Chapter 7 Figure CO: Finches Darwin, Mendel and Theories of Inheritance Overview • • • • • • • How do species transform into other species? How do variations arise? The problem of blending inheritance Solved by Mendel’s principles Other modes of inheritance Further history of genetics as a discipline Sex determination and sexual reproduction Seeking a Mechanism of Heredity • Continuous versus Discontinuous Variation • Resolving the important issue of small versus large phenotypic differences was not possible because the mechanisms of inheritance were not understood • Lamarckian Inheritance • Blending Inheritance • Pangenesis Lamarckian Inheritance • To explain why some features persisted while others disappeared, Lamarck invoked use and disuse and the inheritance of acquired characters Blending Inheritance • New adaptations would be successively diluted with each generation of interbreeding Baldwins It is obvious to anyone that children resemble a mixture of their parent’s features Mountbattens Blending Inheritance • If correct, natural selection could not maintain a favorable trait for more than a few generations • Darwin countered: 1. Isolation – the adaptive character trait could be maintained if those individuals expressing it were isolated from other members of the species 2. Breeders recognized that some traits were “Prepotent” (dominant) and did not blend or dilute through the generations Mackeral tabby is dominant to blotched tabby Blending Inheritance • If correct, natural selection could not maintain a favorable trait for more than a few generations • Darwin countered: 3. Variation is common 4. Natural selection favors certain variants Blending Inheritance • If correct, natural selection could not maintain a favorable trait for more than a few generations • Darwin countered: 5. Environments change – different variants become superior Blending Inheritance • Darwin accepted the theory of blending inheritance because, despite evidence to the contrary, there was no competing hypothesis to explain heredity • Sadly, Darwin and his contemporaries missed Mendel’s insights on inheritance Intraspecific Variation • Darwin noted that individuals within populations were variable for many traits • But Darwin never knew the origin of this variation Pangenesis • Nine years after publishing The Origin, Darwin conceived of a hypothesis for inheritance, Pangenesis, which is modeled on a concept proposed by Hippocrates (460-370 BC) in writings from ~410 BC • Interestingly, Aristotle considered and rejected Hippocrates’s Pangenesis as a mechanism of inheritance Pangenesis • Darwin’s hypothesis for inheritance, Pangenesis, synthesized some earlier concepts from Buffon, Bonnet, Owen and Herbert Spencer • Darwin proposed that gemmules or pangenes were produced (in varying frequencies) by all the tissues of a parent and incorporated into the developing eggs or sperm Pangenesis • The presence of the gemmules and their migration seemed to explain inherited change from use and disuse and their discrete identity helped counter the problem of blending inheritance Pangensis Questioned • August Weismann (1834-1914) was the most respected evolutionary biologist of his generation after Darwin • His series of experiments cutting off the tails of mice disproved inheritance of acquired characteristics, though not really disproving pangenesis as he claimed • He provided the Germ Plasm Theory as an alternative in which all hereditary material is housed within and passed by gametes Pangensis Questioned • Francis Galton (1822-1911), one of Darwin’s cousins, disproved pangenesis by transfusing blood between rabbit strains and demonstrating that the offspring did not acquire traits from the strains that donated the blood • Darwin responded that gemmules might not be transported in the blood though he had done some rabbit breeding experiments trying to demonstrate pangenesis Constancy and Variation • The search for the mechanism of heredity continued • That mechanism had to explain phenotypic constancy and variation • Constancy has the evolutionary significance that all life processes depend on the transmission of information from previous generations – like produces like • Variations are needed for natural selection in the face of changing environments Gregor Mendel (1822-1884) published (1865) Mendel’s Laws & Experiments • Mendel developed three fundamental principles of heredity: –Principle of Dominance –Principle of Segregation –Principle of Independent Assortment The Principle