Selena approaches a customer who is looking at a display of premium dog food. Which approach would usually be MOST
effective in generating a sale?
"How are you doing today?"
"How is your son, Mrs. Jones?"
"This food is the one that most veterinarians recommend."
"What breed of dog do you own?"
Thomas recommends that Mr. Lee purchase a case and a tripod to go along with the new video camera he has decided on. This
service to the customer is known as:
handling objections
presenting the product
reassurance and follow-up
suggestion selling
If a salesperson does not know the customer's price range, he/she should\:
begin by showing a medium-priced product
select a line of products in various price ranges
start with the least expensive product and work down
start with the most expensive product and work down
If the item requested by the customer is not available, a good salesperson will clarify the customer's needs and attempt to
satisfy those needs with another product. This is:
closing the sale
product demonstration
product substitution
suggestion selling
Which question would be MOST helpful in determining a customer's needs?
"I assume you do not wish to spend a great deal of money, is that correct?"
"Do you have a coupon?"
"For what purpose will you be using the camera?"
"Will this be cash or charge?”
Which method of determining needs involves looking for nonverbal cues such as hand motions, facial expressions, and eye
Alyssa follows up with each customer two months after purchase to ensure the customer is still enjoying the product. This is
which step of the sale?
approach the customer
build relationship
close the sale
determine needs
A Dillard's customer requested a Fossil watch the store did not have in stock. The salesperson suggested a Seiko instead.
Which method of handling objections is this?
third party
A salesperson tells a customer, "If you love that sweater, we are offering three for only $45." This is an example of\:
cross selling
gift with purchase
order fulfillment
Generally speaking, when there is a wide variety of products available, a salesperson should first show the customer\:
higher priced items
lower priced items
medium priced items
the most expensive item
Gabby, a waitress at Carraba's, recommends a bottle of wine that would compliment her customer's pasta dish. This is an
example of:
approaching the customer
overcoming objections
presenting the product
suggestion selling
During which step of the sale should Lee determine why a customer is hesitant to buy?
approaching the customer
determining needs
handling objections
presenting the product
Who, what, when, why, and how are used when\:
listening to the customer
monitoring the customer
observing the customer
questioning the customer
Sally must observe, listen, and question customers in order to\:
approach customers
build relationships
determine a customer's needs
present products to a customer
A legitimate reason a customer has for not making a purchase is a/n:
Recommending larger quantities of merchandise at a lower price is\:
cross selling
down selling
variable selling
What is a product benefit that a salesperson might point out to a customer who wants to buy a computer?
Monitor has a non-glare screen
Pre-installed software saves money
Print capability is optional
Models are available in many colors
Josh wants to know more about the benefits of his new iPad. What about the iPad does he want to know?
What is the warranty?
What is it?
What is the price?
What's in it for me?
When a business publicly pledges to provide all of its customers with quick, courteous service, what is it doing?
Making a brand promise
Developing a campaign platform
Stating industry policies
Establishing product position
What is an example of an employee reinforcing a firm's image through his/her job performance?
A customer waits on the telephone for several minutes while Matt confirms shipping information
Susan advises her customer that the sofa is only available by special order.
Jack politely asks if his customer would like a beverage while s/he waits for car service
Angela, a human resources manager, prepares the firm's employee newsletter every month
What should the salesperson do when s/he is helping a customer and another customer enters the selling area?
Apologize to the first customer for helping the second customer
Leave the first customer to help the second customer
Acknowledge the second customer as soon as possible
Ignore the second customer until finished with the first customer
If you feel you are asking too many questions but have not determined the customer's need or want, what can you do to vary
your approach?
Use questioning statements
Wait for the customer to ask questions
Ask questions more slowly
Speed up the pace of your questions
On what does the speed of asking customers questions depend?
Type of product that is being sold
Number of other customers waiting
Amount of time left before the business closes
Pace of the customer's responses to your questions
What should a salesperson explain to a customer when recommending a substitute item?
