Kirk Gair, DC, IDE 1901 W Pacific Ave Suite 205, West Covina, CA 91790 626-338-3600 FUNCTIONAL BLOOD ANALYSIS REPORT AND NUTRITION PLAN PREPARED FOR: Sample Patient 1 FUNCTIONAL BLOOD ANALYSIS AND NUTRITION PLAN Thank you for choosing our office to perform your functional blood chemistry analysis. This report will explain the findings of your blood test and metabolic assessment form, explain any patterns that are present, and give you a plan for improving your health. You will see your lab tests broken down into a chart and interpreted according to both laboratory normal ranges and also functional or what we consider ‘optimal’ ranges. You will also see dietary recommendations, supplement recommendations, and follow up testing recommendations. Remember, the recommendations that I give you in this report have not been evaluated by the FDA, and no claims to curing or treating a disease are being made. The purpose of these protocols is to provide nutritional support to the systems and pathways in your body that are not functioning optimally or that are dysfunctional. The difference between conventional medicine’s approach and functional medicine is this: conventional medicine will intervene with medications to either treat the symptom or get the lab value into the target “normal” range. When you are in the “normal” range of that lab value, you are considered “treated”. Many nutritional practitioners use the same methods. They read a blood test and look for high or low values and simply give a supplement for that value, or they listen for symptoms and give a “pill for every problem.” These common approaches realistically differ in only one way: one gives a medication for symptoms, while the other gives supplements for symptoms. In contrast, the functional medicine approach we use delves far deeper into what is occurring in your body than either of these approaches. Instead of just looking for out of range values of looking for symptoms, we look for the patterns that are occurring and correlate them with your metabolic assessment form and any exam findings. We use the labs and your questionnaires to determine what dysfunctional patterns are present, and then we give you nutritional, lifestyle, and supplement recommendations to help support the function of the body and return it to optimal function. We then retest the labs with the goal of getting you into the optimal “functional” ranges, improving the dysfunctional patterns, and have you answer the questionnaires to track the improvement of symptoms. We will have also changed your lifestyle habits to prevent the triggers that caused your dysfunction. So the goals of each are fundamentally different, as conventional medicine is more concerned with an intervention to relieve a symptom in most cases, whereas in functional medicine our goal is supporting the body to restore optimal function. This is real preventive and wellness care. Furthermore, at no time am I advising you to discontinue or decrease any medications that your medical doctor has placed you on, as that decision can only be made by a discussion between you and the prescribing doctor. I also highly recommend that you discuss the findings of this report with your medical doctor. Should you have questions about this report or the recommendations, please feel free to email me or call the office. Also, remember that following this plan will take time for you to notice the changes in your health. Usually the first two months of changing your habits and incorporating the supplements will have ups and downs. Don’t get discouraged if you can’t follow all the dietary guidelines or exercise guidelines exactly. They are a template that you will use to build healthy lifestyle changes. The supplements and dietary changes that are recommended here are not necessarily what you will be doing for the rest of your life. Your plan will be modified when we do your follow up blood test. However, for optimal health, you can never return to your old habits, or your health will return to how it was before. If you do “fall of the wagon”, don’t stress about it, as we all have setbacks. Simply make better choices at your next meal, and make sure you don’t skip your supplements next time. Also, some people feel worse before they get better. If your inflammation levels are very high, or if you have an overgrowth of bacteria and yeast, or if you have addictions to certain foods (caffeine, sugar, etc), you may notice these problems initially. They are normal, but please contact me if you do have them so I can help you through it and answer any questions you have. 2 INTERPRETING ALL TEST RESULTS When you look at the printout of your lab tests, here is how you can interpret it. I have color coded it to make it easier for you to read… No highlight= this means the value is in the functional and clinical normal range. Yellow = values are outside the functional range but still within the clinical range Red = values are outside of both the functional and clinical range Blue = values extremely higher or lower than the clinical range limits and MUST be followed up with a medical doctor in addition to my recommendations. Further explanation is in the next section. INTERPRETING BLOOD LAB RESULTS On the blood test results page found later in the report, you'll notice two columns on the right side of the page labeled “functional range” and “clinical lab range.” The clinical range is used by the medical community. Any values outside this range are indicative of a disease process and we recommend that you also discuss these values with your medical doctor. The way that the clinical range is determined is by applying the bell curve to all the values within the population in that given year. This is why you will see different ‘normal’ ranges at one lab than you will find at another down the street. They are applying a bell curve to all the people they tested at their lab during a given time period. Additionally, if you check online for normal ranges at the Mayo Clinic, you will find different ranges than those for Quest, Labcorp, or even the one we use, which is Foundation Laboratories. These “normal” values have changed from year to year based on the average health of the US population. What also occurs with applying the bell curve is that the sicker the population gets on average over time, the wider these ranges become. If you look at what were the lab normal ranges 40 or 50 years ago when there were fewer chronically ill people than there are today, you will find very different ranges. The Functional Range that we use is much narrower than the Clinical Lab Range. These values are not affected by the bell curve, so as society gets sicker, they do not move. There is some difference in opinion as to what the optimal ranges are, so they are not ironclad. However, they do give us a more sensitive method for uncovering the roots of your problems. Additionally, we do not just evaluate for high and low and then give recommendations to ‘correct’ a test. If you take the lab breakdown that we give you here, most MD’s will be unfamiliar with these functional ranges and would not do the extensive testing that we start with. Their approach is opposite of ours in that they will “screen” for a few critical tests and if those come back “normal”, then nothing is usually done, but if something is abnormal then they may order more tests. In functional medicine, we make no assumptions up front and work backwards from their approach. We test deeply off the bat to try to catch patterns early or ones that might be missed if only a few scout tests were run. I am not saying that their approach is wrong, it is just different and has a different goal than ours. We look for patterns that are occurring in your lab values that illustrate how various organs and systems are functioning in the body so that the appropriate dietary and supplementation changes can be implemented to restore optimal functioning. We then correlate those patterns to your history, examination, and metabolic assessment questionnaire to get a more complete picture of what is occurring in your body. Test values outside of the Functional Range indicate results which are not as good as they should be, and the tighter guidelines of this range allow us to see signs of any developing diseases/conditions BEFORE they become more serious where they might require medications or other interventions to correct them. We may also recommend additional blood tests based on your lab results if we suspect auto-immune patterns are occurring, and will definitely suggest follow up testing within 2 to 4 months to make sure that these protocols are actually helping. If there seems to be an auto-immune pattern occurring, it is critical to get the testing done to find out what you are reacting to so that we can eliminate those foods from your diet. If there is an auto immune pattern present, and the trigger foods are not removed, very little progress can be made in your treatment. 