How To Get Off Diabetic Drugs 2013 final (1)

How To Get Off
Diabetic Drugs:
What the evidence
Sherry A. Rogers, M.D.,
What could be wrong with our
current treatment?
• Practice guidelines are focused on
drug “management”, not reducing drugs
• 87% of “experts” who make guidelines are
financially linked to pharmaceutical industry
(JAMA 287;5:612, 2002)
• Less than 11% of cardiologists’ Rx are based on
science, the rest on pharmaceutical influence
(WSJ, Feb. 25, 2009, Mar. 29, 2011)
The facts of diabetes management
• None of the diabetes drugs promotes
longevity, but only make labs, like FBS and Hgb
A1C look better
• In fact, intensive lowering of Hgb A1C with
drugs increases the death rate 22%
• After 3 ½ years on Rx drugs the death rate
was higher than without any drugs (NEJM
2008, 2010)
• After 5-8 years on a decades leading diabetes
prescription medication, the death rate was
2 ½ times higher for folks on Rx drugs than
for folks on diet only (PDR 2001)
Metformin (leading diabetes Rx)
• Glucophage, Fortemet, Glumetza, Riomet, and
combos like glipizide & metformin, glyburide &
metformin (Glucovance), ACTOplus met,
Avandamet, Janumet
• Raises homocysteine, lowers folate & B12
• Last 3 combo Rxs increase fractures 43%
• Avandia doubles heart attack, raises LDL, CHF
& anemia, pulmonary edema, cancer, NASH
• Newer Rx drugs can lead to 30-43% more MI,
17% increased death (NEJM 2007, JAMA 2010)
ACCORD Study, NEJM 2008
• 10,000 pts. with all the best drugs for 3 ½ yrs,
lowering HGB A1C increased death 22%
• Drugs increased renal failure 37% (dialysis
costs over $60,000/yr), increased retinopathy,
weight gain heart attacks, vision loss, heart
failure and cancer
• In 2010, pts. taking blood pressure meds for 5
years had no reduction in heart attacks or death
• But Rxs increased their dementia 50% (NEJM
2008). Rx drugs = 50% increase in brain loss !!
So what lowers Hgb A1C naturally ?
• ALC, R-LA, Mg, C, D, gamma tocopherol, DHA,
biotin, CoQ10, P5P, and much more, depending
on individual deficiencies
• i.e., P5P traps glycated (fried) proteins & guides
them out of the cell and prevents albuminuria.
P5P deficit is a 100% identifier for Alzheimer’s
• But B6 cannot convert to P5P w/o zinc, which
is lower in diabetics and depleted by Rx meds
like statins, phthalates, HMT, processed foods
diet, depleted soils, etc.
• Once on drugs it is a vicious downward cycle
that depletes nutrients faster, fostering chronicity
What about just plain glucose
control? Examples:
• R-LA, zinc, Mg, E-8, selenium, D, K, EPA/DHA, PC, Mn,
CoQ10, chromium, vanadium, biotin, B1, and more are
all essential to reverse IR (insulin resistance), metabolic
syndrome and diabetes
• Insulin mimics: selenium, chromium, vanadium,
biotin and manganese (known over 30 years)
• But vanadium or biotin assays should include
B-OH-butyrate, B-OH-isovalerate,
as functional assay examples to repair deficiencies
• As well, Vitamin K regulates insulin, CHO genes, and
metabolic syndrome (undercarboxylated osteocalcin is
the best test, and a surreptitious test of physician with
knowledge gaps that promote chronicity of disease)
Diabetes, metabolic syndrome X,
insulin resistance, NASH
• All often share hypertension, high cholesterol,
high triglycerides, stubborn obesity, low HDL
• Yet treatment with top drugs does not help
• 77% diabetics are Mg deficient. Often Mg def.
causes HBP, but diuretics lower Mg more. Yet
insulin resistance requires Mg to correct it.
