Science Newsletter 9-13-15

Science Newsletter
Dear Families,
This week, our class will move from the more general information about the large systems in
nature, biomes, and begin to delve into how individual ecosystems are organized. We will also
investigate the needs of individual organisms and the factors that affect their populations. This
information can be found in Chapter 20 of our textbook. These studies will include the following
Living Things and the Environment
GA Performance Standards: S7L4: Students will examine the dependence of organisms on
one another and their environments. S7L4.c: Recognize that changes in environmental
conditions can affect the survival of both individuals and entire species.
Identify the needs that must be met by an organism’s surroundings.
Describe the levels of organizations within an ecosystem.
Explain the causes of changes in population size.
Identify factors that limit population growth.
Next Assessment Dates:
Formative: (40%): Ecology Vocabulary Quiz (Terms listed, below)
Date: 9-18-15
Students will be reviewing in class and may use the textbook for preparation (Chapter 20,
Sections 1 & 2). Students have been issued either a hard copy or a CD of our textbook, and it is
available online, as well. Please see my website for directions to the online textbook.
Summative: (60%):
Date: TBA
Vocabulary List for this Week:
ecology, habitat, population, population density, community, limiting factor, carrying capacity,
organism, species, birth rate, death rate, immigration and emigration
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Thank you for your support.
V. Russell