Overview of the ITMaaS ServiceS

Service Specification: Fujitsu IT Management as a Service (ITMaaS)
Lot 4 Service Specification
FUJITSU IT Management as a Service (ITMaaS)
Any terms used in this Service Description have the meaning assigned to it by the Fujitsu UK & Ireland Standard Terms
and Conditions. Additional terms used have the meaning assigned by this section.
IT Infrastructure Library – a collection of best practice for IT Service
IT Monitoring as a Service. Fujitsu’s SaaS Offering to monitor IT
equipment and/or support an ITIL compliant Service Desk
Monitoring as a Service by making use of the Nimsoft Monitor application
A division of Computer Associates (CA) and the name of the software
suite that Fujitsu use to provide ITMaaS.
Nimsoft Monitor, the application provided by Nimsoft to enable MONaaS
Nimsoft Service Desk the application provided Nimsoft to enable SDaaS
Service Desk as a Service by making use of the Nimsoft Service Desk
Tier 3 Datacenter
A highly resilient data centre as defined and certified by the Uptime Institute ™
Unified Manager. Nimsoft’s application that provides a link between NM
and NSD.
Unified Management Portal is the portal available with Unified Manager
to view the combined MONaaS and SDaaS outputs
The Fujitsu IT Management as a Service (ITMaaS) provides Customers with the visibility they need to actively monitor and
manage their own IT environments themselves. ITMaaS will be delivered as an on-demand service through Fujitsu’s
Global Cloud Infrastructure.
ITMaaS will use Nimsoft’s software technology to provide Service Desk and Monitoring services.
The Service Desk and Monitoring Services can be subscribed to individually. They can also be subscribed together and
when this occurs an additional item of software, the Unified Management Portal (UMP), is provided to achieve a unified
single view of the IT environment.
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© Fujitsu Services Limited, 2013
Service Specification: Fujitsu IT Management as A Service (ITMaaS)
Service Description
The ITMaaS Service comprises:
Monitoring as a Service (MONaaS) - an implementation of the Nimsoft Monitor (NM) application.
Service Desk as a Service (SDaaS) - an implementation of the Nimsoft Service Desk (NSD) application.
An implementation of the Nimsoft UMP
Upon subscription to one or more components of the Service, Fujitsu will provision and license the relevant ITMaaS
applications to which the Customer has subscribed. Once provisioning is complete, the nominated Customer contact will
receive details of how to access MoNaaS and/or SDaaS.
Optionally, and subject to an additional charge, the Customer may request that Fujitsu undertakes configuration of the
software in accordance with an agreed statement of work in accordance with ‘Additional service options’ below.
The Customer will receive a licence to use the appropriate components of the Nimsoft software for the period of their
subscription to ITMaaS. The software is owned by Nimsoft and licensed by Fujitsu for the purposes of providing the
Fujitsu shall provide a first line support service desk (the “Global Service Desk”) to provide Incident and problem
management (including taking calls from the Customer to “log” Incidents) in the event that the software exhibits errors or
faults or does not perform according to specification. The Fujitsu Service Desk shall not be required provide help and
guidance in the use of the features and functions of the software. Where the Customer requires such help and guidance,
the Customer may request additional professional or learning services from Fujitsu or take advantage of Nimsoft’s public
learning resources.
Description of ITMaaS Functionality
The functionality offered by ITMaaS is determined by the version of Nimsoft software within the Service. Fujitsu will notify
the Customer of the version of software that will be supplied to initiate the service. Fujitsu will also supply a list of the
functionality available at that version.
Monitoring as a Service (MONaaS)
MONaaS provides the Customer with the capability of deploying IT monitoring across its entire environment –
on-premise, hosted, and cloud platforms (public or private) in accordance with the purchased licences &
probes. It can additionally be configured to work alongside existing Customer monitoring solutions
MONaaS provides the capability to monitor:
Cloud infrastructure.
network devices.
storage devices.
virtualised assets
Service Desk as a Service (SDaaS)
SDaaS provides action-based workflows based on ITIL standards. SDaaS can use the data collected through
the MONaaS solution to instigate Service Desk actions.
