Human Anatomy and Physiology II Lab BSC 2086L Important dates (available at: Deadline to drop with refund: 05/22/2015 Deadline to withdraw without refund: 06/26/15 Final grades posted: 07/24/2015 Faculty information Professor: Dr. Laura Gionet Office /Hours: Virtual: Monday - Thursday I am on line several times a day to check email Mon - Thursday. I check intermittently over the weekend. I think you will find I respond very quickly. E-mail: I prefer that you use the email through the course as it allows me to see where the mail is coming from and take action immediately. Emails will be answered in 24 hrs on weekdays barring unusual circumstances and within 48 hrs on weekends Fri Sun. Course requirements Required textbooks [mandatory]: 1. Exploring Anatomy & Physiology in the Laboratory (loose-leaf) 2nd edition by Ammerman, ISBN 9781617310560. You can also buy an e-text Digital ISBN: 9781617310577. Each e-book vendor will have different prices, print restrictions and functionality. 2. PhysioEx 9.0: Laboratory Simulations in Physiology with 9.1 Update[2014] by Zao, Stabler. ISBN 9780321929648. This can be bought online from Click on the cover that says 9.0 or 9.1. IMPORTANT: If you have bought the Marieb lecture textbook 9th edition with Masteringaandp, you get automatic access to PhysioEx 9.1 so do not need to buy this book. You can use your online access to masteringaandp to do the activities when needed. You will need to register at masteringaandp. If you have problems registering do the following: The link for Tech support: port/technical-support/index.html I would probably recommend live chat as a preferred way to contact them . They also have a phone number 1-800-677-6337 but the hold time might be longer. Course Corequisites: BSC 2086 Class meeting information: On-line. Students must have broad band access at all times during the duration of the course. In the first week of class it is extremely important that you identify an alternate computer to which you have access as technical difficulties may arise but you are expected to complete the course work on time. Accomodations will only be made if the college system experiences difficulties. Technology requirements: You must have broad band access to Internet explorer or Firefox. You should also have PowerPoint or else the PowerPoint viewer [ one of the tasks tells you how to download this free program]. You should also have the updated Flash and Windows media player plugins. Technical requirements and technical support: Help desk # is 727 341 4357. Keep this number handy. Course description and Objectives Course description: This course is a laboratory study of the specific structure and function of the human body beginning with the cell and stressing the physical and chemical processes important in maintenance of homeostasis. The systems covered include reproductive, endocrine, cardiovascular, lymphatic, immune, respiratory, digestive, and urinary. Course Objectives: After completion of this course the student will be able to: understand fundamental anatomical and physiological concepts of each of the following systems. understand homeostatic relationships between the following systems and bodies of knowledge.For a detailed list of course objectives click here Topics: The course has been divided into these units and this is the order of topics. Unit 1 Blood Cardiovascular system Unit 2 Lymphatic system and Immunity Respiratory system Unit 3 Endocrine Digestive Unit 4 Urinary system Reproduction, development and genetics Course format and assignments The course format is very similar to the lecture class with a few variations. It is important to remember that this is a separate class with a separate grade and all assignments must be done separately in this class even if they have similar sounding names as the lecture class. In this course too when you first login to the course you will notice an announcement [seen under News].This is a weekly announcement that you should read regularly. In the first week after reading the announcement you must click on the START HERE folder under the Course Content tab. Under the Course content tab you will find a short outline of the syllabus as well but the comprehensive syllabus is available under the "start here" folder. The "start here folder" contains a series of tasks as well as tutorials to use the course effectively. You must complete / read all the tasks and then take two quizzes..a Contract verification quiz [ which has questions all of which must be answered as 'true']. Following successful completion of this quiz you need to complete the Orientation quiz [which has questions based on all the tasks you completed, therefore read all the material carefully]. You get 3 attempts for both quizzes so that you get to know the format of the course thoroughly. Both these quizzes will be counted towards extra credit and will added to your total quiz score. I would advise you to read the material in the 'Start Here" folder thoroughly and take these quizzes early, so that you are familiar with the layout of the course and what is expected of you apart from the fact that this also gives you some easy extra credit points. Course Content : The lab course is an entirely different course though it follows the lecture course and both are meant to complement each other. The lab is divided into 4 units unlike the lecture so a lab unit may comprise of more than 1 lecture unit. There is a lab to be done for each topic and you will find directions for each lab in modules called Unit lab topics. Each unit has various topics under it which are to be covered as per the schedule available in the start here folder. It is helpful to print out the schedule and make a note of the submission dates on your calendar. Each Unit folder will have a lab topic followed by the quiz for that lab. At the end of each Unit you will have a Unit test which includes all the lab topics done in the Unit. You will be using two resources for the lab.One is the