3 CYREX ARRAY TEST FINDINGS On your metabolic lab panel, you scored in the thyroid antibody range that many labs consider a positive value for having Hashimoto’s Reaction (this is an auto immune thyroid reaction). Foundation Labs does not consider it a reaction until the values are over 60, but most labs, such as the CDC and Mayo Clinic, would consider your value to be a positive reaction. The most common cause of this is reactions to wheat gluten (also found in rye, barley, and oats). However, many people with this auto immune reaction may also be reacting to other foods, such as milk, corn, eggs, potatoes, coffee, and even rice. It is very important to know exactly what you are reacting to in order to make sure you stop ingesting it. If you keep eating foods you react to, you will continue to flare up the levels of antibodies in your body, which will cause inflammation and tissue destruction. These antibodies from food reactions can commonly aggravate conditions like Hashimoto’s Hypothyroidism, Gout, Rheumatoid Arthritis, Lupus, MS, Fibromyalgia, Irritable Bowel, Crohn’s disease, Diabetes, Osteoporosis, and more. There were many findings on your Array 4. You will find a copy of those results in this report. What is important to understand about your results is that these are not just “food allergies”. These results indicate foods that you have an antibody reaction against. Here is what that means…. For all the foods that you see in the “equivocal” or “out of range” column, your body will have an immune reaction if you eat them. This is NOT dose dependent! This means that it only takes ONE BITE of any of those foods that have an X in these columns for your immune system to react. For example, if you have just ONE BITE of a food that contains MILK (cow’s milk, butter, cream, yogurt, ice cream, whey, milk chocolate) or any other food that you reacted to, your immune system will recognize this food as something it cannot tolerate. It will then tag the food protein, and ANY protein that LOOKS LIKE it to be DESTROYED by immune cells. This is very significant…. Each food will cause your body to target different tissues. Some will cause your body to target and DESTROY thyroid cells, others will cause GUT destruction, pancreas destruction, bone destruction, even BRAIN and NERVE destruction. There is a limit to how much destruction each organ can handle before you reach the level of permanent and serious destruction. When looking at your results, certain foods must be avoided for life, while others could possibly be added back in once the gut has healed. In general, everything from SESAME and ABOVE, must be eliminated for life. These foods will always cause a reaction, and eating them will cause consequences. Now, the ones from BELOW sesame could POSSIBLY be added back in once the gut function is improved with one important exception, which is if you have a reaction to RICE, sometimes that can be lifelong as well. The way to tell is to run the Array 3 test from Cyrex, and if you react to the transglutaminase forms of gluten, then rice is lifelong banned as well. Again, this is only if there is a reaction to rice and to the transglutaminase antibodies. Very importantly, one exposure or “cheat” of the milk or gluten foods can cause an immune system flare up or self attack that last from a few days to up to 6-8 months! So….you MUST never cheat from now on or else you can destroy more tissues. For the milk products, this includes dairy free, lactose free, etc. Anything made from milk or having a milk ingredient will set you off. It is the milk protein that causes your damage. If you have more questions on this, which most people do, feel free to call or email or facebook me. 4 LABORATORY FINDINGS On your test you had levels that were outside of the clinical lab range, and those will be highlighted in RED. I recommend that you also follow up with your medical doctor on these findings as well. You had several values that were within the normal range, but outside of the functional range, and these will be indicated by YELLOW highlighting. These values can indicate some patterns of dysfunction that are beginning and that may be affecting you current energy levels and creating some of your current complaints. The following is a list of the various findings along with recommendations for dietary, lifestyle, and supplement changes. For some patterns, I will recommend specific protocols from Apex Energetics. For others you may just see a list of recommended foods or supplements. It is always important to remember that supplements are not a replacement for healthy habits, and that the two must go together in order to achieve the best results. AUTO IMMUNE REACTION On your labs, there was the presence of ANTIBODIES that were above the ranges for many labs, although they were not above the Foundation Lab ranges, which is why I have placed this in yellow. Antibodies suggest that you have an auto immune reaction. We already know that you have tested positive for other auto immune reactions, which is common. These antibodies fluctuate greatly from day to day, so we may have just caught you on a ‘good’ day, and you may have higher values than this frequently. Auto immune conditions mean that genes in the body have become activated that will signal the immune system to attack your own tissues. There are many things that can trigger these auto immune conditions to become active. These include infections, food intolerances, intestinal permeability (leaky gut), environmental toxins, hormonal imbalances, stress, and more. These same conditions can also flare up an existing auto immune condition, so it is extremely important to manage them once the diagnosis has been made. Auto immunity has been suggested to come in a few stages. Here is an example of how we see auto immune conditions in functional medicine (this is different than how conventional medicine views them). 1) 2) 3) Silent stage- no symptoms of the disease. Only positive test for the presence of antibodies. Auto immune reactivity- antibodies present, and now tissue attacks are occurring and symptoms are starting. This is where I would place you. See Category XIV and XV for the symptoms caused by these antibodies. Auto immune disease- this is where the conventional medical community finally diagnosis it. There is often between 70% and 90% destruction of the tissue that was targeted by the antibodies. Conventional medicine will not do anything until tissue destruction can be demonstrated, and in fact they will often not make a diagnosis until that point. I make this distinction because when you see your regular medical doctor, they will often have a different opinion than the one we come to in functional medicine. In functional medicine, we want to get involved BEFORE you lose 70-90% function. The sooner we can get you educated about what lifestyle habits can flare up your auto immune reaction, what foods are involved, and get you to change those habits, the better it will be for your overall health. Now, here is something very important… there is no CURE for an auto immune disease. The protocols that I will be recommending can put it into REMISSION, and slow down or stop its progression. However, if you return to old habits, or eat gluten, dairy, and the other foods you react to, the condition will return again at some point and tissue destruction will resume. No one can say for sure WHEN that will start or HOW FAST it will progress. This is why it is critical that you make a permanent change in your lifestyle. 5 The good news is that the same protocol that supports an auto immune thyroid reaction also supports rheumatoid arthritis, lupus, etc Here is another critical point…. Following these protocols does not mean that you will never have any symptoms again. What it means is that our goal is to dampen or calm down the auto immune attack so that you have fewer flare ups and bad days. I have gone through this personally, as I have an auto immune condition as well. You will constantly be learning about what works for your body and what does not. This includes the supplement protocol. I will start off with what I think would be best for you, but there will be some trial and error, as no 2 people are exactly alike. This includes the dosages. You may need more or less than I recommend. I encourage you to remain in contact with me throughout your journey and we will try to find what works best for you. With that in mind, I want to reiterate what can flare up your auto immunity, and also point out what can calm it down. Factors that flare up auto immunity: Excess stress Physical overtraining (working out for too long, too intensely, or too many times per week) Lack of Sleep (less than 6-8 hours per night) Drops in blood sugar (functional hypoglycemia) Poor social relationships, stressful family/spouse/friends, arguments or pressure Negative attitude, thoughts, or beliefs Infections Factors that are beneficial: Love/appreciation. Includes pets Positive attitude Meditation/relaxation/creative visualization Exercise (must be done with adequate rest and not a crazy intense program) Adequate sleep (you may need more than 6-8 hours, and may need naps) Stable blood sugar Good social and physical interaction. Positive people. When antibodies are present, you can also run additional tests if you want to see what other ones you have. This does not change the treatment protocol, but helps us know what symptoms to watch out for, and what are the possible things that you can develop in the future. They have one panel called the Array 5 which tests for 24 different antibodies, ranging from MS to diabetes to osteoporosis to Lupus and more. They also have them broken down into groups, such as neurological antibodies, blood sugar, etc. They range in price from $175 up to $575. In conclusion, this will be a lifelong issue, but is something that if you follow the recommendations and the beneficial factors, you can slow the progress and even put it into remission. In contrast, if you keep doing what you have been doing, or return to those habits at a later date, the condition will trigger again and the destructive process will begin again. 6 THYROID AUTOIMMUNE HASHIMOTO’S REACTION COMBINED WITH PITUITARY/ADRENAL STRESS REACTION AND UNDERCONVERSION OF THYROID HORMONES INTO ACTIVE FORMS Your reactions were outside of the FUNCTIONAL range but within the lab normal, so most MDs would say you did not have a problem. However, your T4 was outside of the lab range, so I also suggest a follow up with your medical doctor as well for their opinion. You have the presence of antibodies against your thyroid, which suggests that you have the auto immune Hashimoto’s thyroid reaction according to most labs (Foundation Labs has a higher limit compared to other labs). Because your TSH, thyroid stimulating hormone, was lab normal, MD’s would not classify you as ‘hypothyroid’ and in fact they would do no treatment but would just monitor the thyroid. They do not have any treatments for antibodies against the thyroid. In functional medicine, we want to get you to eliminate the things that trigger the antibody formation, as were outlined in the auto immune section. The thyroid gland is a butterfly shaped gland in the front of the neck. The gland influences EVERY CELL IN THE BODY! It’s function is extremely important, and even a small change can affect many systems in the body. Take a look at the picture to see some of the common symptoms of a sluggish thyroid, called hypothyroidism: Your TSH was normal, but functionally low. Most MDs would say you have no problem with your thyroid, but functionally you are also low on your T3 thyroid hormones, which are the active forms. You must change the diet to drop the antibody levels. Medications cannot change those levels, as it can only affect your TSH. In addition, because you have ‘leaky gut’ issues (see later section), this will further prevent you from converting your thyroid hormones into the active forms, which can also result in decreased function. 