BTEC Unit Planning Document for Engineering Subjects Unit 6 Electrical and Electronic Principles Incorporating Scheme of Work Planning and Tracking Lesson Plans Record of Work Equality and Diversity Safeguarding Every Learner Matters Differentiation Rationale Engineering units are planned in such a way as to give all learners an equal opportunity to achieve with respect to their individual learning style. As such lessons are structured to accommodate the various modes of learning encountered in a diverse range of students studying a variety of subjects. Planning takes full account of the requirements of Equality and Diversity(E&D), Safeguarding (SAFE) and Every Learner Matters (ELM), however to facilitate efficient and effective lesson planning a code structure has been developed. The code will highlight exactly where and which type of E&D, SAFE or ELM activity is taking place at various points in the lesson, more on this later. Under normal circumstances, lecturers will plan lessons to follow a set format. The format is shown below: List/display lesson objectives (SMART) Taster/Icebreaker Toolbox talk Recap prior learning Explain forthcoming lesson objectives Lecture/demonstrate Assessment activity Recall learning throughout the lesson and at the close Obviously different subjects will require some adjustments to the approach outlined above, but it is expected that although the style of the lessons will differ with respect to the teaching and learning activities, adhering to the format itself will allow the lecturer to plan and cover all of the enriching aspects of a lesson in addition to the outcomes required by the awarding body curriculum. As a guide, lecturers should always keep learning and assessment activities SMART, therefore it would not be unusual for a lecturer to be only covering one or two objectives for a lesson, however in the case of some of the more complex areas, objectives could feasibly span a number of weeks. Enrichment Equality and Diversity will be at the forefront of all lesson, activity and assessment planning. To keep things simple, the code shown in the following table outlines the major pedagogic approaches to Equality and Diversity and gives a code to each of the activities. For example if a lecturer uses the code CO-OP 7 you will know that the students are taking part in co-operative learning and that the activity is based on respecting the views of others. From the table it can be seen that there are 58 different areas where E&D can be integrated with lessons. In many cases 3 or 4 areas of E&D + other areas of enrichment could be covered by one activity. The lecturer will be able to show where and when this is occurring very easily and it is hoped the process should not only simplify the planning of lessons but also make the process of reflection, evaluation and observation somewhat easier. E&D Coverage Co-operative Learning (CO-OP) Experiential Learning (EL) Differentiation (DIFF) Relating Theory and Practice (RTP) Assessment For Learning (AFL) Multi Sensory Learning (MSL) Modeling (MOD) Embedding Literacy (EBL) Embedding Numeracy EBN) 1 Learning as a team Videos By interest By reflection Initial assessment Video Inclusivity Puzzles 2 By discussion Case studies By content By evaluation By target Audio Positive roles models Tiered assignment writing CV writing 3 By formal debate Projects By process Show and tell Value added Communication Report writing Maths games 4 Group processing Overcoming barriers By ability By interview From feedback Promote active listening skills Team report projects Hot Potatoes 5 Setting ground rules By learning Style By survey By review Student developed multimedia Non multisensory learning Pictures and flip charts Build mutual trust Team research projects Internally developed learning resource 6 Speaking and listening By readiness Open questioning Role play Scaffolded activities Keywords 7 Respecting the views of others By outcome Group questioning Directed questioning Learner presentations Guest speaker presentation Challenge stereotypes Proof reading Spellchecking Anonymous voting system Tutorial Invited student speaker By task 8 9 10 Mock tests Safeguarding Defined as: “The process of protecting children from abuse or neglect, preventing impairment of their health and development, and ensuring they are growing up in circumstances consistent with the provision of safe and effective care that enables children to have optimum life chances and enter adulthood successfully”. The engineering team will endeavor to always foster an atmosphere of calm with the aim of building mutual trust within all the lessons planned and delivered