Ammerman lab manual and the other is either the PhysioEx CD or online access to PhysioEx.You do not need to use the PhysioEx CD for every lab. While doing a lab in the directions you will be asked to read the lab exercise from the manual. It is very important that you read the required exercise that is mentioned in the lab directions as your assignments are based on the lab readings and the activities to be done in the lab. There are a number of pre and post lab exercises which are extremely useful and should be done diligently. Course assignments: Quizzes one attempt, approx 1 I/2 min/Q time limit: The lab is basically a practical aspect of the lecture The course is divided into 4 units and in each unit there are labs for each topic under that unit, which contain detailed directions which must be followed strictly in order to ensure success. Among the directions are included certain activities, such as viewing the image database, visiting different web sites performing some activities at home and performing PhysioEx physiology exercises. After each lab there will be a quiz and the student is tested on material that is viewed, read, or activities performed. The quizzes are timed and multiple choice and the number of questions in each quiz varies. Tests/Exams one attempt, approx 2 min/Q time limit: At the end of each unit there is a timed TEST which includes all the labs [in that unit] and the information covered in them. They are fill in the blank format. None of the units are cumulative though you cannot afford to forget what you have learned.. All questions in the TESTS are fill in the blank/paragraph questions where you answer the question in your own words. Always read the question carefully, be as accurate as possible and do not include inaccurate or wrong information. Concise answers are the best, if you read the question carefully the answer is quite apparent. Most answers come STRAIGHT OUT OF LAB EXERCISES you perfomed in that lab. Always review your quizzes after you take them to see how the correct answer has been worded. This will help you answer the questions in a test. There are 25 questions in each lab test with 1-3 bonus questions in each test. Exams are NOT cumulative. All quizzes and tests 1 and 3 are non-proctored. However, the 2nd and 4th unit tests are proctored . Tests/ exams 2 & 4 are referred to as "midterm" and "final exam" in the testing centers, however they are 2nd and 4th testst/exams and are identical in format as the other exams. Proctored testing information [ detailed information is given in the proctored testing information document] The proctored exam is a no notes, no books, no use of external sources exam. Local students [those who can go to one of the 4 main SPC campuses] should make an online reservation at the appointment link.. They can make an appointment to test at any of the campuses at the tentative times and dates given below. The time and dates are common for all of the 4 campuses. They will need to bring a form of photo identification [driver's license /student ID] and their course schedule [tuition statement available at MySPC]. Local students test Fri Sun. Campus Room Maps Clearwater LA-100 Day Midterm Final dates Dates Time Seminole TL-104 2nd floor St.Pete / of TEGibbs building Friday Tarpon BB Springs 119/BB211 [Unit 2 test] [Unit 4 test] June 19 July 17 8:00am 3:00pm Saturday June 20 July 18 8:00am 3:00pm June 21 July 19 11:00am 4:00pm Sunday Remote students [who cannot go to one of the 4 SPC campuses] will need to fill a form and submit it within the first 2 weeks of class to choose a site and proctor and have that verified. The page gives you all the information about remote testing and has a link to the form that needs to be completed. This takes time so it must be done within the first two weeks of the semester. Remote students test Thursday - Saturday [some centers may allow Sunday testing]. However, it may so happen that you may get to test only on one or two of these days if you test at a local college/univeristy as they may be holding their own exams. Please check with your proctor and make a note in case this happens as if you miss that day you will not be allowed a makeup. This is an option available for both remote and local students where you use ProctorU a proctoring company offering at home proctoring services for a fee [$25.00 for a two hour exam.$8.95 for any additional hours]. The use of Proctor U by students is not mandatory. The proctoring service is another option along with Designating a Proctor (distance students) or reporting to a SPC campus (local) for online proctored exams. Distance or local students can use the Proctor U service.Students interested in participating in the Proctor U Trial need a webcam and a microphone to use the proctoring service. Students go to the Proctor U website and register with Proctor U then schedule an appointment during the days the online proctored midterms and final exams are being administered. Please find attached the ProctorU Student handout about ProctorU service and procedure for you to review. It is important that you read this document carefully and choose this option only after going through it. Do not use this option as a last minute feature as you may not be able to schedule an appointment in which case no make up will be given for the missed exam.This is a pdf file so you will need acrobat reader or Foxit to view it. If you need any assistance with testing arrangements or have questions about off-site testing check the e-campus page and if your question is not answered call (727) 394-6006 or e-mail Discussion posts and web sites: The students are expected to check the discussion board regularly for as fellow students may ask questions, answers to which may help you. This is also where you post your questions and always check back to see the answers. You should also visit any websites linked to lab topics. Extra credit: The first two beginning of the course quizzes[contract verification and