of Segregation • Factors (genes) are neither changed nor blended in the heterozygote during reproduction, but segregate from each other to be transmitted as discrete particles Figure 02: Mendel’s results for the inheritance of seed shape (smooth or wrinkled) in pea plants Monohybrid Crosses The Nature of Mendelian Genes • Discontinuous Variation – Dominant allele – the presence of a single copy of the allele will determine the phenotype (heterozygous or homozygous state) – Recessive allele – the presence of two copies of the allele is necessary to determine the phenotype (homozygous state) R D The Nature of Mendelian Genes • Discontinuous Variation – Incomplete dominance – the heterozygous phenotype is intermediate (red [RR] – pink [Rr] – white flowers [rr]) – Splash (BlBl), Blue (Blbl) and Black (blbl) chickens chestnut palomino white The Nature of Mendelian Genes – Co-dominance – both phenotypes expressed equally (roan cattle produce some all red hairs; others all white); ABO blood groups; sickle cell and normal Hgb The Nature of Mendelian Genes – Multiple alleles (> 2) may be present at the locus – ABO blood groups – brown hair color The Nature of Mendelian Genes • Discontinuous Variation – In general, alleles represent specific DNA sequences, and are passed unchanged from one generation to the next, so long as no mutations occur within the sequence – However, there can be variation in the phenotype, even when the genotype is constant • Other genes (alleles at different loci) may influence the trait • The alleles may exhibit degrees of “penetrance” • Environmental factors may alter the expression of the alleles – Most alleles are dominant, probably because they code for advantageous traits Gene Penetrance When the phenotype is not expressed, despite the determining genotype being present; the genotype doesn’t “penetrate” Mendel Studied Seven Different Traits in Pea Plants • • • • • • • Pea (Seed) Shape: smooth/wrinkled Pea Pod Shape: inflated/constricted Pea (Seed) Color: yellow/green Pea Pod Color: green/yellow Plant Height: tall/dwarf Pea Flower Color: purple/white Leaf Position: axial/terminal Mendel Studied Seven Different Traits in Pea Plants • Mendel’s data indicated that characters were not diluted out by blending inheritance • Mendel hypothesized that there was some sort of indivisible unit of inheritance he termed “elementen” • In modern terms, Mendel was identifying the different alleles present at a gene at a locus on a chromosome, though he knew nothing of chromosomes Mendel Studied Seven Different Traits in Pea Plants • Mendel studied 7 characters that appeared to assort independently • The pea has seven chromosomes • Mendel’s pea’s seven characters behaved as if each gene happened to be on a separate chromosome • We now know that this is not the case Mendel Studied Seven Different Traits in Pea Plants • Flower color and seed color are located on chromosome 1 but are so far apart that they do not appear to be linked • Pod shape, flower position on the stem and plant height are linked on chromosome 4 • Crossing-over occurs so frequently between these loci, that the genes assort independently Mendel Studied Seven Different Traits in Pea Plants • Mendel observed segregation in monohybrid crosses for all seven characters, but did not report dihybrid crosses for the linked characters • Either Mendel did not do the crosses, or did them and found the results unexplainable and did not report them • This allows him to discern the third relationship: Independent Assortment The Principle of Independent Assortment • Alleles for different phenotypic characters (genes at different loci) are transmitted within gametes to offspring independently of one another Figure 03: Segregation and independent assortment of seed texture and seed color Adapted from Strickberger, M. W. Genetics, Third edition. Macmillan, 1985. Dihybrid Crosses 9 green wrinkled; 3 green smooth; 3 yellow wrinkled; 1 yellow smooth • If the genes are on separate chromosomes they will assort independently • When two doubly heterozygous parents are crossed, the offspring phenotypic ratio will be 9:3:3:1 Dihybrid Crosses 9:3:3:1 Dihybrid Crosses • Even if the two loci are on the same chromosome, i.e., linked, the traits will assort independently if the loci are far enough apart on the chromosome so that many crossovers occur during meiosis Crossing Over and Recombination • During meiosis, chromosomes duplicate and homologous pairs synapse • Chromatids exchange homologous sections carrying