7 Because you have ANTIBODIES that target thyroid tissue for destruction, the active hormone does not get made, even though the brain is telling it to do so. Many people who have Hashimoto’s reaction, which is the autoimmune reaction that you appear to have, don’t get diagnosed for years because they never have their antibodies tested. And even if they do get tested, or have an abnormal TSH on a test and get put on medications for the thyroid, they do not usually have much improvement in their symptoms, even if the TSH returns to lab normal with the meds. In your case, the functionally low TSH (below 1.8) is usually caused by the adrenal glands being stressed, which prevents them from being able to signal the pituitary gland to release TSH. This then can result in functionally low levels of thyroid hormones. TSH can also be low if you are on or have recently been on thyroid medications. If it is a synthetic form of thyroid medication, that can also make the T3 and T4 appear low because the synthetic forms are not detected on lab tests. Because the antibodies are never addressed by the medications, your body can continue to slowly attack the thyroid and prevent it from making normal thyroid hormone levels. The ranges for what is “lab normal” for TPO antibodies and TGB antibodies varies from lab to lab. Foundation labs says that anything under 60 is normal for either antibody. The CDC says that values over 9 for TPO or over 4 for TGB indicate that there is an autoimmune component to the thyroid dysfunction. The Mayo clinic says autoimmunity is indicated with values over 9 for TPO, and less than 116 for TGB, while Quest has TPO at over 35 and TGB at over 20. So what does this mean to you? Well, your values were very high compared to the lab normals, which is how we arrive at the Hashimoto’s reaction diagnosis. Because you have antibodies you are most likely reacting to gluten. The Cyrex Array #4 test showed what cross reactors you have to eliminate as well. All cross reactors on that page from above sesame must be strictly eliminated for life. Those that are below sesame may possibly be added back in after completion of protocols that include a strict elimination of all gluten containing foods and cross reactors for 6 months. Most people wonder why foods cause them to form antibodies. Here is the explanation… Some people have a genetic predisposition to have an intolerance towards certain proteins in specific foods. The most common example is the protein gliadin, which is found in wheat and many other grains, and is commonly knows as “GLUTEN”. This protein’s molecular structure closely resembles proteins found in various tissues in the human body, such as thyroid tissue, gut tissue, brain tissue, etc. About 1 in 133 to 1 in 100 people have full blown celiac disease, which is where the genes that cause an antibody reaction against wheat gluten get switched on and cause you to attack your own tissues whenever gluten or related foods are ingested. Other studies estimate between 1 in 3 and up to 2 in 3 people have an ‘intolerance’ or ‘sensitivity’ to gluten that is caused by a ‘leaky gut’, which occurs when there are issues with the digestive tract. These genes can get switched on by repeated exposure to gluten, high stress levels, infections, injuries, etc. Once they get turned on, they are on for life, and now you must be diligent about avoiding exposure to the antibody producing foods. For someone with antibodies against foods, one small bite of gluten containing foods can cause an auto immune reaction that can last from a few days up to 6 MONTHS!!! This is why you cannot mess around with your diet and ‘cheat’ if you have antibodies present… Is a week to 6 months of fatigue, pain, or other symptoms worth a bite of pizza or cake or tortilla? So, when you eat gluten containing foods, your body will form antibodies against the gluten protein. These antibodies will then search for things that look like gluten, and mark them for destruction by the immune system. Because the thyroid tissue looks a lot like gluten, it gets marked for destruction, and when the cells get destroyed, your thyroid does not work like it should. This cycle of slow destruction can go on for years, and is a major reason why many people taking thyroid medications feel no better with the medication. 90% of all hypothyroid patients are actually autoimmune patients with Hashimoto’s, and their autoimmunity never gets addressed, and therefore they never feel any better. You scored high in your metabolic assessment form for digestive issues as well, which is common with this condition. Therefore, the ideal treatment will consist of several phases, as outlined in the Repairvite program. 8 DIETARY GUIDELINES FOLLOW THE GLUTEN FREE, DAIRY FREE DIET OUTLINED IN THE REPAIRVITE PAMPHLET AND ELIMINATE ALL FOODS THAT YOU REACTED TO ON THE ARRAY 4. APEX ENERGETICS NUTRIONAL SUPPORT PROTOCOL: 1) THYROXAL: 1-2 capsules, 3 times per day 2) THYRO-CNV: 1-2 capsules, 3 times per day 3) ULTRA D COMPLEX: 1 tsp, 1-3 times per day (or continue with the Metagenics D3, 2 per day) 4) GLUTATHIONE RECYCLER: 1-2 capsules, 3 times per day 5) REPAIRVITE: 1 scoop, 1-2 times per day 6) STRENGTIA: 1-3 capsules per day 7) GI SYNERGY: 1 packet per day 8) TURMERO ACTIVE: 5 ml (1 tsp) once per day 9) RESVERO ACTIVE: 5 ml (1 tsp) once per day ***The above supplements may be done in phases… CRITICAL WARNING!!! Because you have antibodies against your thyroid, you MUST make sure that you NEVER take a supplement with IODINE in it, and you MUST NEVER have a procedure done that places IODINE into your body unless it is ABSOLUTELY critical for you life! If you take supplemental iodine or get imaging with iodine contrast, it can trigger massive destruction of you thyroid tissue that can send you to the emergency room with a dangerously high pulse and blood pressure. I also recommend that any salt you use be non-iodized, such as sea salt, for the same reason. 9 VITAMIN D DEFICIENCY Your vitamin D levels are deficient, which is very common with patients who have auto immune antibodies present. The ideal levels should be between 50 and 80, but less than 100. Vitamin D is necessary for proper utilization of calcium, and is important for normal immune function and cancer prevention. An interesting thing about vitamin D is that it is really a hormone which has powerful effects on the body. It is critical for the function of many organs of the body, including the thyroid and immune system, and also helps lower inflammation. Low vitamin D is also connected with inflammatory conditions such as rheumatoid arthritis and can cause generalized body pains and affect hormone formation and function. Here is a diagram of what can cause deficiencies of vitamin D and what the consequences are: So you can see on the left that if you use sunscreens, have dark skin, live in high latitudes (most of the USA qualifies as a risk factor latitude), don’t get out in the sun, or if it is winter, you have a risk of deficiency. Certain medical conditions and medications also increase risks. On the right you can see the possible complications to deficiency. Notice that many diseases are affected by vitamin D deficiency. Additionally, several studies have linked low vitamin with depression and seasonal affective disorder (S.A.D.), which is the depression that many people suffer in the short daylight hours of winter. Vitamin D also affects the thyroid. Recent research suggests that up to 90% of people in North America have vitamin insufficiency of deficiency, which will reach its lowest levels towards the middle and end of winter. The levels recommended by the RDA for daily intake, which range from 400-800 IU depending on age, are insufficient to correct a deficiency as severe as yours. According to the research by Dr James Dowd, MD, author of “The Vitamin D Cure”, to get a person from a deficiency level of 20 to a level 60 (which would be the bottom end of optimal range), would require them to take 30 IU per pound of bodyweight per day. For example, if they weigh 200 lbs, multiply 200 lbs X 30 IU/lb which = 6000 IU per day. Most pills come in 1000 IU or 5000 IU form, so the easiest way to make your target is to hit a weekly goal. You must make sure that it is the D3 form, and not the D2 to ensure maximum effectiveness. 