• Meanwhile lower Mg promotes chronicity via
higher sugar, hgb A1C, insulin resistance, blood
pressure and more Rx meds, plus arrhythmias
and sudden cardiac arrest
• NSAIDs are major cause HBP (yet OTC and
rarely addressed)
Yet as magnesium lowers
• Creates arrhythmias, like atrial fibrillation
• Treated with coumadin that poisons vitamin K2,
pulls calcium out of bone, dumps it in coronary
arteries and heart valves, leads to valve
replacement, stents (given no choice of “bare”)
• But DES has 30% increased death at 3 years.
• High profile clinic record reviews show no
RBC magnesium assay nor UnOs. So
meanwhile patient is destined for ablation, a
permanent heart destruction that is not even
FDA approved.
When the heart is broken, you need to identify
and correct nutrient deficiencies, then safely
get rid of the toxins that poisoned the heart
muscle and its nerves.
Taken with permission from
Diabetes, metabolic syndrome X,
insulin resistance, NASH
• Often share hypertension, high
cholesterol, triglycerides, obesity, low HDL
• Statins for lipids raise PSA, lower CoQ10,
E, selenium, zinc (D6D), poison insulin
receptors on cell membranes
• Statins are a known CAUSE of
diabetes, depression, cancer, cardiac
disease, Alzheimer’s, sudden amnesia
• But tocotrienols, for example are natural
HMG CoA reductase inhibitors, without
poisoning hepatic gene and all of statins’
other side effects
Common Rx drugs and toxins
create & worsen diabetes
• Diabetes, Metabolic Syndrome X, Insulin resistance,
NASH, hypertension, high cholesterol, high triglycerides,
obesity, low HDL, Alzheimer’s, & cancer are all related
Giving CoQ10 has lowered glucose 31%
yet blood pressure & statin drugs deplete CoQ10
DHA lowers glucose, restores insulin sensitivity to
membranes (and is a natural ACE inhibitor, inhibits
sudden MI 45%, stops arrhythmias w/o destructive
ablation, reverses Alzheimer’s amyloid, etc.)
• Yet statins poison DHA conversion
• Phthalates clearly create diabetes, poison DHA, Boxidation, create insulin resistance, NASH, cancer, etc.
A peak into the future reveals
• the future has been
here all along
• We have 2 choices:
• (1) Turn off broken
pathways with drugs
and perpetuate chronic
disease (the #1killer), or
• (2) Reverse deficiencies
and toxicities, and
reverse recalcitrant
“chronic” disease
• For 3 decades we have
had the tools with which
to heal the impossible
Diabetes, metabolic syndrome X,
insulin resistance, NASH related
• But…as examples, vitamin D3 restores insulin
receptors only if in top quintile (JNB 2010).
Yet commercial labs’ cut-off “norm” is for rickets
prevention only, not for reversing diabetes
• Labs w/o quintiles have very limited usefullness
• Vitamin K2 is crucial for reversal of all these
diseases (JACN 2009). But…. Rx coumadin
poisons K promoting diabetes, osteoporosis,
coronary valve and coronary artery calcifications
• (best fxn. test is undercarboxylated osteocalcin)
Diabetics’ complications are not
inevitable, but the result of
drug-driven medicine with
80% more heart attack, CHF, arrhythmias
80% more cancer
Retinopathy and blindness
PVD, gangrene, amputations
1 in 3 gets renal failure, dialysis leads to
aluminum toxicity, Alzheimer’s
• Infections, other auto-immune diseases
• Worsening of disease out of control, Death
• All because of failure to look for and repair
the underlying biochemical causes
Columbia University researchers show 95%
of all disease has only 2 causes:
• Diet and nutrient
• Environmental toxins,
ubiquitous and
unavoidable, Rx meds,
food additives
Taken by permission from
Detoxify Or Die,
How do we create diabetes in the
lab ?
By using FDA approved processed food
products and prescriptions medications, as
High fructose corn syrup (used to create lab
animals with diabetes)
High n-6, n-7, n-9, or n-0 to n-3 EFA ratio
Trans fats (“No trans fats” is meaningless since
Federal Register re-definition)
Statins, anti-psychotic Rx, ACE inhib, etc.