The SDaaS Service modules align with the ITIL (v3) Service Management processes. The following ITIL (v3)
aligned modules will be provided as part of the SDaaS:
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Service Catalogue
© Fujitsu Services Limited, 2013
Service Specification: Fujitsu IT Management as A Service (ITMaaS)
Incident Management
Problem Management
Service Level Management
Configuration Management (CMDB)
Change Management
Knowledge Management
Unified Manager
The Unified Manager, accessed through the Unified Management Portal allows customers who subscribe to
both the MoNaas and SDaaS to access unified dashboards and reporting providing:
a correlated view of IT performance and availability of the monitored IT estate;
a flexible and easily extended coupling of monitoring and service desk functionality; and
the ability to coordinate between MoNaas and SDaaS.
Description of ITMaaS functionality
The functionality offered by ITMaaS is determined by the version of Nimsoft software provided with the
Service. Fujitsu will notify the Customer of which version of the software that will be supplied by Fujitsu to
initiate the Service. At this point Fujitsu will also supply a detailed description of the functionality available for
that software version which shall form the basis of the Service available from Fujitsu.
Where new versions of the Nimsoft software is made available in accordance with paragraph 3.6 below,
Fujitsu shall update the detailed description of the functionality available as part of the Service accordingly.
Service Delivery Management
A Fujitsu Service Delivery Manager is responsible for the continual monitoring and quality assurance of the ITMaaS
The Service Delivery Manager will be the interface with the Customer to ensure that the overall Service is delivered at the
agreed service levels and that any Service failures or major Incidents are managed and rectified appropriately.
The Service Delivery Manager will have direct access to Fujitsu’s resources for the delivery of any extended Service
commitments, improvement plans or out of scope activities.
Service Delivery Management support is available Monday to Friday -8:00- 18:00 excluding public holidays
A Fujitsu appointed Service Delivery Manager will be responsible for the continual monitoring and quality
assurance of the ITMaaS Service. The Service Delivery Manager will be available for the Customer to
contact, Monday to Friday, 08:00 – 18:00 excluding UK public holidays.
The Service Delivery Manager will be the interface with the Customer to ensure that the overall ITMaaS
Service is delivered to at least the specified service levels and that any service failures or major Incidents are
managed and rectified appropriately.
The Service Delivery Manager will also have direct access to Fujitsu’s resources so that it is able to facilitate
the delivery of any of the Additional Service Options detailed below or manage the completion of any
improvements or variations to the Services.
To request ITMaaS & Onboarding Options
The Customer requests ITMaaS, MONaaS and/or SDaaS modules/functionality via the G-Cloud Mailbox.
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© Fujitsu Services Limited, 2013
Service Specification: Fujitsu IT Management as A Service (ITMaaS)
When the prospective customer places an order for the Service, and where applicable, Fujitsu will carry out a credit check
on the Customer. If the results of the credit check are unsatisfactory, Fujitsu will have no obligation to provide the
Customer with access to the Service.
When the credit check has been completed successfully, the Customer Account will be activated allowing the Customer
access to the Service.
Upon request Fujitsu can provide on a non chargeable basis up to 0.5 day (4 hours) pre sales consultancy to assist the
Customer to select the correct licence and probe modules and functionality they may require. Additional consultancy or
discovery activities can be requested from Fujitsu and these will charged using the rates from the agreed rate card.
Once the correct modules have been requested confirmed pricing is given.
Additional Service Options
Transition and Service Configuration
As an additional chargeable service using the agreed rate card Fujitsu can be requested to configure the appropriate
ITMaaS application(s) for the Customer.
The Transition and Service Configuration Service element provides the Customer with a framework for establishing
ITMaaS - Monitoring and/or Service Desk in the fastest practicable time. The Service activities relate to setting up the
necessary infrastructure, processes, people and projects for the effective ongoing use of the Service by the Customer.
This service element is managed through Fujitsu’s Project Management Office as a transition program and is governed by
the Transition Manager in conjunction with the Service Delivery Manger.
The service transition process goes through a planned approach to enable the Core Service Elements and any Optional
Service Modules related to the Service, based on Fujitsu robust design principles.
This supporting service element includes the following components :
Customer Environment Assessment
Service Design Assessment
Service Infrastructure Implementation
Service Processes Implementation
Staff Recruitment or Transfer
Customer Training on Service Processes
Service Acceptance Assessment.