Buying motives
Exchange policies
Comparable features
Fringe benefits
Judy sold customers substitute computers for the iPad. What should she explain to the customers about the substitute
Buying motives
Exchange policies
Comparable features
Fringe benefits
A small computer business does not stock the computer printer that a customer has requested. What should the sales
representative do?
Take the customer's telephone number and call if the business decides to stock the printer
Offer the customer free ink cartridges if a computer is purchased
Tell the customer to try another business or competitor
Offer to call the printer's manufacturer to check availability and delivery dates
Shari wants to make sure that she knows which customers' orders she is taking on the telephone, which one of the first steps in
processing incoming telephone orders would help?
Checking for availability
Explaining pricing policy
Describing each item
Obtaining customer's name
What is usually an important step in processing a customer's telephone order?
Asking personal questions
Calculating gross profit
Checking product availability
Ending the call quickly
Nordstrom’s Department Store focuses all of its efforts on satisfying the needs and wants of its customers. Nordstrom’s can
be described as operating on which concept?
All the activities necessary to get a product from the manufacturer to the consumer defines\:
The marketing concept states that\:
All marketing efforts should be directed at satisfying customer’s wants and needs.
Assets minus liabilities equals profit.
Pricing and distribution of products should be approved by management first.
The owner and managers should make all decisions.
The group of consumers that a business desires to have as customers are the\:
Industry standards
Marketing activities
Mass market
Target market
Most Disney DVDs are sold to families with children under the age of 12. This represents Disney’s\:
Industrial group.
Intangible market
Marketing activities
Target market.
Businesses that continually review their internal strengths and weaknesses and their external
SWOT analysis
ERA study
GOP evaluation
EPA review
Which is an example of a product being sold directly to the user for ultimate consumption\:
person sells flowers on the side of the road
perfume maker sells perfume to a store to sell to its customers
grocer sells powdered sugar to a bakery for its cakes
car dealership sells a van to a plumber to use in his business
Which of the following is an example of a product being sold to an organization for use in producing other goods\:
retailer sells office furniture to an advertising firm
retailer sells a sewing machine to a professional seamstress
teenager mows his neighbor's lawn for $20
distributor sells hundreds of comics to a comic-book store
A salesperson researches his client and tailors the sales presentation to the specific client. Which characteristic of a successful
salesperson does this represent\:
customer knowledge
product knowledge
persistence and patience
personal appearance
What kind of customer would make the following statement: "I just don't know which of these my girlfriend would like best. I
had better come back at another time."
Which of the following would be that most likely cause of customer complaints?
Institutional ads
Product quality
Extended hours
Price reductions
SUV vehicles, Suburban and TrailBlazer are products in a ____________________ from Chevrolet
product life cycle
product item
product line
product mix
Rolls-Royce, known for their extremely expensive and high quality automobiles introduces an affordable model for the upper
middle class. This is an example of\:
excluding markets
trading up
trading down
Wendy's offers a Jr. Bacon Cheeseburger, 1/4 lb, 1/2 lb Baconator and Double Stack within their burger line. Each burger is a
_____________ within the line
product mix
product life cycle
product item
product line
Red Bull's association with extreme sports is considered\:
trading up
trading down
M&M's introduces M&M Premiums which are higher quality and more expensive. This is an example of:
trading up
trading down
excluding markets
Why would a company use a narrow product mix?
greater variety
to promote one-stop shopping
cost effective
competitive advantage
Lakeview Manufacturing produces canned tuna for consumers and pets. Some of the pet products were labeled incorrectly as
consumer products. What action should Lakeview Manufacturing take?
product liability
product recall
Harrison Stroller company manufactures baby stroller. The new model had plastic musical toys on the front bar. By the
middle of the first year there were 50 reports of infant injuries. What legal action will Harrison Stroller Company have to
consumer protection
product deletion
product liability
consumer product safety act
What is a purpose of warranties and guarantee?
to increase customer anxiety about purchases
to decrease feedback from customers
to protect the producer and the seller
to avoid a customer-oriented focus for the business
Teri purchased a new car and expects for the entertainment system to work smoothly. Which warranty is Teri expecting to be
How does the use of grades and standards affect the buying and selling process?
it enables customers to buy without having to inspect each product
it provides product information on unsafe products
it enables businesses to set high prices
it enables salespeople to suggest products without having to determine customer needs
Five years after a new product has been introduced, sales begin to level off because customers are purchasing the ocmpetitor's
brand. What strategy would be most appropriate to use in this situation?