10 Vitamin D does not have to be taken every day because it is fat soluble and stored in the body. Individual doses up to 20,000 or 25,0000 IU have been shown to be safe and even dosages up to 60,000 IU have been shown effective and safe for patients with rickets (according to the Mayo Clinic). The key thing is to keep getting your levels tested every 2 months to make sure that it does not go over 100, which is where toxicity occurs. Levels between 80 and 100 have been suggested to be beneficial in cancer prevention/treatment and heart disease, though this is a controversial topic. At your level, you could take 5000 IU per day for the next 60 days and then retest your level. Vitamin D also protects against muscle weakness and fatigue and is involved in regulation of the heartbeat It is important in the prevention of osteoporosis, enhances immunity, and is necessary for normal thyroid function and blood clotting. When there is a liver or kidney dysfunction there is a greater risk for osteoporosis, because the liver and kidneys are needed to turn vitamin D into its active form. The following shows the pathways for getting vitamin D and how your body converts it into its usable form. Notice that once vitamin D is obtained either through the diet, supplements, or the sun, that you must have healthy functioning liver and kidneys in order to convert it into its usable form. Any breakdown along the path of the chain can lead to the symptoms noted at the bottom or in the previous drawing. SUPPLEMENT RECOMMENDATIONS: Vitamin D3 , 5000 IU per day • safe exposure to sunlight 15 minutes per day (see section on Sun exposure) We have a great formula by Apex Energetics called Ultra D Complex. It is superior because it has cofactors and is in a liquid form for better absorption. FOOD RECOMMENDATIONSFish liver oils, dairy (only use organic), and eggs are the main sources. It is also found in butter, dandelion greens, liver, oatmeal, sweet potatoes, sardines, salmon, and tuna. Herbs like alfalafa, horsetail, nettle, and parsley also contain D. 11 BLOOD SUGAR DYSREGULATIONFUNCTIONAL HYPOGLYCEMIA Diabetes and other blood sugar dysfunctions such as insulin resistance, hypoglycemia, and reactive hypoglycemia are getting more common all the time. With autoimmune conditions, blood sugar dysregulation can aggravate the condition. It can lead to increased inflammation, increased pain, and delayed healing. Problems with blood glucose management can be indicated by LDH, which is lactate dehydrogenase, below 140, a fasting glucose that is below 85 or over 99, and an HBA1C that is outside of the 5 to 5.5 range. This can also be indicated by elevations in triglycerides and cholesterol, and elevations of inflammatory markers like the ESR (sedimentation rate), uric acid, and c reactive protein. On your metabolic assessment form, look at category IX and X. The presence of 2’s and 3’s, especially if you see irritable if meals are missed, crave sweets, fatigue after meals, increased energy after meals, or shakiness if meals are skipped, is an indication that there are problems with blood sugar regulation. On the Health Survey Form, these are found in Section C. Blood glucose that is not within the functional ranges can greatly affect your nerve and brain function, as they are greatly dependent on stable blood glucose. Glucose regulation is one of the most important things that we have to address. In fact, when we look at your brain questionnaire, we see that glucose is greatly affecting your brain function as well. One of our primary concerns will be stabilizing your blood glucose levels. Problems with blood glucose stability can lead to diabetes, which is the leading cause of blindness and amputations, and leads to many serious chronic diseases. You do not have this condition now, and it is fully preventable if you implement the recommended changes. These patterns emerge due to highly processed diets, refined carbohydrates, stress, lack of exercise, and also auto immune attacks against the pancreas, which is the organ that releases insulin to control blood glucose levels. In a normally functioning body, when a person eats food, it will be broken down into glucose, which is what all cells in the body will use for energy. As the glucose elevates in the bloodstream, the pancreas will release insulin so that the glucose can shuttle into the cells to be utilized for energy. See the diagram for a description… 12 The above picture shows what happens when little or no insulin is released by the pancreas, which is what happens eventually if diabetes is not dealt with. At that point, prescription insulin is necessary for survival. The precursor to this state is insulin resistance, which is when the cells lose their sensitivity to insulin (this means that insulin is not effective at getting glucose into the cells and out of the bloodstream). Problems can occur when there is a history of meal skipping, eating sugary meals, high carb meals, highly processed meals, having high levels of stress, or eating foods that trigger an auto immune attack on the insulin producing cells of the pancreas. Over time the pancreas can get exhausted and the individual cells can lose their sensitivity to insulin, which means the insulin does not work anymore and glucose does not get into the cells. Instead, it stays elevated in the blood, and can cause inflammation, increased rates of infection, damage to the eyes and other organs, neuropathies, and many problems. Diabetes is indicated by the following: - a fasting blood glucose that is over 126 - a long term glucose, which is the HBA1C, being over 6 - elevated triglycerides - elevated cholesterol - elevated uric acid - decreased HDL - increased LDL - Triglyceride level is higher than cholesterol level Metabolic Syndrome is diagnosed when we see the following in a patient: - Waist size over 40 inches in a male, and over 35 in a female - Fasting glucose over 110 - Blood pressure greater than 130/80 - Triglycerides over 150 - HDL level that is below 40 in males and below 50 in females Symptoms of hypoglycemia include the following: - strong craving for sweets - awaken after a few hours of sleeping, hard to get back to sleep - crave coffee or sweets in the afternoon - sleepy in the afternoon - fatigue relieved by eating - headache if meals are skipped or delayed - irritable before meals or if meals are missed - shaky or light headed if meals are delayed. - poor memory - blurred vision - agitated, easily upset, nervous Metabolic Syndrome occurs before diabetes, and after insulin resistance. Basically as a person’s blood sugar starts to get out of control, they move through an initial phase of insulin resistance, into metabolic syndrome, and finally into diabetes. Blood sugar regulation is also affected by adrenal stress and dysfunction, which will affect blood glucose. If you look at your metabolic assessment form in category XI and XII, these are the adrenal stress markers. 2’s and 3’s here suggest adrenal dysfunction. 13 Over time, further blood sugar dysfunction can lead to insulin resistance, which is the state in which your blood loses its ability to get glucose out of the blood stream and into the cells to be used for energy. Diabetes causes a person to take longer to heal, and can increase the chances of heart disease, stroke, blindness, and amputations. Additionally, the brain is the organ that is most dependent on healthy blood sugar levels for proper function. So, when blood sugar is not properly regulated, it can lead to a host of mental and brain function issues. Food that increase blood sugar levels include: processed carbohydrates, simple sugars, sodas, alcohol, starchy carbohydrates, breads, pastas, baked goods, stimulants like caffeine and nicotine, etc. For long term management of this, you will want to follow the food guidelines in the diet section listed later. I highly recommend avoiding foods specifically made for ‘diabetics,’ as these are usually high in artificial sweeteners, flavor enhancing chemicals, and are really made to make a profit and not teach you how to eat properly. It is critical that you do not skip meals to make sure your blood sugar does not swing up and down. Also, this will not be managed properly without addressing your stress levels. As part of your protocol, you MUST eat a little something every 2 hours to 3 hours (maximum). You absolutely cannot go longer than 3 hours (not even 3 hours and 15 minutes, etc) without eating or you WILL NOT get this issue under control. The supplement protocol I give you below includes some liposomal creams that will be applied directly over the adrenal glands to help combat the effect of stress on those glands. Blood sugar regulation is one of the main things we have to get control of if we are going to make an improvement in your health. This cannot be managed with supplements alone, but will require you to adopt the dietary changes I have outlined in this report. APEX ENERGETICS NUTRITIONAL SUPPORT PROTOCOL: 1) GLYCEMOVITE: 1 scoop in a shake before a meal, two times per day 2) GLYSENR SYNERGY: 1 packet, 2 to 3 times per day 3) ADRENACALM: ½ to 1 pump applied 3x per day over adrenal glands (mid back along spine) *** 4) ADAPTOCRINE: : 2 capsules, 3x per day with meals 14 INTESTINAL PERMEABILITY “LEAKY GUT SYNDROME” Because you listed digestive issues on your questionnaire, and because of how highly reactive your 4 was, your labs also reflected a pattern commonly known as “leaky gut syndrome.” Your high levels of inflammation, along with the chronic infection discussed earlier, all indicate that you are suffering from this condition. Like blood glucose, this is something that MUST be addressed as a primary target if we have any hopes of making progress with you. Here is a diagram that shows what happens with a leaky gut: From this diagram, you can see that stress, infections, antibodies, medications (especially antibiotics and antacids, ibuprofen, hormones/birth control, etc) and more, can affect the gut’s ability to function normally. Over time, this causes more and more breakdown in tissues, alters the immune system, and even affects the brain’s function. The following page has some diagrams regarding symptoms of leaky gut, and those of food allergies. When looking at the food allergy picture, also understand that those may be symptoms of food sensitivities or intolerances as well as true allergy. 