IA & WebAdvertising

I have a Website…
Making money with my
Promoting my site
Media purchasing
Affiliate programs
Real-Time Bidding
Sponsored advertising (CPM)
Ad Size and Responsive
Contextual advertising (CPC)
Google AdSense
Google AdWord
The basic Ad object specifies:
What is the
creative is the
actual element that
gets rendered to the
publisher page on
day of launch.
the size of the containing
the start and end times,
whether the ad's status is active
or inactive,
a list of creatives assigned
to the ad,
and to which placements the
ad is assigned.
Still confused? Check
A creative can be a banner, HTML form, Flash
other form of advertising material.
Creative format include GIF,
file or any
JPEG, Java, HTML, Flash or
streaming audio/video.
Common creative types
Text links
Search boxes
Common creative types
Text links
Simple hypertext
Common creative types
Graphic images, usually laid out horizontally.
480 × 90 pixels /600 × 90 pixels
Common creative types
Graphic images intended for
vertical deployment.
160 × 600 pixels
Common creative types
Small graphical images.
Common creative types
Search boxes
Search boxes allow your site
visitors to search the
merchant’s site.
Rich Media Types
Rich Media is a general term that has to come to
refer to just about any ad that is more complex
than a basic image creative.
Flash and HTML are the most common forms of
rich media advertising.
Rich Media types
Expandable and
Rollover Creative
Expandable creative can
stretch out the rest of the
page and then allow it to
shrink back.
A rollover creative appears to
be a static image until the
cursor touches the image
and activates it.
Rich Media types
Floating creative
The floating creative hovers
over the content of a
Rich Media types
Streaming audio/video
It first appears as a static
opening image.
The video will play if the user
clicks the image or play
Affiliate programs
Affiliate programs pay you a sales
commission when someone who
clicks through a link on your site to an
advertiser’s site actually buys
something from that advertiser.
Try AmazonAssociates:
Other affiliate programs:
Ebay partner network
Allposters affiliate programs
Affiliate programs
As one of the biggest merchants on
the Web, Amazon has one of the
best and most extensive affiliate
Sponsored advertising
You are paid a fee when a sponsored
ad is displayed on your site.
Sponsored ads are often called CPM:
cost per thousand page impressions
Contextual advertising
Contextual advertising is primarily textbased advertising that appears on web
pages where there is a contextual
relevance as determined by automated
Contextual ads are often called CPC: cost
per click
The number of times an ad has been
rendered to a screen through the life of a
Cost per click (CPC)
Online advertising where there’s a cost
only when a visitor clicks on the ad;
synonym for pay per click (PPC).
Cost per mille (CPM)
Cost per mille (CPM), meaning cost per
thousand impressions, is the industry
metric used to contract and pay for
display ads that are served to visitors.
An ad unit is the space in an application
where ads are displayed. An ad unit can
display one or more ads.
Click fraud
A click made without actual interest in
the product or services offered.
Click-through rate (CTR)
The number of clicks an ad unit receives
divided by the number of times it is
shown, expressed as a percentage.
0.01%-0.02% : Success!
Ad Unit
eCPM is a way to compare revenue
from different kinds of advertising. A
nominal or theoretic cost is
calculated on a CPC ad as if it were a
CPM ad.
RTB: Real-Time Bidding
Effective cost per thousand
impressions (eCPM)
Applying for an AdSense Account
Then, you will see…
Media purchasing
popular publisher websites: USA Today, ESPN,
BBC, The Guardian (UK), etc.
web portals: Yahoo, MSN, AOL, etc.
video players: Youtube, Vevo, Tremor Video, etc.
Real-Time Bidding
Real-time bidding is a new technique, is done via
a demand-side platform (DSP).
Real-Time Bidding
Ad Size & Responsive
the Interactive Advertising Bureau (IAB)
Google AdWord
The Automated Ad Broker: AdWords
Google places ads on its own properties, and on
websites that have signed up for the AdSense
Want to Create a
similar one?
tools: Cashing in with AdSense,
AdWords, and the Google APIs.
Percival, J. (2013). HTML5
Advertising Going Forward. In HTML5
Advertising (pp. 325-338). Apress.
Guide to online advertising:
Davis, H. (2006). Google advertising