2010 Job Analysis Questionnaire Bowling Green State University B O W L I N G G R E E N S T A T E U N I V E R S IT Y Job Analysis Questionnaire A. Instructions The purpose of this questionnaire is to gather information about your position, its responsibilities and required duties, as defined by supervisor/department, and educational/experience requirements. If you have occupied the position for less than six months, it is recommended that you work with your supervisor to complete the questionnaire. 1. Incumbent is defined as the employee currently in a position performing the required duties and responsibilities. If there is no incumbent in the position, it is vacant. 2. Please complete sections B through H. 3. Be objective and accurate in your answers. 4. Consider your normal day-to-day responsibilities. Any duties performed on a monthly or annual basis should be included and accurately represented in Section D. 5. Describe the position as it is being performed today, not as it might be in the future or as you think it should be. 6. Answer all questions completely. An explanation must accompany any question that is determined to be non-applicable. 7. Before forwarding the questionnaire to your supervisor: A. Retain a copy of the completed questionnaire for your records B. Date that you forwarded the completed questionnaire to your supervisor B. Position Identification Incumbent Name: Vacant: Job Title: Assistant Bursar of Systems and Training Department: Bursar's Office Supervisor’s Name: Brenda Holderman Supervisor’s Title: Bursar To be filled in by HR Position #: Job Code #: Date Received: C. Summary Statement Mercer, Inc. 1 2010 Job Analysis Questionnaire Bowling Green State University Briefly describe the position’s primary purpose in two or three sentences. The Assistant Bursar of Systems and Training leads and oversees new upgrades, bundles and maintenance pack testing to the PeopleSoft System. The position manages, supports, maintains, and enhances the Student Financial module of the PeopleSoft System. The Assistant Burar of Systems leads efforts to increase the efficiency and effectiveness of the Student Financial system and operations in support of institutional and divisional goals and objectives. D. Essential Duties and Responsibilities List the position’s essential or most important functions and responsibilities. List all important aspects of the position (including those performed daily, weekly, monthly, or annually) and any that occur on a cyclical basis. Indicate the approximate percentage of time spent performing each function on an annualized basis. For example, if you perform a duty full-time one month out of twelve, you spend approximately 8% (1/12) of your time on that function. Describe only those duties that occupy at least 5% of your time. Example duty statements are provided below. Sample Essential Duties and Responsibilities % of Time 1. Recruits prospective students from local area high schools. 45% 2. Counsels students and parents regarding the admissions process. 25% 3. Makes presentations to student groups. 20% 4. Maintains prospective student contact database. 10% 100% 1. iOversee, test, manage, support, maintain and enhance the Student Financial module of the PeopleSoft System, along with any other administrative systems employed by the Bursar's Office. Maintain all system tables. Responsible for maintaining the process scheduler to ascertain all student account updates are done within the designated timeframe, along with all student account billings. 40% 2. Develop all relevant procedures for the Student Financial Module of PeopleSoft and the CahsNet system, updating when necessary. Responsible for any training of new staff members of the Bursar's Office and other departments within these systems. 20% 3. Provide direct supervision of the systems area staff. Handle any and all personnel issues (preformance evaluations, disciplinary actions, etc.). Work with the other Assistant Bursar and Administrative Assistant to assist the Bursar in reviewing budgets for the upcoming fiscal year. Work with the Bursar to stay abreast of all federal and state regulation changes, ensuring the system is set up properly to handle these regulations. 15% 4. Responsible for all report generation. Resolve any functional user questions/problems. Test all system upgrades. Assist in the prioritization of application issues. Responsible for the evaluation of all business processes to ensure efficiency and effectiveness. 10% 5. Assist in process mapping of all functions within the Bursar's Office to determine efficiencies/failures. Work with the Bursar to develop more efficient and functional processes. 10% 6. Serve on various university committees, projects, teams as requested by the Mercer, Inc. 5% 2 2010 Job Analysis Questionnaire Bowling Green State University Bursar, Controller, or VP of Finance and Administration. Attend workshops and conferences, both internal and external to the university. Participate in HUEG (Higher Education User Group - PeopleSoft user group). 