CLEAN SKY Info Day Systems for Green Operations Integrated Technology Demonstrator (SGO-ITD) Toulouse, 1er Février 2011 Marc Fabreguettes (Thales) Contents 1. Context & ITD organisation 2. Management of Aircraft Energy (MAE) - Overview - Example of development of MAE – technology 3. Mission and Trajectory Management - Overview - Example of development of MTM – technology 4. Additional material, Q&A Clean Sky: An integrated and comprehensive approach Vehicle ITD TOTAL Budget: 1,6 B€ over 7 years Dassault Aviation & Fraunhofer Institute 116 M€ Eco-design For Airframe and Systems Airbus & SAAB 393 M€ Smart Fixed-Wing Aircraft Alenia & EADS CASA 174 M€ Eurocopter & AgustaWestland 159 M€ Green Regional Aircraft Transverse ITD for all vehicles Sustainable and Green Engines Rolls-Royce & Safran 421 M€ Clean Sky Technology Evaluator 31 M€ Systems for Green Operations Liebherr & Thales 304 M€ SGO contributions to other ITDs Green Rotorcraft ITD SGO: Participants and Global Shares 304M€ Total Budget ITD-leaders Airbus Alenia Fraunhofer Liebherr (co-Leader) Rolls – Royce Saab Safran Thales (co-Leader) Associate Partners Diehl Aerospace DLR EADS-IW Galileo-Avionica GSAF (cluster: UoC, NLR, Aeronamic, TU Delft, UoM) University of Nottingham Zodiac-intertechnique Main Stakeholders of the domain present in the ITD SGO: • Airframers • Innovative European research centers • Systems suppliers 15 members represented by 35 legal entities SGO partners To date (1st of February) • Von Karman institute • Université libre de Bruxelles • LMS • SONACA • GKN Industries • Aerotex • Fatronik • Envisa • U of Manchester • Atmosphere • U du Pirée • Open Airlines • Politecnico di Torino • GTD • Goodrich • Aeroconseil • Eaton • Skysoft • … many more to come ! Overall management Structure European Commission (EC) Governing Board (GB) Steering Committee (SC) Periodic review (every 3 months) Joint undertaking (JU) Project Managers MAE MTM Technical Managers MAE Project Management Committee (PMC) MTM Reports every 3 months WP Leaders (level 1) WP management "as if it were a project by itself" Strategic review and funding aspects WP Leaders (level 2) Sub WP level Members Company project manager WP participant Day-to-day management From Challenges to Solutions ACARE October 2002 : The Strategic Research Agenda (SRA) Quality and Affordability Environment Safety Air Transport System Efficiency Security CLEAN SKY October 2004 : The SRA 2 Very Low Cost ATS 5 Challenges Ultra Green ATS Reduced fuel consumption (CO2 & NOx reduction) External noise reduction Customer oriented ATS High level Target Concepts Highly timeefficient ATS Ultra Secure ATS Power plant Loads & Flow Control New Aircraft Configurations Low weight Aircraft Energy Management Mission & Trajectory Management Power Plant Mission & Trajectory Management Configurations Rotorcraft Noise Reduction 22nd Century SGO Environemental Objectives Systems for Green Operation objectives and impact – cycle 1 Management of Trajectory and Mission Optimized trajectories Smart operation on Ground Reduced use of engine for taxi -20% to –30% fuel burn* Management of A/C Energy Cruise optimisation Climb optimisation -1% to -2% fuel burn* -10% to –15% fuel burn* -2 to –3dB** Energy Off-take / weight / drag reduction trade off Descent/approach optimisation -10% to -15% fuel burn* Contrail reduction Reduce polluting fluids -2 to –5dB** Per Flight phase Vehicle ITDs Technology Evaluator -5 to -9% C02 reduction* -2 to -5dB** * Values computed at aircraft level ** Single measurement points values – computed at aircraft level -2% fuel burn* Per mission Interface with other ITDs WP2.3.2 MAE GRC Electrical energy generation and conversion Concept A/C models WP2.3.4 Electrical energy usage WP2.3.5 GRA Electrical energy control WP2.4.3 Architecture assessment Technology Evaluator ECO WP2.5 demonstrations MTM WP3.4 Large A/C applications WP3.7 SOG WP3.5 Regional applications Trade-off WP 4 AIRBUS SFWA Work Breakdown Structure WP5 WP1 Aircraft level assessment and exploitation Definition of aircraft solutions and V&V strategies WP0 WP4 Management Aircraft level demonstration WP3 WP2 Energy Management Define: Activities • what to do, • how to do it, • how to prove it Mission and trajectories Management Develop and verify solutions