Pre Revolution Events Powerpoint

Causes of the Revolution
Life before 1763 in the Colonies
People voted for representatives in a general
Could create their own taxes and laws
England had very little to do with Colonial
Area was becoming crowded so people start
moving to the Ohio Valley
French and Indians are upset about this
French and Indian War
A struggle between the British and the
Colonists fought for the British, while the
Native Americans fought for the French.
The British won all lands east of the
Mississippi River, except new Orleans.
George Washington is named a hero for his
bravery in battle
Proclamation of 1763
New King of England-George III (1760)
Wanted to control everyone and everything
Did not know what life was like in the colonies
Colonists were not allowed to settle the
lands west of the Appalachian Mountains
Many colonists already lived here!
GIST Twist: Why do you think the King
did not want the colonists to live past the
Appalachian Mountains?
Taxation Without Representation
Class Experience
Historical Experience
Stamp Act (1765)
Prime Minister George Grenville decides that
colonists need to pay taxes to recover money lost by
England because of the war.
Proposes that all colonists must pay a tax for any
papers used in the colony.
They must buy paper that has the kings seal
“stamped” on it.
Colonists are outraged!
Riots and Repeal
Colonists protest by refusing to purchase
stamps, attacking tax collectors, and even
trying to bury one tax collector alive!
Parliament decides to repeal the tax because
of the protesting
Colonists celebrated in the streets over the
Quartering Act (1765)
Colonists were forced to allow British soldiers
to live in their homes.
Colonists felt there was no need for the
soldiers to be in the Colonies
Colonists refuse to follow orders and England
retaliates– Colonists are outraged again!
Townshend Acts (1767)
New Prime Minister Charles Townshend
swears to make the colonists pay for soldiers
Parliament passes the Townshend Acts which
taxed the import of common British goods
like paper, glass, paint, and tea.
After they passed Townsend died of the flu!
Boycott and Repeal
Patriot Samuel Adams led the Americans in a
boycott of British goods
The Colonies agree and only buy American
This action cripples the British economy
March 5, 1770-Lord North (new Prime
Minister) convinces Parliament to repeal all
the taxes except the tax on tea.
Now lets BECOME history….
Boston Massacre
March 5, 1770
Encounter between British troops and citizens
of Boston
Patriots antagonized British troops, who were
quartered in Boston to discourage
demonstrations against the Townshend Acts.
Sticks, stones, and snowballs are thrown
British troops fired on the Patriots,killing 5
Tea Act (1773)
British East India Tea Company was going
Many members of the Parliament had money
invested in this company
Lord North made it cheaper to buy this tea
than any other tea in the world!
Colonists were not fooled by this act!
Boston Tea Party
Angry protesters refused to allow the ships to
unload the tea.
Many ships returned back to England, but the
Royal Governor in Boston told the three ships
to stay in the port
On the night of Dec 16, 1773-the Sons of
Liberty, dressed as Indians, and dumped 50
barrels of British tea into the Boston Harbor
Coersive/Intolerable Acts (1774)
Lord North and King George III put these into
place to punish the people of Boston for the
Boston Tea Party
4 major points:
1. Boston Harbor would be closed until the money
for tea was paid back
2. Could not hold an assembly without approval
3. Any crimes against the crown would be tried in
4. More soldiers would be sent to the Colonies for
Lets see what you have learned….
Acts of Parliament (1763-1774)
Proclamation of 1763: Colonists could not move west past the
Appalachian Mountains
Quartering Act: required the colonist to provide shelter and
supplies to British troops
Stamp Act: required stamps to be purchased and placed on
newspapers, almanacs, pamphlets, legal documents, and
playing cards
Townshend Act: taxes on glass, lead, paint, paper, and tea
Tea Act: permitted the British East India Tea Co. to sell tea at
a lower price than any other company in the colonies.
Intollerable Act: Punishment for the Boston Tea Party. It
closed Boston Harbor, ended colonial assemblies, forced trials
in England, and brought more troops to the colonies.
The Colonies Unite
Instead of cowering to the king, the colonies
“An attack made on one of our sister colonies
is an attack made on all British America”
Some people were still loyal to the King, they
thought that Boston had gone too far.
First Continental Congress
September 1774
50 delegates from 12 colonies came together
Urged to think as one, and not as individuals
Many men in the meeting were loyalists; they
refused to consider themselves anything but
Agreed to do the following:
send a letter to the King listing complaints
Urge colonists to boycott goods until an agreement
is made.
Boycotts and Militias
Groups were formed to enforce the boycott
Militias were put together, in the event that
the boycott did not work
Minutemen- militia in New England (could
form ranks in 60 seconds)
The militias marched and practiced while they
waited for a response from the King
Blows must decide…
King George refused to answer the colonists
Britain is going to fight against the Colonists
King George contacts General Gage in Boston
and tells him to prepare to fight!