orientation quizzes] are counted towards extra credit. You also have an extra credit quiz in the unit 1 module. This extra credit is added to the quizzes total. In addition there are 3 bonus questions in your second and final tests and one bonus question in tests 1 and 3 which are added to your test total. The learning support centers have excellent tutors who help you succeed in the course. We also have a free online tutoring service through "Smart thinking" called SPC personal online tutoring weekdays from 1:30-10 pm. In order to encourage you to use these services if you are struggling . I have a tutor form in the content area which will help you get extra credit points if you visit the Learning support centers . You will need to get the form signed by the tutor at the Learning center with her/his name clearly below the signature when you go for tutoring and scan and send the form to me as an email attachment. This form will allow for a maximum of 10 points and details are given in the form. The points are different for the lecture and lab and you need to go separately for the lab or lecture.You will soon will realize the value of these centers and will go for the learning more than the points. You are given enough time to take the quizzes and tests, so do print out a copy of the schedule and adhere to it. The lab and lecture quizzes are different and need to be taken separately. The dates may coincide and while every attempt has been made to synchronize them it is not always possible. IMPORTANT: All quizzes and tests must be taken by the date posted on the schedule as NO LATE submissions are allowed. If you need to go out of town, or have some other business then please do make sure you have access to a computer. You should also have a back up computer (friend/neighbor's house etc.) which can be accessed at all times, not just on certain days or times. If not, you are likely to miss the quiz/test and won't get the points. The course is very structured so please do not e-mail me, asking for permission to take the test early/late. Only documented exceptional circumstances (catastrophic events), allow one to take a quiz/test later than usual. Quizzes and tests do tend to follow a pattern, but not always, so don't fall into the trap of " I thought the quiz was till Friday" as you will miss the assignment if the due date is earlier. Diligence pays off and gets you a good grade. Arrange your personal schedule, to suit the course schedule and not the other way round. Try not to let personal problems get in the way of the course. While I empathize with you it is not always possible to accomodate trivial individual problems. An online course allows YOU a certain amount of flexibility, but the course is not flexible. It is similar to a face-face situation in that, due dates have to be met. The course involves a lot of learning, so early/late submissions defeat the purpose . COURSE SCHEDULE is given in a separate document in the Start here folder. Communication..keeping in touch with the instructor. Emails and discussion posts: You must keep in touch by either e-mailing me in the course [this is private] or posting a message on the discussion board [this is public as everyone can read your message]. No question or problem is silly, so do not hesitate to email me. While you do that, be careful how you word your email. I think we all agree that rudeness should not be tolerated. Simply because one is not in a face to face situation it is important not to blast off a mail saying something which one would not normally say. Politeness goes a long way. While sending an email do address the instructor in a courteous manner such as "Dear Professor, or Dear Dr. Gionet" and sign your email me in an equally courteous manner such as "Sincerely, your name " and I will follow the same rules. You are always welcome to email me to ask about a question in a quiz/test where you are not convinced about the right answer but please be careful to do so with absolute civility. A mail that begins with, "I have a problem with Q .." or " I think this is ridiculous that I got Q ..wrong" is unlikely to get you what you want. If your email is polite I will most certainly be happy to look into it and if needed, will give you credit or explain to you why the answer was wrong . Any rude mail/posting, is considered as disruptive behaviour and college policies could result in withdrawal from the course. Emails will be answered in 24 hrs on weekdays barring unusual circumstances and within 48 hrs on weekends. Grading policy The following scale will be used to calculate your grade: Quizzes and extra credit (if assigned)- 20% Tests - 80 %. To calculate your grade approximately. A)your quiz points [add extra credit points if given]/divided by total points possible * 0.2 B) your test points for tests 1-4/total points possible * 0.8 Add A and B and multiply by 100 to get a %. TOTAL POINTS 100 % A = 90-100 % ; B = 80 - 89.9 % ; C = 70 - 79.9 % ; D = 60 - 69.9 % ; F= 59% and less Disability accommodations and Drop -Add , Attendance and Withdrawal policy St. Petersburg College is committed to providing quality education and services to all students who study here. Our focus is your success. To help you achieve that, Disability Resources works with students, faculty and staff to provide accommodations that ensure equal access for all students. Our office provides or facilitates: Academic adjustments such as early registration and exam accommodations Academic modifications such as course substitutions Aids and services including adaptive technologies, notetakers and interpreters College Placement Test accommodations Under Section 504 of the Vocational Rehabilitation Act of 1973 and the Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990, SPC seeks to ensure that admission, academic programs, support services, student activities and campus facilities are accessible to and usable by students who document a qualifying disability with the College. Students