15 Leaky gut’ (also known as increased intestinal permeability) is a term used primarily by alternative medicine practitioners to describe a condition of altered or damaged intestinal lining. Proponents of the condition argue ‘leaky gut’ arises as a result of damage to the intestinal lining that is thought to be caused by chronic inflammation, chronic infections, altered gut flora (bacteria), poor diet, damage from taking large amounts of non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDS), cytotoxic drugs and radiation, antibiotics, excessive alcohol consumption, or compromised immunity, and also auto immune attacks against your own intestinal tissues.. The lining of the gut is made up of a mucous membrane that maintains the barrier between the inside of the intestines and the bloodstream. It is similar to a row of guards protecting the wall between the castle and the moat. Now when the guards become tired or decide to take a break the integrity of the wall becomes compromised and invaders may enter the castle. This is exactly what happens in the gut – increased permeability of the mucosal membrane means that some bacteria, incompletely digested proteins and fats and waste not normally absorbed may “leak” out of the intestines and into the blood stream: a compromised wall ripe for invaders to enter. This ‘leaking’ from the intestines into systemic circulation causes the immune system to go haywire. Our immune system is designed to stay on the lookout for any intruders or unidentified matter and therefore responds immediately to any partially digested food particles, antigens, toxins, and pathogens entering the bloodstream (imagine unauthorized personnel entering a building and the alarm signal sounding). In response to the infiltration of particles through the intestinal wall, an immune response is initiated and the body manufactures specific antibodies to these antigens. In some people, their own tissues are mistaken to be an external invader and the tissue is attacked. This autoimmune response can lead to a host of gastrointestinal disturbances such as abdominal bloating, gut inflammation (often manifested as a belly ‘pouch’) excessive gas and cramps, fatigue, food sensitivities, joint pain, skin rashes, and autoimmunity. Other conditions that have been clinically associated with increased intestinal permeability or “leaky gut” include inflammatory bowel disease, autism (ASD), inflammatory joint disease, dermatological disorders such as eczema, dermatitis and acne, and mood disorders such as depression and anxiety. 16 There is also increasing evidence that damage to the intestinal wall plays an important role in autoimmune diseases such as multiple sclerosis, celiac disease, crohn’s disease, psoriasis, rheumatoid arthritis, Lupus, Fibromyalgia, ankylosing spondylitis, Behcet’s syndrome, type 1 diabetes and rheumatoid arthritis, even neurodegerative diseases like Parkinson’s and Alzheimer’s. While some medical practitioners dispute the term ‘leaky gut’ few dispute that the intestinal wall can become ‘leaky’. They argue however, that the ‘leakiness’ is the cause of another disease and not the cause of the disease itself. However, with growing evidence to demonstrate the effectiveness in treating the gut lining to eliminate symptoms of disease, it would seem that treating the gut as the first priority is a no brainer. For this reason, most alternative medicine practices will test the intestinal permeability of patients. Given that poor gut health is often at the root of illness and that the intestines are the primary site for nutrient absorption, prescribing dietary strategies or supplements without addressing intestinal dysbiosis or leaky gut is pointless in alleviating symptoms and/or disease in the long term. Thanks for the diagnosis but now what do I do? The array 4 test must be run in order to determine what foods are causing you to react. We also need to heal up the intestinal tract as well. You must strictly avoid all those foods that you were reactive to or this protocol will not work and you will not make progress. You may experience some improvements, but they will not be as good. In patients who are diagnosed with a high level of intestinal impermeability, the first line of treatment is to remove the foods and irritants that are causing gut inflammation. If we compare this to a leaking tap in the bathroom what we are doing by removing the inflammatory foods and other materials such as alcohol, antibiotics, aspirin, drugs, processed foods, tobacco, and extreme stress is turning the tap off. It is much easier to fix a leak while the water is not running continuously and the same concept can be applied to the gut. Following a 100% strict gluten free, dairy free, and soy free, anti-inflammatory and/or detoxification diet will help restore balance and function to the digestive tract while removing the excessive toxic load off the liver. Supplements are also used to improve the function of the digestive system and sometimes for hormonal support and regulation. This helps to get the body out of constant stress and back to proper function and balance. 17 Quality practitioner only powdered and activated supplements are preferred to ensure optimal uptake and prevent further stress on the digestive system. Specific nutrients are often prescribed to protect, soothe and support the colon, probiotics are prescribed to restore balance to the gut flora, aid in the digestion and absorption of food, ensure proper bowel function and act to police the digestive tract to keep the harmful parasites and bacteria. Supplements may also be prescribed to accelerate the healing process by stimulating the natural cell repair process. As a result of this treatment plan the mucosal barrier of the intestinal lining becomes restored and the wall is once again protected by efficient and capable guards. Again, I cannot stress enough to you how critical it will be for you to 100% follow the diet plan I recommend for you. You will be doing this protocol for a minimum of 90 days. During this time, you may feel worse before you get better! You may have severe withdrawals from your foods, just like a drug withdrawal. This is because many of these gluten containing foods stimulate the same opioid receptors in the brain that drugs like heroin simulate. So, if you get moody, grumpy, have a headache, etc, just understand that you are going through “rehab” from some of the foods you have been eating for years. This may take months to correct. In fact, if you have antibodies, you are going to be working on repair for at least 6 months! Because you have antibodies against your thyroid, you probably have antibodies against the gut, so I will be recommending the Repair and Clear protocol to provide the nutritional support you will need for this. Please note that I have gone through this myself, so I know exactly what this entails, and if you ever have questions as you go through the protocol I encourage you to email me. For details on the Repair and Clear protocol, look at the Treatment Plan section of this report. Each phase will come with a handout that will guide you through the dietary restrictions for each phase. Although the treatment plan says for you to be on the Repairvite phase for just 2 weeks, we may need to have you be on that phase for a longer time, perhaps 6 weeks or more, depending on your progress. LIFESTYLE / DIETARY RECOMMENDATIONS As a general rule, I always recommend the organic versions when possible in your budget. Trader Joe’s and Henry’s/Sprouts Markets, and Whole Foods are good places to shop and they have much better prices on organic foods than regular supermarkets. Costco is now getting into the organic food game, as is Fresh and Easy, although their selections are much smaller. You can also order organic, gluten free sauces and foods online if getting to a store is not feasible. DIET FOCUS Food can be broken down into basically two categories: 1. Energy (calories from fat, carbohydrates and protein) 2. Nourishment (the nutrient density of the food; vitamin and mineral content). This section will provide some GENERAL food tips. In your case, you will SPECIFICALLY be following the protocol that comes with the REPAIRVITE powder. You will strictly follow that protocol for the next 60 to 90 days, possibly longer. Also, you will want to avoid any foods that you reacted to on the Array 4. In general, the more raw foods, such as fruits and veggies, that you eat, the more nutrients you will take in. The cooking process actually destroys many vitamins and proteins and disease fighting substances normally present in fruits and veggies, which is why raw or lightly steamed is better for your health. 18 Additionally, when cooking food, avoid overcooking. For example, if you ‘blacken’ meat, make bacon extra crispy, or even burn toast, then you produce some substances that are actually cancer causing. So be sure to not cook your food to that level. When planning your meals, use this thought process: 1. Get at least 2 vegetables and 1 fruit with each meal. 2. Proteins: 25-35% of the meal needs to be of a protein source. • Focus on good quality protein and not the processed protein bars, drinks, and powders. • Most desirable proteins: meats (like chicken, fish, turkey and even red meat), eggs, beans, seeds, nuts, sprouts, nut butters (ie. peanut butter, cashew butter, almond butter). Note: make sure that the fish is wild pacific and not farmed. Also stay away from sushi, shark, and swordfish due to mercury levels. Also, the nut butters must not contain hydrogenated oils or sugar or corn syrup. • Eliminate these least desirable proteins: processed soy, processed dairy, pork, processed luncheon meats (those that contain "nitrates" or "nitrites"). 