Nancy Ashley (439-6844) •Education •Mass Communication •Speech •Theater Angela Edwards (439-4385) •Continuing Studies •Computer Science •Biology •Chemistry •Digital Media •Engineering Technology •Geography •Geology •Interior Design •Physics •Surveying/Mapping Bobbie Wood Michele Lamb (439-6823) •Accounting •Clinical/Rehab Health •Economics •Family and Consumer Science •Finance •Management •Marketing •Nursing •Public/Allied Health (439-6813) •Anthropology •Art •Criminal Justice •English •History •International Affairs •Language •Math •Music •Philosophy •Political Science •Psychology •Social Work •Sociology •Women’s Studies Graduation Forum ETSU Office of the Registrar Graduation Office 1. Submit Intent to Graduate, Major/Minor Sheets 3. E-mail to Student /Advisor (Goldmail) 2. Degree Audit – Holds on GoldLink Approved 4a. Complete remaining courses/other requirements 8 STEPS TOWARD A DIPLOMA Incomplete 4b. Register for remaining courses/Submit Changes and Substitutions 5. Clear up Holds – Maintain GPA – Pass Courses 7a. Degree Posted on GoldLink 6. GRADUATE 7b. Degree Not Posted (Pending) 8. Contact Graduation to update Graduation Term Step 1: Submit Graduation Paperwork Turn in both the Intent to Graduate & Major/Minor Sheets by the deadline Dec 2012 – 5/21/12 (preferred) 9/24/12 (extended deadline) May 2013 - 9/10/12 (preferred) 2/22/13 (extended deadline) Aug 2013 – 1/28/13 (preferred) 6/17/13 (extended deadline) (two terms prior to expected graduation term) Preferred deadline ensures evaluation results in time to register for final semester You take on risk of potential last minute problems with extended deadline • http://www.etsu.e du/reg/graduation/ intentforms.aspx East Tennessee State University Office of the Registrar NOTICE OF UNDERGRADUATE INTENTION TO GRADUATE INSTRUCTIONS 1. 2. 3. Complete all sections of this form. File this INTENT form at least two semesters before you expect to graduate. Return this form with your major and or minor sheet to the Office of the Registrar, Graduation Section, and 102B Dossett Hall. PERSONAL DATA E #: _______________________ Name: Last First Middle E-Mail Address: Maiden or Former Telephone Number: _____________________ Athlete: _____Yes _____ No • Submit 2 ways – Online – Paper (Available in Burgin Dossett (room102B) CONTACT INFORMATION Students are now responsible for maintaining a current mailing address. You should verify and correct your address and phone number on Gold Link. Please be advised that incorrect information may result in the loss of valuable information/materials, (Diploma, Cap and Gown, etc.) The Graduation Office is not responsible for loss due to a student’s failure to update this address. INVITATIONS To order invitations for the Commencement Ceremony please contact: BALFOUR 1-877-225-968 or DEGREE INFORMATION (NOTE: Only the degree awarded appears on the diploma.) Select/indicate the degree, major, concentration, etc. for which you intend to satisfy the requirements: _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ Bachelor Bachelor Bachelor Bachelor Bachelor Bachelor of of of of of of _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ Bachelor of Bachelor of Bachelor of Bachelor of Bachelor of Bachelor of General Studies (B.G.S) Science (B.S) Science in Environmental Health (B.S.E.H) Science in Interdisciplinary Studies (B.S.I.S) Science in Nursing (B.S.N.) Social Work (B.S.W.) I intend to satisfy the requirements for this degree during the term ending: (circle one) May, August, Dec. ______ Year Major(s): Concentration: Minor(s): Catalog Year: __________ Curriculum: Non-teaching: ____; Elementary Certification: ____; Secondary Certification: ____ Height • Will not be reviewed without Major/Minor Sheets Applied Science (B.A.S.) Arts (B.A.) Fine Arts (B.F.A.) Business Administration (B.B.A.) Science in Education (B.S.Ed.) Music (B.M.) Size (Weight) 4’10 – 5’00 (A) Under 250 5’01 – 5’03 (B) 5’04 – 5’06 (C) 5’07 – 5’09 (D) 5’10 – 6’00 (E) 6’01 – 6’03 (F) 250 – 275 276 – 281 282 - above Not Attending Diploma and Commencement Program Name: Clearly PRINT your name as you wish it to appear. _____________________________________________________________________________ 6’04 – 6’06 (G) 6’07 – 6’09 (H) 6’10 – 7’00 (I) Not Attending Student Signature: Date: ELIGIBILITY FOR PARTICIPATION IN GRADUATION CEREMONIES It is the policy of East Tennessee State University that only students who have completed their degree requirements participate in graduation ceremonies. There are two ceremonies each year. May graduates attend the May ceremony? Students who finish requirements in any of the summer terms receive their diplomas in late August and are invited to attend the following December ceremony along with the December graduates. Second Degree Bachelor Students can obtain contract in Admissions. Please check with your department, they may already have prepared major/minor sheets. Step 2: Evaluation - Holds General Education Certain majors require particular Gen Ed’s Writing, Oral, and Technology intensive requirements 4 Writing (2 in Major/Minor) (2 at 3000/4000 level) 2 Oral (1 in Major/Minor) 1 Technology (in Major/Minor) ½ Intensives Degree/Major/Minor requirements Double degrees/majors must meet the Gen Ed’s of both degrees/majors GPA Requirements Overall, ETSU, Major, Minor Some greater than 2.00 Check catalog for specifics Exit Exam Walk Ins – No Appt needed (1st Floor Library) University Testing Center: 439-6708 All undergraduate students MUST take This hold will be removed once the results have been uploaded into our system Major