by the teaching team. Much of the process will require careful monitoring of individual and group progress and the encouraging of feedback from all stakeholders involved. In terms of the lessons, safeguarding will mainly be covered in the toolbox talk section of the lesson, where lecturers will be able to choose from a wide range of short safety demonstrations, lectures and interactive activities prior to covering the main objective of the lesson itself. Every Learner Matters This is covered in many of the areas already discussed. The 5 main aims of ELM are: Being Healthy (ELM 1) Staying Safe (ELM 2) Enjoying and Achieving (ELM 3) Making a Positive Contribution (ELM 4) Achieving Economic Wellbeing (ELM 5) Where appropriate ELM will be outlined in the lesson plan Differentiation Casual observation of the E&D table will reveal that differentiation is more than adequately covered. However one area that is not listed is differentiation by resource. Lecturers will always strive to construct lessons that give learners multiple pathways to success. This means that all of the tasks that students will be required to undertake, must be fully resourced and supported. Furthermore continuous assessment of provision should always include an evaluation of how resources can be better employed as provision progresses. Having the right resources and support available means that students have the opportunity to attempt any of the tasks required by the unit at any stage of the unit. Be that task a pass, merit or distinction outcome. This allows students who have the benefit of prior learning or show great aptitude for a subject to progress at their own pace. Conversely the lecturer having thoughtfully prepared the resources and lesson will be able to identify students who require further instruction or help. Resources will generally be multisensory. Assessment will always, wherever possible be conducted in a variety of different ways and this will be fully shown on the lesson plan sheet. Engineering Courses Scheme of Work Planning and Tracking Grid Course: Unit Title: Group: Time: Tutor: BTEC Level 3 Diploma in Engineering 53 Electronic Measurement Nat Dip 1 0900 - 1230 Paul Lewis Follow this link for full details of each outcome Room: T314 Linked to Outcomes>> P1 P2 P3 P4 M1 D1 M2 D2 M3 ___ ___ Achieved> Part> Achieved Week # Specific Content >> Week 1 Ohm's Law P1 P2 M1 Week 2 Ohm's Law P1 P2 M1 Week 3 Diode Characteristics P3 ___ ___ Week 4 Capacitor Fundamentals P4 P5 ___ Week 5 Charging and discharging capacitors P5 P6 M2 Week 6 Electromagnetism P7 P8 P9 Week 7 Electromagnetic induction P7 P8 P9 Week 8 B/H curves P7 P8 P9 Week 9 Single phase AC theory P10 P11 M3 Week 10 Power supply parameters D1 ___ ___ Week 11 DC Machines D2 ___ ___ Week 12 DC Machines D2 ___ ___ P5 P6 Not> Achieved P7 P8 P9 P10 P11 ___ If Outcome not Achieved or Partially Achieved, Move to Week #? ___ ___ Move to ___ ___ ___ Move to ___ ___ ___ Move to ___ ___ ___ Move to ___ ___ ___ Move to ___ ___ ___ Move to ___ ___ ___ Move to ___ ___ ___ Move to ___ ___ ___ Move to ___ ___ ___ Move to ___ ___ ___ Move to ___ ___ ___ Move to ___ Session/Week Group Time Week 1 Nat Dip Year 2 0900 - 1230 Scheme of Work 6 Electrical Principles Outcomes P1 P2 Func Skills L2 L2 Literacy Numeracy Keywords: M1 ______ Return to Planner Learning Outcomes for this Session (SMART); By the end of this session the learners will be able to; 1) Carried out calculations on DC networks for resistance, current and voltages 2) Carried out measurements on DC networks using a multimeter Learning Activity (Tutor Actions) Icebreaker: Principal Assessment Method Body Resistance Assess by practical demonstration Take Register _ List Objectives _ Recall previous session Toolbox talk: Enrichment CO-OP 1 __________ Resources Engineering Materials Electronic Materials Research Facilities Assessment Activity (Learner Actions) Take part in group activity Approx Time 5 min _____ 5 min Discuss 5 min MOD 1 __________ Assess by open questioning __________ AFL 5 Take part in group activity 10 min Assess by discussion __________ Safeguarding Take part in group activity 10 min CO-OP 2 AFL 6 Take notes Tackle practice questions 25 min AFL 6 Take notes Tackle practice questions 45 min Electric Shock Activity 1 > Learning Outcome 1 Introduce topic Introduce Ohm’s law Series circuit calculations Practical circuit building Activity 2 > Learning Outcome 1 Parallel circuit calculations Series/parallel circuit calculations Practical circuit simulation Additional notes: Mindfyre resources Resistor color code Introduce topic CO-OP 2 Additional notes: Mindfyre resources Calculators Activity 3 > Learning Outcome 1 Build given circuit on stripboard Assess by practical demonstration CO-OP 1 DIFF EXT Additional notes: Measure and record data Write up task for assessment 1 hour Take part in group activity 10 min Mindfyre resources Circuit boards Multimeters Mindfyre resources Demonstrate the use of a multimeter to make simple current, voltage and resistance measurements Demonstrate how to tabulate results Show the effect of tolerance on simple DC networks Recall Assess by discussion Additional notes: Recall session learning Show exemplar written task for reference next week Record of Work Subject Areas and Outcomes Covered ------------__________ __________ _______________ _______________ Session Evaluation Key Strengths --- Learner Progress Notes on Resources and Scheme of Work Development Points Actions for Lecturer and Trainer Demonstrator --- Lesson Plan Color Scheme Preparation Activity 1 Activity 1 Activity 3 Conclusion Session/Week Group Time Week 2 Nat Dip Year 2 0900 - 1230 Scheme of Work 6 Electrical Principles Outcomes P1 P2 Func Skills L2 L2 Literacy Numeracy Keywords: M1 ______ Return to Planner Learning Outcomes for this Session (SMART); By the end of this session the learners will be able to; 1) Carried out calculations on DC networks for resistance, current and voltages 2) Carried out measurements on DC networks using a multimeter 3) Use Kirchoff’s laws to determine current in a dc network with two voltage sources Learning Activity (Tutor Actions) Icebreaker: Principal Assessment Method Assess by discussion Enrichment CO-OP 1 __________ Resources Engineering Materials Electronic Materials Research Facilities Assessment Activity (Learner Actions) Take part in group activity Approx Time 5 min _____ 5 min Discuss 5 min Resistance test materials as a team Take Register _ List Objectives _ Recall previous session Toolbox talk: MOD 1 __________ Assess by open questioning __________ AFL 5 Take part in group activity 10 min Assess by discussion __________ Safeguarding Take part in group activity 10 min DIFF 3 DIFF EXT Take notes Tackle practice questions 25 min EBL 3 Take notes Write up assignment work 45 min First Aid and Electricity Activity 1 > Learning Outcome 1 Assess by discussion Demonstrate how to simulate the circuits using Multisim for both P1 and M1 Learners work in teams of two to confirm the results of calculation using practical or simulated methods Activity 2 > Learning Outcome 1 Learners to write up the results of calculation for assessment Additional notes: Mindfyre resources Multimeters Assess by written assignment RTP 2 Additional notes: Mindfyre resources Components for P2 Activity 3 > Learning Outcome 1 Learners to write up the results of calculation for assessment. Assist learners as required Assess by practical demonstration RTP 2 Take notes Write up task for assessment Both P1 and P2 to be completed at this point 1 hour Additional notes: Take part in group activity 10 min Learner Progress Notes on Resources and Scheme of Work Development Points Actions for Lecturer and Trainer Demonstrator Additional notes: Mindfyre resources Assess by discussion Recall EBL 3 Recall session learning Record of Work Subject Areas and Outcomes Covered ------------__________ __________ _______________ _______________ Session Evaluation Key Strengths --- --- Lesson Plan Color Scheme Preparation Session/Week Activity 1 Group Activity 1 Time Activity 3 Scheme of Work 6 Electrical Principles Conclusion Week 3 Nat Dip Year 2 0900 - 1230 Outcomes Func Skills P3 L2 Numeracy --L2 Literacy --______ Keywords: Return to Planner Learning Outcomes for this Session (SMART); By the end of this session the learners will be able to; 1) Compare the forward and reverse characteristics of two different semi conductor diodes 2) Produce graphs showing the characteristics and complete a report Learning Activity (Tutor Actions) Icebreaker: Principal Assessment Method _ Enrichment CO-OP 7 __________ Resources Practical Resources Electronic Materials Research Facilities Assessment Activity (Learner Actions) Take part in group activity Approx Time 5 min _____ 5 min Discuss 5 min Categories; Music Take Register _ List Objectives _ Recall previous session Toolbox talk: MOD 1 __________ Assess by open questioning __________ AFL 5 Take part in group activity 10 min Assess by discussion __________ Safeguarding Take part in group activity 10 min CO-OP 2 AFL 6 Take notes Measure and record data 25 min Correct use of hand tools Activity 1 > Learning Outcome 1 Introduce topic Introduce semi conductors Explain how a diode works Demonstrate how to measure the conduction characteristic Activity 2 > Learning