with disabilities who desire accommodations need to provide appropriate documentation of a disability and request services from Disability Resources. The director of disability resources can be contacted at 727-3413398. Detailed information can be found in the 'addendum to the syllabus' as well as the Student support services link in the start here module. Important college policy regarding course Drop - Add Period and Audit information Students CANNOT add a course following the 1st day the class meets. Students CAN drop a course during the 1st week of class and be eligible for a refund. (See a counselor/advisor to finalize your schedule, so you won’t be left without the classes you want or need). Students may not change from credit to audit status after the end of the first week of classes. Grading and repeat Course policies State policy specifies that students may not repeat a college credit course for which a grade of “C” or higher has been earned except by appeal to the campus Academic Appeals committee. Students may repeat a college credit course one time without penalty. At the third attempt, students will pay the full cost of instruction. The full cost of instruction rate for Summer 2015 is $384.90 per credit hour. In addition, at the third attempt students may NOT receive a grade of “I,” “W,” or “X,” but must receive the letter grade earned. This grade will be averaged into the overall grade point average. Attendance Policy: Each instructor must exercise professional judgment to determine if a student is actively participating in class. Faculty will publish their own personal participation/attendance policies in their syllabi. This policy will be used to determine grades. Students who are not actively participating in class as defined in an instructor’s syllabus will be reported to the Administration during the week following the voluntary withdrawal date. Beginning of the course. Instructors will verify that students are in attendance during the first two weeks of class. Students classified as “No Show” for both of the first two weeks will be administratively withdrawn for any class which they are not in attendance. Their financial aid will be adjusted based on the updated enrollment status. During the course. Immediately following the 60% point of the term, each instructor will verify which students are actively participating in class as defined in the course syllabus. Students classified as not meeting the criteria for active class participation will be administratively withdrawn with a “WF.” Students will be able to withdraw themselves at any time during the term. However, requests submitted after the 60% deadline will result in a “WF.” Students and instructors will automatically receive an email notification through their SPC email address whenever a withdrawal occurs. Withdrawing after the “Last Day to Withdraw with a Grade of ‘W’” (see Academic Calendar below) can have serious consequences. If the student withdraws from a class after the deadline posted in the academic calendar, the student will receive a final grade of ‘WF,’ which has the same impact on the student’s GPA as a final grade of ‘F.’ A ‘WF’ grade also could impact the student’s financial aid and cause the student to repay some of their financial assistance. If the student is thinking about withdrawing from a class now, the student should consult with an academic advisor or financial assistance counselor first to be sure they understand all the possible outcomes of this decision. The deciding activity as 'Active participation' for this course will be the completion of your quizzes and tests. Your attendance will be given based on your taking the weekly quiz/test. You need to login daily during the weekdays to check the announcements, mails, discussion posts and your lessons. While I do not keep tabs on you to check whether you are logging in daily, it is expected that you will do so in order to do well in the course and not miss any important information. If there is information you miss because of not logging in regularly it will affect your progress in the course. However at the beginning of each week I will check to see whether you have completed the quiz/test assigned for the previous week and mark you present if you have. If you do not take the quiz/test, you will be marked absent. If a student has three or more total absences at the 60.01 percent point, it will be considered that the student has not achieved an adequate level of active participation and this will result in a WF grade being assigned to the student automatically. A grade of WF counts as an F for GPA purposes. Students are expected to monitor their class attendance record in ANGEL (under the Tools tab) for inaccuracies and excessive absences. Students attempting this course for the third time cannot withdraw (State of Florida regulation), and failing to meet the attendance requirement will result in a grade of WF Withdrawal policy: The deadlines for withdrawals will be adhered to strictly and a grade of 'W' will be assigned if withdrawal is within the deadline.The last day to withdraw is March 25th with a grade of "W". It is the responsibility of the student wishing to withdraw from the course and receive a W to do so by the withdrawal date. Any student wishing to withdraw from the course must do so himself or herself, online in the MY SPC registration area found at All students registered in the course after the withdrawal date will receive a grade as outlined in this syllabus. Withdrawing after the “Last Day to Withdraw with a Grade of ‘W’” can have serious consequences. If you withdraw from a class after this deadline posted in the academic calendar, you will receive a final grade of ‘WF,’ which has the same impact on your GPA as a final grade of ‘F.’ . A ‘WF’ grade also could impact your financial aid and cause you to have to repay some of your assistance. If you are thinking about withdrawing from a class now, you should consult with your academic advisor or financial aid counselor first to be sure you understand all the possible outcomes of this decision. If this is your third time taking the course, you cannot withdraw from the course. (State of Floridaregulation) I always encourage students to try and hang in there,and complete the course, one since they have paid for it and secondly, if you decide you need to repeat the course, you would at least have had exposure to it. Most students who do their work diligently manage a 'C' at least. Federal guidelines related to financial Aid and total Withdrawal from the college The U.S. Department of Education requires students who completely withdraw prior to the 60% point of the term from all classes who have received Federal financial aid, i.e., Federal Pell Grant, Federal Academic Competitiveness Grant (ACG), Federal Stafford Loan, and/or Federal Supplemental Educational Opportunity Grant(SEOG) to repay a portion of their financial aid. The law requires the college to refund to the Department of Education the percentage of financial aid which is determined the student did not earn based on the Return of Title IV (R2T4) formula. The student may also be required to repay funds to the College if they are identified as not actively participating in all of their classes, or if they do not receive at least one final passing grade (D or higher) for the term. Should the student be considering totally withdrawing from all classes before the published withdrawal date, it is important that the student consult a financial assistance counselor on their home campus to understand their options and the consequences of total withdrawal. For further information regarding this policy and other financial assistance policies we encourage you to visit our website at: Dual Enrollment, Early Admissions and Early college Students A Dual Enrollment, Early Admissions, or EarlyCollegestudent may not withdraw from any college level course without consultation with the Early College/Dual Enrollment office. Withdrawal from a course may jeopardize the student’s graduation from high school. The Dual Enrollment office can be reached at 712-5281 (TS), 791-5970 (CL) or 394-6000 (SE). Student expectations and tips to succeeding in the course Student Expectations All electronic devices such as cell phones, beepers, pagers, and related devices are to be turned off prior to entering the classroom, library, and laboratories to avoid disruption. Use of any device in these areas is a violation of College Policy and subject to disciplinary action. College computers are intended for academic work. Inappropriate use of computers during class time is prohibited. Students should understand that they may be required to use the Internet for some courses. Furthermore, students may be required to have discussions of class assignments and share papers and other class materials with instructors and classmates via chat rooms and other mechanisms. Therefore, Internet users may be able to access students’ work whether the access is secured or unsecured. The College cannot protect students from the type of materials on the Internet or the potential piracy of students’ materials. Each student’s behavior in the classroom or Web course is expected to contribute to a positive learning/teaching environment, respecting the rights of others and their opportunity to learn. No student has the right to interfere with the teaching/learning process, including the posting of inappropriate materials on chatroom or Web page sites. The instructor has the authority to ask a disruptive student to leave the classroom, lab, or Web course and to file disciplinary charges if disruptive behavior continues What an Online course entails: It requires a colossal amount of time. If you are taking an online course because the time offerings did not match your schedule, but you have ample time within the week to study and are a highly motivated and disciplined self-learner, then you probably belong here. If you are taking this class online because your schedule is hectic and you can't seem to fit the class into your schedule, you should NOT be taking this class on line. You will invest more time in this class in the online format, than you would in the classroom. You also need to be computer savvy, and be able to navigate through the various links and pages, be comfortable posting on the discussion board, sending e-mails. There is no time to walk a student through the course. Those of you who have never taken an on-line class, before check out the online tutorials. Also check out the FAQ's on the e-campus page. If you have taken an online class before you should be familiar with online learning. Some Tips: Buy a binder and keep all the material is that. Print out a copy of the syllabus, quiz information and schedule and go over it very carefully. Note down all the dates on a calendar which should be on your workstation. If you use a dial up connection, let everyone know, when you are doing a quiz/test, so that they do not pick up the telephone and throw you off. For each lab: a) Go to the Unit lab module and look at the lab topic. Print out instructions for each lab if you feel the need to and do the lab in a systematic manner. Follow all steps mentioned in the lab making sure to use your lab manual and read it thoroughly. Keep the lab page open however so that you can click on the links. b) Follow the directions for each lab as if you don't you are likely to miss important material. c) Visit all the websites linked in the lab and . While studying for the lab tests look at all of these sites again d) Take the quizzes and Tests early so that you do not miss the submission dates Keep the helpdesk number handy. You will need it if you are thrown off a quiz/test, or are having problems bringing up pages. It is 727 341 4357 The NIP program at the Health Education Center offers free tutoring and weekly reviews (lecture and lab) for all students entering the health related fields.Their phone number is 341-3724.