7. % 8. % 9. % Total of all percentages should equal 100% Mercer, Inc. 100% 3 2010 Job Analysis Questionnaire Bowling Green State University E. Decision Making and Consequence of Action 1. Describe two of the most important problems you encounter that you have to evaluate and solve when performing your job. Indicate how you evaluate/solve the problems as well as the guidance (e.g., instructions, procedures, precedents, policies, etc.) available to help you solve them. Problem #1: Tuition calculation setup was very complex in the PeopleSoft 8.9 version. When it was decided to upgrade to version 9.0 it was determined that a more efficient and effective way to caculate tuition was needed. How you evaluate/solve problem #1: I worked with the Project Manager (Bill Gerwin),and a PeopleSoft consultant to map out a new flowchart of how tuition calcuation could be made easier and to use the system in a more effective manner. In order to implement a new setup for tuition calculation there was a great need for a clear understanding of how all CSS modules (Records & Registration, Financial Aid and Admissions) worked in conjuction with the new setup. Meetings with ESC, Enrollment Mangement, Registrar and other Academic departments were scheuduled to discuss the new way of calculating tuition for students. When the final approval was given for the restructuring of tuition calculation, the task of changing the setup tables, rules and equation engines within the Student Financial module began. After the setup was completed, many months of extensive testing within the Student Financials module along with Financial Aid and Records was completed. Help or guidance available: PeopleSoft consultants, Director of Budgeting, Bursar, Registrar, Financial Aid staff and HEUG website. Problem #2: Staff and dependent fee waivers had originally disbursed through the Financial Aid system. This created numerous errors due to Financial Aid paying out the waivers at full-time amounts for any student and adjusting after the fact. This caused many students to be refunded in error as well as assuming their bill was paid, when in actuality not. How you evaluate/solve problem #2: I researched the waiver process within PeopleSoft by reading PeopleBooks, discussed options with consultants and utilized the HEUG website. The conclusion was that waivers are designed in PeopleSoft to be entered through the Student Financial module and not Financial Aid. Meetings and disussions were held with HR and Financial Aid staff members and it was decided that waivers would now go through the Student Financial system. The waiver process was set up, queries were written and an Excel spreadsheet was created to assist in maintinaing the wavier process in SF. The second step is "Automating" the entire waiver process. I am currently working with IT, HR and FA in implementing a totally automated Employee/Dependent waiver process. Hopefully we will have this in implemented by the end of 2011. Mercer, Inc. 4 2010 Job Analysis Questionnaire Bowling Green State University Help or guidance available: Questions directed to Human Resources, Financial Aid,PeopleSoft Consultants,HUEG website and reading PeopleBooks. 2. Identify two types of decisions you routinely make without review or input from your supervisor. Check the frequency (daily, weekly, monthly) that you make this decision (check one frequency per decision). Example: Daily Weekly Monthly I routinely decide on correcting system problems that relate to the Student Financial System. Daily Weekly Monthly I routinely decide on the design setup of new policy and procedure within the Student Financial System. Daily Weekly Monthly I routinely decide which donors to contact for fund solicitation. 3. Describe the types of consequences, positive and/or negative, that would result from decisions you make during the normal course of operations. Please describe a situation that is common rather than an event that would be unlikely to occur. When describing the situation, you should assume that any negative consequence is not due to negligence or sabotage. This poisition is responsible for setting up new fees/charges to the BGSU student population. When the Universtiy adds a new fee, for example the Facility Charge that will be implemented in Fall '11, the policy must be reviewed and then setup up to work within the parameters of the Student Financial system. Extensive knowledge of the CSS system including the Records and Registration module must be understood before implementing a new fee. This also includes new program plans, campuses, and fee increases. These changes in the system affect the entire student population of BGSU, therefore the outcome of these changes must be 100% accruate at all times. 4. Identify who the above consequences would impact (check all that apply). Students Faculty Staff Community 5. Mercer, Inc. How do the actions of your position affect the University (check the most broad category that applies)? 5 2010 Job Analysis Questionnaire Bowling Green State University May affect a single work unit May affect a single department or program May affect more than one department, program, and/or school May affect a major division or broad range of departments and programs and/or have a moderate impact on students May affect more than one campus, multiple divisions, or the entire university and/or have a major impact on students F. Communications and Contacts 1. With whom do you regularly (i.e., daily, weekly, monthly) communicate inside the University (i.e., faculty members, administrative/professional staff, managers, deans, etc.) in order to perform your duties? What do you typically communicate about with the individuals and how often? What is the method of communication (i.e., email, phone, in person)? Please list contacts by title or job group rather than by employee name. Students are considered external and should be listed in your answer to Question 2 if applicable. Contact Job Title/Group Bursar Financial Aid, Registrar's Office, Dining Services, Residence Life, Business Office, any other offices that interface with Student A/R IT Programmers, IT Analysts, Institutional Research Controller Vice President of Finance and Administration, Vice President of Enrollment Management Mercer, Inc. Communicate About What Any information regarding Bursar processes Account balances, student A/R issues, system interfaces, reconciliations, report writing, troubleshooting, fee