Syllabus ASL 3-4 Class - MelBrownASL

ASL 3-4
Teacher: Ms. Melissa Brown
Course Title: American Sign Language 3-4
Contact Information:
Classroom: V115
Classroom phone number: (520) 365-0085
Campus phone number: (520) 225-5000
Prerequisite: Student must have ASL 1-2 with passing grade to enroll
Textbook and Workbook (Provided for in class ONLY, except by special request):
Master ASL! Level One and DVD, 2006, by Jason E. Zinza
Signing Naturally Level 2, Workbook and DVD, 1992, Mikos/Smith/Lentz
Course Description:
Students will review ASL 1-2. This course includes: the parameters of signed language; syntax; non-manual
signals and role shifting; the proper use of sign space; pronominalization; nouns/verbs; time line; classifiers;
pluralizations; deaf culture, fingerspelling and numbers. This course also includes the use of conceptual
accuracy, modulations, sight line, lexicalized fingerspelling, contractions, direct address, conjunctions, model
stories, history of sign, language variations, the sign continuum, and how people hear. Because language and
culture are inextricably linked, this course will also demonstrate how ASL conveys the values, beliefs, customs,
and history of American Deaf culture.
Performance Objectives:
Upon completion of this year-long course, the student will be able to do the following:
Understand and perform a sign vocabulary with a minimum of at least 2000 signs and classifiers.
Demonstrate an expressive and receptive understanding of numbering systems used in ASL.
Demonstrate expressive fingerspelling with correct posture, placement, and rhythm & speed.
Demonstrate comprehension of fingerspelled words of 5 or more letters.
Demonstrate and describe complex sentence structure including dependent clauses.
Discuss Deaf culture and the deaf community and explain how it might differ from hearing cultures.
Provide and receive information (expressive/receptive skills) at the sentence and brief narrative level in
American Sign Language.
Required Materials:
3 Ring Notebook
College rule papers
Composition notebook
Notebook Categories (Dividers in your 3-ring notebook):
Grading Procedures and Policy:
Grading (Weighted) Categories:
Grading Scale
For privacy and security reasons, grades can be accessed through TUSDstats and will be posted periodically
throughout the school year in the classroom. The posts in the classroom will list the grades under a “number”
that the student will know. Please do not share your “number” with other students.
Homework Policy:
Homework must be turned in on time.
Late homework may be turned in for a grade. If the late assignment is complete you will receive 65%.
Early homework = 5 points of extra credit.
Incomplete homework is not accepted. It will not be corrected. It will be returned to you. You can
complete your incomplete homework and turn in for late assignment (65%).
You may change your assignment mistakes one time. Assignments that are late (65%) may not be
Put completed homework in the box.
Pick up corrected homework from the files.
Test Policy
Talking is not allowed during a test. Talking is not allowed until everyone has completed and turned in the test.
Talking during test will result in a 0. No reminders or warnings.
Attendance Policy
1. You must have a late slip/pass to enter class after the bell rings. If you are late without a slip/pass,
then I will put down “T’’ for Tardy. Three times tardy I will call parents to let them know. Four times
tardy will get Lunch Detention where you will pick up trash during lunch time.
2. If you are absent, then you can check my lesson plans (PowerPoint notes) in your notebook or on-line at or
Any other handouts needed should be available in a location I have indicated in the room. It is also
your responsibility to ask your teacher or other student/friend for any homework that you missed.
You are not permitted to interrupt class to get missed homework. You may only ask for missed
homework during conference time, before school, after class, after school, or during break. Most
students who attend regularly pass this class. Students who are absent frequently often fail.
3. Test and quizzes missed must be make up on your own time (conference time, during lunch or after
4. If you do not make up the work you missed, you will receive a 0.
5. If you will be absent due to an appointment, trip or game, homework must be turned in before you
leave or it will be counted as late.
6. You may have 10 absences in a year. If you have more absences, you may lose credit
Course Outline
Vocabulary topics are stated in the general title of the unit. Grammar and linguistic elements are outlined.
Deaf culture will be addressed in various lesions for each unit.
Semester 1
Describing People:
My Home &
Race/Ethnicity signs
Location changes
Descriptive classifiers
(The concept of) Have…
Spatial Visualization
Using CL: Claw with spatialization
Money Signs
Using CL: bent V
Converse about occupation
Use “become” and “to be” in
Discuss Food
Describe Animals
Expand Visualization and Description
skills using Classifiers
Locating Things Around the House:
Telling Locations of Things in a Room
Handshape Stories
Semester 2
Complaining, Making Suggestions and Requests
Inflections for Temporal Aspect
Spatial Agreement
Clock Numbers
Cheers and Songs
Exchanging Personal Information: Life Events
Narrating about Life Events
Describing and Identifying Things
Describing Things Around Us
Money Number Signs
Talking About the Weekend
Narrating about Weekend Activities
Three-Digit Numbers
Class Project/ Performance
Sign the book in ASL
Perform live or recorded
Classroom Rules
1. Leave your backpacks in the back table of the room and get 3-ring notebook (binder), papers, composition
notebook, and pen/pencil.