Fujitsu will offer a basic, standard or advanced level of service. These are differentiated by the length of time and
consequently the number and/or length of activities that can be undertaken. The suitability of any particular option will be
reviewed with the Customer. The descriptions for each of these will be provided to the customer on demand. Fujitsu will
deliver these services based on its standardised approach, however there will be different activities dependent on which
variant of the service is chosen as well as which of the either MoNaaS or SDaaS (or both) have been chosen by the
User Training
ITMaaS delivers Nimsoft applications “as a Service” to the Customer. Training in the use of these applications is an
important enabler to ensure the Customer can achieve the maximum benefit from these applications. Accordingly, a
number of training courses and options are available to train the users of the Services. The suitability and availability will
be subject to review with the Customer.
The three options for training which Fujitsu shall make available are:
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Nominated users for the Customer may attend Nimsoft customer training classes held in various locations
from time to time;
Fujitsu will sub-contract or refer the Customer to Nimsoft for custom on-site training; or
Fujitsu provide training directly on-site to the Customer’s users.
© Fujitsu Services Limited, 2013
Service Specification: Fujitsu IT Management as A Service (ITMaaS)
Fujitsu will provide the charges associated with these training, on request, based on the number of people to be trained,
the option selected and the preferred location.
Details of the standard Nimsoft training courses are set out in Annex 1.
Service Boundaries
Fujitsu provides a Service Desk to provide support and problem resolution in the event that the software exhibits errors or
faults and does not perform according to specification. That Service Desk will provide a basic level of help and guidance
in the use of the features and functions of the software. The Customer may request additional professional or learning
services from Fujitsu or take advantage of Nimsoft’s public learning resources.
ITMaaS is an “as a Service” offering. It is hosted on the Fujitsu Global Cloud Platform. ITMaaS is not
available to be provisioned from customer or any other infrastructure.
ITMaaS is intended to enable customers to monitor their own IT infrastructure and/or operate a Service Desk
themselves within the functionality described above.
ITMaaS is a configurable service, but Fujitsu does not offer any customisation of the standard features of the
MONaaS or SDaaS applications provided as part of ITMaaS.
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© Fujitsu Services Limited, 2013
Service Specification: Fujitsu IT Management as A Service (ITMaaS)
The following section details the applicable Service Levels for the Service and will be measured upon
completion of each Billing Period. Service Credits may apply in the event of failure to meet these Service
Global Service Desk service levels
Hours of service
24 hours x 7 days per week x 365 days per year
Voice, Email, Auto-alert tickets
Role / Responsibility
Operator / Support – to provide support and resolution to Incidents
relating to MoNaaS and SDaaS
Times are measured from time of logging the Incident into service desk system by the service desk agent.
Target Resolution Time
Incident affecting an enterprise wide, business critical
application or service is not operational, resulting in
significant disruption to the business.
2 hours
Incident affecting an application or service is not operational
or not available at a specific location, resulting in disruption
to the business.
4 business hours Mon-Fri
08:00-18:00, excluding
Public holidays
Incident affecting part of an application or service is not
operational, or not available to an individual, and all other
8 business hours Mon-Fri
08:00-18:00, excluding
UK Public holidays
Any other problem which does not directly impact the client’s
operations and/or has a limited financial consequence. Minor
faults or investigation required.
2 business days Mon-Fri
08:00-18:00, excluding
Public holidays
The infrastructure for the Fujitsu Global Cloud Platform is housed in a highly efficient, secure and resilient Tier III Data
Centre located in the UK.
Customer connections to the Fujitsu Global Cloud Platform shall be via the use of secure keys provided by Fujitsu at the
initial implementation; these keys are only valid for a limited period and require to be changed on first use
Prospective customers shall be subject to a verification process prior to being given access to the
ITMaaS applications.
Customer connections to the Fujitsu Global Cloud Platform shall be via the use of secure keys. User
name and password is only used for initial access and enables only restricted features.
Data Recovery
The RPO/RTO for the ITMaaS application and the Customer specific instances are as follows:
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© Fujitsu Services Limited, 2013
Service Specification: Fujitsu IT Management as A Service (ITMaaS)
The data recovery point objective (RPO) is 30mins. This is the maximum period in which data might be lost from the
ITMaaS service due to a major incident
The data recovery time objective (RTO) is 60 minutes. This is the maximum duration of time which a business process
must be restored after a disaster (or disruption).