alleles, producing recombinant daughter chromosomes with a different combination of alleles What Was the Source of Variation? • Darwin and his contemporaries knew nothing of mutations, or even that chromosomes contained genes as physical entities • Therefore Darwin’s critics questioned whether or not population variations could be exhausted so that natural selection would come to a halt How Were Variations Passed to Offspring? • Darwin and many of his contemporaries assumed that the heritable traits of two individuals would be blended by some unknown mechanism when they reproduced • Phenotypic expression may be blended, but alleles are preserved and pass unaltered through gametes • The experimental geneticists, the “mutationists,” of the early 20th century, who rediscovered Mendel’s work resolved this problem Chromosomes and Genetics • Walther Flemming discovers chromosomes and mitosis (1880) • Francis Galton coined the term "eugenics" (1883) Chromosomes and Genetics • Edouard-Joseph-LouisMarie van Beneden (18461910) discovered that each species has a fixed number of chromosomes; he also discovered the formation of haploid cells during cell division of sperm and ova (meiosis) in 1887 Three Botanists – Hugo DeVries, Carl Correns, and Erich von Tschermak – Independently Rediscovered Mendel’s Work* in 1900 [*from the Proceedings of the Natural History Society of Brünn in 1866] Hugo de Vries (1848-1935) • Hugo de Vries was the Dutch botanist who continued Darwin’s idea of pangenes as the particulate units of inheritance which de Vries described in his Intracellular Pangenesis (1889) Hugo de Vries • De Vries proposed the Mutation Theory of Evolution, a form of saltationism [saltus = leap] circa 1903 • This was the idea that sudden large or dramatic changes in phenotype, “discontinuous variations,” due to single mutations, were the driving force behind evolution, especially the origin of new species Hugo de Vries Oenothera ring chromosomes • De Vries studied plant hybrids, with particular emphasis on the evening primrose, Oenothera lamarckiana • de Vries noted distinct traits which bred true which he believed indicated that species arose through sudden spontaneous mutations causing significant morphological changes • He was wrong! Not in the data, but in the mechanism. Mendelian Inheritance Has Its Physical Basis in the Behavior of Chromosomes During Sexual Life Cycles • Around 1900, cytologists and geneticists began to see parallels between the behavior of chromosomes and the behavior of Mendel’s “elementen” – Chromosomes and genes are both present in pairs in diploid cells – Homologous chromosomes separate and alleles segregate during meiosis – Fertilization restores the paired condition for both chromosomes and genes Chromosome Theory of Inheritance • Around 1902, Walter Sutton, Theodor Boveri, and others noted these parallels and a chromosome theory of inheritance began to take form Other Early 20th Century Mutationists R. Punnett Thomas Hunt Morgan William Bateson, who coined the term genetics Wilhelm Johannsen, a Dane, who coined the terms gene, genotype and phenotype Morgan Traced a Gene to a Specific Chromosome • Thomas Hunt Morgan was the first to associate a specific gene with a specific chromosome in the early 20th century • Like Mendel, Morgan made an insightful choice for an experimental organism, Drosophila melanogaster, a fruit fly species that eats fungi on fruit – Fruit flies are prolific breeders and have a generation time of two weeks – Fruit flies have three pairs of autosomes and a pair of sex chromosomes (XX in females, XY in males) Thomas Hunt Morgan • Morgan spent a year looking for variant individuals among the flies he was breeding – He discovered a single male fly with white eyes instead of the usual red eyes – Discovering the first sex-linked trait • The normal character phenotype is the wild type. • Alternative traits are mutant phenotypes MUTATION: any process by which the base pair sequence of a DNA molecule is altered Somatic mutation Germ-line mutation Mutation occurs but it is NOT passed on to the next generation Mutation occurs in gametes and is passed to the next generation, now mutation occurs in both its somatic and germ-line cells Mutation rate: the number of mutations occurring or estimated to occur per generation or per nucleotide pair Mutation frequency: expressed as the proportion of individuals in a population with the mutation Drosophila Mutants Founders of Mathematical Genetics R. Punnett G.H. Hardy W. Weinberg