Heavy metals like ubiquitous arsenic, etc.
But #1 is the category of phthalates/BPA
How do we create diabetes ?
• Using a dose of phthalates 5 times lower than
EPA “safe” level creates diabetes in just 4
days (from government leading journal EHP 2006)
• Ubiquitous, unavoidable, in everyone
• Even wild animals in pristine areas are toxic
• Harvard researchers tell us decades ago there is
no safe level of phthalates
• Phthalates poison fundamental B-oxidation
of EFA in every cell, can create any disease
• Recycling concentrates phthalates in products
• “No BPA” as misleading as “No trans fats”
• Are also EEDs, damage membranes,
mitochondria, calcium channels, & glands
• Cell membrane n-3/n-6 ratios have
changed 60x, most cells are starving
• Program fetus for adult prostate, breast ,
and other cancers, recalcitrant obesity
• Damages brain development, mimics
autism (Harvard study)
Heavy metals, ubiquitous
• Arsenic, lead, cadmium, mercury,
aluminum, etc. all solo can create
diabetes and all its precursor diseases
and sequelae
• 2003 NEJM proved lead’s 10 mcg/dL cutoff is not “normal”, but clearly damages
brains. But “authorities” cling to this
antiquated “norm” a decade later
Routine IV chelation unnecessarily loads
body with phthalates and cardiotoxic
cyclohexanone, and forces dose through
organs unprepared and usually untested for
detoxication capability and readiness
• Caveat: Is useful for emergency chelation
circumstances, but these even moreso need extensive
assay of detoxification capability
• PR and PO program is 5X cheaper, safer, nonprescription, and with better results
• Barry YA, et al., Perioperative exposure to plasticizers in patients
undergoing cardio-pulmonary bypass, J Thorac Cardiovasc Surg,
97:900-905, 1989
The 10 Reasons why
diabetics are not cured
• No assay of underlying deficiencies, i.e.
• Minerals like chromium, vanadium, manganese,
etc. are essential to correct, even for precursor
hypoglycemia, before diabetes is diagnosed, or
selenium to reverse SVT, thyroidism, or PSA
• Vitamins like B1 to reverse renal failure, B6 to
reverse neuropathy, lutein to reverse macular
degeneration, tocotrienols to reverse BNP,
gamma tocopherol to reverse abnl. clotting, etc.
• EFA must also be balanced. DHA has corrected
insulin resistance, arrhythmia, memory loss, etc.
The 10 Reasons why
diabetics are not cured
• Failure to assay organic acids. Absolute nutrient levels
inferior to functional assays which show individual needs
i.e., ethylmalonate: shows need for Acetyl LCarnitine, crucial for glucose & Hbg A1C control,
neuropathy, insulin resistance, obesity,
Metabolic Syndrome, dementia, etc.
• B-hydroxyisovalerate: crucial for biotin (controls CHO)
• B-hydroxybutyrate: for vanadium & chromium
• Quinolinate: a predictor of brain deterioration, often
merely failure of B6 to convert to active P5P (requires
zinc, but is depleted by statins, phthalates, diabetes,etc.)
The #1 reason why
diabetics are not cured
• Failure to correct pancreas gland mitochondria
and membrane insulin receptors
• Most diabetic membranes are simultaneously
starving for the correct EFA, and
choked with the wrong (n-6, n-9,7,0) fats
• Failure to do the “oil change” to create 4:1 ratio,
plus correct “innards” of phosphatidyl choline,
PS, Mg, and deficiency of 8 forms of vitamin E
inside the bilayer “membrane sandwich”
The 10 Reasons why
diabetics are not cured
• Failure to heal gut which houses ½ the immune
and ½ the detox systems for whole body
• D-arabinitol: suggests Candida overgrowth
which can produce thiaminase that destroys B1
leading to dialysis, thyroiditis, IBS, CHF, poor
absorption, new food allergies as NS cause
arthritis, more auto-immune diseases, etc.