Outcome 1 Learners will work with given components using power supplies and multimeters to measure and record the conduction characteristic of two diodes Additional notes: Assess by practical demonstration Mindfyre resources Diodes and power supplies Graph paper DIFF 7 __________ Additional notes: Mindfyre resources Multimeters Take part in practical demonstration Measure and record data Evaluate and compare findings 45 min Activity 3 > Learning Outcome 1 Assess by written assignment Learners will use this hour to write up the results of practical testing along with a brief evaluation of the experiment EBL 7 Solve by graphical construction Write up task for assessment 1 hour Additional notes: Take part in group activity 10 min Learner Progress Notes on Resources and Scheme of Work Development Points Actions for Lecturer and Trainer Demonstrator Additional notes: Mindfyre resources Circuit boards Multimeters Assess by discussion Recall DIFF 7 Recall session learning Record of Work Subject Areas and Outcomes Covered ------------__________ __________ _______________ _______________ Session Evaluation Key Strengths --- --- Lesson Plan Color Scheme Preparation Session/Week Activity 1 Group Activity 1 Time Activity 3 Scheme of Work 6 Electrical Principles Conclusion Week 4 Nat Dip Year 2 0900 - 1230 Outcomes Func Skills P4 L2 Numeracy P5 L2 Literacy --______ Keywords: Return to Planner Learning Outcomes for this Session (SMART); By the end of this session the learners will be able to; 1) Describe the types and function of capacitors 2) Carry out an experiment to determine the relationship between the voltage and current for a charging capacitor Learning Activity (Tutor Actions) Icebreaker: Principal Assessment Method _ Enrichment EL 1 __________ Resources Engineering Materials Electronic Materials Research Facilities Assessment Activity (Learner Actions) Take part in group activity Approx Time 5 min _____ 5 min Discuss 5 min Catergories; Film and TV Take Register _ List Objectives _ Recall previous session Toolbox talk: MOD 1 __________ Assess by open questioning __________ AFL 5 Take part in group activity 10 min Assess by discussion __________ Safeguarding Take part in group activity 10 min CO-OP 2 AFL 6 Take notes Debate with whole group 25 min Measure and record data Evaluate and compare findings 45 min Horseplay Activity 1 > Learning Outcome 1 Introduce topic Introduce capacitors. Explain the function of capacitors. Detail the various types and applications for common capacitors. Activity 2 > Learning Outcome 1 Demonstrate an experiment to measure the current and voltage changes with regard to a charging capacitor. Get learners involved with setting up the circuit, setting up the experiment and recording the data. Demonstrate how both current and Additional notes: Assess by practical demonstration Mindfyre resources Various types of capacitor Online resources and videos RTP 5 DIFF EXT Additional notes: Mindfyre resources Oscilloscopes voltage can be calculated using formula Compare measurements with calculated results. Activity 3 > Learning Outcome 1 Assess by written assignment Write up the results of practical experimentation. Compare results with calculation. Research various types of capacitors as directed by the task and begin compiling a report. EBL 3 Carry out research as directed Write up task for assessment The research part of this assignment should be completed and handed in for week 5 1 hour Additional notes: Take part in group activity 10 min Learner Progress Notes on Resources and Scheme of Work Development Points Actions for Lecturer and Trainer Demonstrator Additional notes: Mindfyre resources Circuit boards Multimeters Assess by discussion Recall DIFF 7 Recall session learning Record of Work Subject Areas and Outcomes Covered ------------__________ __________ _______________ _______________ Session Evaluation Key Strengths --- --- Lesson Plan Color Scheme Preparation Session/Week Activity 1 Group Activity 1 Time Activity 3 Scheme of Work 6 Electrical Principles Outcomes P5 P6 Conclusion M2 Week 5 Nat Dip Year 2 0900 - 1230 Func Skills L2 Numeracy L2 Literacy ______ Keywords: Return to Planner Learning Outcomes for this Session (SMART); By the end of this session the learners will be able to; 1) Calculate the charge, voltage and energy values in dc networks containing capacitors 2) Use practical methods to confirm the results of calculation 3) Produce a write up based on the completed tasks Learning Activity (Tutor Actions) Icebreaker: Principal Assessment Method _ Enrichment CO-OP 1 __________ Resources Instructional workbooks WB/Projector/Interactive Computers Assessment