on ground, in simulators, … Integrate into A/C and demonstr ate Assess at A/C level SGO/MTM – SESAR interface Through its actions on “Management of Trajectory and Mission”, the CLEANSKY Project will define, assess and deliver solutions, for different types of aircraft, to achieve fuel and noise-optimized profiles in a wide range of airports configuration TRL 3 Theoretical analysis of optimum (per aircraft / airport) TRL 4 Definition of the best compromise and fine tuning of the requirements (incl ops procedures) TRL 5 TRL 6 Design / development of FMS functions implementing the profile Simulated FLIGHT TESTS with pilots in the loop on representative test benches ATM Conops (Constraints / Opportunities) Design of Future ATM System: SESAR (Europe) / NextGen (US) In other words … Both are needed for the future of air transport SESAR works primarily on traffic efficiency, CLEANSKY on “cars” improvement. Contents 1. Context & ITD organisation 2. Management of Aircraft Energy (MAE) - Overview - Example of development of MAE – technology 3. Mission and Trajectory Management - Overview - Example of development of MTM – technology 4. Additional material, Q&A Systems for Green Operation: the concepts • Pillar 1: Management of Aircraft Energy (MAE) – The use of all-electric equipment system architectures will allow a more fuel-efficient use of secondary power, from electrical generation and distribution to electrical aircraft systems. – Thermal management will address many levels, particularly relating to electric aircraft, from hot spots in large power electronics to motor drive system cooling, to overall aircraft solutions. • Pillar 2: Management of Trajectory and Mission (MTM) – The silent and agile aircraft will generate a reduced noise footprint during approach, both through design changes in aircraft systems which generate a large amount of noise and by flying optimised trajectories. – Aircraft will be able to fly a green mission from start to finish, thanks to technologies which allow to avoid fuel consuming meteorological hazards and to adapt flight path to known local conditions Why Electrical Aircraft Equipment Systems • Energy Efficiency – More efficient and less wasteful, even when many of the resulting aircraft may be heavier and have more drag – Lower energy losses during conversion – Engines are freed from the constraints of a bleed off-take, improved SFC • Environmental Issues – Reduction in fuel consumption which relates to the energy efficiency effect – Elimination of hydraulic fluids • Logistics and Operational Maintenance – Deletion of hydraulic and pneumatic systems – Easier interfaces to the aircraft than with hydraulic or pneumatic connections – Reduction of variety of support equipment used today. Decreased life-cycle costs Management of Aircraft Energy • Energy Management is needed – The next step in all-electric aircraft design is to manage the complete energy on-board • Electrical Load Management • Thermal Management ► Management of Aircraft Energy (MAE) branch of SGO ITD encompasses all aspects of on-board energy provision, storage, distribution and consumption ► MAE aims at developing electrical system technologies and energy management functions to reduce aircraft fuel consumption through – Development of all-electrical system architectures and equipment – Validation and maturation of electrical technologies up to TRL 6 by large scale ground and flight demonstrations. MAE planning– Large Aircraft Summary of achievements – Large Aircraft MAE planning – Large Aircraft (cont‘d) Summary of achievements – Large Aircraft (cont‘d) MAE planning 2010 update – Other Aircraft Summary of Achievements – Other Aircraft Focus on one Technology Electrical Environmental Control System (E-ECS) Pack for Large Aircraft • • • • Context Input for CLEAN SKY from previous research project MOET Objectives for CLEAN SKY Status Demonstrator development within the MOET project (FP6) – Input for CLEAN SKY Achievements from MOET: • Demonstration of architecture feasibility • Development and validation of key technologies • Identification of potential benefit and improvement at aircraft level E-ECS Objectives for Clean Sky Objectives for the JTI CLEAN SKY project: - Technology maturity validation up to TRL6 Flight test validation