insert ice cream advertiser name

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Presented by:
Insert your name and title
Leveraging Radio and (insert station name) for (insert
Grocer, Foodservice, Ice Cream Brand or Ice Cream
(Insert date of meeting)
• Radio
– Reach
– Relevance
– Results
• Insight based ideas for “insert advertiser”
Weekly Reach
Radio reaches 93% of all U.S. consumers every week…
Listeners continue to turn to Radio for news, information and
entertainment, despite an ever-increasing selection of media options.
Source: RADAR® 112, March 2012 © Copyright Arbitron
(Persons 12+ Monday-Sunday 24-Hour Weekly Cume Estimate)
Weekly Reach By Daypart
Radio reach is consistently high through all dayparts
Weekdays and weekends, Americans young and old find reasons to tune
in to Radio at all hours of the day and night. To make sure their messages
get maximum exposure, smart advertisers run ads throughout the
broadcast day.
6 - 10am
10am - 3pm
3 - 7pm
7pm - Mid
Mid - 6am
Source: RADAR® 112, March 2012 © Copyright Arbitron
(Persons 12+ Monday-Sunday 24-Hour Weekly Cume Estimate)
Grocery patrons engage with AM/FM Radio more than any other
medium in the hours surrounding grocery shopping
To be read: 51% of adults 18-64 who shopped for groceries between 1 and 6pm also listened to AM/FM
Radio during those same hours
Media used by these same grocery
patrons from 1pm to 6pm:
A18-64 / Moms
51% / 48% - AM/FM Radio
46% / 40% - Television
22% / 25% - Internet
6% / 4%
- Newspaper
4% / 4%
- Magazines
Source: 2012 USA TouchPoints
Radio is Relevant
Adults who visited an
Ice Cream
store/restaurant in the
past 6 months.
Source: GfK MRI Doublebase – 2011 – Weighted to Population.
Adults who ate ice
cream in the past 6
Adults who bought
ice cream at a
convenience store in
the past 30 days.
Radio is Relevant
Adults who ate ice cream in the past 6 months:
People who visited an ice cream restaurant in the past 6 months (Baskin-Robbins, Ben &
Jerry’s, Cold Stone Creamery, and Dairy Queen):
80% listen to FM Radio
52% listen to Traffic Reports
63% listen in the car during the week and 58% during the weekend
16% listened to Radio online in the last 30 days and 8% visited a personality’s website in the past 30 days
82% listen to FM Radio
48% listen to Traffic Reports
25% listen to Sports Reports
53% listen in Morning Drive (6-10AM), 47% listen in Afternoon Drive (3-7PM) and 38% listen in Midday
64% listen in the car during the week and 62% during the weekend
18% listened to Radio online in the last 30 days
Adults who bought ice cream at a convenience store in the past 30 days:
81% listen to FM Radio
59% listen in the car during the week and 57% listen in the car during the weekend
50% listen in Morning Drive (6AM-7AM), 45% listen to afternoon drive (3PM-7PM) with 37% listening in
Midday (10AM-3PM)
Source: GfK MRI Doublebase – 2011 – Weighted to Population
I Scream, You Scream, We all Scream For Ice
Cream…. Especially Radio!
“Radio is able to provide an advertiser with a variety of options besides just a recorded commercial. Radio stations can
provide Internet support, live promotional announcements, events, texting, and even podcasting sponsorships for people
who miss the show. Radio can truly deliver an integrated multi-touchpoint campaign to
our consumers.”
Chris Fandozzi, EVP, Bassetts Ice Cream – a marketer that has used Radio as its exclusive media partner since 2005.
Through a partnership between Greater Media/Philadelphia’s WMMR The Preston & Steve Show and Bassetts Ice
Cream, the show developed an ice cream flavor on-air with the help of listeners.
Unilever was looking to drive awareness, consideration and ROI for Klondike ice cream bars during key summer
months and used Network Radio to convey key attributes of the brand with a local overlay in key markets where
listeners were invited to participate in a contest and create videos of themselves fulfilling a challenge set forth.
They gave it a signature name and marketed it on-air and online.
The flavor was the number one-selling pint flavor in Philadelphia’s leading convenience store chain in the first year.
Radio drove lifts in awareness, consideration and intent to purchase among the core target audience.
Baskin-Robbins was thrilled with the results from a “Mother’s Day Take the Cake Contest” where listeners were
invited to tell Radio why their mom or a deserving mom takes the cake for a chance to win a Mother’s Day cake
from Baskin-Robbins
Sources: Radio Ink, RAB,
Leveraging Radio for
insert ice cream advertiser name
Insight Based Ideas
Insight #1
Ice Cream = Happiness
Eating ice cream really does make you happy. Scientists have
found that a spoonful of the cold stuff lights up the same
pleasure center in the brain as winning money or listening to your
favorite music.
Neuroscientists at the Institute of Psychiatry in London scanned
the brains of people eating vanilla ice cream. They found an
immediate effect on parts of the brain known to activate when
people enjoy themselves.
Further, a survey conducted by WebMD asked consumers to
rank foods on happiness, excitability, pleasantness, and comfort.
The top ranked food for emotional response was ice cream.
Idea: Have Ice Cream, Be Happy.
Scientific proof identifies Music and Ice Cream as triggers for happiness, and isn’t the world a better place when people
are happy? Together, Radio and Insert Ice Cream advertiser join forces to spread happiness and encourage daily Ice
Cream and music breaks all summer long.