3. Carbohydrates: 40-60% of your meal needs to be carbohydrate. • Most desirable carbohydrates sources: fresh vegetables, fresh fruits, brown rice, brown rice pasta, brown rice farina (cereal) avocadoes, raw nuts. To determine what you can and cannot eat, you must either do the elimination/challenge diet (you eliminate all processed foods and grains for 3 weeks and then add one in at a time every 3 days and check for reactions) or do lab testing to measure your reactions. • Eliminate these least desirable carbohydrates: white sugar, white flour, fruit juice, high fructose corn syrup, chips, French fries, sodas 4. Fats: Your meal should contain anywhere from 15-25% fat. • Most desirable fat sources: nuts such as cashews, almonds, pecans, walnuts, Brazil nuts (raw and unsalted are preferred), seeds (sunflower seeds, pumpkin seeds), avocados, olive oil, coconut oil, fish (not farm raised and not canned tuna or sushi due to high mercury content), nut butters (cashew butter, almond butter, etc). • Desirable Cooking Oils: Olive Oil, Coconut Oil,. has some AMAZING tasting olive oils. They are grown organically in Los Olivos, CA. Coconut oil is the best oil for cooking as it is least likely to be damaged by the heating process, unlike other oils. Olive oil should be kept in the refrigerator to prevent rancidity. Trader Joe’s also has some very affordable organic oils. •Eliminate these least desirable fat sources: anything with trans-fat (AKA: hydrogenated fat), margarine, interesterified fat or Olestra. Bacon, sausage, etc. • Strictly avoid hydrogenated/trans-fats: About 80% of trans fats in your diet come from processed foods, fast food, primarily snack foods and desserts. A couple of popular foods that are recommended to be avoided are peanuts and oranges. Peanuts should be avoided because too many of them are contaminated with aflatoxin mold, which is cancer-causing. Oranges should only be eaten if they are organic and non genetically modified, as conventional ones and genetically modified ones can tend to cause allergic or inflammatory reactions. Additionally, make sure that the salt that you use is NOT iodized salt! Make sure you use sea salt that has no iodine added. Naturally occurring iodine is fine, but when it is added it can trigger an attack on your thyroid. 19 FOOD RECOMMENDATIONS Recent research has shown a major link between gluten containing foods and thyroid dysfunction, and chronic digestive dysfunction and blood sugar dysregulation. The reason? The body can mistake thyroid tissue for the gluten protein found in wheat, barley, rye, spelt, polish wheat, and oats. When it does this it can attack and destroy tissue and alter the function of this gland. Your initial diet will have to be very restricted for at a minimum 6 weeks. Realistically, when I see reactions like yours, we will probably be working to repair the gut for at least 3 to 6 months. As stated before, you must STRICTLY, 100% ELIMINATE ALL GLUTEN AND DAIRY, and eliminate all foods you reacted to on the Array 4 as well. If you follow the list of foods I place here, this can jump start you on going free of the common irritants of the thyroid. Obviously if you have allergies/sensitivities to any food on this list DO NOT eat it. This is largely a protein/veggie diet. If you want to reverse what is occurring in your body, you must make dietary changes in addition to using the supplements. If you do choose to add in any meats, be sure to use organic produce and meats. These will have fewer pesticides and hormones, and fewer pro-inflammatory fats. Pesticides can accumulate in your body tissues and produce inflammation and also mimick estrogen, which can cause weight gain and tumor growth. Certain pesticides penetrate the skin or peel, so washing does not eliminate your intake or exposure. If you eat non-organic produce, be sure to soak them in a veggie wash before eating them. You can buy citrus based veggie washes at the store, or you can make one at home by combining water, vinegar, and lemon juice. What is very important on the following list is that if you see any foods listed below that are listed as foods that you are reactive to on the Array #4, then do not eat that food. The Array takes priority. Most desirable protein sources: Organic Chicken Free range beef/bison Eggs Nuts Almond butter Cashew butter Turkey (minimally processed) Seeds beans/legumes Salmon (wild) Tuna (wild) Be sure with all nut butters that there is NO sugar or hydrogenated oils. Your only ingredients should be the nut and maybe salt. No more than that. I did not list peanut butter because much of the peanut crop is contaminated with a toxic mold called aflatoxin, which can cause severe reactions and has even been linked to cancer. It is very hard to find peanuts without that mold, so it is easier to just switch to almond or cashew butter. Vegetable choices. Fresh and organic is preferred. Frozen ok. No canned! Avocado Celery Lettuce Rutabagas Bean Sprouts Chard Mushrooms String Beans Beet greens Cucumber Okra Squash Cabbage Carrots Cauliflower Dandelion Greens Kale Kohlrabi Leeks Onions Pimento Pumpkin Radishes Tomatoes Asparagus Mustard Greens Broccoli Eggplant Parsley Turnips Collards Spinach Brussel Sprouts Endive Peppers Water Cress All veggies should be eaten raw or steamed lightly. You can buy a steamer at Target or Walmart for about $30, which makes cooking very easy. Simply add your seasonings on top of the veggies, add water, and you are done. DO NOT COOK ANYTHING IN THE MICROWAVE! If you use a microwave, you will destroy most of the nutrients that are in the food, in addition to denaturing the proteins. Some European countries have banned microwave ovens over health concerns. Instead, buy a mini-convection toaster oven at Target or Walmart. They cost around $30-40, and the food will taste much better and not be destroyed. 20 Additional Fruit and Veggie choices (higher carb content). Fresh organic better. Frozen ok. No canned! Cantaloupe Rhubarb Watermelon Berries Artichokes Kidney Beans Lima Beans Sweet Potato Hominy White potato Parsnips Green peas Brown rice Yams Apple Apricots Blackberries Cranberries Grapefruit Limes Plums Currants Guava Oranges Raspberries Gooseberries Melons Papayas Tangerines Grapes Lemons Peaches DO NOT COOK ANYTHING IN THE MICROWAVE! If you use a microwave, you will destroy most of the nutrients that are in the food, in addition to denaturing the proteins. Some European countries have banned microwave ovens over health concerns. Instead, buy a mini-convection toaster oven at Target or Walmart. They cost around $30-40, and the food will taste much better and not be destroyed. A lot of people freak out a little when they see this because they don’t see typical breakfast foods, such as cereals, breads, etc. Remember, breakfast is just like any other meal. A good rule of thumb for each meal is to get about 3 ounces of protein (meat about the size of a deck of cards) along with vegetable or low sugar fruit that is about the size of your fist. Do this 3-6 times per day. If you are not hungry, then have about 1 ounce of protein along with a few nuts or a smaller portion of veggies or fruit. Use this same method of thinking when you go out. For example, if you go to El Pollo Loco, get a 2 piece chicken meal, ask for breast and leg (instead of wing), and get a salad with no tortilla strips or cheese, and beans. You can pour the beans on top of the salad, add fresh salsa or avocado salsa, and you have a very balanced example (just be sure to remove the skin, and don’t have tortillas!) At a restaurant, use the same method of thinking. You can always use the excuse “My doctor has me on a special diet”, and they will usually accommodate your requests. For example, if the normal sides are pasta or fries, asked for steamed veggies or a salad. Just be sure not to get a creamy dressing, as that will defeat the purpose. Go for an oil based Italian or Balsamic instead. For example, if you love Italian food, you can still go, just avoid the pasta and bread. I like to get grilled chicken or even chicken Marsala (a little fattier), and then ask for steamed veggies or a salad instead of the pasta. Sure it may be a little boring, but you will feel the difference in your energy and vitality. When faced with these tough decisions, simply ask yourself if the taste is worth feeling bloated, tired, sick, or even dying for?! Of course, allow yourself one cheat meal per week to keep your sanity, but follow this example the rest of the week. If you go out for Mexican food, stick to chicken fajitas, and ask for whole beans instead of refried, and skip the tortillas. If you must have a tortilla, stick to just one corn (though I don’t really recommend corn products because of their high use of genetically modified corn, which can cause inflammatory or allergic reactions). Again, always try to get the food in its least refined state. ARTIFICIAL SWEETENERS I highly recommend that you read Dr Mercola’s book, ‘Sweet Deception”, or Dr Russell Blaylock’s book, “Health and Nutrition Secrets That Can Save Your Life”. They do a great job detailing just how dangerous some of these chemicals are. The most important one to avoid is Nutrasweet, aka aspartame. This is an excitatory neurotoxin that has the ability to freely bypass the blood-brain barrier and enter the hypothalamus. Once there it can disrupt calcium pumps inside brain cells and lead to cellular death and destruction. Additionally, it has been linked with visual disturbances, migraines, and even brain tumors (although the major corporations who manufacture it will deny and discredit this claim). Splenda, aka sucralose, was originally made by English chemists who were developing a new pesticide to get around the environmental bans on DDT. Chemically it is an organo-chloride, as are most pesticides. When you ingest it, your body can absorb the chlorine molecule into the liver and lymph system, which can cause inflammation of the tissues (you had high inflammation levels). Or course the corporation claims this does not happen, but there is much anecdotal evidence that warrants avoidance of this substance. Your best choice for a sugar alternative is stevia, which is a natural herb from South America that has been used for centuries. I recommend trying the powdered or liquid form. It takes some practice using it, as it is quite potent. A few drops is enough to 21 sweeten a drink or food. If you put too much, it will taste slightly bitter. The best news is that it can actually help your blood glucose levels and your insulin sensitivity. In general, read the labels on all food and drink. If you see the names Aspartame, Splenda, sucralose, aspartame, acetylsulfane potassium, or sugar alcohols, it is wise to avoid using it. WATER CONSUMPTION We recommend using "reverse osmosis" filtration for your drinking and cooking