File - Mrs. Peterson on the Web

Naples American High School
Teacher Name: Dawn Peterson
Text: Holt Physics
Location:Room 106
Contact Information
Phone 629-4567
Planning Period/Lunch: 10:50 -1:00
Course Description
Major Instructional Activities: The learning framework of this course focuses on the basic concepts
of physics in relation to properties and measurable variables associated with force and motion and
energy. As laboratory science course, students can expect a balance of labs, virtual labs, small
group and individual problem solving, note taking and class discussions and activities to deepen
Major Concepts/Content: An outline of topics is attached. In addition to covering the topics in the
outline student will conduct scientific inquiry as outlined in the DoDEA Pa. 1-Pa.10 standards:
Use appropriate laboratory equipment safely and accurately. Design a scientific investigation with
appropriate methods of control to test a hypothesis (including independent and dependent
variables), and organize and interpret the results. They will be able to communicate and defend a
scientific conclusion. In addition students will evaluate a technological design or product on the
basis of cost, design and materials.
Philosophy: Room 106 will be a place where you can be successful by actively working to
understand and apply concepts more than to memorizing formulas. As the famous ItalianAmerican physicist Enrico Fermi stated: Young man, if I could remember the names of these
particles, I would have been a botanist.
Materials: A notebook, textbook, pencil, and pen must come to class. Students need a calculator
for homework. Graphing calculators are available in class. Students will benefit from having their
Grading Policy
50% Assessment: Tests and quizzes are posted or announced in advance. Quizzes are given
frequently to assess progress.
The following scale will often be used:
10 A complete correct response with clear unambiguous work or explanation.
9 A complete response with a minor error in execution but not of understanding.
8 A good response with few errors in execution but not of understanding.
7 A response showing partial understanding
6 An incomplete response or response showing little understanding.
0 No response or a response showing no understanding.
10% Homework/Classwork: Individual work assigned to give students extra practice with the
concepts explored in class. Late work will be penalized 10% each day.
15% Lab Notebook/Toolkit Notes: Cornell notes may be used on most quizzes and tests. I will
collect and grade your warm-ups, lab notes and toolkit notes using a rubric.
15% Lab Reports/Presentations: Students will frequently present lab results and problem solving in
front of the class in small groups. As the course progresses, students will learn to write lab reports.
10% STEM Project: For only one quarter, each student will be required to design a demo that will be
shared with the class, with the possibility of sharing with the elementary school
A comprehensive final will be given each term.
DoDEA Grading Scale:
90-100 = A
80-89 = B
70-79 = C
60-69 = D
59 or below = F
Tutoring/Extra Help
I am available for extra help during seminar. Please see me during class to make an appointment.
Classroom Management
Classroom Rules
 Students will be seated and silent in their assigned seats when the bell rings.
 Students will bring required materials to class each day.
 Students will treat adults and other students with respect.
 Students will work hard and listen well.
 Students will treat school property and personal property with respect.
 Students will talk quietly when permitted to work together.
Automatic Detentions: I will follow the handbook for serious infractions. The following minor
infractions will result in a detention: Name Calling, Throwing, Talking during warm-up or
announcements. The first detention will be a virtual detention –if you complete your detention
reflection you do not have to serve time after school.
Electronic Devices: Cell phones and other devices will be used only with teacher permission for
educational purposes. Ask first! Use without permission will result in the device being confiscated.
Cheating: A student caught cheating either by copying others’ work or by allowing their work to be
copied will be disciplined equally. Cheating will not be tolerated and will result in no credit on that
assignment. Should other behavior problem arise, I will pull the student aside to discuss it.
-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------I, _________________________, have read and understand the syllabus for Physics.
Student Signature
Parent Signature
Date: ________