Activity (Learner Actions) Take part in group activity Approx Time 5 min _____ 5 min Discuss 5 min Catergories; Sport Take Register _ List Objectives _ Recall previous session Toolbox talk: MOD 1 __________ Assess by open questioning __________ AFL 5 Take part in group activity 10 min Assess by discussion __________ Safeguarding Take part in group activity 10 min DIFF 3 AFL 6 Take notes Tackle practice questions 25 min EBN 5 Solve by calculation Solve by experimentation 45 min Vandalism Activity 1 > Learning Outcome 1 Introduce topic Demonstrate calculations on capacitor networks in series, parallel and mixed Activity 2 > Learning Outcome 1 Demonstrate how the results of calculation can be confirmed using Multisim and practically. Learners given an example problem to solve which requires a capacitance with a non standard value for a timing application. Additional notes: Assess by peer teaching Mindfyre resources Workbooks Calculators DIFF 8 Additional notes: Mindfyre resources Example problems Activity 3 > Learning Outcome 1 Assess by written assignment Write up a report based on the results of calculation and experimentation for assessment DIFF EXT Evaluate and compare findings Write up task for assessment 1 hour Additional notes: Take part in group activity 10 min Learner Progress Notes on Resources and Scheme of Work Development Points Actions for Lecturer and Trainer Demonstrator Additional notes: Mindfyre resources Assess by discussion Recall DIFF 5 Recall session learning Record of Work Subject Areas and Outcomes Covered ------------__________ __________ _______________ _______________ Session Evaluation Key Strengths --- --- Lesson Plan Color Scheme Preparation Session/Week Activity 1 Group Activity 1 Time Activity 3 Scheme of Work 6 Electrical Principles Conclusion Week 6 Nat Dip Year 2 0900 - 1230 Outcomes Func Skills P7 L2 Numeracy P8 L2 Literacy P9 ______ Keywords: Return to Planner Learning Outcomes for this Session (SMART); By the end of this session the learners will be able to; 1) Describe the characteristics of a magnetic field 2) Carry out an experiment that shows the magnetic field associated with a solenoid Learning Activity (Tutor Actions) Icebreaker: Principal Assessment Method _ Enrichment CO-OP 1 __________ Resources Engineering Materials Electronic Materials Research Facilities Assessment Activity (Learner Actions) Take part in group activity Approx Time 5 min _____ 5 min Discuss 5 min Group Juggling Take Register _ List Objectives _ Recall previous session Toolbox talk: MOD 1 __________ Assess by open questioning __________ AFL 5 Take part in group activity 10 min Assess by discussion __________ Safeguarding Take part in group activity 10 min CO-OP 2 AFL 6 Take notes Debate with whole group 25 min DIFF EXT Take part in group activity Measure and record data 45 min Personal Conduct in the electronics lab Activity 1 > Learning Outcome 1 Introduce topic Introduce magnetism. Demonstrate the characteristics of a magnetic field. Discuss the applications of magnetism in electrical and electronic work. Additional notes: Mindfyre resources Iron filings Projector and acetate Bar magnets Solenoids Signpost P8 and P9 Activity 2 > Learning Outcome 1 Learners to work in small teams setting Assess by peer teaching CO-OP 4 Additional notes: up solenoids and measuring the associated magnetic fields. Then relating the work to the fundamentals of magnetic theory Activity 3 > Learning Outcome 1 Mindfyre resources As above for experimentation Assess by written assignment Learners will write up the results of the practical work as directed by the given tasks. If certain learners have made fast progress they have the opportunity to look at P8 and P9 which are closely linked with the content of this session DIFF EXT Measure and record data Write up task for assessment Learners can if they wish, research and compile reports based on satisfying the requirements of P8 and P9 1 hour Additional notes: Take part in group activity 10 min Learner Progress Notes on Resources and Scheme of Work Development Points Actions for Lecturer and Trainer Demonstrator Additional notes: Mindfyre resources Tasks P8 and P9 Yenka Assess by discussion Recall DIFF 4 Recall session learning Record of Work Subject Areas and Outcomes Covered ------------__________ __________ _______________ _______________ Session Evaluation Key Strengths --- --- Lesson Plan Color Scheme Preparation Session/Week Activity 1 Group Activity 1 Time Activity 3 Scheme of Work 6 Electrical Principles Conclusion Week 7 Nat Dip Year 2 0900 - 1230 Outcomes Func Skills P7 L2 Numeracy P8 L2 Literacy P9 ______ Keywords: Return to Planner Learning