assessment issues System questions/concerns, queries, data elements for specific queries Requests for information, reports, reconcilaition issues Requests for information regarding system functions, Bursar processes and how the system handles these. All information shared is very detailed and complex, highlighting the necessary data as required by upper administration How Often Daily, as needed Method of Communication in person, phone, email Daily, as needed e-mail, phone, in person daily, as needed e-mail, phone, in person as needed e-mail, phone, in person as needed e-mail, phone, in person 6 2010 Job Analysis Questionnaire Contact Job Title/Group Bowling Green State University Communicate About What How Often Method of Communication 2. With whom do you regularly (i.e., daily, weekly, monthly) communicate outside the University (i.e., donors, alumni, prospective students/students/families, vendors, governmental agencies, etc.) in order to perform your duties? What do you typically communicate about with the individuals and how often? What is the method of communication (i.e., email, phone, in person)? Contact Job Title/Group Students, parents, third party organizations Vendors Other university departments HEUGS User Group, PeopleSoft Support PeopleSoft Consultants Communicate About What Billing information, enrollment information, financial aid, 1098 T information, account activity, specific charges on an account system enhancements, supplies, outsourced billing and refund services System questions/functionality, policies, procedures, processes Functionality, new enhancements, upgrades Functionality, new enhancements/ upgrades, any changes to functionality that could affect current Bursar processes daily, as needed Method of Communication phone, e-mail as needed phone, in person as needed e-mail, phone, in person as needed e-mail, phone as needed in person, e-mail, phone How Often G. Supervision and Reporting Relationships 1. Check the appropriate box that best describes your leadership responsibilities (check only one category). No responsibility for overseeing or supervising the work of others Responsible for supervising and monitoring the work of students and/or temporary workers; or occasional responsibility for overseeing the work of staff employees where guidance and direction is provided on project related tasks or special assignments from time to time Mercer, Inc. 7 2010 Job Analysis Questionnaire Bowling Green State University Responsible for serving in a lead capacity over assigned staff employees which typically involves scheduling, assigning tasks, providing guidance, and monitoring work output Responsible for directly supervising staff employees which typically includes authority for evaluating performance, hiring, and disciplining or having strong input into such personnel actions Responsible for managing the operation of a unit, section, or major function. Typically directs the activities of supervisory personnel and oversees the work of others who do not directly report to the position (e.g., managers, assistant directors and associate directors are common positions that may fall at this level) Responsible for directing the operations of a department, school, or large complex program. Typically reports to the head of the division with all management and/or professional personnel normally reporting to this position, or through other personnel to this position, for operational coordination (e.g., directors/department heads and deans are common positions that may fall at this level) 2. If you lead or directly supervise students or staff, identify the nature of work performed by those you lead/supervise (check all that apply). Students, temporary workers, office/clerical, maintenance and/or service support staff Paraprofessional and/or technical support staff Administrative (non-supervisory) staff Supervisory and/or managerial staff 3. In the organizational chart below, indicate the reporting lines by completing the boxes with the appropriate titles based on the key. Please include any vacant positions as they relate to your position. List job titles only, not employee names. Key Title of supervisor’s supervisor Supervisor’s title This position’s title Other titles that report to same supervisor E. Titles that report directly to this position F. Titles that report indirectly to this position through other positions A. Controller D. Administrative Assistant (2) C. Assistant Bursar of Systems and Training D. Assistant Bursar of Collections E. E. Public Inquries Assistant 2 E. Business Analyst A. B. C. D. Mercer, Inc. B. Bursar 8 2010 Job Analysis Questionnaire F. Bowling Green State University F. F. H. Comments from Incumbent Provide any other information that might be important in understanding your duties and responsibilities. Knowledge of Federal and State regulations is of primary importance. Failure to understand these regulations could result in inaccurate development of the system, thereby causing possible liabilities to the university. Typing your name below indicates that to your knowledge, the information you have provided is accurate pertaining to your current position. Incumbent’s Signature (please type name for signature): Rhonda Montague x Date: January 24, 2011 Sections I-K should be completed by the incumbent’s supervisor. I. Autonomy 1. Check the box beside the statement that best captures the degree of independence under which this position operates. Under moderate supervision, performs recurring assignments by selecting appropriate standard procedures and using previous training. Employee refers problems to supervisor. Supervisor defines tasks, priorities, deadlines, and expectations. Work is reviewed regularly for progress towards