Field Test Only certain majors require a field test – dept will notify students of this requirement Accounting, Computing, Criminal Justice & Criminology, Digital Media, Exercise Science, Finance, Language, Mass Communications, Management, Marketing, Philosophy, Physical Education, Psychology, Sociology, Speech and Theater are required to take this test Graduation Office receives notification once this test has been completed CSCI 1100: Using Information Technology Professional Education requirements Student teaching must be included for certification Total Hours 50 hours at Senior Institution (4 year school) At least 25% of program of study hours taken at ETSU All UG degrees require AT LEAST 120 hours 24 hours of your last two years must be taken at ETSU and your final semester must be at ETSU Developmental courses do not count toward total Repeating Courses 120 -128 Hours Cannot repeat with a B- or better Second Attempt: Second grade will override better or worse Third Attempt: Third grade will override better or worse Fourth Attempt: Third grade and beyond will count toward GPA until appropriate grade is achieved Graduation holds DO NOT affect registration. Step 3: E-mail to Student and Advisor Office of the Registrar Box 70561 Johnson City, Tennessee 37614-0561 (423) 439-6822 Will be e-mailed to your ETSU account Dropped classes, Substitutions, and Repeats of C’s and D’s may affect the final outcome of this audit One of two e-mails: INCOMPLETE APPROVED Advisors will be copied Your analyst will be listed at the end of this e-mail Review for Accuracy Reply with questions GRADUATION CHECK Dear student: You have filed an Intent to Graduate form for Fall 2012, your record has been checked through Spring 2012. We have reviewed your records to date and your graduation status has been posted as APPROVED. Although you have been approved, it’s highly recommended that you view your hold screen. Any missing requirements you may have that will prevent graduation will be posted on your acco unt for viewing anytime. As you complete these requirements, we will remove the holds as they come in to our office. me=homepage Login to your account Student Student records View holds If you have no holds on your account, there is nothing preventing you from graduation in the Fall, providing you pass your current term with acceptable grades for your program of study. A minimum of 120 semester credits (excluding Remedial/Developmental credits) are required for a baccalaureate degree . Students transferring from a junior college must complete 50 semester credits in a senior institution. At least 30 (25% of 120) sem ester credits are required in residence at ETSU. No more than 12 passed hours earned at ETSU will apply towards the degree. Any substitutions and/or repeats of C’s and D’s may affect this graduation audit. Any adjustments to your current term registratio n may affect this graduation audit. Your graduation analyst is xxxxxxx and contact number is (423) 439-xxxx. Communication is the key to efficient service. Feel free to contact your analyst with any further questions you may have regarding your status. Sincerely, Name Graduation Analyst (423) 439-xxxx This message is intended to be confidential and may be privileged. If you have received it by mistake, please notify the sender by return e-mail and delete this message from your system. Any unauthorized use or dissemination of this message in whole or in part is strictly prohibited. • Approved (4A) – Don’t alter schedule – On track for graduation – still may have holds • Incomplete (4B) – Submit Substitution Forms • Online / Paper / E-mail from Advisor – Register for needed courses – Update expected graduation term Successfully complete current courses Resolve final holds Graduation Celebration (October 4) Exit Exam Major Field Test CSCI 1100 Proficiency Exam Outstanding Balance with Bursar’s Office Pick up Cap & Gown 2 weeks prior in Graduation Office Order Invitations Unlimited Guests – Special Seating Reserved Ring Ceremony – Alumni Office Check name in Graduation Program Proof STEP 6: Graduation Ceremony Rehearsal – Friday before same time as ceremony Check Website for updated breakdown Free online streaming available December 15, 2012 Breakdown 10 AM 2 PM Arts and Sciences Business and Technology Clinical/Rehab Health Sciences Continuing Studies & Academic Outreach Education Public Health Nursing Medicine Biomedical Sciences STEP 7: Degree Posted Degree posted within 1 – 1.5 weeks once grades are submitted for entire university Diplomas available in Burgin Dossett (room 102-B) for two months, then mailed Verify and change MAILING address on Gold Link STEP 8: not awarded– Update Term • Once you submit paperwork for a specific term, registration is blocked for future terms • DO NOT resubmit everything • Just call and ask to be changed to a future term 423-439-6822 • Start back over with step 2 STEP 9: complete on-line Graduation Survey Nancy Ashley (439-6844) •Education •Mass Communication •Speech •Theater Angela Edwards (439-4385) •Continuing Studies •Computer Science •Biology •Chemistry •Digital Media •Engineering Technology •Geography •Geology •Interior Design •Physics •Surveying/Mapping Bobbie Wood Michele Lamb (439-6823) •Accounting •Clinical/Rehab Health •Economics •Family and Consumer Science •Finance •Management •Marketing •Nursing •Public/Allied Health (439-6813) •Anthropology •Art •Criminal Justice •English •History •International Affairs •Language •Math •Music •Philosophy •Political Science •Psychology •Social Work •Sociology •Women’s Studies