W.E. Castle R. Punnett took the problem of establishing the mathematical relationship to a mathematician colleague, G.H. Hardy (1908). W. Weinberg (1908) and W.E. Castle (1903) were contemporaries who independently worked out the details in a similar fashion. Some Experiments Did Appear To Support Lamarckian Selection • Austrian Herpetologist Paul Kammerer (1920s) experimented with amphibians whose phenotype seemed to change heritably after exposure to different environments • The Case of the Midwife Toad, by Arthur Koestler (1971) champions Kammerer • • • Science will always have some conflicts over the interpretation of data Modern “Saltationists” • Richard Goldschmidt (1878-1958), the German (American immigrant) geneticist who advocated a non-Darwinian origin of species and higher taxa • He proposed macromutations and “hopeful monsters” as the source of speciation and macroevolution • The Material Basis of Evolution (1940) a plant mutation called fasciation Modern “Saltationists” • Carl Woese (1928 - 2012) American microbiologist who: – Defined Archae – Proposed the Three Domain (6 Kingdoms) classification of Life – Proposed an “RNA World” intermediate in the process of Abiogenesis, the original formation of life on earth Mutations Are the Raw Material of Evolution • Without mutations, there would be no: – new alleles – new genes – evolution Laboratory Studies of Genetics Spanning the 20th century and beyond Escherischia coli Saccharomyces cerevisiae Drosophila melanogaster Mus musculus Fig. 15.12 Deviations from Mendelian Genetics • Extranuclear Inheritance – Some traits do not follow a nuclear pattern of inheritance but rather transmit through the cytoplasm of the egg. • Maternal inheritance = cytoplasmic inheritance • Mitochondria and Chloroplasts have their own DNA genomes and cell organelles are provided from the female’s egg cytoplasm; not from the male’s sperm cell or pollen grain cytoplasm Maternal Inheritance = Cytoplasmic Inheritance Maternally transmitted mitochondrial DNA mutations can reduce lifespan by 1/3 in mice but the mechanism has not been identified (Scientific Reports, 4:6569, 2014) Maternal Inheritance = Cytoplasmic Inheritance • Transmission of chloroplasts is similar in plants • Variegated leaves and fruits can also be caused by defects or mutations in chloroplast DNA • Different populations of cells in these fruits received more or less of the defective chloroplasts Sex Determination • Sex chromosomes – For many organisms, especially mammals, sex determination is associated with chromosomal differences between the two sexes, typically XX females and XY males • Autosomes and sex determination – The sex of an individual is determined by the ratio of X chromosomes to sets of autosomes (A) • Environmentally induced sex determination – Wide variety of mechanisms – E.g. green spoon worm, Bonellia viridis Sex Determination • Some system of sex chromosomes in most animals Sex Determination • There are a variety of chromosomal systems in animals • In angiosperms, the majority do not have separate sexes; those that do generally have an XY system XY sex determination In some plants ZW sex determination XO sex determination XX = female and X0 = male Grasshooppers, cockroaches, etc., Caenorhabditis elegans Sex Determination • In Drosophila, sex is determined by the ratio of X chromosomes to sets of autosomes • However, fruit flies do also carry a Y chromosome with Males: 1 X: 1 set of autosomes; ratio = 1.0 some genes related to Females: 1 X: 2 set of autosomes ; ratio = 0.5 maleness Sex Determination • In many fungi, specific sex genes, located on an autosome, are involved • Protistans also have a wide variety of methods of sex determination and reproduction Haplo-Diploid Sex Determination in All Hymenoptera 32 (Diploid) 16 (Haploid) Workers (sisters) are more closely related on average (75%) to each other than to their mother, the queen (50%) Haplo-Diploid Sex Determination in All Hymenoptera • Haploid male bee copulates with a diploid female → haploid sperm is stored in the female bee’s spermatheca • When a female “wants” to produce son, she lays an unfertilised (haploid) egg → male offspring • To produce female offspring, the mother needs to add sperm to her egg as it passes down her oviduct • Only 2 chromosomes are shown here Environmental Sex Determination • Bonellia viridis, the green spoon worm, generates freeswimming larvae • Those larvae that reach sea bottom develop into females • Those larvae that land on a female’s