Fujitsu will use reasonable efforts to maintain availability of ITMaaS Service, twenty-four (24) hours per day, seven (7)
days per week three hundred and sixty five days (365) per year.
The availability measure will only apply to elements of the Service within the Service Boundary detailed in paragraph 2.4
above and/or which are within the control of Fujitsu. For example, Fujitsu will not be responsible for any non-achievement
of the availability measure to the extent caused by hardware not provided by Fujitsu under this Service. In addition, nonavailability of the any data network including the internet that the Customer relies on to connect to its infrastructure or to
connect to the ITMaaS service.
Metric: ITMaaS Application Availability
Metric Definition
Measures the availability of the ITMaaS application.
“Available” in relation to the ITMaaS application means that all of the
ITMaaS Application’s functions are fully accessible and usable.
For the avoidance of doubt the ITMaaS application is not available if
the whole ITMaaS application or one or more components or
functionality of the application are unavailable.
Hours of service
24 hours per day x 7 days per week x 365 days of the year (including
Public Holidays)
Minimum Service Level
99.9% Availability across all the ITMaaS applications
Target Service Level
99.95% Availability across all the ITMaaS applications
Measurement Methodology
Measurement Points
The Availability measurement points are:
Commencement of the Outage - the time at which the access to
or use of the application is first impaired or interrupted (as
determined by the earlier of time entry in the service desk system
for the “logged ticket” , or when the Availability Incident is
detected by Fujitsu via monitoring alerts), and
Restoration of the Application - the time at which the functions of
the relevant application are accessible and the Incident is closed
by the service
Availability is calculated as follows: = (Actual Service Time) / (Agreed
Service Time) x 100, measured for the entire ITMaaS Application set
1. Actual Service Time means the actual time within the hours of service for the
measurement period that the relevant ITMaaS application is actually available;
2. Agreed Service Time means the total agreed time for the billing period the ITMaaS
application should have been available.
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© Fujitsu Services Limited, 2013
Service Specification: Fujitsu IT Management as A Service (ITMaaS)
Period of Calculation:
Billing Period
Frequency of Measurement:
Data Source:
ITMAAS Application
Measurement responsibility:
Reporting Frequency:
Special Reporting Requirements:
Service KPIs
ITMaaS support Services will be delivered based on the Fujitsu Global Service Desk’s KPI’s, as
tabulated below:
Service level
Global Service Desk
Call Answer Time
80% within 30 seconds
Call Abandonment Rate
<5% of calls after 30 seconds
Priority 1
90% within 2 hours (based on 24x7)
Priority 2
90% within 4 business hours
Priority 3
90% within 8 business hours
Priority 4
90% within 5 business days
Response *
90% within 1 business day
90% within 3 business days
Incident resolution
Service requests
Note: Fujitsu defines a service request response as an identification of a service request and initiation of work
on the request such that the request is placed in the “work in progress” queue by the Global service desk
agent within Global service desk system.
Not applicable to this service.
Scheduled and unscheduled interruptions may occur, and Fujitsu does not warrant uninterrupted availability of the
Normal software or hardware upgrades are scheduled for nights and weekends and designed to cause a minimum amount
of interruption to Services and System availability. The Customer will be notified of scheduled interruptions in advance.
Fujitsu will aim to give fourteen (14) days notice.
In the event that an unscheduled interruption occurs, Fujitsu will use all reasonable efforts to resolve the problem and
return the System to availability as soon as reasonably practical. During these scheduled and unscheduled interruptions,
the Customer may be unable to transmit and receive data through the Services. The Customer agrees to cooperate with
Fujitsu during any scheduled and unscheduled interruptions if assistance from Customer is necessary in order to restore
the System to working order.
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© Fujitsu Services Limited, 2013
Service Specification: Fujitsu IT Management as A Service (ITMaaS)
Fujitsu reserves the right to modify or temporarily suspend use of the Services or portions thereof for maintenance or
system administration purposes without notice or liability.
New Versions
Fujitsu will periodically release new versions of the ITMaaS applications; Nimsoft Monitor, Nimsoft Service Desk and
Unified Manager.