• Indican: indicates dysbiosis at pancreas level
• Tricarballyate: inhibits magnesium absorption
• Hippurates: consume glycine needed for ROS,
sepsis, bile, neurotransmitters, detoxification, etc.
If the gut isn't healthy, then nothing else can
heal, for it houses half the detoxification
system and half the infection-fighting
immune system, 95% neurotransmitters, etc.
taken from Detoxify or Die by permission from
But when patient is hypothyroid
from phthalate EED
• (1) Need to repair the gland (selenium, iodine,
manganese, zinc, PC, etc.) not poison further
production forever with thyroid prescription
• (2) Need to repair thyroid receptors in
membrane so if hormone is given it can work.
Otherwise, hormones mysteriously fail.
• And quality nutrients have to be able to “flip-flop”
or oscillate to work (no cheap synthetics).
• No such thought process is in mentioned in any
practice guidelines
The 10 Reasons why
diabetics are not cured
• Failure to heal the body energy source, the
mitochondria where most disease starts, i.e.
phosphatidyl serine, silica, PC, arginine, etc.
• Failure to detoxify at least phthalates and heavy
metals and drug residues, since they are all
used to create diabetes in the lab
• Failure to address mind, memory, motivation
and mood, and body mechanics
• The ease of working blindly as a legal drug
dispenser, promoted by insurances & guidelines
The 10 Reasons why
diabetics are not cured
2. Minerals, and amino acids plus
3. Fatty acids to fix what’s broken, heal gland, must flip-flop
4. Organic acids reveal individual needs above RDA
5. Membrane receptors (for insulin, hormones, cytokines)
must account for “unseen” deficiencies
6. Gut cleanse, food allergies, diet
7. Mitochondrial repair
8. Detoxification, environmental controls
9. Mind, motivation, mood, memory, body mechanics
10. Ease of “mindless medicine”, is what insurance and
practice guidelines dictate, and pharma controls them
Disease starts in the
• Kidney bean-shaped little organelles
inside all of our cells
• It is where God’s miracle occurs where food
molecules are turned into the
electrical/chemical energy called ATP that
defines “life” itself.
• Life is ATP, for when it stops being made, we
are dead, the electricity has stopped flowing.
• Is a massive array of folded membranes, having
the highest membrane density of anything else
inside the cell.
• Diabetes starts with failing mitochondria
• Are more highly vulnerable to destruction from
free radicals or naked electrons that are the result
of the chemistry of living, repair, and detoxification
• Free radicals eat or drill holes in mitochondrial
membranes, ruining their ability to make ATP for
energy, repair, detoxification or conduct the
electricity of life. So in essence,
• We are as healthy as our mitochondria
Over 30 years of evidence and
clinical experience for reversal of
diabetes, dropping medications
• Lombardo, Effects of dietary n-3 PUFA n-3 fatty acids on
dyslipidemia and insulin resistance in rodents and humans, J Nutr
Biochem 17, 2006
• Nakamura, Pyridoxal phosphate prevents progression of diabetic
nephropathy, Nephr Dialysis Transpl 22, 2007
• Babaei-Jadidi, Prevention of the incipient diabetic nephropathy by
high-dose thiamine and benfotiomine, Diabetes, 52:2003
• ALC, B1, P5P, E-8, R-LA, biotin, B1, DHA, Chrom, Mg,
Vanadium, Zinc, K2, D3, Selenium, etc. reverse
peripheral neuropathy, diabetic nephropathy, cardiac
autonomic neuropathy, retinopathy, all diabetic
precursors, parameters and complications.