Take the product off the market.
Do nothing; fluctuations in sales are common.
Modify the product to renew customer interest.
Triple the advertising budget for the product.
Why does a company need to know what stage of the product life cycle its products are in?
To prevent imitators from entering the market
To find new uses for the product
To predict the length of the life cycle
To adapt its marketing strategies
Why might profits sometimes decline for the company that first introduced the product during the growth stage of a product's
life cycle?
Because sales decline in the growth stage
Because marketing strategies are adjusted
Because competitors have entered the market
Because production is more efficient
What is an example of an ethical issue that a product/service manager might face?
Use of color on the label
Use of environmentally friendly packaging
Use of packaging as a means of promotion
Use of nutrition information on a food label
Product/service management plays an important role in marketing because it affects a business's strategy to create a certain
impression of a product in the minds of customers. This strategy is known as
project management
idea screening
Why must care be taken in eliminating weak products?
To prevent damaging a company's image
To reduce a company's market share
To obtain higher product costs
To increase the number of product-related complaints
Which of the following is a stage of a product's life cycle?
The Keebler Elves, Ronald McDonald, and Mr. Peanut are examples of
product brands
trade names
trade characters
private brands
Which of the following is an example of a trade name\:
Ford Mustang
Diet Coke
501 Jeans
Whenever possible, an effective brand name should always be
short and memorable
multiple syllables and flashy
related to other brands
unrelated to product features
Which of the following is primary reason that businesses use brands:
To identify their products
To change high prices
To increase materialism
To reduce expenses
The actions a business take with a brand in order to accomplish its goals are referred to as
multinational marketing
market share
brand positioning
brand strategies
A company advertises that its products are durable lightweight, and come in a variety of colors. What strategy is the company
using to position its product?
Price and quality
Features and benefits
Unique characteristics
Relationship to other products
A company that makes ink pens claims no other pen on the market uses a type of ink that changes color when exposed to light.
The company is positioning its product according to what strategy?
Price and quality
Features and benefits
Unique characteristics
Relation to other products in a line
Company XYZ sells condensed soups and promotes them by saying, "Great taste, great price." Company XYZ is positioning
its product according to what strategy?
Relationship to other products
Features and benefits
Unique characteristics
Price and quality
Can pricing affect a business's image?
Yes; a business with low prices may have a discount image.
Yes; a business with low prices will have a prestigious image.
No; pricing does not affect a business's image.
No; pricing affects only selling and customer decisions.
Which of the following elements of the marketing mix involves decisions about shipping, handling, and storing items\:
Companies A, B, and C sell similar products. Together, they recently decided to sell their products for the same price. In what
unethical activity are the business engaging?
Price fixing
Loss-Leader pricing
Gray markets
A business charges a small company a higher price for a product than it charges a large company for the same product. What
does this represent?
Price discrimination
Controlled pricing
Price competition
Regulated pricing
What would be the most appropriate pricing strategy for a business in a small town where unemployment has skyrocketed
and the economy is in a downturn?
Below-cost pricing
High-level pricing
Odd-cents pricing
Flexible pricing
What costs do business usually include in the price of their products?
Which situation hinders a business's ability to provide quality customer service?
Supply channel has high flexibility levels.
Vendor consistently has back orders.
Post-sale support is responsive.
Distribution patterns are operational.
What do marketers want to achieve by determining distribution intensity
Ideal market exposure
Complete market coverage
Perfect market balance
Total market saturation
What is one action that customer service can take facilitate order processing?
