Ch 10.4 student notes

Chapter 10: Patterns of Inheritance
Section Goal: The student will summarize the chromosome theory of inheritance and explain how genetic
linkage provides exceptions to Mendel’s principle of independent assortment.
1. Chromosome theory of inheritance
2. Gene locus
3. Genetic linkage
Concept 10.4: Meiosis explains Mendel’s principles
I. Chromosome Theory of Inheritance
A. Biologists worked out the processes of mitosis and meiosis in the late 1800s and observed the
parallels between the behavior of chromosomes and the behavior of Mendel’s heritable factors
B. The chromosome theory of inheritance states that genes are located on chromosomes, and the
behavior of chromosomes during meiosis and fertilization accounts for inheritance patterns; one set
of homologous chromosomes come from the female parent and the other comes from the male
C. The alleles for a gene reside at the same location or gene locus
II. Genetic Linkage and Crossing Over
A. Mendel’s principles only work for genes that are located on separate chromosomes
B. The tendency for the alleles on one chromosome to be inherited together is called genetic linkage
C. The closer the two genes are on a chromosome, the greater the genetic linkage
Lesson Reflection:
- Complete Bikini Bottom Genetics Review worksheet
Lesson Assessment:
1. When genes are located on separate chromosomes, they sort independently of each other during meiosis,
what happens when genes are located on the same chromosome?
Summary of Key Concepts: Summary of Key Concepts for 10.4
Technology/Application/Connection to real-world:
Heredity Lab; Students will determine what the head of their fictitious baby would look like using their
own genetics and that of their ideal mate.