U.S. Constitution STEAM Lesson Brief State: CA Date: October 30, 2015 Trent Tracy, Andrea Sleet, Janese Swanson Theme that this lesson would tie to: Colonial Era/The Foundation of the American Republic Specific Topic Content within the Theme: Significance, purpose, importance, and history of the U.S. Constitution Thank you for your work. You worked in some really interesting activities tied to the overall theme that I enjoyed such as the development of their own coin and denomination in math as well as many of your extension activities like the wax museum. Your plan needs a little more tying together mostly in the flow of your project and assessment areas. Your descriptions of what the students are going to do in some areas were too vague for me to get a full picture of what you intended. Once these are more robust, then the overall Basic Plan and Essential Concept synopsis will be easier to correlate and tighten up. One thing that should be addressed is the complete lack of recognition of the American native culture during this time period. I have added suggestions as to how to meaningfully add that into this lesson plan. Currently, you have two separate social studies sections. Please see my notes and comments within the sections to expand upon your ideas and then consolidate these two sections so that they are all under one SS heading. It's perfectly okay to have multiple concepts/ideas within the same SS section. In general, the Project areas should be a paragraph describing to another educator what is done in that educational subject, as it integrates into the theme. Your assessment should then look at what component of the project relates to that particular subject and what tangible medium will be used to determine whether the students have mastered the benchmarks you included. There are a few sections that need some additional teasing such as pulling the science components out into its own section and making technology & engineering a separate section CC. 2013 STEAM Education Lesson Brief where something unique is created. Also, you will want to be sure that you are assessing the content specific standards in each subject. I put in some questions for you. Orange comments need to be addressed, green are my suggestions. Thanks! I look forward to your revisions. -MS (Reviewed by GY) Project Idea + brief notes & supplies BASIC CONCEPTS Skill level (Grade Range): 5th Summary of Essential Concepts Students will research and participate in activities from the Colonial Era to develop a deep understanding, meaning, and history of the U.S. Constitution. Your summary of essential concepts should be a one to two sentence synopsis of the entire lesson plan which includes over-arching verbs that tie to each subject. Still need: S – T&E – MA – LA – FA – PE – Mu Science & Engineering: Essential Concept(s)-Stars & the Solar System, Sextants, Surveying, Exploring Build a Sextant, determine your location based upon the stars on the horizon. Our forefathers used a sextant to survey land boundaries. It was also used in exploration across the US ( Lewis and Clark) or Cypher- Math & Engineering - Your essential concepts will come from the topic groupings of the science standards you include. (Stars & the Solar System) Goal/Objective-Students will construct and use a simple sextant to measure angles between objects and to compute your latitude at home by using the North Star. By determining the angle between your position on Earth and the North Star – Polaris – you Coordinating Basic Plan This is a good start, in general - try to limit can determine your latitude or position on Earth. the summary of each subject to just 1 or 2 Standards-EngineeringPlease include grade level science standards here. sentence. Please also adjust your basic plan in accordance with my comments and Careers-Aviator, Seaman, Coast Guard Explorer, suggestions throughout the individual Surveyor(T&E),astrophysicist, meteorologist subjects and be sure to include the science Project Element-Build a Sextant that can be used to component here as well. determine location. The building of the sextant is Students will begin their unit by using T&E. In science, you will want to use grade level their prior knowledge of the science standards to guide your project element. As Revolutionary War and changes that a precursor to building the sextants in T&E, you may occurred to realize the need and want to focus on seasons, day/night, appearance of importance for a stronger national stars, etc. CC. 2013 STEAM Education Lesson Brief government. Students will work in small groups to brainstorm ideas of their own classroom constitution that would create a stronger classroom environment. (SS) Assessment-Final sextant project and application Please elaborate once you have narrowed down your project element. Your assessment should utilize a tangible from the project element. Then, describe what specifically you will assess to determine whether students have mastered the science standards you include and how you will group these intro rubric categories. Extension-Science and solar night. Use the sextant to locate stars and planets. Expand on any ideas you have here in your project element to tie in the solar system and other science concepts. Students will work in teams of 5 to create a classroom constitution. They will work together to write the constitution then type the constitution onto a layout design using Pages or Microsoft Word(LA). Students will research and work together on presentations that will honor the signers of the U.S. Constitution. (how?) They will write and present autobiographical information on one of the 39 members who signed the U.S. Constitution (SS). (students can take on persona for acting out a live debate – &/or participating extraneous people like the wives and other influencers) Technology& Engineering Concept-Create a Class History Channel Movie Goal/Objective-To create a movie demonstrating student understanding of the signers of the US Constitution. (this is a SS project using IT to manifest the outcome, this is not a valid T&E project) Standards-Presentation of Knowledge and Ideas include multimedia components (e.g., graphics, sound) and visual displays in presentations when appropriate to enhance the development of main ideas or themes. Please include where this standard Students will write a journal entry from came from and also an ITEEA standard. the point of view of one of the Careers-Movie Producer, Script Writer, surveyor, Founding Fathers to justify the reasons cartographer, Nautical or Aviator Navigator for the US Constitution. Project Element-Autobiography: Students prepare a presentation based on research of the life of the Students will use information gathered people who signed the US Constitution. They from the life of a signer to create a dramatize or re-enact a portion of the journal and History Channel (style?)autobiography film the signers life in a class movie. Use the art film that depicts their character and activity below of the abstract flag along with adding life at the time of signing the an image of their “signer” as a start for their constitution.– why recreate what has autobiography page. Your project element here is been done well? Think of something all IT (information tech), not T&E. You could include innovative to do like have them create the creation of the sextants here for T. For E, you a game, app or play, downloadable could give students an opportunity to test their infographics with hyperlinks, etc to sextants and redesign as necessary. What ideas do help other students remember they have for improvement? You could also include the making of a tangible coin There needs to be a deeper study here as T&E. CC. 2013 STEAM Education Lesson Brief and a recognition of what this did to tribal rights in the American Colonies and the transition from the barter economy of this country to that of one to create a formal currency and the currencies of explorers that were traded between the native tribes for goods as America became established throughout the events leading up to, including and the results of the revolutionary war. Assessment-Students visual presentations. Students present the main idea of a Signer of the Constitution and key details to support. Were students able to create a functional sextant? Were students able to describe how their sextant could be improved? Extension-Students prepare PowerPoint or Keynote presentation based on the research. Math Essential Concept(s)-A U.S. Money System; Place Students will discover the need for a Value national coinage system and Goal/Objective-Students will discover the establishment of the National Mint. Constitution gave Congress exclusive power to coin Students will discover the connection money and in 1792, Congress passed it first coinage of the currency system to our base ten act, establishing a National Mint in Philadelphia and number system. Students will design a outlined a coin system. The decimal system was New United States coin based on the adopted. Please include this description in your history of our nation. (T&E&A) project element. Your goal is for students to Students will could determine a new understand the place value system by creating a denomination for the coin and its new coin of a chosen denomination. purpose in our coinage system (M). Standards-Understand the place value system. 5.NBT. Recognize that in a multi-digit number, a Students will explore handwriting digit in one place represents 10 times as much as it techniques and perspective to create a represents in the place to its right and 1/10 of what personal signature. Each student then it represents in the place to its left. signs the constitution using a fine tip Careers-Banker, Accountant sharpie marker, crayon or oil pastel. Project Element-Create and design a new United Using watercolor or tempra paint States coin based on our country’s history. students add abstract stars and stripes Determine a new denomination for the coin and representing the 13 colonies (FA). support with reasons. Students will write in denomination value in decimal form. Students will Students will identify with the physical create a chart showing the monetary value of demands of colonial times through varying increments in the number of their created exercise, routines, and cooperation. coin (1 coin, 2 coins, 5 coins, 10 coins, etc). Students will participate in military Assessment-Student’s coin representation and based calisthenics, and create a connection to our base ten math system. Were rhythmic march to drums. Students will students able to express the denomination of their participate in a variety of team building coin in decimal form? Were students able to stations that focus on trust, provide justification for the denomination they cooperation, and courage PE). chose? Extension-Colonial Vacation Planner; Coin CC. 2013 STEAM Education Lesson Brief As a class, students will sing “America the Beautiful” and “The Star Spangled Banner”. Students will record themselves singing the songs, analyze the lyrics, and explain the meaning of the songs and how they tie together with our history and our nation (Mu). Collection Please expand on your ideas for these and the mathematical concepts involved. Language Arts Concept-Create a classroom constitution Goal/Objective- Students will work in teams