Kingdoms of Life


The Kingdoms

There are currently 6 kingdoms

Classification into a kingdom is based on certain criteria

Number of cells

(unicellular or multi-cell ular)

How it obtains energy

(hetero troph or autotroph)

Type of cell

(eukaryot e or prokaryote)

Photo by Tambako the


Kingdom Animalia



Most can move

Examples: birds, insects, worms, mammals, reptiles, humans, anemones

Photo by Eduardo Amorim

Kingdom Plantae




Cannot move

(due to cell walls)

Kingdom Fungae

Multicellular (most)

Heterotrophic (mainly decomposers)


Photos by nutmeg66

Kingdom Protista

Most are unicellular

Can be heterotrophic or autotrophic

Eukaryotes (all have nucleus)

Examples: Ameba, paramecium, euglena, algae

Most live in water

Photo of Ameba by PROYECTO


Kingdom Eubacteria & Kingdom



Can be autotrophic or heterotrophic

Prokaryotes (do not have a nucleus)

Eubacteria = common bacteria

(E. coli, Salmonella)

Archaebacteria = “ancient bacteria”, exist in extreme environments

Three Domain System

Recently, scientists have added a group above

Kingdom. Three groups, called DOMAINS, contain each of the six kingdoms.

Domain Eukarya - includes organisms composed of eukaryotic cells (plants, animals, fungi, protists – 4 kingdoms)

Domain Bacteria - includes all prokaryotic cells,

Kingdom Eubacteria

Domain Archaea - includes only "ancient" bacteria, Archaebacteria (1 kingdom)


• Single cell – unicellular

• Prokaryotes – no nucleus, no organelles

• DNA – circular - single loop + has many plasmids

• Cell Wall – not rigid like in plant, more flexible

Bacteria Structure

2. Flagella is used for movement

3. Pilli (Fimbrae) help bacteria cling to surfaces

4. Prokaryotes do not have organelles or a membrane bound nucleus!

5. Nucleoid region contains a circular loop of DNA

6. Plasmids are rings of DNA, used in reproduction

7. Ribosomes in cytoplasm synthesize proteins

How do Bacteria Obtain Food




Photoautotrophs - cyanobacteria

Chemoautotrophs - sulfur-loving bacteria

• need CO2 as a carbon source

• obtain energy NOT from light

• obtain energy from oxidization of H




, or Fe+


• Obtain their energy from organic compounds

• These are made by the photo- and chemoautotrophs

Disease causing Bacteria

• Cholera

• Anthrax

• Tuberculosis – TB

• Pneumonia

• Tetanus

• Streptococcal diseases

• Variety of infections – associated with other diseases (post-operative, cold and flu- associated, etc.)

Useful Bacteria

• Many Bacteria are beneficial to humans, animals, plants, the environment – more and more bacteria are used to do strange things

• Check this out: Weird uses of Bacteria


• Bacteria and yeast that are believed to improve health

• Available in certain foods or as supplements

• Our digestive system is home to more than 500 different types of bacteria – keep intestines healthy and help with digestion, help immune system

• Probiotics may help treat several digestive disorders – Diarrhea, Colitis, Irritable Bowl syndrome, etc.

Archaea – Archebacteria

Ancient Bacteria

• At first believed to be weird bacteria

• Scientific evidence tell us that they are very, very old organisms – share characteristics with bacteria , BUT also characteristics with eukaryotes

• Life in EXTREME environments – places on

Earth where they are the ONLY living thing


• Unicellular prokaryotes (like bacteria)

• Have a cell wall (like bacteria) BUT cell wall is very different composition

• Cell membrane is so different from bacteria that antibiotics (which kill bacteria by affecting cell wall and membrane) have NO effect on archaebacteria


Archaea of Note

• Lobus fulgidus is a sulfur-reducer that can sour oil wells.

• Halobacteria are salt-loving microbes that give a pink tinge to salt water evaporation ponds, the

Dead Sea and salted fish.

• Pyrolobus fumarii led scientists to extend the upper temperature limit for life to 113 degrees

Celsius (235.4 degrees Fahrenheit).

• Sulfolobus acidocaldarius is used to leach copper and iron from ore.

Where do they live?

ice Geyser sulfur

Great Slat Lake Ocean Vent

THERMOACIDOPHILE – the red stuff on the rocks

This is an archaebacteria.