2. Be ready to work when the bell rings/flashes.
3. Keep hands, feet and objects to yourself.
4. Bring all needed materials and homework to class.
5. Be Respectful; language, posture & facial expressions
6. Follow directions, participate and cooperate
7. Use all class time productively.
8. No Gum!
9. NO VOICE! (Reading the Information section on “Voicing Policy,” “Eye Contact,”
Voicing Policy - This class is conducted primarily without voice. A no-voice is observed during the
class. The philosophy exercised in the classroom is the language immersion theory of learning ASL.
Spoken language is used through the ears; ASL through the eyes. If you do not understand the
signer, please ask for clarification. They will need to gesture, fingerspell the word, or write on white
slates/paper if they don’t know the sign for that word when they are trying to express something.
This also encourages the use of ASL (including the use of facial expression and body language) and
introduces cultural rules. To enhance the student’s acquisition of ASL, gum chewing, talking,
whispering or mouthing words is NOT permitted in class unless determined by your instructor.
2. Eye Contact – Eye contact is very important in ASL – it shows that you are paying attention to the
conversation. Unlike in classes conducted in a spoken language, you must keep your eyes on the
instructor, board, and classmates that are signing. It is considered rude to not look at the person
that is signing. It also requires you to stand up when you sign, wait until everyone turns to look at you
before you respond or to come to the front of the room so everyone can see what you’re signing. You
will need to be able to move yourself around to look at the person that is signing. It is YOUR
responsibility to make sure you can se what is being signed by anyone in the room. Either move
yourself or ask the person to repeat what they signed. This also makes it difficult to take written
notes. The instructor will provide written materials (Power Point notes, vocabulary list, etc) that are
presented in class either before or after the lesson or you will be provided page numbers in your text
with the information presented. If further information is needed, ask me (your teacher). Along with
eye contact is hats/headgear. Hats/headgear covers your eyes and eyebrows which is a part of ASL
grammar. NO hats or headgear.
3. This class has a participation grade. All students will receive 10 points = 100% for the week. If you
don’t follow the voicing & eye contact policy, then you will lose points. If you are following the
voicing/eye contact policy and participating in class, then points will be added. By the end of the week
(Friday after class ends), it will become their individual grade for participation based on their points
for the week.
Classroom Routine:
When you walk in class use your HANDS to communicate. We will use ASL! If you can’t remember a sign, then
use lots of gesturing and facial expression. Use the white slates if you’re stuck!
Bellwork (5 to 10 minutes) – when you enter the classroom, briefly greet the teacher and other students in
ASL. Leave your backpacks in the back table and only get your notebook, papers, pen/pencil. Find your
assigned seat, and your notebook/paper/pencil or pen ready for the bell work.
After Bellwork, I (your teacher) will present a short vocabulary, grammar or cultural lesson. After the lesson,
you (students) will engage in grouped or individual practice lessons.
Acknowledgement of Receipt of Syllabus
Please sign and return the following to the teacher.
Students: Initial each of the following to which you agree.
____ I have received my syllabus, which includes the course objectives, policies, requirements and schedule
____ I have read and understand all of the syllabus policies and requirements.
____ I have read and understand the NO VOICING and EYE CONTACT policy and will adhere to it.
____ I have no objection to receiving phone calls from the teacher at my home phone number.
____ I have no objection to receiving phone calls from the teacher at my cell phone number.
____ I have no objection to receiving phone calls from the teacher at my work phone number.
____ I have no objection to receiving email from the teacher.
____ I have permission for my teacher to e-mail any grades and materials associated with my student record for
this course during this semester to the email address listed below.
Student Information:
Signature: ____________________________________________________________Class period: _____________
Name: ____________________________________________________________________________________
(Please print)
Id number: _________________ Home phone: _________________________ Cell phone: __________________
Are you working after school? Y ES or NO (Circle one)
Email address: ________________________________________________________
Parent Information:
Signature: ____________________________________________________________________________________
Name: _______________________________________________________________________________________
(Please print)
Home phone: _____________________ Cell Phone: _____________________ Work phone: _________________
Email address: ________________________________________________________________________________