Old rats “doing the macarena” after
their mitochondria were restored
• One A-OX restored energy, reversed
biochemical signs of age damage and
reversed aging brain function, but it
must be made in healthy mitochondria
• R-Lipoic Acid is one nutrient example
crucial to stop all diabetes
complications, highly referenced
Hagen TM, Ames AB, et al, ®-alpha-lipoic acid-supplemented old rats have
improved mitochondrial function, decreased oxidative damage, and
increased metabolic rate. FASEB J, 13;2:411-18, 1999
The 7-M Program for an easy start
• Membrane repair: EFA balance, PC, E-8, D3,
K2, PS, oil change
• Minerals: Mg, Zn, Cu, Sel, Mo, Van, Chrom,
silica, boron, iodine; spaced
• Mitochondria: ALC, arginine, Mn, ribose, B, P5P,
glycine, silymarin, PS, oil change
• Meals: no HFCS, no trans, no Olestra®, no fake
sugars, additives, fried foods; need low fat <1020%, whole foods or macrobiotic
7-M Program
• Miscellaneous: gut (Candida, destroys
thyroid & B1), hormones i.e., DHEA
repairs PPAR (must repair gland & receptors)
• Metals: meridian pollutants like arsenic,
including #1 xenobiotic = phthalates,
pesticides, VOH, PCB, PFOA (teflon),
PBDE (legislated flame retardants)
• Mind, mood, motivation, body mechanics
Phthalate/BPA sources
• Food packaging is No. 1 (plastic
water, processed foods, soda bottles,
infant formula, vinyl wrap for fruits,
vegetables and meats), I.V.s & bags
(chelation), plastic clothing, toiletries,
nail polish, Rx capsules and coatings
(SR), pesticides, vinyl flooring, glues,
wiring (heats and outgasses), PC,
lubricating oils, solvents, furnishings,
computers, PVC, construction materials,
auto interiors, detergents, carpets,
dental glues & sealants, contact lenses:
ubiquitous, unavoidable, levels rising.
Our foods wrapped in plastic look innocent
enough, but plastics permeate food and get
stuck in our bodies, poisoning B-oxidation of
all essential membrane and mitochondrial
fats. The average person daily gets
minimum 3 mg of just one phthalate ester.
taken from Detoxify Or Die by permission from
Average newborn baby
• Over 200/287 chemicals in umbilical cord
blood. By age 6 has levels of 40 year old.
• Over 180 are blatant carcinogens
• Phthalates, PCB, Teflon, PBDE fire
retardants in all U.S. humans (40x more and
doubling q 2 yrs.)
• Arctic polar bears have human diseases;
osteoporosis and hypothyroidism from our
phthalates,PCB, Hg, VOH, OP/OC (EHP 2005)
• Newborn lifespan now projected to be less
than parents’ lifespan
(Olshansky SJ, et al, The potential decline in life expectancy in the
United States in the 21st century, N Engl J Med, 352: 1138-45, 2005)
Beyond the phthalates/BPA in
membranes and mitochondria are the
PPAR = Peroxisomes
• PPAR = peroxisome proliferator
activated receptors
• Peroxisomes are the organelles
through which fatty acids control
genes and function of all glands,
membranes, receptors, mitochondria
• Phthalates damage PPAR resulting in
diabetes, recalcitrant obesity, and all
disease mechanisms.
• Wang, PPARs: diverse regulators in energy
metabolism and metabolic disease, Cell Res
20:124-37, 2010
• Guri, Peroxisome proliferator-activated
receptors: Bridging metabolic syndrome with
molecular nutrition, Clin Nutr, 25:871-37, 2006
• Mitochondrial overload and incomplete fatty acid
oxidation contribute to skeletal muscle insulin
resistance, Cell Metab, 7:45-56, 2008
• Yu, The function of porcine PPAR and fish oil
effect on expression of lipid glucose
metabolism-related genes, J Nutr Biochem
22:179-86, 2011
• Conklin, Molecular replacement in cancer
therapy: Reversing cancer and metabolic
dysfunction, fatigue, and adverse effects of
cancer therapy, Curr Ca Ther Rev, 2008
Phthalates are backbone of
blockbuster drug epidemics
Phthalates poison/damage PPAR and DHA chemistry
“No BPA” designation meaningless
• Only takes 4 days of phthalates for mice to develop
insulin resistance (Alonso, EHP 114, 2006) at a dose
5x lower than FDA “safe” level
Phthalates poison peroxisomes which control lipid HMG CoA reductase
• But rather than heal lipidemia w/tocotrienols, etc., Lipitor
brought >$14 billion/yr) (Lombardo)
Phthalates & Lipitor poison DHA needed to repair 504 cancer genes
Cancer = #1 cause of death, 1-15 & 25-45
Phthalates are proven backbone of
blockbuster drug epidemics
Diabetes (phthalates used to create in lab)
Lipidemia, coronary artery disease
Hormone deficiencies, arthritis, FM, IBS, MD,
depression, CFS, neuropathy, MND, NASH,
• Impaired immune/infection/allergy, and disease
of every specialty
• Poison B-oxidation & retro-conversion to
DHA, #1 fatty acid of mitochondria,
membrane receptors, heart, brain & retina.
