
All Things Digital
• Simplex Telex Over Radio – SITOR
• Radio Teletype - RTTY
– Narrow Band Direct Printing - NBDB
– Frequency Shift Keying – FSK
• Error Correction
– SITOR A - Automatic Repeat Request (point to
– SITOR B – Forward Error Correction (broadcast)
• The Characters
SITOR sends 7-bit characters as a bit
stream at 100 baud (which, in this case, is
100 bits per second, 10 milliseconds per bit,
or 70 milliseconds per character).
The bitstream is FSK modulated with a
170 Hz frequency shift. The high frequency
is a mark, and the low frequency is a
American Standard Code for Information Interchange
The Code
• RTTY uses ITA2 is a five bit code
with 32 possible code points.
• Four code points are used for
null (BLANK), space (SPACE),
carriage return (CR), and line
feed (LF).
• Two code points are used for a
letter shift (LTRS) or a figure
shift (FIGS).
• The remaining 26 code points
are used for characters in the
letters and figures sets.
Consequently, ITA2 can
represent 52 (2*26) additional
The Code
• CCIR 476 - Extends ITA2 from 5 to 7 bits, using the extra 2 bits as
check digits.
• Each 7-bit character in CCIR 476 has 4 marks (ones) and 3 spaces
• Each valid character code has a Hamming distance of at least 2 from
every other character.
• The number of valid characters in CCIR 476 is the number of ways
to choose 4 marks for 7 bit positions, and the number can be
calculated using the binomial coefficient:
• CCIR 476 has 3 additional code points over ITA2. SITOR uses the
additional code points for idle, phasing, and repeat requests. In
addition, some of the ordinary characters are reused as control
Error Correction
• Error Correction
SITOR A - Automatic Repeat Request (point to point)
– Transmission in synchronous frames of 450ms.
– Three characters are transmitted by Information Sending Station
– Takes 210 milliseconds.
– The ISS then waits 240 ms for a response.
– Information Receiving Station (IRS) receives the three characters
and checks that they each have 4 marks (1) and 3 spaces (0).
– If they do, then the IRS transmits an acknowledgement. If they
don't, then the IRS requests retransmission.
– At the beginning of the next frame, the ISS either retransmits
the last 3 characters or the next three characters.
Error Correction
• Error Correction
SITOR B - Broadcast
– Time Diversity Error Correction
• Each character is sent twice DX and the RX.
• The first transmission (DX) of a specific character is
followed by the transmission of four other characters,
after which the retransmission (RX) of the first
character takes place, allowing for time-diversity
reception of 280 ms.
Digital Selective Calling
Digital Selective Calling
• The system is a
synchronous system
using characters
composed from a
ten-bit errordetecting code
Digital Selective Calling
• Apart from the phasing characters, each character is
transmitted twice (time diversity aka FEC) in a time-spread
mode; the first transmission (DX) of a specific character is
followed by the transmission of four other characters before
the re-transmission (RX) of that specific character takes place,
allowing for a time-diversity reception interval of:
– 400 ms for HF and MF channels
– 331/3 ms for VHF radio-telephone channels
• The classes of emission, frequency shifts and modulation
rates are as follows:
– F1B or J2B 170 Hz and 100 Bd for use on HF and MF channels
– G2B for use on VHF at 1200 Bd
Digital Selective Calling
• Dot Pattern and Phasing
– The phasing sequence provides information to the receiver to permit
correct bit phasing and unambiguous determination of the positions of
the characters within a call sequence.
– To provide appropriate conditions for earlier bit synchronization and to
allow for scanning methods to monitor several HF and MF frequencies by
ship stations, the phasing sequence should be preceded by a dot pattern
(i.e. alternating B-Y or Y-B sequence bit synchronization signals) with
duration of:
• 200 bits
– At HF and MF, for "distress", "distress acknowledgement", "distress relay"
and "distress relay acknowledgement" calls and for all calling sequences
to ship stations.
• 20 bits
– At HF and MF, for all acknowledgement sequences (except distress
acknowledgements and distress relay acknowledgements – see § 3.4.1
and Note 1) and for all calling sequences to coast stations (except distress
relay calls – see § 3.4.1). At VHF for all calls.