Pack weight optimization Studies of advanced E-ECS architectures Global cooling optimization by integrating the pack within aircraft thermal management system From ground to flight tests E-ECS Pack - Status Status – – – – Architecture specifications issued Flight test demo: integration study based on installation requirements started Preparation for safety of flight test campaign started Ground test validation: for components performed, for the pack (system demo) close to completion Validation of turbomachinery (performance, integration, cooling Validation of air intakes Pack performance validation TRL Plan – E-ECS (Mid Size Pack Demonstrator) 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 TRL 7 Dec 14 Demonstration in flight F.1 Dec 12 TRL 6 Complete system in a representative environment TRL 5 June 11 Sept 10 -TRL Plan defined with detailed definition of criteria at each gate -TRL3 Review passed November 2010 Components or models in a representative environment TRL 4 Components or models in laboratory environment TRL 3 technological Bricks Technology Readiness Level (TRL) 2009 Contents 1. Context & ITD organisation 2. Management of Aircraft Energy (MAE) - Overview - Example of development of MAE – technology 3. Mission and Trajectory Management - Overview - Example of development of MTM – technology 4. Additional material, Q&A Systems for Green Operation: the concepts • Pillar 1: Management of Aircraft Energy (MAE) – The use of all-electric equipment system architectures will allow a more fuel-efficient use of secondary power, from electrical generation and distribution to electrical aircraft systems. – Thermal management will address many levels, particularly relating to electric aircraft, from hot spots in large power electronics to motor drive system cooling, to overall aircraft solutions. • Pillar 2: Management of Trajectory and Mission (MTM) – The silent and agile aircraft will generate a reduced noise footprint during approach, both through design changes in aircraft systems which generate a large amount of noise and by flying optimised trajectories. – Aircraft will be able to fly a green mission from start to finish, thanks to technologies which allow to avoid fuel consuming meteorological hazards and to adapt flight path to known local conditions Trajectory optimisation in 3 flight phases Green cruise Green departure T/O Noise NOx Contrails CO2 Fuel Climb Cruise Green approach Descent Approach FMS Green functions : Green Objectives CO2 emissions reduction -1 to 2% during cruise No persistent condensation trails formation Noise reduction -3dB for low altitude segment NOx emissions any reduction, to assess Noise reduction -2dB for low altitude segment CO2 emissions reduction 10% during descent and approach phases Optimised multi step CO2 emissions reduction 15% during climb phase NOx emissions any reduction, to assess NOx emissions : any reduction, to assess Improved CDA MCDP T/O Climb Env. Performance targets broken down into function objectives Cruise Descent Approach MTM planning Summary of Achievements / next steps Progress: work already performed, which demonstrations already done? TRL status: Actual Status? Gate reviews done or planned? Flight Management Functions Green take-off and climb function Complete definition and analysis of an optimised multi-criteria departure function (ECO Take off). i. Operational concepts description TRL3 planned end 2010 ii. Compatibility with existing ATC procedures / operational constraints iii. Analysis of gains / robustness iv. Mock up Green cruise function First version of function high-level specification - initial analysis of gains TRL3 planned mid 2011 Green approach Green FMS Initial concept description TRL3 on first concept planned mid 2011 complete TRL3 end 2011 Initial analysis of FM architecture adaptability. TRL 4 mid 2012 Weather avoidance and mission optimization Water Vapour Sensor (WVS) and Airborne Data Transmission System (ADTS) Advanced weather radar algorithms On board optimisation Completion of : - Technical case - Environmental Case - Business Case - Existing WxR algorithms modeling - Mission need description for advanced algorithms Concept definition well advanced TRL 2 Gate passed TRL3 Gate planned end 2010 TRL3 planned April 2011 TRL3 