ISSUE: 1 Rev: 0 MRC/QMS/DOC/092 Mauritius Research Council SME Innovation Grant Scheme (An initiative of the National Resilience Fund & the Research and Development Working Group) Guidelines to Applicants May 2015 Issue: 1 Rev: 0 PRIVACY STATEMENT The information requested on these proposal forms is solicited under the authority of the National Resilience Fund Committee. It will be used in connection with the selection of qualified proposals and may be disclosed to qualified experts and the staff of the Mauritius Research Council as part of the review process, award decisions, or the administration of awards. Note: Proposals not meeting the proposal content requirements which are listed and explained in this solicitation will not be considered. TABLE OF CONTENTS Page 1. INTRODUCTION ............................................................................................................................. 1 2. AIMS AND OBJECTIVES OF THE SIGS ............................................................................................... 1 2.1 Aims .................................................................................................................................. 1 2.2 Objectives .......................................................................................................................... 1 3. ELIGIBILITY .................................................................................................................................... 1 4. ALLOWABLE AND NON-ALLOWABLE .............................................................................................. 1 4.1 Allowable Expenses ............................................................................................................. 1 4.2 Non Allowable Expenses ...................................................................................................... 1 5. CALLS FOR PROPOSALS .................................................................................................................. 1 5.1 First Call for Proposal ........................................................................................................... 2 5.2 Funding and Duration .......................................................................................................... 2 5.4 How to apply ...................................................................................................................... 2 5.5 Modalities for selection and evaluation ................................................................................. 2 6. DISBURSEMENT OF FUNDS ............................................................................................................ 3 6.1 Budget Reallocation ............................................................................................................ 3 7. DISCLAIMER .................................................................................................................................. 3 8. DEADLINE FOR APPLICATION ......................................................................................................... 3 9. CONTACT US.................................................................................................................................. 3 10. APPLICATION FORMS...................................................................................................................viii 1. INTRODUCTION In cases where there is a consortium of institutions applying under this scheme, only one local SME or Start-up Company must apply as the lead institution. The Government Program 2015- 2019 lays emphasis on stimulating innovation and growth of the economy through Small and Medium Enterprises (SMEs). In line with this initiative, the Research and Development Working Group (RDWG) has launched the SME Innovation Grant Scheme (SIGS). Eligible applicants must: a. b. The SIGS is dedicated to SMEs and start-up companies or a consortium of SMEs and start-up companies registered and operating in the Republic of Mauritius. The SIGS prioritises early stage funding for (innovative Research and Development) ultimately leading to development of prototypes, new processes and/or techniques having high societal relevance. Be an entity duly registered with the Registrar of Companies in the Republic of Mauritius Have an annual turn-over not exceeding MUR 50M (fifty Million Mauritian Rupees) 4. ALLOWABLE AND NON-ALLOWABLE 4.1 Allowable Expenses associated costs for expansion such as investment in new technologies, systems and software 2. AIMS AND OBJECTIVES OF THE SIGS associated training and capacity building expenses 2.1 Aims aspects of experimental research and development to create new applications or prototypes duly justified consultancy fees 2.2 Facilitate the development of prototypes, innovative products/services having high societal relevance and create knowledge, jobs and wealth Encourage SMEs and start-ups to collaborate with private sector companies, academia and research institutions. 