71 Investor Information and Rational Expectations (cont'd) The market portfolio can be inefficient only if a significant number of investors either: Misinterpret information and believe they are earning a positive alpha when they are actually earning a negative alpha, or Care about aspects of their portfolios other than expected return and volatility, and so are willing to hold inefficient portfolios of securities. 12-72 12.6 The CAPM in Practice Forecasting Beta Time Horizon For stocks, common practice is to use at least two years of weekly return data or five years of monthly return data. The Market Proxy In practice the S&P 500 is used as the market proxy. Other proxies include the NYSE Composite Index and the Wilshire 5000. 12-73 12.6 The CAPM in Practice (cont'd) Forecasting Beta Beta Extrapolation Many practitioners prefer to use average industry betas rather than individual stock betas. In addition, evidence suggests that betas tend to regress toward the average beta of 1.0 over time. 12-74 12.6 The CAPM in Practice (cont'd) Forecasting Beta Beta Extrapolation Adjusted Betas 2 1 Adjusted Beta of Security i i (1.0) 3 3 12-75 12.6 The CAPM in Practice (cont'd) Forecasting Beta Outliers The beta estimates obtained from linear regression can be very sensitive to outliers. 12-76 Figure 12.10 Beta Estimation with and without Outliers for Genentech Using Monthly Returns for 2002–2004 12-77 12.6 The CAPM in Practice (cont'd) Forecasting Beta Other Considerations Historical betas may not be a good measure if a firm were to change industries. 12-78 The Security Market Line The Risk-Free Interest Rate When surveyed, the vast majority of large firms and financial analysts report using the yields of long-term (10- to 30-year) Treasury bonds to determine the risk-free rate. 12-79 The Security Market Line (cont'd) The Market Risk Premium Use the historical average excess return of the market over the risk-free interest rate 12-80 The Security Market Line (cont'd) The Market Risk Premium Use a valuation model rMkt Div1 g Dividend Yield Expected Dividend Growth Rate P0 The assumption of constant expected growth is reasonable when considering the overall market. 12-81 The Security Market Line (cont'd) The Market Risk Premium Researchers generally report estimates in the 3– 5% range for the future equity risk premium. 12-82 Evidence Regarding the CAPM Historically, researchers have found that expected returns were related to betas, as predicted by the CAPM, rather than to other measures of risk such as the security’s volatility. However, they did find the empirically estimated security market line is somewhat flatter than that predicted by the CAPM, as shown on the next slide. 12-83 Figure 12.11 Empirical SML Versus SML Predicted by CAPM (Black, Jensen, and Scholes, 1972) 12-84 Evidence Regarding the CAPM (cont'd) More recently, researchers have found problems with the CAPM: Betas are not observed. If betas change over time, evidence against the CAPM may be the result of mismeasuring betas. 12-85 Evidence Regarding the CAPM (cont'd) More recently, researchers have found problems with the CAPM: Expected returns are not observed. Even if beta is a perfect measure of risk, average returns need not match expected returns. The realized average return need not match investors’ expectations. 12-86 Evidence Regarding the CAPM (cont'd) More recently, researchers have found problems with the CAPM: The market proxy is not correct. Although the S&P 500 is a reasonable proxy for the U.S. stock market, investors hold many other assets. For example, the U.S. stock market represents only about 50% of world equity markets. Any failure of the CAPM may simply be the result of our failure to find a good measure of the market portfolio. 12-87 The Bottom Line on the CAPM The CAPM remains the predominant model used in practice to determine the equity cost of capital. Although the CAPM is not perfect, it is unlikely that a truly perfect model will be found in the foreseeable future. The imperfections of the CAPM may not be critical in the context of capital budgeting. Errors in estimating project cash flows are likely to be far more important than small discrepancies in the cost of capital. 12-88