Outcomes for this Session (SMART); By the end of this session the learners will be able to; 1) Describe the relationship between flux density and magnetic field strength 2) Produce a graph showing the relationship between relative permeability and magnetic field strength Learning Activity (Tutor Actions) Icebreaker: Principal Assessment Method 5 Minute Juggling Competition Assess by practical demonstration Take Register _ List Objectives _ Recall previous session Toolbox talk: Enrichment CO-OP 1 __________ Resources Engineering Materials Electronic Materials Research Facilities Assessment Activity (Learner Actions) Take part in group activity Approx Time 5 min _____ 5 min Discuss 5 min MOD 1 __________ Assess by open questioning __________ AFL 5 Take part in group activity 10 min Assess by discussion __________ Safeguarding Take part in group activity 10 min CO-OP 2 AFL 7 Take notes _____ 25 min AFL 6 Measure and record data Evaluate and compare findings 45 min Dangers of AC voltages Activity 1 > Learning Outcome 1 Introduce topic Introduce permeability and relative permeability Demonstrate some of the calculations required to produce the graph Go through some basic definitions Activity 2 > Learning Outcome 1 Discuss various ways of displaying the data arising from calculations Learners will complete 10 calculations to generate data for the graphs Additional notes: Mindfyre resources Assess by written assignment DIFF 8 Additional notes: Mindfyre resources Graph paper Activity 3 > Learning Outcome 1 Write up the task as per instructions Evaluate the findings Assess by practical demonstration CO-OP 1 Carry out research as directed Write up task for assessment 1 hour Additional notes: Take part in group activity 10 min Learner Progress Notes on Resources and Scheme of Work Development Points Actions for Lecturer and Trainer Demonstrator Additional notes: Mindfyre resources Assess by discussion Recall DIFF EXT Recall session learning Record of Work Subject Areas and Outcomes Covered ------------__________ __________ _______________ _______________ Session Evaluation Key Strengths --- --- Lesson Plan Color Scheme Preparation Session/Week Activity 1 Group Activity 1 Time Activity 3 Scheme of Work 6 Electrical Principles Conclusion Week 8 Nat Dip Year 2 0900 - 1230 Outcomes Func Skills P7 L2 Numeracy P8 ______ P9 ______ Keywords: Return to Planner Learning Outcomes for this Session (SMART); By the end of this session the learners will be able to; 1) Describe the principles and applications of electromagnetic induction 2) Carry out basic calculations on transformer circuits 3) Produce drawings or illustrations to show electromagnetic induction in action Learning Activity (Tutor Actions) Icebreaker: Principal Assessment Method The Perfect Circle; Team Assess by practical demonstration Take Register _ List Objectives _ Recall previous session Toolbox talk: Enrichment CO-OP 5 __________ Resources Engineering Materials Electronic Materials Online Resources Assessment Activity (Learner Actions) Take part in group activity Approx Time 5 min _____ 5 min Discuss 5 min MOD 1 __________ Assess by open questioning __________ AFL 5 Take part in group activity 10 min Assess by discussion __________ Safeguarding Take part in group activity 10 min CO-OP 2 AFL 6 Take notes Tackle practice questions 25 min AFL 7 Take notes Tackle practice questions 45 min Danger of DC voltages Activity 1 > Learning Outcome 1 Introduce topic Demonstrate with an experiment electromagnetic induction in action. Demonstrate Lenz’s law in action. Show Flemings right hand rule Activity 2 > Learning Outcome 1 Run through the fundamental operation of a transformer dealing with the most common calculations relating to function. Additional notes: Assess by discussion Mindfyre resources Solenoid Multimeters Magnets CO-OP 2 Additional notes: Mindfyre resources Activity 3 > Learning Outcome 1 Assess by written assignment Run through the fundamental operation of a 3 phase motor, related to the principles of electromagnetic induction DIFF EXT Write up task for assessment Use ICT to present data appropriately 1 hour Additional notes: Take part in group activity 10 min Learner Progress Notes on Resources and Scheme of Work Development Points Actions for Lecturer and Trainer Demonstrator Additional notes: Mindfyre resources Assess by discussion Recall CO-OP 1 Recall session learning Record of Work Subject Areas and Outcomes Covered ------------__________ __________ _______________ _______________ Session Evaluation Key Strengths --- --- Lesson Plan Color Scheme Preparation Activity 1 Activity 1 Session/Week Group Time Week Nat Dip Year 0900 - 