4.2 Strengthen existing in-house R&D for innovative product/process development carried out by the SMEs and start-up companies Paying off debts Covering of operational expenses Writing up previous research, Travel for general study, Organisation of conferences, workshops or seminars, Preparation of books and publications, and Academic studies for self-qualification Objectives The objectives are to provide, on a competitive basis, incentives to SMEs and start-ups to create innovative prototypes/products/processes and to develop technology having potentially high socio-economic benefits. 3. Non Allowable Expenses 5. CALLS FOR PROPOSALS Subject to availability of funds, the SIGS is restricted to specific themes of National Priority as listed in section 5.1 below ELIGIBILITY This scheme is designed for SMEs or start-up companies registered and operating in the Republic of Mauritius only. A local SME or start up may wish to collaborate with other local or overseas companies, tertiary education institutions and/or research organisations. 1 5.1 First Call for Proposal As stated in Paragraph 118 of the Budget Speech 20152016, Government will ban the use of plastic bags in Mauritius as from the 1st January 20161. The Project proposal must contain the following sections (i) Background information (why) (ii) Rationale (the reasoning behind the proposed solution) (iii) Proposed methodology (how will the applicant implement the proposed solution) (iv) Innovative aspect(s) of the proposed product/process (v) Budget requested (detailed breakdown of costs) (vi) Deliverables and proposed time line As an incentive to find sustainable solutions as alternatives to these plastic bags, the Research and Development Working Group (RDWG) has earmarked a total sum of MUR 5 million for the first call for proposal for the SIGS. The RDWG invites interested parties to submit project proposals under the following theme: Before submitting the application form, the relevant collaborating organisation (if any) should endorse it. ‘Innovative and environment friendly alternatives to plastic bags’ 5.2 Funding and Duration The RDWG will award a maximum of MUR 1 million (One Million Rupees) per approved project. Modalities for selection and evaluation 5.5.1 Research (RDWG) and Development Working Group The Research and Development Working Group (RDWG), co-chaired by the Executive Director of the Mauritius Research Council (MRC) and the Director of Joint Economic Council (JEC), in collaboration with the Ministry of Finance and Economic Development (MoFED) will assess project proposals, ensure independent review of the proposals, award the grant to successfully peer reviewed projects and monitor the progress of the awarded projects. A maximum of 5 projects will be approved under the current call for proposal The maximum duration for funding of the project is six (6) months following the date of signature of contract. The expected outcome is an innovative prototype which has significant potential to be used as alternative to plastic bags currently being used, and/or a new process for developing these alternatives 5.5.2 Mode of Submission Applicants must submit their application (soft copy version and original hard copy version) on the prescribed form downloadable on the MRC website.( At the end of six month, out of the 5 awardees, the applicant having developed the best innovative prototype/process/product will be given the opportunity to compete for the Collaborative Research and Innovation Grant Scheme (CRIGS). 5.4 5.5 An administrative screening will be done by MRC to determine its responsiveness to the specific requirements of the SIGS. The expert opinion of independent assessors relevant to the field(s) of the research proposal will be sought. The following criteria will be used in the assessment exercise. How to apply Interested parties must submit their proposals using the prescribed template available on the MRC website. • Innovativeness of the proposal towards addressing the priority field identified for this present call for proposal • Benefits accruing to a particular group or the society at large • Aspects of value addition/ innovation/transfer of technology in the proposed product, process and/or technique to be developed (iv) the cost breakdown of their expenses is clearly detailed in the prescribed form • The relevance of the proposed product/process to the advertised theme of the SIGS Note: Not more than two (2) proposals may be submitted by each applicant. • Quality of the proposal in terms of clarity of the objectives and methodology to be used • Qualification(s) and expertise of the proposer(s) individual or team 5.4.1 How to write the project proposal Applicants must ensure that: (i) their project proposal falls under the priority theme listed in 5.1 above (ii) the objectives to be attained are well specified (iii) the methodology to be used is clearly outlined, and 1 /BudgetSpeech.pdf; Paragraph 118 2 • Commercial potential of the project • Potential of the proposal to foster a research culture and develop a synergy among participants. 6. 