Biological Sciences Virtual Labs for GE Biology Robert Desharnais & Paul Narguizian California State University, Los Angeles Course Redesign Models Motivation General education (GE) laboratory courses are a bottleneck for progress to graduation. At CSULA, a life science course with lab is required of every student. Enrollments in labs are limited to 24 students and each lab must be staffed by an instructor. Labs are taught in specialized facilities which are limited in availability. Many students are unable to register for these courses until their senior year. Model 1 – All Labs Online Model 2 – Hybrid Flipped Lab All labs were offered online Fall 2013 & Winter 2014 Flipped lab model: guided assignments at home and higher-level group activities aided by instructors in lab. Drop-in help center staffed 30 hours/week Nine virtual labs were employed, one for each week of the academic quarter excluding one. Handout guided students though experiments designed around course concepts. Students answered multiple choice questions to assess their learning For 3 labs, students addressed a scientific problem by o formulating a hypothesis; o designing and carrying out experiments; o analyzing the results; o writing a brief scientific report. Addressing the Bottleneck Off weeks, students worked on individual virtual lab assignments similar to Model 1. 1. Use of on-line labs reduced costs: Track A Juniors Intro to virtual lab Intro to virtual lab 3 Group report in lab Online exercises 4 Online exercises Group report in lab 7 Group report in lab Online exercises Group report in lab 8 GE biology courses are a challenge for non-science majors. Labs are intended to involve students in doing science, but most wet labs are “cook-book” activities. The labs lack engagement and an opportunity for creativity Virtual labs provide an environment for students to explore scientific concepts by designing and carrying out their own experiments. They provide a hands-on opportunity for GE students to “achieve an understanding and appreciation of scientific principles and the scientific method” as specified in the CSU General Education Breadth Requirements. They are also less costly and can allow increased number of course offerings to relieve graduation bottlenecks. Contact Information Robert Desharnais & Paul Narguizian GE students using FlyLab to conduct genetic experiments. No lab Online exercises 6 Seniors Track B 2 5 Sophmores “Fun, interesting, and relevant to what we were learning in class.” “I liked the ease at which the experiments were manipulated, as well as the simple yet deep control of the experiment.” “Really simple to use, and you can go at your own pace.” Class was divided into two tracks, A and B, which met asynchronously throughout the quarter: 1 Freshmen “I liked the fact that the virtual labs can be taken at home. It gave me a sense of independence. It made it possible for a lot of people to take this much needed course to graduate.” Student met in-person every other week during Spring 2014 in the physical lab facility where o instructor introduced lab topic and software; o students discussed in groups their answers to the individual virtual lab assignments; o students worked in groups to formulate hypotheses, design and carry out experiments, analyze results, and produce a brief scientific report. Week BIOL 155 Enrollment by Class Level “I liked the opportunity to put into practice what we were discussing in class and see the results for myself.” Online exercises Online exercises Group report in lab Online exercises Group report in lab 9 Group report in lab Online exercises 10 No lab Group report in lab Costs of Different Lab Models $140 Cost per Student We redesigned a GE biology course by using existing webbased software to replace traditional wet labs. Two new modes of lab instruction were compared to the traditional offering: (1) all labs online with a “drop-by” help center and (2) a hybrid “flipped lab” model with two tracks of online and in-person labs alternating every week. Both modes included a face-to-face lecture. Engaging inquiry-based exercises were developed around each online activity. Assessment involved the tracking of students’ attitudes and performance using grades and pre-post-class surveys. Student Comments $127.39 $120 $100 $80.57 $80 $60 $36.84 $40 $20 $0 Wet Labs Online Labs Flipped Labs 2. More students were served: Number of GE Biology Students Enrolled 1400 Numer of Students Abstract N = 1139 1200 1000 800 600 N = 455 400 200 0 AY 12/13 AY 13/14 3. There was a positive impact on time to graduation: Spring 2013 Spring 2014 Online Labs That Were Used Freshmen Sophmores Juniors Seniors CardioLab cardiac physiology DemographyLab human demography Enzymes enzymes & pH EvolutionLab natural selection FlyLab genetics of inheritance Animal Behavior isopod behavior For more information, visit the Course Redesign ePortfolio for this project at: Frog Dissection animal anatomy Acknowledgements This project was supported by the CSU Enrollment Bottleneck Solution Course Redesign with Technology program. PopEcoLab population ecology TranslationLab the genetic code More Information