Differentiation • Purpose- to determine instantaneous rate of change Eg: instantaneous rate of change in total cost per unit of the good We will learn • Marginal Demand, Marginal Revenue, Marginal Cost, and Marginal Profit Marginal Cost : MC(q) • What is Marginal cost? The cost per unit at a given level of production That is, MC(q) is the cost for an additional dinner, when q dinners are being prepared Marginal Analysis • First Plan • Cost of one more unit • MC q Cq 1 Cq Dinner Example Example 1. We consider the cost function C(q) = C0 + VC(q) = $63,929.37 + 13,581.51ln(q) that was developed in the Expenses and Profit section of Demand, Revenue, Cost, and Profit. Recall that a restaurant chain is planning to introduce a new buffalo steak dinner. C(q) is the cost, in dollars, of preparing q dinners per week for 1,000 q 4,000. Differentiation. Marginal Analysis: page 2 Differentiation, Marginal MC (q) C (q 1) C (q) 63,929.37 13,581.51 ln(q 1) 63,929.37 13,581.51 ln(q) 13,581.51 ln(q 1) ln(q) We can use a calculator or Excel to compute values of MC(q). For example, MC (2,000) 13,581.51 ln(2,000 1) ln(2,000) 13,581.51 ln(2,001) ln(2,000) 6.78906. Thinking in terms of money, the marginal cost at the level of 2,000 dinners, is approximately $6.79 per dinner. Similar computations show that MC(2,500) $5.43 and MC(3,000) $4.53. Since the marginal cost per dinner depends upon the number of dinners currently being prepared, it is helpful to look at a plot of MC(q) against q. This is created in the sheet M Cost of the Excel file Dinners.xls. Dinners.xls (material continues) T C I Differentiation. Differentiation, MarginalMarginal Analysis: page 3 Marginal Cost Function, First Plan MC(q) $ /dinner $16 $12 $8 $4 $0 0 Dinners.xls 1,000 2,000 q dinners 3,000 4,000 (material continues) Looking at the plot on the left or checking Column D in M Cost, we see that the First Plan marginal cost decreases considerably as q increases. Hence, there is an “economy of scale” as more dinners are produced. This is consistent with the expectations of business common sense. T C I Marginal AnalysisMC(q) is best defined as the instantaneous rate of change in total cost, per unit. • Final Plan • Average cost of fractionally more and fractionally less units difference quotients • C q h C q h MC q lim h 0 2h • C q h C q h Typically use MC q with h = 0.001 2h Marginal Analysis • Ex. Suppose the cost for producing a particular item is given by C q 8000 127q 0.607 where q is quantity in whole units. Approximate MC(500). h=0.001 C 500.001 C 499.999 MC 500 • 2 0.001 8000 127 500.0010.607 8000 127 499.9990.607 0.002 13521.77926 13521.76585 0.002 $6.71 per unit In terms of money, the marginal cost at the production level of 500, $6.71 per unit C(q) = $63,929.37 + 13,581.51ln(q) Ex. Suppose the cost for producing a particular item is given above. where q is quantity in whole units. Approximate MC(1000) when h=0.1 Marginal Analysis • Use “Final Plan” to determine answers • All marginal functions defined similarly Rq h Rq h MR q lim h 0 • 2h C q h C q h MC q lim h 0 2h Pq h Pq h MP q lim h 0 2h Differentiation, Marginal Differentiation. Marginal Analysis: page 8 Values for all of our marginal functions are computed in the sheets M Cost and M Profit of the Excel file Dinners.xls. The graphs of MD(q), MR(q), and MP(q) are also displayed in those sheets.-feb4 Marginal Demand Function Demand Function $0.000 $32 MD(q) $/dinner 0 D(q) $24 $16 $8 1,000 2,000 3,000 4,000 -$0.005 -$0.010 -$0.015 $0 0 1000 2000 q 3000 4000 -$0.020 q Many aspects of the demand function are reflected in properties of the difference quotients for marginal demand, and in the marginal demand function. D(q) is always decreasing. Hence, all difference quotients for marginal demand are negative, and MD(q) is always negative. The more rapidly D(q) drops, the more negative are the difference quotients, and the further negative is MD(q). Dinners.xls (material continues) T C I Revenue Function Differentiation, MarginalMarginal Analysis: page 9 Differentiation. $50,000 Marginal Revnue Function $40 $30,000 $20,000 $10,000 $0 0 1000 2000 q 3000 4000 Where the revenue function R(q) is increasing, the difference quotients for marginal revenue are MR(q) $/dinner R(q) $40,000 $20 $0 0 1,000 2,000 3,000 4,000 -$20 -$40 q positive, and MR(q) is positive. For example, MR(1,300) is approximately $20. Thus, when 1,300 dinners are prepared and sold, the restaurant chain takes in $20 more for each extra dinner. Likewise, where R(q) is decreasing, MR(q) is negative. This shows that the maximum revenue will occur at the value of q where the marginal revenue is equal to 0. Computations in