1230 Activity 3 Scheme of Work 6 Electrical Principles Outcomes P10 P11 Func Skills L2 ______ Conclusion --______ 9 2 Numeracy Keywords: Return to Planner Learning Outcomes for this Session (SMART); By the end of this session the learners will be able to; 1) Use single phase theory to determine the characteristics of an AC waveform 2) Use an oscilloscope to measure and determine the inputs and outputs of a single phase AC circuit Learning Activity (Tutor Actions) Icebreaker: Principal Assessment Method Zoom and Re-Zoom Assess by practical demonstration Take Register _ List Objectives _ Recall previous session Toolbox talk: Enrichment CO-OP 1 __________ Resources Practical Resources Electronic Materials Research Facilities Assessment Activity (Learner Actions) Take part in group activity Approx Time 5 min _____ 5 min Discuss 5 min MOD 1 __________ Assess by open questioning __________ AFL 5 Take part in group activity 10 min Assess by discussion __________ Safeguarding Take part in group activity 10 min CO-OP 2 AFL 6 Take notes Take part in team activity Students will work in small teams to set up an oscilloscope to measure the output of a function generator set to output a sine wave 25 min AFL 6 Take part in group activity Measure and record data 45 min Danger of DC voltages Activity 1 > Learning Outcome 1 Introduce topic Introduce single phase AC waveforms looking at the major characteristics and measurements relating to a standard sine wave Activity 2 > Learning Outcome 1 Look at the practical application of some common calculations used to predict the behavior of single phase circuits. This will be based upon learners building a circuit and measuring its inputs and outputs, then relating the results to theory Additional notes: Assess by written assignment Mindfyre resources Oscilloscopes Whiteboard CO-OP 2 Additional notes: Mindfyre resources Circuit board and components for practical work Activity 3 > Learning Outcome 1 Assess by written assignment Write up the results of the practical work and relate them to theory with regard to achieving P10 and P11 for this unit DIFF EXT Evaluate and compare findings Write up task for assessment 1 hour Additional notes: Take part in group activity 10 min Learner Progress Notes on Resources and Scheme of Work Development Points Actions for Lecturer and Trainer Demonstrator Additional notes: Mindfyre resources Assess by discussion Recall CO-OP 1 Recall session learning Record of Work Subject Areas and Outcomes Covered ------------__________ __________ _______________ _______________ Session Evaluation Key Strengths --- --- Lesson Plan Color Scheme Preparation Session/Week Activity 1 Group Activity 1 Time Activity 3 Scheme of Work 6 Electrical Principles Outcomes D1 --- Conclusion --- Week 10 Nat Dip Year 2 0900 - 1230 Func Skills L2 Numeracy L2 Literacy L2 Literacy Keywords: Return to Planner Learning Outcomes for this Session (SMART); By the end of this session the learners will be able to; 1) Analyse the effects of varying component parameters on a power supply circuit Learning Activity (Tutor Actions) Icebreaker: Principal Assessment Method Two Truths and a Lie Assess by practical demonstration Take Register _ List Objectives _ Recall previous session Toolbox talk: Enrichment CO-OP 1 __________ Resources Engineering Materials Electronic Materials Research Facilities Assessment Activity (Learner Actions) Take part in group activity Approx Time 5 min _____ 5 min Discuss 5 min MOD 1 __________ Assess by open questioning __________ AFL 5 Take part in group activity 10 min Assess by discussion __________ Safeguarding Take part in group activity 10 min CO-OP 2 AFL 6 Debate with whole group _____ 25 min AFL 7 Measure and record data Evaluate and compare findings Carry out tasks in simulator as directed 45 min Grounding basics Activity 1 > Learning Outcome 1 Assess by open questioning Review bridge rectifier operation Review capacitor function in power supplies Review transformer function Activity 2 > Learning Outcome 1 Learners to build a simulated power supply in Multisim. Once the circuit is completed then the tasks detailed on Mindfyre can be carried out Additional notes: Mindfyre resources Multisim Assess by practical demonstration DIFF 8 Additional notes: Mindfyre resources Multisim Activity 3 > Learning Outcome 1 Assess by written assignment Write up tasks as directed on Mindfyre CO-OP 1 DIFF EXT Measure and record data Write up task for assessment 1 hour Additional notes: Take part in group activity 10 min Learner Progress Notes on Resources and Scheme of Work Development Points Actions for Lecturer and Trainer Demonstrator Additional notes: Mindfyre resources Assess by discussion Recall Recall session learning Record of Work Subject Areas and Outcomes Covered ------------__________ __________ _______________ _______________ Session Evaluation Key Strengths --- --- Lesson Plan Color Scheme Preparation Session/Week Activity 1 Group Activity 1 Time Activity 3 Scheme of Work 6 Electrical Principles Conclusion Week 11 Nat Dip Year 2 0900 - 1230 Outcomes Func Skills D2 L2 Numeracy --______ --______ Keywords: Return to Planner Learning Outcomes for this Session (SMART); By the end of this session the learners will be able to; 1) Evaluate the performance of a DC generator by reference to electrical theory Learning Activity (Tutor Actions) Icebreaker: Principal Assessment Method Body Resistance Assess by practical demonstration Take Register _ List Objectives _ Recall previous session Toolbox talk: Enrichment CO-OP 1 __________ Resources Engineering Materials Electronic Materials Research Facilities Assessment Activity (Learner Actions) Take part in group activity Approx Time 5 min _____ 5 min Discuss 5 min MOD 1 __________ Assess by open questioning __________ AFL 5 Take part in group activity 10 min Assess by discussion __________ Safeguarding Take part in group activity 10 min CO-OP 2 AFL 6 Take notes Discuss 25 min AFL 5 Take notes Write up task for assessment 45 min Electric Shock Activity 1 > Learning Outcome 1 Introduce topic Introduce the theory relating to DC motors and generators Activity 2 > Learning Outcome 1 Demonstrate the construction characteristics related to DC machines, armatures, poles, interpoles, etc… Additional notes: Mindfyre resources Assess by discussion CO-OP 2 Additional notes: Mindfyre resources Assessment tasks Activity 3 > Learning Outcome 1 Predict the performance of a DC generator with reference to electrical theory Assess by practical demonstration CO-OP 1 Complete given tasks Write up task for assessment 1 hour Additional notes: Take part in group activity 10 min Learner Progress Notes on Resources and Scheme of Work Development Points Actions for Lecturer and Trainer Demonstrator Additional notes: Mindfyre resources Assessment questions Assess by discussion Recall DIFF EXT Recall session learning Record of Work Subject Areas and Outcomes Covered ------------__________ __________ _______________ _______________ Session Evaluation Key Strengths --- --- Lesson Plan Color Scheme Preparation Session/Week Activity 1 Group Activity 1 Time Activity 3 Scheme of Work 6 Electrical Principles Conclusion Week 12 Nat Dip Year 2 0900 - 1230 Outcomes Func Skills D2 L2 Numeracy --L2 Literacy --______ Keywords: Return to Planner Learning Outcomes for this Session (SMART); By the end of this session the learners will be able to; 1) Evaluate the performance of a DC motor with reference to theory Learning Activity (Tutor Actions) Icebreaker: Principal Assessment Method Fear in a Hat Assess by practical demonstration Take Register _ List Objectives _ Recall previous session Toolbox talk: Enrichment CO-OP 1 Resources Engineering Materials Electronic Materials Research Facilities Assessment Activity (Learner Actions) __________ Take part in group activity Approx Time 5 min _____ 5 min Discuss 5 min MOD 1 __________ Assess by open questioning __________ AFL 5 Take part in group activity 10 min Assess by discussion __________ Safeguarding Take part in group activity 10 min CO-OP 2 AFL 6 Take notes Tackle practice questions Review previous learning from week 11 25 min AFL 6 Take notes Solve by calculation Carry out research as directed 45 min Electric Shock Activity 1 > Learning Outcome 1 Assess by discussion Review DC theory and relate it to the performance of a DC motor. Activity 2 > Learning Outcome 1 Contrast and compare the differences in construction and operation of a DC motor with that of a DC generator Additional notes: Mindfyre resources Relevant formula Assess by discussion CO-OP 2 Additional notes: Mindfyre resources Activity 3 > Learning Outcome 1 Assess by written assignment Write up tasks for assessment as per the requirements listed on Mindfyre. Recall CO-OP 1 DIFF EXT Measure and record data Write up task for assessment 1 hour Additional notes: Take part in group activity 10 min Learner Progress Notes on Resources and Scheme of Work Development Points Actions for Lecturer and Trainer Demonstrator Additional notes: Mindfyre resources Assess by discussion Recall session learning Record of Work Subject Areas and Outcomes Covered ------------__________ __________ _______________ _______________ Session Evaluation Key Strengths --- --- Lesson Plan Color Scheme Preparation Activity 1 Activity 1 Activity 3 Conclusion