Programming client-server communication. TCP

Lecture №6
Design of client-server communication
TCP-based network programming
Lector: Aliyev H.U.
• In this lesson, we will look in detail at the higherlevel network classes provided in the .NET
Framework. We'll start with client-server
architecture, general introduction to TCP, and its
architecture and data structures.
• Next, we'll explore the TcpClient and TcpListener
classes provided in the .NET Framework for
working with TCP. Finally, we'll discuss using the
TCP channel with .NET Remoting.
Client-server communication
Overview of TCP
• TCP, or Transmission Control Protocol, is used as a reliable
protocol to communicate across an interconnected network
of computers. TCP verifies that the data is properly
delivered to the destination in the correct sequence. We'll
look briefly at how TCP achieves this in a moment.
• TCP is a connection-oriented protocol designed to provide
reliable transmission of data from one process to another
process running on the same or different computers. The
term 'connection-oriented' means that the two processes
or applications must establish a TCP connection prior to
exchanging any data. This is in contrast to UDP (which we'll
look at in the next chapter), which is a 'connection-less'
protocol, allowing data to be broadcast to an unknown
number of clients.
• When an application sends data using TCP, it travels down the
protocol stack. The data is passed through each of the layers
and finally transferred across the network as stream of bits.
• Each layer in the TCP/IP protocol suite adds some information in
the form of headers and/or trailers:
When the packet arrives on the other side of the network, it is again passed through each
layer from bottom to top. Each layer strips out its header/trailer information to verify the
data and finally it reaches the server application in the same form as it left the client
TCP Terminology
• Before looking at how TCP establishes a connection with
another TCP host, there are a number of terms that we
need to define:
• Segment
• The unit of data that TCP sends to IP is called a TCP
• Datagram
• The unit of data that IP sends to the Network Interface
Layer is called an IP datagram.
• Sequence Number
• Every TCP segment sent over a connection has a number
assigned to it, which is called the 'Sequence Number'. This
is used to ensure that the data arrives in the correct order.
TCP Headers
• To understand how TCP works, we also need to look
quickly at the structure of a TCP header:
The sequence and acknowledgement
of TCP
• The sequence and acknowledgement numbers are used by
TCP to ensure that all the data arrives in the correct order,
and the control bits contain various flags to indicate the
status of the data. There are six of these control bits
(usually represented by three-letter abbreviations):
• URG-indicates that the segment contains urgent data
• ACK-indicates that the segment contains an
acknowledgement number
• PSH-indicates the data is to be pushed through to the
receiving user
• RST-resets the connection
• SYN-used to synchronize sequence numbers
• FIN-indicates the end of data
TCP Connections
TCP Operations
Flow Control
• TCP governs the amount of data sent to it by returning a 'window size'
with every acknowledgement. A 'window' is the amount of data that the
receiver can accept. A data buffer is placed between the application
program and the network data flow. The 'window size' is actually the
difference between the size of the buffer and the amount of data stored in
it. This number is sent to inform the remote host about the current
window size. This is called a 'Sliding Window'. The Sliding Window
algorithms control the flow for network data transfers:
TCP in .NET programming
• .NET support for TCP sockets is a great improvement on the
previous programming model. Previously, most developers using
Visual C++ have either employed the CSocket and CAsyncSocket
classes for manipulating all types of socket communication, or used
third-party programming libraries. There was almost no built-in
support for higher-level TCP programming. In .NET, there is a
separate namespace provided for working with sockets-the
System.Net.Sockets namespace (as discussed in the previous
chapter). This namespace contains low-level classes such as Socket
as well as higher-level classes such as TcpClient and TcpListener to
offer simple interfaces to TCP communication.
• The TcpClient and TcpListener classes follow the stream model for
sending and receiving data, as opposed to the Socket class, which
employs the byte-level approach. In these classes, all
communication between the client and the socket is based on a
stream, using the NetworkStream class. However, we can also work
with bytes where necessary.
