UNIT 8 STUDY GUIDE Day 1 - Williston School District

Day 1
Q: Which amendments did SC refuse to ratify?
A: 14th & 15th Amendments
Q: What did these two amendments guarantee?
A: They guaranteed equal rights & the right to
vote to African American men
Q: What were the purposes of the Reconstruction
plans of the Federal Government?
A: To socially and politically rebuild the nation.
Q: South Carolina and the other southern states
had serious economic problems after the war.
Why didn’t the federal Reconstruction plans
address these problems?
A: It didn’t believe it was its responsibility to rebuild
the South economically. So it did not rebuild
towns, factories, farms, and transportation
Q: Whose responsibility did the government think it
was to economically rebuild the South?
A: Individual citizens and the state governments
which did not have money.
Q: Describe Lincoln’s Plan of Reconstruction (called
10% Plan):
A: Required 10% of population to take an oath of
allegiance to the Union in order to reestablish state
governments and send representatives to Congress.
Also had to abolish slavery.
Q: What were the purposes of Lincoln’s Plan?
A: End the Civil War quickly
A: Convince SC & other southern state to surrender
A: To restore the southern states into full political union
with the other states
Q: What happened to President Lincoln to prevent him
from implementing his plan of Reconstruction?
A: Lincoln was assassinated by John Wilkes Booth.
Q: Who became president after Lincoln was
A: His Vice President, Andrew Johnson.
Q: What was President Johnson’s Presidential
Reconstruction Plan?
A: He continued Lincoln’s 10% Plan.
Q: What additional purpose did President Johnson add
to the plan?
A: Humiliation of the southern elite
Q: What did he add to Lincoln’s Plan to achieve
this purpose?
A: Required that the elite had to individually
request a pardon of the president and ratify the
13th amendment freeing the slaves
Q: What were the purposes of the Congressional
Plan of Reconstruction?
A: Protection of the rights of the newly freed slaves
A: Protection of the Republican’s political power
Q: Why did Congress think that a harsher or stricter
Reconstruction plan was needed for the South and
then change Reconstruction?
A: SC and other southern states reconstructed
themselves under Presidential Reconstruction.
A: They took advantage of Congress not being in
A: They established new state governments full of former
A: Passed Black Codes that limited the rights of
A: They sent former Confederates to Congress
A: Increased violence against Freedmen
A: President Johnson vetoed the Freedmen’s Bill and
opposed the 14thAmendment
Q: What happened as a result of the actions of the southern
states and President Johnson?
A: To protect Freedmen’s rights Congress refused to admit the
Southern Congressmen
A: Radical Republican’s won a majority in the 1866 election
A: The Radicals wrote their own plan of Reconstruction
Q: What did the Radical Republican Plan include?
A: Divided the South into 5 military districts under military
occupation (SC was in the second military district)
A: Each district had a military governor & military troops to
enforce the plan
A: Assure ratification of the 14th Amendment (citizenship for
former slaves) 15th Amendment (suffrage for African
American males)