to collaborate on learning Students will construct and use a Standardssimple sextant (a sextant measures the Comprehension and Collaboration angle between whatever you are Engage effectively in a range of collaborative looking at relative to the place you are discussions (one-on-one, in groups, and teachertaking the measurement. It can be led) with diverse partners on grade 5 topics and used to determine the height of texts, building on others’ ideas and expressing their objects in the distance, e.g., mountains own clearly. Where did this standard come from? or hills).Students may use their sextant Careers-Lawyer, Politician to measure angles between objects Project Element-Students will work in teams of 5 to and to compute their latitude at home create a classroom constitution. They will work by using the North Star. Simple together to write the constitution. They then type measurements at school maybe taken the constitution onto a layout design using Pages or such as the height of a tree, or school Microsoft Word. What research and planning will building (T&E). students do to be prepared to write their own constitution? What are the specific parameters of Skill Level: 5th grade the assignment - what are they required to include? Assessment-observation of students working Timing of Lesson: collaboratively; clear and cohesive presentation of 3-4 Weeks of daily 30-45 minute the ideas in writing and orally Was the constitution lessons in the classroom to cover Social representative of the ideas expressed by each of Studies, Math, and Language Arts the group members? 3, 45 minute PE Lessons Extension-Not all of the amendments James 3, 45 minute Art Lessons Madison proposed made it into the final Bill of 3, 45 minute Music Lessons Rights. Students formulate an opinion about any 3, 45 minute Technology Lessons missing amendments that they would have 3, 45 minute Science/Engineering included. Lessons After studying the amendments to the Constitution, students propose a new amendment and support with reasons. Great! This is SS- please move into the Basic Supplies: SS section as an extension. ART Supplies: ● large white construction paper, Social Studies ● tempra paint (red, white and Please consolidate this section with the second SS blue) section you have below. ● colored pencils Essential Concept(s)-Describe the people and CC. 2013 STEAM Education Lesson Brief ● oil pastels ● markers ● pencils Sextant Supplies: ● Scissors; ● Protractor; ● a 4”x 6” note card (w/ lines); ● a straw (at least 6” w/o bend); ● tape; ● a jumbo paper clip; ● and pen or pencil. General classroom supplies. Technology (internet) and print access. Large poster of the Bill of Rights Print Copy of the US Constitution Other Resources Misc: The History of Fitness http://www.unm.edu/~lkravitz/Article %20folder/history.html events associated with the development of the U.S Constitution. Analyze the Constitution’s significance as the foundation of the American Republic Goal/Objective- Students will be able to determine the cause and effects of the development of the United States Constitution. Students will be able to analyze the importance of the Constitution as the foundation of the American Republic. Standards- California Standard 5.7 Students describe the people and events associated with the development of the U.S. Constitution and analyze the Constitution’s significance as the foundation of the American republic. Careers-Social Studies Teacher, Journalist Project Element -Write a journal entry from the point of view of one of the Founding Fathers to justify the reasons for the US Constitution– too vague Assessment-Content of the Journal Entry– too vague Extension- Compare one of the Founding Fathers to one of our current political leaders. Social Studies Essential Concept(s)-Autobiography of Signers Goal/Objective-Write and present autobiographical List of Founding Fathers:John Adams, information on each of the 39 members who signed Benjamin Franklin, Alexander the U.S. Constitution Hamilton, John Jay, Thomas Jefferson, Standards-Write informative/explanatory texts to James Madison, and George examine a topic and convey ideas and information Washington clearly. Report on a topic or text or present an opinion, http://constitutioncenter.org/learn/ed sequencing ideas logically and using appropriate ucational-resources/founding-fathers facts and relevant, descriptive details to support main ideas or themes; speak clearly at an Thomas Jefferson understandable pace. Where did you find this http://www.monticello.org/site/jeffers standard? Is this SS or LA? on/thomas-jefferson-brief-biography Careers-Social Studies Teacher, Journalist, Legislator, Policy Writer Math: Project-Students research and work together on http://www.usmint.gov/kids/teachers/ presentations that will honor the signers of the U.S. http://www.usmint.gov/kids/ Constitution. Review the website: Constitution Center Your concept and goals are about the CC. 2013 STEAM Education Lesson Brief Coin Collecting: http://coins.ha.com/itm/colonials/178 7-dbln-brasher-new-york-styledoubloon-eb-punch-on-breast-xf45ngc/a/360-30017.s Science, Technology & Engineering: How to build a sextant https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=h OLjEj8OxJM Sextant used for land maps https://www.monticello.org/site/hous e-and-gardens/madison-map-virginia1807 Pinterest: How to Build a sextant https://www.pinterest.com/pin/54676 582950573169/ Astrolobe (SEXTANT): https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=x YRpNOIKRzY http://geoffrey-kolbe.com/CNav/terms.htm http://www.learn4yourlife.com/skychart-and-sextant.html http://www.aquariumrestaurants.com /aquariumkemah/pdf/Math_Science.p