8. DEADLINE FOR APPLICATION The Call for Proposal is open until the 19th of June 2015 15h30 at latest. All applications will be treated on a first come first serve basis and based on merit. DISBURSEMENT OF FUNDS 9. Funding will be disbursed in instalments to the selected applicant. The first instalment will be released upon signing of the contractual agreements by all parties concerned to enable the grantee to initiate the project. CONTACT US The proposal should be addressed to: The Executive Director Mauritius Research Council Level 6, Ebene Heights, 34 Cybercity, Ebene, 72201 Mauritius Further disbursements will be made to the selected applicant on a milestone basis, upon receipt of a satisfactory progress report for each of the specified milestones together with a certified statement of accounts and invoices, showing how the funds have been utilised. Tel: (230) 465 1235 Fax: (230) 465 1239 E-mail: Website: No awards will be made to applicants who are already recipient of full project funding from other agencies for the same or any similar project. The RDWG reserves the right to revise and amend the terms and conditions laid down 6.1 in this solicitation as and whenever necessary. Budget Reallocation Any redefinition and reallocation in the agreed tasks and associated budget described in the Task Scheduling and Budget Chart can only be carried out in consultation with the RDWG which, if satisfied, will authorise the necessary amendments. 7. DISCLAIMER • The RDWG reserves the right to seek further information and/or clarifications from the proposer(s) of a research proposal before reaching a final decision. • The RDWG will support all meritorious projects to the extent of resources available. However, it is under no obligation to fund any proposal or any number of specific proposals on a given topic. • The RDWG will inform all proposers of the outcome of their proposals. A decision will normally be made within one month of the date limit for submission of research proposals. However, there may be cases where, because of the complexity of a proposal, more time may be required for processing of the proposals. 3 10. APPLICATION FORMS MAURITIUS RESEARCH COUNCIL FORM 4020 SME Innovation Grant Scheme (SIGS) PROJECT SUMMARY A. ROJECT OVERVIEW 1. PROJECT TITLE: 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. PROJECT LEADER: NAME OF SMALL BUSINESS OR START UP NAME(S) OF COLLABORATORS (IF ANY) PRIORITY AREA: ESTIMATED BUDGET: ESTIMATED DURATION: 8. GENERAL OBJECTIVE: 9. SPECIFIC OBJECTIVES: 10. Short Summary of the project (maximum 500 words) ______________________________________ NAME AND SIGNATURE OF PROJECT LEADER ______________________________________ NAME AND SIGNATURE OF KEY COLLABORATORS IF ANY ______________________________________ NAME OF COMPANY ______________________________________ NAME AND SIGNATURE OF DIRECTOR Date: _________________________________ viii MAURITIUS RESEARCH COUNCIL SME Innovation Grant Scheme (SIGS) APPLICATION FORM B. ADMINISTRATIVE INFORMATION 1. Name of Project Leader: 2. Title: 3. Address : Mr./Mrs./Miss 4. Phone 5. Fax: D M Y 7. Date of 8. Nationality birth 9. Registered Name of Small Business/Start-up:: 10. Address: 6. e-mail: 11. Phone: 12. Fax: 14. Names of other members of the team and/or partner institution(s) 13. e-mail: 15. Addresses 15. Rationale: Applicant should briefly explain the key targets to be achieved. ix FORM 4030 16. Proposed project: What are the aims and objectives of your work? You should also indicate the names and roles of your collaborators (if any) 17. What are the innovative aspects you are proposing? Does the proposed solution exist elsewhere? If yes give details and justify what you are proposing which is different from the existing concept/process 18. Methodology to be used: what are the methods you are proposing to use to resolve the proposed project YOU MAY ATTACH ADDITIONAL PAGES FOR ANY OF THE ABOVE SECTIONS SHOULD YOU NEED IT x Form 4040 BUDGET CHART AND TASK SCHEDULING 1 Company Name: FOR MRC USE ONLY 2 Project Leader: Version 1.0 3 Project Title: Project No: 4 Collaborators (if any): 5 Project Activities Starting date: Durations (months) 1 2 3 4 5 DURATION: 6 Equipment Cost, including hardware & software 4 Funding requested from RDWG Any additional Funding contributed by third party Funding requested from RDWG Any additional Funding contributed by Local Company COST (Rs) TOTAL (A) 5 Other Direct Costs Consultancy Sub-contract charges Consumables (to specify, if necessary on separate sheet) IT and Other Services Local Travel Overseas Travel (exceptionally) Documentation/Publication Other (please specify) TOTAL (B) Grand Total (A+B) Note: Justification will have to be provided for all of the above cost components. Signature of Project leader: Name: Designation: Signature: xi COST (Rs) Form 4060 PROJECT MILESTONES AND DISBURSEMENT SCHEDULE PROJECT TITLE: Starting date: PROJECT LEADER: MILESTONE PERIOD DURATION (MONTHS) STARTING DATE PROGRESS REPORT DUE DATE(To be subm itted at the end of each m ilestone) ACTIVITIES (LISTED IN Form 4050 to be CARRIED OUT DURING THE PERIOD) FUNDING BY Other sources if any Project Com pletion date: REMARKS MRC FUNDING In Cash 1 2 3 4 Total Number of Activities Total Duration Approval by RDWG: Date: Total MRC Funding Total Funding Private Company Approval by Project Leader: A milestone may consists of several activities. Disbursement of funds would be made at the start of each milestone upon submission of a satisfactory progress report, statement of accounts, invoices and receipts amongst others. Soft Copies of Forms 4040, 4050 and 4060 available upon request ii Mauritius Research Council, Level 6, Ebène Heights, 34 Cybercity, Ebène Tel: (230) 465 1235 Fax: (230) 465 1239 Email: Website: iii