• Create secondary carnitine deficiency,
needed for fatty acid transport into
mitochondria and control of hgb A1C
• Phthalates deplete catalase which raises
H202, promoting all diabetic complications,
Alzheimer’s, cancer metastases, oxidized
LDL, accelerates aging & anti-oxidant loss
• Leads to domino effect to all disease
DHA (docosahexaenoic acid) as an
example of power of one fatty acid
• Reduces all diabetic complications
• Cuts MI 45%-80%, lowers triglycerides
28%, raises HDL 13%, lowers platelet
aggregation & adhesiveness, can
reverse arrhythmia, CAD plaque,
inflammation, protein kinase C, CHF,
Alzheimer’s, protects mitochondria, cell
membrane receptors, calcium channels,
controls 504 genes
Siddiqui RA, et al, J Nutr Biochem 19:417-37, 2008
Phthalates are one reason why fatty
acids alone cannot correct
diabetes and insulin resistance
• Undamaged PPAR-a are required for fish
oil to induce P450 4A2 (CYP4A2) for
xenobiotic (toxin) detoxification
• Healing is stranded until undetoxified
phthalate poisoning and unrepaired nutrient
deficiencies are corrected
• DHA cannot work until phthalate poisoning is
• Then DHA can double PPAR
• As well can DHEA, gamma-tocopherol,
silymarin, PS, etc.
Practical phthalate/BPA
• Avoidance/ reduction cut blood levels
56-96% in one week, local farmers’
markets (Rudel RA, et al, EHP 119:914-20, 2011)
• Brassica (cruciferous) vegetables high in
macrobiotic diet also avoids additives
• Omit/reduce HFCS, trans fats, additives
• Far infrared sauna (Mayo clinic studies
reversed drug-resistant CHF), and more
No seminar should ignore
• Peroxisomes make catalase, carnitine,
phase I & II detox ER & enzymes (GST,
UDP-GT, sulfation)
• Peroxisomes control lipids, membranes,
genes, hormone metabolism, all membrane
receptors, and more.
• No conference on diabetes, chronic disease
of any sort is complete until phthalatepoisoned peroxisomes are addressed
Why bring you through causes?
Processed food components, to
phthalates to membranes, to
mitochondria, to the level of
peroxisomes (PPAR)?
• Because this is where the drugs like
metformin work
• All this has been known for decades.
Do you really believe PDR’s “mechanism of
action unknown” for billion dollar FDA-approved
Organic acids & fatty acids are
clues for phthalate poisoning
• Adipate, suberate, methylmalonate (ALC)
• EPA/DHA ratio >1:4 (remember “innards” PC)
• High long/odd chains: Arachidic (20:0 saturated),
behenic (22:0) (also high with canola), lignoceric
(24:0), hexacosanoic (26:0),penta-, heptadecanoic
• Impaired DHA(22:6n3) conv. (repairs 504 cancer
genes), biotin deficit raises odd chain as do phthalates
• Low K/Ca ratio (leaky cell membranes,
damaged calcium channels)
• Low sulfation (imbalanced hormones), etc.