proboscis develop into parasitic males who live in the female’s reproductive tract Environmental Sex Determination • Osedax sp., tube worms, which feed on whale carcass bone also exhibit dwarf males who live in the female’s external capsule Figure B03B: Tubeworms Reprinted from Deep Sea Research Part II: Topical Studies in Oceanography, vol. 56, Robert C. Vrijenhoek, Cryptic species, phenotypic plasticity..., pp. 1713-1723. Copyright 2009, with permission from Elsevier. [ Figure B03A: Tubeworms Figure B03C: Dwarf males Courtesy of Greg Rouse Environmental Sex Determination • All crocodilians, most turtles, a few lizards and rare birds have temperature dependent sex determination (TSD) • Those with TSD do not have sex chromosomes • Global warming may interfere with sex ratios in these species! Australian Bush Turkey (Megapode) Environmental Sex Determination Environmental Sex Determination • The majority of reef fish change sex at some point during their lives • In fact, reef fish that remain as the same sex for their entire life span (gonochoristic) are in the minority • Some species will begin life as males and switch to females (protandry), and others switch from female to male (protogyny) • Some will change sex in both directions, and others will be both sexes at the same time Social Control protogynous grouper Epinephelus, females first protandrous clownfish Amphiprion percula, males first protogynous blue-headed wrasse Thalassoma bifasciatum, females first the female is the largest individual, the male the second largest; the rest of the group are smaller non-breeders without functioning gonads Environmental Sex Determination • Lariophagus parasitoid wasps lay eggs into granary weevil larvae • Larger larvae receive eggs which will become female • Smaller larvae receive eggs which will become male • This allows young females to acquire more nutrients Parthenogenesis Parthenogenesis is a form of asexual reproduction in which females produce eggs that develop without fertilization Parthenogenesis is seen to occur naturally in some invertebrates, along with several fish, amphibians, and reptiles as well as in many plants There are no known cases of parthenogenesis in mammals Sexual Reproduction • Two sources of variation –Recombination can produce different combinations of genes along a chromosome –Individuals incorporate different beneficial mutations from other population members through their parents mating Sexual Reproduction Meiosis always shuffles the chromosomes, and crossing over further increases the genetic variability of the gametes produced Deviations from Mendelian Genetics • Sex-Linked Genes and Sexual Reproduction – Genes do not necessarily assort independently of each other if they are linked together on the same chromosome – While true of linkage on both autosomes and sex chromosomes, the patterns of inheritance are more dramatic when genes are linked on a sex chromosome, since recessive alleles will be expressed in the homogametic sex Sex-Linked Genes Table T01: Major Discoveries Leading to Our Current Concepts of the Nature of the Gene Bacterial Transformation (1928) • Frederick Griffith (1879-1941) studied Streptococcus pneumoniae, hoping to find a vaccine • The rough strain was not virulent while the encapsulated smooth strain was virulent, i.e., able to cause pneumonia in mice • He could transform rough bacteria into smooth bacteria by exposing them to dead smooth bacteria • Griffith did not know it was DNA uptake and recombination by the living cells Bacterial Transformation (1944) • Oswald Avery, Colin MacLeod, and Maclyn McCarty used enzymes to eliminate the various classes of biological polymers, one at a time • They demonstrated that DNA was the “transforming factor” first identified by Griffith The Double Helix (1953) DNA x-ray diffraction Frances Crick, James Watson Rosalind Franklin Arthur Kornberg (1918-2007) • In 1956 Kornberg isolated the first DNA polymerizing enzyme, now known as DNA polymerase I • This won him the Nobel prize in 1959 • First in vitro synthesis of E. coli DNA in 1968! Kornberg: DNA Replication 1958 Genetic Code 1961-1963 First Genome Sequenced 1995 • Haemophilus influenza – 1995 • Yeast – 1996 • First human chromosome and entire Drosophila melanogaster genome – 1999 • First draft of human genome – 2000 • Complete sequence of human genome – 2006 • The first cell with a synthetic genome – 2010 • What’s next? J. Craig Venter (1946 ) Chapter 7 End The Nature of Mendelian Genes • Discontinuous Variation