It is anticipated that there will be quarterly releases for each application – two major releases and two minor releases in
each year. Customers will normally be given fourteen (14) days notice of any planned upgrade activity for the new version
and provided with information that describes the functionality of the new version. If Fujitsu believes the upgrade may have
a significant impact on the customer’s use of the application, e.g. a major new version, new user interface, then it will give
extended notice and may, at its discretion, provide additional support or resources. Fujitsu will be responsible for applying
the new version and ensuring it performs according to specification.
Fujitsu deems the Customer to have accepted the software when they log into the ITMaaS Service for the first time using
the details provided by Fujitsu.
The Customer will ensure that they have suitably competent and trained staff to use and operate the functionality offered
by ITMaaS. Customer users should be capable of configuring and managing their own instance of MONaaS or SDaaS and
providing functional support within their own organisation. This will typically be helped by attending formal Nimsoft training
The Customer (and its staff) should also be able to identify and accurately report issues or problems
encountered when using the Services and be able to follow instructions to further diagnose or resolve the
issue and understand the implications of any changes they may be asked to make or apply
The Customer will nominate a point of contact for the ITMaaS Service prior to Service commencement. This person will
be notified of any matters concerning the ITMaaS Service and will be responsible for directing that information as
appropriate within their organisation.
ITMaaS is accessed through the internet so the Customer is responsible for providing a suitable connection to
access the Service and for the Services to be able to “reach”the devices or other components that the
Customer wishes to use the ITMaaS service to monitor.
The Customer shall be responsible for managing its own user names and the access rights of these
users to their accounts. Fujitsu support staff do not have access to a customer’s accounts once set
When the Service has been terminated, the Customer will be responsible for removing any data that
they wish to retain. Any data that is not removed will be stored and charged until such time that the
Customer confirms removal to Fujitsu. Access to Customer data will be limited to 30 days after the
termination date
The ITMaaS Service is hosted by Fujitsu and the Customer will pay a Charge based on their consumption of the Service.
The Charge combines Charges for the platform and for the application facilities that the Customer wishes to use.
For the ITMaaS Service Desk, the Charges are calculated based on the number and type of Service Desk User licenses
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© Fujitsu Services Limited, 2013
Service Specification: Fujitsu IT Management as A Service (ITMaaS)
For the ITMaaS Monitor service, including Unified Manager, the Charges are based on the type of monitoring probe(s)
purchased and contained within each type of probe, the number of devices or components that the Customer intends to
monitor. Different types of probes will incur differing Charges.
The Customer will have access to functionality to be able to increase or decrease the number of devices or components
that are monitored within a probe. The charging mechanism will reflect this. If the Customer wishes to deploy a new type
of probe they must request this via the Service Desk to invoke the appropriate licence(s).
Charges are calculated and invoiced monthly in arrears. (Billing Period)
There are in excess of 137 differing probe & licence types, the description of these and their individual pricing can be
requested from the G-Cloud mailbox –
Indicative sample pricing is displayed below, and it should be noted that the pricing structure favours the Customer
purchasing a suite of licences & probes than the facility to use a minimum number.
Fujitsu ITMaaS Indicative
Service Desk Licences
Fixed User Service Desk
Floating (Shared) Service
Desk Licence
Licences/Modules Price PM
Example 10 Users
Example 5 Users
Device Monitoring
Standard Monitoring
Example 10 NW devices
Advanced Monitoring
Example 10 NW Devices
Basic Server Monitoring
Example 10 Servers
Application Server
Example 10 Servers
The Customer or Fujitsu may terminate this service by giving not less than ninety (90) days notice to the other party. If the
Customer requires details of any of their data that is stored within the ITMaaS systems this can be provided to them upon
request to the G-Cloud mailbox this can be provided in a standard CSV format only.
Customer data will be only available up to 30 days after the termination date.