How it works:
4pm fixed position road blocks
Weather and traffic triggered ice cream messaging
When the weather or the traffic is bad enough to set listeners over the edge, it’s time for a Have Ice Cream. Be Happy
Messages are triggered upon specific conditions, e.g. torrential rains, over 95o, , 10 mile back-ups, 1 hour airport
delays, etc. and run on-air and via online adjacency to weather and traffic reports
Have Ice Cream, Be Happy Commercial-Free Music Blocks
Every day, beginning July 1 through post-Labor day, station personality that is currently on the air will remind listeners
to take an Ice Cream Break at Advertiser X. “It’s 4:00pm, time for an Ice Cream break at Advertiser X. It’ll make you
happy – I know it’s making me happy right now!” Have Ice Cream, Be Happy at Advertiser X.
Digital pop-ups on streaming players and station websites run the same message at 4:00pm each day with a click-thru
for instant coupons for Advertiser X
Brought to you by your station and Advertiser X because we know that Music and Ice Cream = Happiness
Free music and ice cream day at the park, camps and swim clubs
Radio station brings music and Advertiser X ice cream to popular parks, camps and swim clubs and stages remote
broadcasts with giveaways and free ice cream samples.
Insight #2
It’s no surprise that Kids between the ages of 2 and 12 are the biggest
ice-screamers, eating more than half of the ice cream sandwiches,
bars and prepackaged cones made each year.
Their discerning moms want their children to enjoy the same quality of
play and life that they remembered and cherished. Ice cream plays a
significant role in those experiences that trigger so many happy
Idea: Sundae Fun Day
Together, Radio and Insert Ice Cream Advertiser will provide the ideas, tools and traditions for kids to enjoy ice
cream in a new way and for moms to go back to their childhood experiences and share that pure joy every
Sunday with their kids and family.
How it works:
Radio station creates a series of vignettes that run throughout the week announcing Sunday as Sundae Fun
Sundae Fun Day vignettes feature tips and ideas for family fun activities and recipes for success that revolve
around Ice Cream, Advertiser X and quality family time every Sunday. Examples of content:
Full podcasts and additional detail for each of these “how to” activities will live on the Radio station website
and include links to Advertiser X website for promotional offers and additional activities.
Sundae Fun Day
Create your own Advertiser X Ice Cream stand
Host an Advertiser X Ice Cream party
Use Ice Cream at Advertiser X as a reward for good behavior, great sports play, good grades, etc.
Make new, fun recipes that include Advertiser X ice cream
Advertiser X owns the airwaves every Sunday providing the music or talk that will provide the background for
each week’s activity (e.g. set up your own Advertiser X Ice Cream Stand with music from the Radio station to
draw customers in.)
Radio station to set up listener Birthday Clubs
Promotional messages invite listeners to sign themselves and their children up for the Radio station/Advertiser
X Birthday Club
All registrants receive a shout out from station DJ on their birthday on the air, an email with a personalized audio
message from the DJ and a coupon for free ice cream from Advertiser X. Birthdays that fall on a Sundae Fun
Day receive an ice cream cake from Advertiser X.
Insight #3
National Ice Cream Day
In the USA more ice cream is consumed per head than
any other country in the world. Such is the love that
Americans have with Ice Cream and why, in July 1984,
President Ronald Reagan designated July as National
Ice Cream month. He also named the third Sunday in
July as National Ice Cream Day and stated that these
two events should be observed with “appropriate
ceremonies and activities.”
Idea: Celebration of Ice Cream
Radio and Advertiser X present a seasonal platform that celebrates everything Ice Cream has brought to our lives. It
celebrates the fun, the happiness, the flavors and the trivia and encourages listeners to participate and join the
How it works:
Ice Cream trivia
Throughout the month of July, Radio stations present ice cream related trivia questions each day and invite listeners to call
or text in with their answers.
The winners will be announced/played on-air and online each day with a more elaborate description of the correct answer.
Winners receive coupons to Ice Cream Advertiser X and Station-provided prizes. Trivia examples:
Weight of the World Record ice cream sundae (Answer: 54,915 pounds)
How many gallons of ice cream does the US make each year. (Answer: The United States makes over 1.5 billion
gallons of ice cream a year. That's enough for every man, woman, and child in America to eat 184 single scoop cones:
one a day for each of us for almost six months!)
How many licks does it take to eat a single scoop ice cream cone (Answer: about 50)
How many Eskimo Pies would it take to stand as high as the Washington Monument? How about the moon? (Answer: 1,209 and 3
billion, respectively)
Name the 10 weirdest ice cream flavors (Answer: Mashed Potato and Bacon, Tuna Fish, Fried Pork Rind, Chili con Carne, Garlic,
Sauerkraut, Horseradish and Beer, Mustard, Dill Pickle, Ketchup)
Name the 5 most popular flavors in America (Answer: Vanilla, Chocolate, Butter Pecan, Strawberry and Neapolitan)
Design the next package or create the next flavor for Advertiser X
Promotional spots encourage listeners to come up with the next package design or new flavor for Advertiser X ice cream
Listeners submit their entries by uploading a design or completing a flavor form by clicking on the Advertiser X button on
the station website
Consumers vote to narrow the entries down to a top 10 and then Advertiser X and the Radio station judges and selects the
final winner
New flavor or packaging will debut during National Ice Cream Month, July 2013
Next Steps
• Gain feedback on ideas
• Station to revise based on feedback and
propose schedules and costs
• Plan activation timeline including commercial
creative and station produced spots (if required)
• Discuss how campaign success will be
• Launch campaign