march 2011 Smart Operation on ground Gear integrated motion system - Wheel actuator technology review completed - System/airport modelisation ready to perform evaluation of environmental benefits TRL3 planned mid 2011 Disptach towing vehicle Call for proposal issued in Call 7 (after failure at previous call) TRL5 end 2011 Trajectory Optimization tool GATAC tool : Green Aircraft - Problem definition completed Trajectories in ATM Constraints - Preliminary software version issued - Upgraded SW version (V2beta) produced - validation on going GATAC V2Beta delivery 25th Nov 2010 FMS Green functions : TRL roadmap 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 Demonstration in flight TRL Plan defined with detailed definition of criteria at each gate G.7 / MOSART TRL 6 Complete system in a representative environment TRL 5 G.6 / MOSART Components or models in a representative environment TRL 4 Components or models in laboratory environment Airlab / MOSART TRL 3 technological Bricks Improved CDA MCDP Optimised multi step in Cruise Technology Readiness Level (TRL) TRL 7 MCDP – ECO Take off : concept Optimization of a Noise Abatement Departure Procedure (NADP) , with multiple criteria Multi-Criteria Departure Procedure (MCDP) Optimization of the Vertical profile. The lateral route is imposed NADP begins at 35ft and finishes at the en-route configuration (start of climb) Thrust: Take Off Rating Speed: V35ft+DV2 Intermediate Rating Climb Rating Intermediate Acceleration En-route Speed Optimisation Parameters – – – – – – Zpr : Thrust Cutback Altitude N1noise: Reduced Engine Rating Zpa : Acceleration Altitude Acceleration V=V V=V35ft+ΔV Vnoise : Intermediate Speed Target Change of Aircraft Configuration Zpf : Setting of Climb Rating and Start of Acceleration to En-route Speed ΔV2 : fraction of speed at 35ft in excess of safety minimum (V2) 2 noise Acceleration V=250kt Trajectory computed using OCTOPER: Airbus software for operational trajectory computations Functional concept study completed Clean CONF V=250kt ALT=10000ft CLIMB THRUST MCDP – Flight Management HMI - Evolution of Perf Take off FMD page and pilot interaction defined, and implemented (A661 based) - In line for Pilot evaluation end 2010 FM function specification Implementation in mock-up HMI modification Model Development Overview AC Position Simu. Time (Flight Plan) Weather Planning System & Monitoring SIMET Model Grib Files Scenario files MFR Model Grib Files Pre-Processing & Importation tool DB queries Weather Rep. Some Images from MSG satellite and from French grounded based radar. Realistic weather model delivered (CfP) and integrated in Airlab Weather Simulator Engine A/C Position Simulation Time State Machine Airlab Simulator Simulation Report /1s Wind Force & direction Temperature, Humidity Icing, CAT, CB (Forecast /3h to FMS) Contents 1. Context & ITD organisation 2. Management of Aircraft Energy (MAE) - Overview - Example of development of MAE – technology 3. Mission and Trajectory Management - Overview - Example of development of MTM – technology 4. Additional material, Q&A CfPs call 8 Early information on next call topics for SGO (please refer to official call terms on CORDIS) • Optimisation of coating for low pressure operation of power electronics and identification of pass and fail criteria for respective corona testing • Current return simulation (methodology and tools) • Modelica Model Library Development • Study and characterisation of inverter behaviour within non pressurised area environment for electrical ECS • Flight Operations for novel Continuous Descents Including assistance in preparation, execution and analysis of a flight simulator experiment SGO Demonstration objectives 08 09 10 11 12 G.0 A320/A340 ? 13 14 F.0 Ice protection G.5 F.0 G.0 G.1 PROVEN 15 Electrical technologies G.1 G.2 AVANT/A320 MAE G.2 F.1 ECS, Skin heat exchanger, FCEPS 20kw (TBC) F.1 PROVEN AVANT Vapor cycle ECS, Multifunctional Fuel cells F.2 F.2 WVS Green functions G.6 O3P/AIRLAB MOSART G.6 G.7 O3P/AIRLAB MOSART Green FMS G.7 A320 Kick Off F.4 F.3 F.4 A320 SOG Thermal functions, high efficiency ECS, Multifunctional fuel cells G.4 A320 MTM Electrical technologies G.3 G.x Ground tests External tractor for long taxi F.5 F.5 F.x Flight tests G.x/ Fx Initial Schedule Q&A