Negotiate aggressively
Oversee assembly
Communicate Effectively
Monitor inventory
Which of the following is an example of an industrial user :
A parent buying a picture frame for his/her desk
A hairstylist buy new scissors to perform haircuts
A family buying a new home computer
A teacher buying a book to read on vacation
Which of the following intermediaries never actually own the products it promotes and sells :
Industrial Users
What is an objective of institutional advertising?
To support personal selling activities
To demonstrate the organization's role in community affairs
To introduce new goods or services
To create customer interest in the company's goods or services
In which stage of a product's life cycle do promotional activities focus on differences between competing products?
What form of promotion is generally emphasized for complex, technical products sold to industrial users?
Personal selling
Sales promotion
Which of the following is an example of institutional promotion:
informercial for jewelry
A company's donation of blankets to the homeless
Advertisement for a local mattress superstore
Pitch from a jet-ski salesperson
Which of the following is an example of a product promotion\:
Coupon for the purchase of Ritz crackers
Press conference announcing a major corporate merger
Philip Morris' youth smoking prevention program
Recruiting event for a large technology firm
Which of the following is a specific criticism of institutional promotion
It may take money away from product promotion
It's easily measurable
It's inexpensive
It does not stir up unneessary debates
Which of the following is a specific criticism of product promotion\:
It stirs up unnecessary debates
It does not add value to the product
It's easily measurable
It's inexpensive
What is a benefit to busineses of positive word-of-mouth communication?
increased product mix
decreased advertising costs
increased sales
decreased operating expense
What is an example of a successful direct-response advertisement?
a person orders an exercise machine by telephone after viewing an infomercial
a movie theater shows several previews of new films and video releases
a popular tourist attraction places a billboard in a remote location
a local grocer distributes discount coupons to local businesses
Ben recently purchased a cellular telephone. The manufacturer provided a form and a special code with the telephone's
packaging. Ben completed the form, copied his sales receipt, and mailed these items back to the manufacturer along with the
part of the packaging that contained the special code. Within six weeks, Ben received a $50 check from the telephone
manufacturer. What type of sales-promotion technique was used?
What communication channels is a corporation's public-relations department most likely to use to maintain positive
relationships with shareholders?
press releases, online social networks and print advertisements
newsletters, annual reports and the company's web site
news conferences, consumer blogs and employee manuals
policy manuals, commercials and sponsorships
Which characteristic of useful marketing information is represented by the statement "The benefits of using the information
should be greater than the expense of gathering the data used to generate this information"?
Why do marketers continue to gather information?
today's consumers are easy to please
the marketing environment is constantly changing
marketers are decreasing their geographic scope
competition in general has decreased
What is an important ethical issue involved with the collection and use of marketing information?
How could a business use marketing research data it has gathered about the average age, educational levels, and spending
patterns of area consumers?
To identify problems within the business
To create a mailing list for the business
To develop a profile of the typical customer
To establish an appropriate operating budget
What is a benefit of having managers and researchers "on the same page" about the marketing-research problem?
It allows the two parties to avoid establishing research objectives
It keeps the business from wasting resources
It ensures favorable results from the study
It improves the business's market share
"Toni is always patient and courteous. She seems to have a sincere interest in our satisfaction." What key factor in building a
clientele is Toni exhibiting?
customer confidentiality
service attitude
What effect does building a clientele have on selling costs?
increases them because salespeople earn less in bonuses and commissions
reduces them because making a repeat sale costs less than making an initial sale
reduces them because salespeople earn more in bonuses and commissions
increases them because making an initial sale costs more than making a repeat sale
What is one reason why an employee might write a business letter?
to apply for personal credit
to accept a social invitation
to communicate with friends
to sell goods and services
What is an example of a topic that would be addressed in an informational message?
request for payment on a past-due account
date and time of appointment with customer
charitable appeal for a corporate donation
invitation to speak at a national conference
What is a reason why a businessperson might write a <b>letter of inquiry</b>?
to forward a document
to acknowledge an order
to request an appointment
to complain about a product