the sheet M Profit show that MR(2,309) = $0.01 and MR(2,310) = $0.01. Hence, the maximum revenue occurs at either 2,309 or 2,310 dinners. Direct computation shows that the maximum revenue is R(2,310) = $45,975.65. Dinners.xls (material continues) T C I Differentiation, Marginal Differentiation. Marginal Analysis: page 10 Revenue Revenue and Cost Function $60,000 $50,000 $40,000 $30,000 $20,000 $10,000 $0 $6,000 $4,000 $2,000 $0 -$2,000 0 0 1000 2000 q 3000 4000 $0 2,000 3000 4000 q Marginal analysis can tell us a great deal about the profit function. Refer back to these plots while reading the next pages. $10 1,000 2000 -$4,000 M Revenue M Cost $20 -$10 0 1000 -$6,000 Marginal Revenue & Marginal Cost Functions $30 $/dinner Profit Function P(q) Dollars Cost 3,000 4,000 -$20 -$30 q Dinners.xls (material continues) T C I Derivatives • Project (Marginal Revenue) - Typically MRq Rq - In project, - MRq 1000 Rq Recall:Revenue function-R(q) • Revenue in million dollars R(q) typically MRq Rq 1000000 Rq MR q 1000 1000 Rq • Why do this conversion? Marginal Revenue in dollars per drive 15 Derivatives • Project (Marginal Cost) q MC q C - Typically - In project, similarly, MCq 1000 C q (Marginal Cost in dollars per drive) - Derivatives • Project (Marginal Cost) - Calculate MC(q) Nested If function, the if function using values for Q1-4 & 6 - IF(q<=800,160,IF(q<=1200,128,72)) In the GOLDEN sheet need to use cell referencing for IF function because we will make copies of it, and do other project questions =IF(B30<$E$20,$D$20,IF(B30<$E$22,$D$21,$D$22)) Recall -Production cost estimates • • Fixed overhead cost - $ 135,000,000 Variable cost (Used for the MC(q) function) 1) First 800,000 - $ 160 per drive 2) Next 400,000- $ 128 per drive 3) All drives after the first 1,200,000$ 72 per drive Derivatives • Project (Marginal Profit) MP(q) = MR(q) – MC(q) - If MP(q) > 0, profit is increasing - If MR(q) > MC(q), profit is increasing - If MP(q) < 0, profit is decreasing - If MR(q) < MC(q), profit is decreasing Derivatives • Project (Maximum Profit) - Maximum profit occurs when MP(q) = 0 - Max profit occurs when MR(q) = MC(q) & MP(q) changes from positive to negative - Estimate quantity from graph of Profit - Estimate quantity from graph of Marginal Profit Derivatives • Project (Answering Questions 1-3) 1. What price? $285.88 2. What quantity? 1262(K’s) units 3. What profit? $42.17 million Derivatives • Project (What to do) - Create one graph showing MR and MC - Create one graph showing MP - Prepare computational cells answering your team’s questions 1- 3 Marginal AnalysisR ( q h) R ( q h) 2h MR(q) = R′(q) ∙ 1,000 R(q) where h = 0.000001 0.160 if 0 q 800 C (q) 0.128 if 800 q 1, 200 0.072 if q 1, 200 160 if 0 q 800 MC (q) C (q) 1, 000 128 if 800 q 1, 200 72 if q 1, 200 Marketing Project Marginal Analysis R(q) R ( q h) R ( q h) 2h where h = 0.000001 In Excel we use derivative of R(q) R(q)=aq^3+bq^2+cq R’(q)=a*3*q^2+b*2*q+c Marketing Project Marginal Analysis (continued)Marginal Revenue and Cost $600 MR(q) $ Per Drive $400 MC(q) $200 $0 0 400 800 1,200 1,600 2,000 2,400 2,800 -$200 -$400 -$600 q (K's) Marketing Project Marginal Analysis MP(q) = MR(q) – MC(q) Marginal Profit MP(q) $ Per Drive $400 $200 $0 0 400 800 1,200 1,600 2,000 -$200 -$400 q (K's) We will use Solver to find the exact value of q for which MP(q) = 0. Here we estimate from the graph Marketing Project Profit Function The profit function, P(q), gives the relationship between the profit and quantity produced and sold. P(q) = R(q) – C(q) P (q ) (M's) Profit Function $70 $60 $50 $40 $30 $20 $10 $0 -$10 0 -$20 400 800 1,200 q (K's) 1,600 2,000 Goals • 1. What price should Card Tech put on the drives, in order to achieve the maximum profit? • 2. How many drives might they expect to sell at the optimal price? • 3. What maximum profit can be expected from sales of the 12-GB? • 4. How sensitive is profit to changes from the optimal quantity of drives, as found in Question 2? • 5. What is the consumer surplus if profit is maximized? 28 Goals-Contd. • 6. What profit could Card Tech expect, if they price the drives at $299.99? • 7. How much should Card Tech pay for an advertising campaign that would increase demand for the 12-GB drives by 10% at all price levels? • 8. How would the 10% increase in demand effect the optimal price of the drives? • 9. Would it be wise for Card Tech to put $15,000,000 into training and streamlining which would reduce the variable production costs by 7% for the coming year? 29 Reminder In HW 4 problems- methods of marginal analysis (except project 1 focus problems) Rq h Rq R' (q) MR q h C q h C q C ' (q) MC q h Pq h Pq P' (q) MP q h