water. Reverse Osmosis is a type of filtration that gets the water the cleanest that technology has to offer without robbing the water of all essential minerals. This will remove dangerous chemicals and substances like lead, arsenic, fluoride, etc, that are present in your tap water and that can negatively affect your health. You can get a system at Home Depot of Lowe’s for under $200. You can also try getting spring water delivered to your home, but that can prove expensive in the long run. Distilled water is not recommended. Since distilled water has little or no mineral content, it acts like a vacuum that can actually leach minerals from your system. A word of caution - anytime you make drastic changes in diet, vitamin intake, or exercise, realize that you may feel somewhat worse before you feel better. It doesn't happen often, but as your body detoxifies, you may feel worse if it occurs too fast. If you do feel worse, don't panic, it will pass in probably 2-3 days. If this problem does occur, take half of what is recommended for three days and slowly over two weeks progress to taking the complete program. Everything that has been recommended is very important and many of these things work together. In order to get the most effective results, it is important that you follow the program exactly as outlined. Following the diet may not be easy, but if you do, you will get the best outcome. Likewise, if you don't take the vitamins, or only take part of them, you may not see the expected results. Many people with some very serious problems have been helped using this program. The purpose of this analysis is to benefit you. This is for your well being, so please do the program as recommended so that you will achieve the best results. Attached is a list of vitamins that have been carefully selected for your specific problems. These vitamins are recommended because they are of the highest quality. Occasionally, you will hear rumors regarding vitamin toxicity. Rest assured that these issues have been researched and the risk of significant side effects is extremely low. Historical data and experience have shown these vitamins, along with the dietary changes, to be the best in helping you achieve the necessary improvements needed on your test results. If for some reason you need to return the supplements, please contact our front desk for our returns policy. Also, please be reminded that the recommendations I give here are not intended to cure or treat a specific condition, and the use of these supplements to achieve any health effect has not been evaluated by the FDA. Please keep this report for future reference and bring it with you to your next evaluation. If we can be of any further assistance to you or your family please do not hesitate to ask. Yours in Good Health, Kirk Gair, DC, IDE 22 GLUTEN FREE LIVING TIPS The idea of eliminating gluten can be overwhelming. This is a learning process, so please be patient and don’t get frustrated or give up. The pamphlets that come with the Repairvite and Clearvite protocol will give you a great starting point. I wanted to give you a basic idea of how to eat gluten free in a simple way, so here goes: 1) Focus on eating fresh, unprocessed foods. Make each meal contain a healthy protein source (eggs, chicken, turkey, organic grass fed beef, wild fish), healthy vegetables, low sugar fruits like berries, healthy fats like avocadoes, olive oil, and nuts. 2) When you shop, shop the perimeter and stay out of the aisles. The aisles contain all the processed stuff, which is more likely to have gluten. 3) Don’t fall into the trap of buying a bunch of gluten free processed foods, like bars, chips, candies, etc. Still make the focus of your meals healthy, nutritious foods. 4) Cook things up in advance! We like to bake whole chickens in advance, several chicken breasts, whole turkey breasts, pots of brown rice, and steamed veggies. This way you have things ready to go and you simply have to combine things. 5) Watch out for condiments! These are a hidden source of gluten. Make a trip to Trader Joe’s, Whole Foods, or Sprout’s/Henry’s. These stores have lots of gluten free sauces, like BBQ sauce, Teriyaki, Ketchup, Thai sauce, etc. I carry them with me for when I have to eat out. 6) Download the app, “Find me gluten free” for your smartphone. This way you can find gluten free restaurants near you when you are out. 7) When eating out, ask for their gluten free menu. Some places are certified and trained, while others are risky. Explain to your server that you have “allergies” to gluten and wheat. That is the only way they understand it. 8) For dressings, never have creamy dressings. Stick more with olive oil based ones. Here are sources of gluten: Wheat Spelt Kamut Oats (all are contaminated UNLESS processed and PACKED at a gluten free farm. This means NEVER getting things from bins) Barley Rye HIDDEN sources of gluten: Modified food starch Dextrins (maltodextrin, etc) Transglutaminase meat glue (processed meats that are cheap, chicken nuggets, dollar menu meats, discount steaks, buffets, etc) Malt extract Caramel coloring (made with malt, which is made from barley unless certified gluten free) Balsamic vinegar (commonly contains malt, which is made from barley. Must get balsamic vinegar from Italy, which they have at Trader Joe’s) Gluten used in shampoos Gluten in cosmetics, lipsticks, mascara Gluten or oats in lotions 23 - Gluten used in envelope adhesives and stamps that you lick Potential Gluten Cross Reactive Foods Casein (milk protein) Whey Oats (even some gluten free ones can be cross contaminated) Corn (especially the non-organic genetically modified forms) Sesame Yeast Here are some examples of what I do for my meals and for eating out. Breakfast: I will rotate between cooking some eggs in olive oil over a low flame, or I will hard boil them. I will pair them with either some steamed veggies, such as broccoli, cauliflower, carrots, or green beans, or I might have some low sugar fruit like berries, apples, or pears. Other days I might have some re-heated turkey breast or chicken breast, again along with veggies, fruit, or even salad. And if I get really bored with meats, I will have a gluten free hot cereal like brown rice farina. This looks like cream of wheat. Instead of milk I will use almond or coconut milk, and for a sweetener I use the herb stevia. I like to cook apple slices into it, and place a little cinnamon as well. Lunches and Dinners: what we do is take the usual foods that we love, and just look for ways to turn them gluten free. This is also true when we eat out. Let me show you some examples… Mexican food- either at home or out, I make sure not to eat flour tortillas. Also, you must beware of tortilla chips. If they have been cooked in the same oil as flautas, or anything breaded, they will be contaminated with gluten. So, what I like to order is chicken fajitas, with no sour cream and no added salt (remember the iodine problem for people with thyroid antibodies). I will ask for whole beans instead of refried, I also make sure the guacamole is fresh and made only with avocadoes and maybe some salsa. Other options could be enchiladas, again with whole beans. You could also ask to sub a salad for any sides that look like they might contain gluten. One place I love to go to is Outback. They have a dedicated gluten free menu. I like to get the steak and shrimp, with a salad with no croutons or cheese. I ask for olive oil and lemon for the dressing. Sometimes I will ask for balsamic vinegar, but you have to be careful here. Most balsamic are made with caramel coloring, which is made from barley, a gluten containing grain. So unless you know that their balsamic is free of caramel coloring, don’t have it. Again, for many restaurants, you can order a dish that is meat based, and sub a salad for the sides like breads and pastas, etc. For Italian foods, if we cook them at home we simply use gluten free pasta, which can be found at many stores. If we make sandwiches, we use gluten free bread, available at Trader Joe’s, and other stores like Sprouts and whole foods (fresh and easy and others are starting to carry it as well.) For tortillas, we will buy organic gluten free corn (trader joe’s), or brown rice tortillas. If we want to make Asian food, again make sure the sauces are gluten free. Soy sauce has wheat in it, so you must buy gluten free versions. This way we can make teriyaki chicken, thai chicken, etc. I highly recommend that you start watching cooking shows to learn more about this. I am also in the process of writing a cookbook, so check back with me on that. Again, you can basically turn any recipe into a gluten free recipe. Just exchange the wheat or white flour for a gluten free flour. Eventually you can even make pancakes that are gluten free, but don’t jump to that just yet, as we need to make sure your blood glucose is stable. 