Service Exclusions
The following elements are not included or applicable as part of the offered Service and are therefore not included within
this Service Definition:
Information assurance –The ITMaaS applications are currently unaccredited and
therefore classed as IL0
Service Credits or other financial recompense alternatives are not offered with the
service unless agreed separately with the Customer Fujitsu account team
Fujitsu offers the opportunity for a 30 day limited proof of concept evaluation, during
this period licence charges would not be enforced and only reasonable consultancy &
implementation costs levied
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© Fujitsu Services Limited, 2013
Service Specification: Fujitsu IT Management as A Service (ITMaaS)
Training Courses
The training courses available for Nimsoft Monitoring and Nimsoft Service Desk are as follows:
NSAT101 (Monitoring – Basic Course)
NSAT 101 is an intensive, three-day course that covers Nimsoft fundamentals. Perfect for beginners, NSAT 101 focuses
on Nimsoft Monitor basics like architecture, implementation, and administration through interactive classroom instruction
and hands-on labs. The second and third days cover basic probe usage, alarm handling within the NAS (Nimsoft Alarm
Server), service level management, and Unified Monitoring Portal, effectively setting the foundation for anyone wishing to
become a Nimsoft administrator.
NSAT 201 (Monitoring – Advanced)
NSAT 201 covers more advanced subject material and is geared towards experienced Nimsoft administrators or
individuals able to demonstrate more than a cursory knowledge of the solution. Three days in length, the NSAT 201
course begins with discussions on product workflow improvements and troubleshooting common issues, and then moves
into exploring the Nimsoft SLM database. Day two is dedicated to the Unified Monitoring Portal, exploring implementation,
administration, QoS reports, list views, and custom and dynamic dashboards in detail with real-world, data-driven
scenarios. The final session covers custom package creation, offers an enhanced overview of the various APIs available
within Nimsoft, and then concludes with a rigorous LUA workshop before allowing participants to sit for part one of the
NCE examination.
NSAT 211 (Monitoring – Combination Basic & Advanced)
The NSAT 211 course encompasses all of the basic and most of the advanced content presented in both NSAT 101 and
NSAT 201. The NSAT 211 course is specifically designed for faster-paced learning and is a 5 day course. This detailed
look at Nimsoft technology and terminology, together with guidance from our experienced instructors, provides students
both the foundation and the real-world understanding required to rollout and administer the Nimsoft Management Solution.
Along with the essentials, a deep-dive look into integrations and extensions with LUA (Nimsoft’s rules process language)
is covered. More than a full day is spent learning and experimenting within the Unified Management Portal (UMP) system
and students have the opportunity to create multiple forms of data presentation.
Upon completing this course, students should be able to achieve a successful roll-out and implementation; as well as be
equipped with the tools necessary to administer the solution once in Production. This course lays the groundwork for
achieving the currently offered Nimsoft Certifications.
Free On-Demand (Online) Training for Monitoring
Nimsoft’s system consultants have prepared a number of one-hour product training sessions and demonstrations, so
customers can see Nimsoft Monitor in action. These are introductory courses about Nimsoft Monitor, and are intended for
systems administrators and IT monitoring professionals who have a general understanding of enterprise performance
management. The training can be accessed at the following website:
The list of topics covered includes:
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Nimsoft Unified Reporter Overview & Demo
Nimsoft Monitor Virtualization Hints & Tips
Best Practices in End-to-End (E2E) Application Monitoring
Best Practices in Building Nimsoft Dashboards (Enterprise Console)
Best Practices in Building Nimsoft Dashboards (SDP)
Nimsoft QoS Reporting
ENKI Case Study on Cloud Computing
Nortel CS1000 Agentless Probe
Capacity Management in Virtualized Infrastructures
Building A Strong Foundation within your Nimsoft Infrastructure Manager
Nimsoft Monitor Communications—Understanding the “Big Picture”
© Fujitsu Services Limited, 2013
Service Specification: Fujitsu IT Management as A Service (ITMaaS)
Customer Connect Webinar: NAS #1—Alarm Lifecycle
Customer Connect Webinar: NAS #2—Auto Operator
Customer Connect Webinar: NAS #3—Lua Correlation
Customer Connect Webinar: Creating Custom Probes
A5 NSD Administration (Service Desk Administrator)
NSD Administration is the essential course for learning to get the most out of the Nimsoft Service Desk application. Three
days in length, the Nimsoft Service Desk Administration course begins with instruction and labs on how to perform initial
data configuration of the system. This is followed by training on development of workflow objects in general, with hands-on
labs to build workflow. The final day is focused on advanced modules such as change management, SLAs, and
knowledge management.
Further details of Nimsoft training information, booking & pricing is available via - http://community.nimsoft.com
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