df http://www.teachnology.com/lessons/lsn_pln_view_less ons.php?action=view&cat_id=10&lsn_i d=22678 http://solarscience.msfc.nasa.gov/sunt ime/sxtnt_stud.pdf https://www.pinterest.com/pin/12771 CC. 2013 students writing an autobiography. What is the premise of the presentations? Also, writing an autobiography is LA. Consider allowing each student to choose a signer of the constitution to research. Then, have students write an amendment that signer would have wanted in their class constitution and hold a class debate. Following the debate, allow the students to vote on the top 3 amendments they would want in the class constitution. Require the students to include the top 3 amendments in the constitution they develop during LA. Assessment-Expository Essay about the life of one of Constitution Signers You assessment should utilize a tangible already produced during the project element. Assessing an essay in LA. From the project element, what will you assess to determine whether students have mastered grade level SS benchmarks? Extension-Design and implement a “Wax Museum of the historical figures that signed the Constitution. Nice idea! I would suggest moving this down to art as the creation of the wax figures would be more sculptural than SS. Fine Arts& Graphic Design: Essential Concept(s)-Collaborative using pattern, symbolism, logo design, and layout into a representational flag. Goal/Objective-Create an abstract US flag representing the students' classroom constitution. excellent! CA Standards5.0 CONNECTIONS, RELATIONSHIPS, APPLICATIONS Connecting and Applying What Is Learned in the Visual Arts to Other Art Forms and Subject Areas and to Careers Visual Literacy 5.2 Identify and design icons, logos, and other graphic devices as symbols for ideas and information. Careers-Art, Marketing, Business, graphic design, logo design Project Element- Students first explore handwriting techniques and perspective to create a personal STEAM Education Lesson Brief 9339409203703/ signature. Each student then signs the constitution using a fine tip sharpie marker, crayon or oil pastel. Music: Using watercolor or tempra paint students add Military Band abstract stars and stripes representing the 13 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=M colonies. Review the work of artist Jasper Johns, Peter Max and ...Please finish your thoughts here. 5bcpjUjLpU Brief Historical Perspective of the Wind Are students able to use their own creativity to design their constitution? Band Graphic Design: Students can create an abstract US flag using ideas they treasure from the US Art: Constitution. Select fonts to use in a layered http://www.nga.gov/content/ngaweb/ background. Create an abstract flag from a graphic software program or online using Brushter from the education/kids.html National Gallery of Art. Integrate the art with the text in an abstract piece. Students can take their Photos: photo and place it on top of the flag art and use it Please include a reference link to for their cover of their research or Journal entry. where you found this image. Assessment-Please include what tangible from the project element you will be assessing and what rubric categories you will use in determining whether students have mastered the art standards. Extension-Each student can create their own flag representing themselves. good! Physical Education Concept-Physical Activity, Rhythm, Cooperation Goal/Objective-Students will identify with the physical demands of colonial times through exercise, routines, and cooperation. Standards-California Physical Education Standards1.18 Design and perform a creative dance combining locomotor patterns with intentional changes in speed and direction. 5.3 Explain the difference between acts of physical courage and physically reckless acts. Careers-Military, Police Officer, Firefighter Project Element-Students will participate in military based calisthenics, and create a rhythmic march to drums. Students will participate in a variety of team building stations that focus on trust, cooperation, and courage. This is a good start. Please elaborate more on the specific activities you have in mind so CC. 2013 STEAM Education Lesson Brief that another educator may be able to implement these in their own classroom. Assessment-Students will follow a rubric that outlines expectations for the marching activity. Students will also explain in partner talk the type of courage they had to endure when participating in each station. Extension- Each student will provide a calisthenics routine that may be used during the Colonial Era. Music Essential Concept(s)-Sing “America the Beautiful,” “The Star Spangled Banner” Goal/Objective-Students will be able to explain the meaning of the songs and how they tie together with our history and our nation Standards-5th Grade Social Studies 5.7 6. Know the songs that express American ideas Please include a 5th grade music standard here. Careers-musician, band conductor Project-Recording of the students singing the songs Your project element should formally include the music standards that you include here. Please elaborate upon finding those standards and what musical concepts the students will focus on through these songs. Assessment-Written response to explain the connections of the songs to our history and our country Please adjust your assessment as necessary in developing your project element to explain what you will assess from the project element to determine whether students have mastered the music benchmarks. Extension-Students write and create their own patriotic song. Native American patriotic songs and translations CC. 2013 STEAM Education Lesson Brief