24 Places I frequent for eating out include Chipotle (burrito bowl with no tortilla), Pollo Loco (chicken, beans, salad), and Red Brick Pizza (gluten free dairy free pizza). I hope this helps and gives you some ideas. Elisabeth Hasselbeck also has some good resources at, and also Again, feel free to contact me with questions SUPPLEMENT PROTOCOL Here is your recommended protocol for what nutritional support for your body. You should also consult with your medical doctor regarding their opinions of the conditions I outlined here. Don’t be surprised when you do if they tell you that nothing looks wrong to them. They use different ranges, so unless I highlighted your lab report in RED, they will not care what the values are. For all the ones I marked YELLOW, they will say those are totally normal. For the DOSAGES, please note that those are my best estimation of what you will need. You may require more or less, as no two people are exactly alike. You and I will work together to determine this, and it will take a lot of participation on your part seeing what levels seem to work best for you to improve your function. When we look at how long this may take, and what outcome to expect, I have to give you another “I don’t know.” Each patient is different, and when you look at all the variables that can occur, such as stressful jobs or stressful situations, careers that prevent you from getting adequate sleep, not following the diet, getting and infection, etc, it is impossible for any doctor to tell you exactly how long it will take for improvements to occur. Additionally, many patients want to know if you will feel 100% better after a specific time. Again, I cannot guarantee that either. Our goals will be for you to experience fewer bad days, and to see improvement in your function. That is why we do the questionnaires. I want you to be able to track your progress. You will have ups and downs throughout the treatment process, but our goal is to calm down any inflammatory or auto immune issues, and restore as much normal function to your body as is possible. This will require a lot of effort on your part. No supplement or pill can make up for all the factors that are involved in your help. I am here to help you on your journey, so feel free to contact me with your questions, which you will probably have many! Remember, I too have been through these protocols, and I live them every day of my life, so this is much more than just something I learned from books. I know exactly what it is like to go through this protocol, so I know how overwhelmed you may feel as you get started. I know I did. The important thing is to not give up when you stumble. Go right back to the protocols I give you. Keep learning and asking questions. I also recommend that you keep a journal of your progress, as well as of your foods and your symptoms. Track your stress levels as well. I want YOU to become the EXPERT in what affects YOUR body. We may have to make adjustments to your protocol over time, so be sure to follow up with me in 6 or 8 weeks. Please note that this is a pretty comprehensive protocol and asks you to take a lot of supplements and make a lot of dietary changes. I had to take blend together the best combination to provide support for all the issues that you have going on. As a reference, I will be utilizing Dr Datis Kharrazian’s auto immune support protocol and customizing it to the other issues that you have. I am outlining for you the ideal protocol, because I know from talking with you that you want to do whatever it takes. Normally, I do not give a person a plan that includes more than 6 things at once. In your case, I did give you more than 6. If it is too much for you to do at one time, let me know and we can adjust the protocol to focus on the most important things. Notice that I do not have you taking all of the supplements listed for each section. I have tried to narrow it down to the top 6-7 things that I think will affect the most systems in the body to achieve the best changes. If you have questions, please let me know. 25 WEEK ONE THROUGH SIX- this phase may last 90 days or longer depending on your progress. During this phase, you will follow the repairvite protocol. See the included pamphlet for how to follow the diet. ULTRA D COMPLEX- This unique product offers vitamin D (cholecalciferol) with its key cofactors in a base of cod liver oil, which is a natural source of vitamin D, vitamin A, EPA, and DHA. These and other ingredients in this formula support the proper metabolism of vitamin D and work synergistically to deliver a powerful and health-building mix of nutrients necessary to maintain healthy physiology.‡ Three products in one! This advanced formula contains 5,000 IU of vitamin D per serving, in a pleasant orange flavor without an offensive fishy taste. The conversion of vitamin D (cholecalciferol) into active 25-OH vitamin D requires cofactors, such as magnesium, biotin, pantethine, calcium, and boron, which are all included in the Ultra-D ComplexTM formula.‡ This product also provides genistein and carnosic acid (Rosemary leaf extract) to further support vitamin D metabolism.‡ 5 ml (1tsp), once per day. $ 17.38 for 48 day supply REPAIRVITE- This product is a part of a dietary program that supports restoration and healthy maintenance of the intestinal tract and intestinal lining.‡ This unique formula provides flavonoids, saponins, carotenoids, phytochemicals, and antioxidants to support tissue health, especially during intestinal discomfort.‡ It also provides glycoproteins to support development of a healthy mucous membrane and contains extracts with high mucilage content to soothe and support intestinal health.‡ Additionally, the product includes plant sterols and ferulic acid esters to help support a healthy enteric nervous system with intestinal motility and the secretion of digestive enzymes.‡ 1 Serving, 1-2 times per day. $29.50 for 15-30 day supply ELECTRO-PH™ COMPLEX (156 g powder) This product provides a rich source of minerals that support healthy pH buffering and nutritional alkalization.‡ In addition, it contains essential trace minerals that support a healthy electrolyte balance.‡ The key ingredients include calcium, magnesium, zinc, selenium, molybdenum, sodium, and potassium.‡ Suggested use: Mix 1 scoop with RepairVite and Glycemovite, 2 times per day.$20.20 per tub. 60 servings per tub GlycemoVite™ is a complex formula of many essential nutrients, minerals, fibers, and amino acids to support stable blood sugar throughout the day.‡ It can also be used to support healthy insulin receptor sensitivity.‡ The product contains various fibers, branched chain amino acids, and plant sterols to nutritionally support healthy blood glucose levels.‡ It also contains alkalizing minerals for pH support.‡ Suggested use: Mix 1 scoop with up to 8 ounces of water. Mix with Electro Ph and Repairvite. Use 2 times per day. $51.59 26 RESVERO ACTIVE- This product is designed to provide a concentrated source of resveratrol in an emulsified micronized structure with syringe delivery to support healthy immune mechanisms, gastrointestinal health, and cardiovascular health. Resveratrol has been shown by studies to be highly effective in reducing inflammation by shutting down NFKB, which is the root of inflammatory pathways in the body. Resveratrol has a synergistic effect when taken in combination with curcumin. 5 ml, once per day. $45.64 for 48 day supply TURMERO ACTIVE- This product is designed to provide a concentrated source of curcumin in an emulsified micronized structure with syringe delivery to support healthy immune mechanisms, a normal biotransformation process, a healthy mucosal-induced immune response, and key antioxidants. Curcumin has been shown by studies to be highly effective in reducing inflammation by shutting down NFKB, which is the root of inflammatory pathways in the body, and is most effective when taken in combination with resveratrol. 5 ml, once per day. $39.29 for 48 day supply As stated previously, this is the optimal plan. It includes a lot of supplements and dietary changes, so if it is too much for you at once, please let me know and we can prioritize it down to the most important things. The Turmero and Resvero are very important for knocking down the inflammatory pathways. AFTER THE INITIAL 6 WEEKS to 6 MONTHS: After completing this intial program, you will schedule a follow up in my office. I recommend coming in for a follow up at 6 weeks. I will have you fill out the metabolic and neurological assessments again so we can check your progress. It would be a good idea to run follow up lab tests to check your progress at the end of 2 or 3 months if that is within your budget. At this point I will assess your progress and determine what protocols need to be implemented at that point. This is going to be a long process to get your body functioning better again, and requires a huge commitment on your part, so please be patient. Realistically we need to do things consistently for 6 months to really start turning a corner. Some patients will feel worse before they feel better, especially as “comfort foods’ are removed. Many of the foods that are slowly killing us are the foods that we crave because they stimulate the same receptors in the brain that highly addictive drugs like heroin and morphine stimulate. So, don’t be surprised if you initially get agitated, frustrated, moody, sad, etc, when you make these dietary changes. Understand that your body AND brain are both getting detoxed, and this takes time to get used to. Keep following the gluten and dairy free diet plan, as you will have to do that for life. Go to for lots of great resources on gluten free living. Also, subscribe to my YouTube channel for free at I have videos on there that will help answer a lot of your questions. You can also email me at The simplest way to go gluten free is to eliminate all processed foods and to make the focus of each meal a lean protein like chicken, turkey, grass fed beef, wild fish, and fruits and veggies. Where you can get accidentally contaminated is if you eat sauces like BBQ sauce, ketchup, teriyaki, etc. Also soups. Almost all of these at restaurants are hidden sources of gluten. When you go out, you MUST tell them that your food needs to be gluten free. 27 This usually means that you have to get things without dressings and sauces. You can instead use salt and pepper, oil and vinegar (if it’s balsamic, be sure to ask to verify that it is gluten free, as some are made from barley). Also little things like croutons or bread crumbs can mess you, and if food is fried, like tortilla strips, be sure to ask if they fry it in a separate fryer from the breaded products. Again, any time you have questions, please be sure to call or email, as I am here to help. I have gone through this process myself, and am constantly working on improving my habits as well, so I know what you are going through. It will be a challenge, but there is no “magic bullet or pill” that can take the place on investing the time and energy into healing your body. These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. These products are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease. 28