Yet most conferences never mention
phthalate/BPA or any toxin causes
Diabetes, insulin resistance Met. Syndrome X
Syndrome X
Chronic pain, FM
obesity epidemic
precocious puberty
hormone deficiencies
ADD, autism, etc.
Cardiology, neurology, psychiatry, ENT, allergy,
rheumatology, orthopedics, gastroenterology,
Vitamin levels as crystal ball
predictors of death
• Levels of vitamins A, C, and E predict 90%
chance of early death (but statins lower vitamin E,
Sel, Zn, CoQ10, etc.)
• Vitamins C & E cut ICU sepsis death 57%
• Gamma tocopherol upregulates PPAR in cancer
cells leading to apoptosis (but “vitamin E” which is
alpha-tocopherol does not and actually lowers
gamma tocopherol)
• Gamma also lowers PSA, metastases, controls
natriuretic hormone, BNP.
• BNP predicts death without diabetic
or cardiac symptoms
• But these must be assayed to identify !!
Many clues to phthalate toxicity
• Elevated Behenic, lignoceric, arachidic, low DHA,
odd-chain fatty acids accumulation
• Succinate, palmitate, B-carotene/A (low Zn), high
cholesterol, coproporphyrins I, III, phthalate
• Suberate, adipate, ethylmalonate (carnitine)
• Hormones: DHEA, thyroid, testosterone
deficiencies, need sulfation (but damaged by
phthalates) that controls hormone metabolism.
Phthalates trigger high cortisol.
• Detoxification: low catalase (raises LP,
8-OHdG, p-OH-phenyllactate), low sulfation
And all this isn’t new
• Melnick, RL, et al, Mitochondrial toxicity
of phthalates, EHP 1982
• Winberg LD, et al, Mechanism of
phthalate-induced inhibition of
hepatic mitochondrial B-oxidation,
Toxicol Lett, 76:63-9 1995
• Alonso-Magdalena, EHP, 2006
• Lee D, e al, Low dose of some
persistent pollutants predicts type II
diabetes, EHP 2010
None of this is new, just ignored
• As an example, there is an absolute requirement
of Phosphatidyl Choline for all membranes
(Proc Natl Acad Sci, USA, 94:11946-50, 1997,
Massachusetts Institute of Technoogyl)
• This nutrient has never appeared in any medical
guidelines, nor have the absolute requirements for
PS & DHA, or Zinc, etc., for D-5-D & D-6-D for
EFA conversion (J Biol Chem (275;45:35215-23, 2000)
• Ignored repairs create
chronicity of disease
And all this isn’t new
Look at an example of one mineral
rarely tested
• Subasinghe S, et al, The insulin-mimetic action
of manganese involvement in cyclic nucleotides
and insulin in the regulation of hepaic
hexokinase and glucokinase, Biochem Med
34:83, 1985
• Klimis-Tavantzis DJ, Manganese In Health
and Disease, CRC Press, 1994
How diabetes is related to
all disease
• Diabetes accelerates Alzheimer’s
• To repair memory loss, the same concepts are needed,
• DHA is an “amyloid eater”, low in all Alzheimer’s
• R-lipoic acid and ALC have restored
brains to youthful levels
• Phosphatidyl serine made human brains 12 yrs.
younger in 3 months
• All these nutrients are needed for diabetes reversal and
release from medications as well
How diabetes is related to
cancer, and all disease
• Diabetes is also an example of a slow cancer.
• High sugar and low oxygen are also fertilizers for
cancer (BNP shows hypoxia when no symptoms
are present, porphyrins show hbg poisoning,
phthalate levels axe EFA B-oxidation
• Tocotrienols, D3, K2, DHA, Selenium, E-8, G-Toc,
etc. are needed to stop diabetes and metastases
• B-carotene to reprograms p53 cancer gene to wild
• Pancreatic enzymes dissolve sialoglycoprotein
coating that makes cancer cells “invisible”
Clearly to become an expert in the
cause and reversal of diabetes
parameters is the basis for
all disease disease
• There are very few medical mysteries
• What is a mystery is how a profession that
is supposed to guide folks to heal got so
misguided and pharmacy-focused that it
actually promotes chronic disease,
the #1 cause of death
American Academy of Pediatrics
• Flaunts example of unconscionable ignorance in
Feb. 2013 Wall St. Journal & official guidelines
• Adult onset diabetes epidemic in children is a
complete mystery to them, “maybe it is due to
obesity” (they do have the same causes!!!)