TCP based programming
TCP Socket Functions
The TcpClient Class
• The TcpClient class provides client-side connections for TCP services. It is
built upon the Socket class to provide TCP Services at a higher levelTcpClient has a private data member called m_ClientSocket, which is used
to communicate with the TCP server. The TcpClient class provides simple
methods for connecting to another socket application over the network,
and for sending and receiving data to it
Public Methods of TcpClient Class
Closes the TCP connection.
Connects to a remote TCP host.
Returns the NetworkStream used for transferring data
between the client and the remote host.
The TcpListener Class
• Typically, a server-side application starts by binding to the
local endpoint and listening to incoming requests from
clients. As soon as a client is found knocking on the port,
the application activates by accepting the request and then
creating a channel that is then responsible for
communicating with the client.
• The application continues to listen for more incoming client
requests on the main thread. The TcpListener class does
exactly that-it listens to the client's request, accepts it, and
then creates a new instance of the Socket class or the
TcpClient class that we can use to communicate with the
client. Just like the TcpClient, the TcpListener also
encapsulates a private Socket object, m_ServerSocket,
available only to derived classes.
The TcpListener Class
• Public Methods
Accepts a pending connection request and returns a
Socket object to use to communicate with the client
Accepts a pending connection request and returns a
TcpClient object to use to communicate with the client
Indicates whether there are any connection requests
Causes the TcpListener to start listening for connection
Closes the listener
The server application diagram in TCP
Primer on the TcpClient
• 1. Passing in an IPEndPoint object representing the
remote endpoint we want to connect to:
• // Create a new instance of the TcpClient class TcpClient
newClient = new TcpClient();
• // Establish a connection with, the IPEndPoint
• IPAddress ipAddr = IPAddress.Parse("");
IPEndPoint endPoint = new IPEndPoint(ipAddr, 80);
• // Connect with the host using IPEndPoint
Primer on the TcpClient
• 2.Passing in an IPAddress object and a port
• // Create a new instance of the TcpClient class
• TcpClient newClient = new TcpClient();
• // Establish a connection with the IPEndPoint
• IPAddress ipAddr = IPAddress.Parse("");
• // Connect with the host using IPAddress and port number
newClient.Connect(ipAddr, 80);
Primer on the TcpClient
• Passing in a hostname and port number:
• // Create a new instance of the TcpClient class
TcpClient newClient = new TcpClient();
• // Connect with the host using hostname as
string and port
newClient.Connect("", 80);
Primer on the TcpClient
• If there is a connection failure or other problem, a SocketException
will be thrown:
• try
• TcpClient newClient = new TcpClient();
• // Connect to the server newClient.Connect("", 80);
• // Socket raises exception here // if there is some problem with the
// connection
• catch(SocketException se)
• Console.WriteLine("Exception: " + se);
Primer on the TcpClient
• The NetworkStream class is used for stream-level
processing as a communication channel between
two connected applications.
• NetworkStream tcpStream = newClient,GetStream();
• After getting the stream, we can use the Read() and Write()
methods of NetworkStream to actually read from the host
application and write to it.
• The Write() method takes three parameters-a byte array containing
the data we want to send to the host, the position in the stream
where we want to start writing, and the length of the data:
• byte[] sendBytes = Encoding.ASCII.GetBytes("This is a Test<EOF>");
tcpStream.Write(sendBytes, 0, sendBytes.Length);
Primer on the TcpClient
• The Read() method has exactly the same set of parameters-a byte array
to store the data that we read from the stream, the position to start
reading, and the number of bytes to read:
• byte[] bytes = new byte[newClient.ReceiveBufferSize]; int bytesRead =
tcpStream.Read(bytes, 0, newClient.ReceiveBufferSize);
• // Convert from bytes to string
• // returnData will contain the incoming data from socket string
returnData = Encoding.ASCII.GetString(bytes);
• The TcpClient's ReceiveBufferSize property allows us to get or set the
size of the receive buffer (in bytes), so we use it as the size of the byte
array. Note that setting this property doesn't restrict the number of
bytes we can read in each operation, as the buffer will be dynamically
resized if necessary, but it does reduce overhead if we specify a buffer
Primer on the TcpClient
• Closing a TCP Socket
• After communicating with the client, the
Close() method should be called to free all
• // Close client socket
• newClient.Close();