completion of tasks. Under limited supervision, resolves problems and deviations according to established instructions, policies, previous training, and accepted practices. Employee may solve some unusual situations independently. Supervisor defines objectives, priorities, and deadlines. Work is reviewed periodically for completeness, soundness, and conformity to requirements. Under general supervision, identifies and resolves complex problems and issues. May deviate from traditional procedures in solving problems. Employee participates in setting work objectives and deadlines. Work is evaluated periodically for effectiveness in meeting objectives and short-term results but not on procedures used to accomplish results. Under broad administrative guidance, recommends goals and objectives for functional area(s). Employee designs and implements projects, programs, and studies for a major unit, section, or department. Objectives are mutually defined. Work is evaluated periodically for intermediate-term results. Mercer, Inc. 9 2010 Job Analysis Questionnaire Bowling Green State University Under limited oversight, recommends policies and strategic goals, manages, and assumes risk for a major area. Has authority to alter business goals. Work is evaluated periodically for long-term results. 2. Provide optional comments, if desired, to clarify this position’s level of autonomy. This position works very independently. When system issues arise, the position notifies the Bursar of the situation. Discussion takes place, with recommendations from this position, on the best plausible solution(s). Mercer, Inc. 10 2010 Job Analysis Questionnaire Bowling Green State University J. Minimum Requirements 1. Indicate the minimum combination of education and experience that is required to satisfactorily perform the functions of the position. Indicate the minimum qualifications and not the preferred or desired qualifications. Qualifications should reflect those required by the job and not necessarily those possessed by the incumbent. Experience and education may be substituted for some jobs. Level of Knowledge Amount of Related Work Experience High school diploma Less than one year Associate’s degree or up to 2 years of college or technical school 1 to 2 years 3 to 4 years Bachelor’s degree (4 years) 5 to 7 years Master’s degree or Bachelor’s degree (5 years) or advanced certification beyond Bachelor’s degree 8 or more years Doctoral degree (Ph.D., J.D., Ed.D.) 2. If a degree is required (Associate through Doctoral), indicate the appropriate field(s) of study. Accounting, Business Management, Information Systems 3. List type and amount of experience required (i.e., 2 years of event planning, 1 year of supervisory responsibility, 1 year of management responsibility). 1 - 2 years experience within the Bursar's Office or within the IT area with main emphasis on the support of the Bursar's Office. 2 years' management/supervisory exprerience. The individual must possess excellent communication skills. 4. If applicable, indicate any licenses, certifications, or registrations that are required to qualify for this position. n/a 5. List any knowledge, skills or abilities that are important for this position as well as the type of experience, if any, that would be the most beneficial. Web-based information systems experience; business processes in regards to systems development, data analysis, knowledge of the PeopleSoft System; experience in various software programs including Microsoft Office Suite. Mercer, Inc. 11 2010 Job Analysis Questionnaire Bowling Green State University K. Supervisor’s Comments 1. Review Sections B – H of the questionnaire completed by the incumbent. Provide any comments that would be helpful in understanding the position or any discrepancies that could not be resolved through discussion with the incumbent. The Assistant Bursar for Systems and Training is a highly skilled position, encompassing a vast knowledge of systems as well as regulatory issues/laws. The position is required to interact with many constituents across campus, ranging from the daily functional users to senior level administration. 2. Do you consider this position to be comparable to other jobs in your area in terms of responsibility, complexity, impact, and skill? If yes, indicate the job(s). Yes No Typing your name below indicates that to your knowledge, the information provided is accurate pertaining to this position and that you have discussed any areas where you have differences of opinion or understanding with the incumbent. Supervisor’s Signature (please type name for signature): Brenda Holderman Supervisor’s Title: Bursar x X Date: January 24, 2011 Section L should be completed by the individual designated for final review. L. Second Level Management’s Comments 1. Considering other jobs in the division, department, or unit, indicate any that are comparable to this position in complexity, responsibility, impact, and skill. 2. Provide any other comments that would be helpful in understanding this position. This position should be rated higher than the Assistant Bursar of Collections position due to the complexity of technical knowledge that is required for this position. Typing your name below indicates that to your knowledge, the information provided is accurate pertaining to this position and that you have discussed any areas where you have differences of opinion or understanding with the incumbent. Second Level Management’s Signature (please type name for signature): Sharon L. Swartz x If Vice President/President, review or signature is optional Second Level Management’s Title: Controller Mercer, Inc. X 12 2010 Job Analysis Questionnaire Bowling Green State University Date: 2/4/11 Mercer, Inc. 13