• It’s official: They advise it should be treated
as a metformin deficiency until further study
• No assays for deficiencies causing the diabetes,
complications, or deficiencies caused by meds
• Spend $3000 for a CME week of drug-course, but not $1
a week to learn how to reverse symptoms without drugs
There are 2 types of physicians
• Focused on chronicity
Rules: follow academy practice guidelines
misguided piecemeal look for causes, if ever
don’t read (WSJ calls Drs. who read new information
don’t learn molecular biochemistry of healing
are working totally blindly
keep patients medicated,
and keep patients returning
• Focused on causes,
identify and correct deficiencies and
toxicities that caused it
have taken the responsibility and learned decades of proof for avoiding
medications and instead for finding the causes. They know that God designed
the body to heal.
How to drop diabetes drugs
• (1) Identify and repair the deficiencies, especially in cell
membrane insulin receptors and mitochondria
Sometimes it’s as simple as n-3, PC, PS, Mg & ALC
• (2) Depurate causative xenobiotic toxins
Sometimes as simple as 1-6 weeks of clean diet
• (3) Keep learning how to improve upon both
causative and correctable parameters.
• (4) Focus: Biochemical individuality of total burden reigns
Evidence examples
• Wang L, et al, Changing ratios of omega-6 to omeha-3
fatty acids can differentially modulate polychlorinated
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• Wei M, Association of bisphenol A with diabetes and
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• Kim JA, et al, Role of mitochondrial dysfunction in insulin
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• Lowell BB, et al, Mitochondrial dysfunction and type II
diabetes, Science 307:384-7, 2005
• Carwile JL, et al, Canned soup consumption and urinary
bisphenol A: A randomized cross-over trial,
J Am Med Assoc, 306;20:2018-20, 2011
For enormously more details plus over 1,000 complete references,
We create and perpetuate diabetes
with FDA-approved and FDA-ignored
food additives and medications
• Just a few examples of the top culprits
used to create diabetes in lab
• Hydrogenated trans fats disguised as “No
trans fats” by reducing definition to
<500mg/”serving” (plus GMO, pesticides)
• Statins, and many other drug categories
• Phthalates/BPA (no current FDA limit)
These recommendations could be
made to patients by responsible
• It’s not rocket science to avoid HFCS and
hydrogenated oils, processed foods additives
• Reducing plastics reduced phthalate levels over
50-96% in one week
• Next nutrient corrections and further detox when
learn molecular biochemistry of healing
• Over 1000 references prove diabetes reversal
with these, yet not in any guidelines
• Complete denial of responsibility for public
5 Ds for dumping drugs
• Diet (4 P: processed sugars, HFCS
processed fats, trans, Olestra,
packaged phthalates
priority foods, Brassica, G, G & B,
revs glucuronidation, PC)
Directions for life
Original sin was
complete denial of
• When God asked, “Have you eaten from
the tree that I commanded you not to eat
• The man said, “The woman you put here
with me…she gave me some fruit from the
tree, and I ate it.” (Genesis 3:11-14)
Now the serpent was more crafty than any of
the wild animals the Lord God had made.
He said to the woman, “Did God really say,
‘You must not eat from any tree in the garden’?”
(Gen 3:1)
Later that day,
“the Lord God said to the woman,
’What is this you have done?”
(GEN 3:13)
“The serpent deceived me” (Genesis 3:13)
taken from Detoxify or Die by permission from
And the serpent is still deceiving us.
taken from Detoxify or Die with permission by