How weird can they get?

• Thermophiles like unusually hot temperatures. A few species have been found to survive even above 110 degrees Celsius (water boils at 100 degrees Celsius).

• Psychrophiles like extremely cold temperatures (even down to -10 degrees Celsius).

• Halophiles thrive in unusually salty habitats. Some can thrive in water that’s 9% salt; sea water contains only 0.9% salt.

• Acidophiles prefer acidic conditions; Alkaliphiles prefer very alkaline environs.

What do they Eat

• Hydrogen Gas

• Carbon dioxide

• Sulfur

• sunlight – autotroph – light-harvesting pigment in cell membrane

What is a virus?

• A nonliving particle made of protein, nucleic acids and sometimes lipids

• Viruses can only reproduce by infecting living cells!

• Viruses are parasites!

Viral Structure

• Capsid-the protein coat surrounding a virus

Viral Structure

• Capsid can be different shape and form

• Bacteriophages –

Viruses that infect bacteria

Viral Infections

• Lytic Infection-

– Virus enters a cell

– Makes copies of itself

– Causes the cell to burst or lyse

– Can the virus keep doing this?

Viral Infections

• Lysogenic Cycle

– Virus enters cell

– Prophage- viral DNA embedded in the host cell’s


– Virus is dormant – lays low

Virus Genetic material

• DNA Viruses and RNA Visruses

• Both types can have ss or ds DNA/RNA

• Some RNA viruses have enzymes that convert their RNA into DNA


• The genetic information is copied from RNA to DNA instead of from DNA to RNA

• Example: HIV

Some Viral Diseases

• Common Cold – many different viruses – rhinoviruses (RNA), corona viruses, etc.

• Flu – Influenza (RNA) virus


• Measels – Paramixovirus

• Cold sores – Herpes virus

• Mumps – Paramixovirus

• many, many others

Some exotic ones

• West Nile fever – west nile virus

• Hemorrhagic fever – many nasty viruses:

Ebola, Marburg, Lassa, Dengue, etc.

• Tick-bore encephalitis – TBEV

• 4-corners disease – Hanta virus (Hantavirus

Pulmonary syndrome)

• More exotic ones appear – they jump hosts – destruction of Rainforest??????

Types of Protists

“The Junk Drawer Group”

What is a Protist?

A eukaryotic organism that lives in or near water

Most Diverse Group

Autotrophs &


Unicellular &


1. Plant-Like Protists

(known as algae)


• 1.) Autotrophs when sunny, heterotrophs when dark

• 2.) Eyespot to detect light

• 3.) Flagella for movement

B.) Diatoms

Found in toothpaste, scouring products, and filters

C.) Dinoflagellates

(2 Flagella)

Responsible for Red


Glow in the dark

D. Seaweed (Algae)

Used in ice cream, chocolate milk, pudding, sushi

2. Animal-Like Protists

(also known as Protozoans)

A. Amoeba

– Moves with


“false feet”

B. Paramecium

Moves with cilia- hair like extensions



3. Fungi-like Protists

A. Water Molds

B. Slime Molds

Of athlete's foot, champignons, and beer. . .

Kingdom Fungi


Unicellular or Multicellular

Mostly terrestrial

Asexual or sexual

Nonmotile (can’t move)

Important decomposers in the environment

Cell Wall (Chitin)

By breaking down dead organic material, they continue the cycle of nutrients through ecosystems. In addition, most vascular plants could not grow without the symbiotic fungi, or mycorrhizae, that inhabit their roots and supply essential nutrients. Other fungi provide numerous drugs (such as penicillin and other antibiotics), foods like mushrooms, truffles and morels, and the bubbles in bread, champagne, and beer.

Delicious Death

All Mushrooms are edible – but some only once!

Magic Mushrooms

Kingdom Plantae

Overview of the Plant Kingdom

• Botanists divide the plant kingdom into four groups based on three important features:

1. Water conducting tissues

2. Seeds

3. Flowers



Cone Bearing Plant

Flowering plant


• Type of early plant with no vascular tissue that draw water in their cells by osmosis.




• In just a few million years, plants grew to a whole new scale on the landscape.

Q: What caused this increase in size?

A: Vascular Tissue

Vascular tissue

• A type of tissue that is specialized to conduct water and nutrients through the body of the plant

Evolution of Vascular Tissue

• Both forms of vascular tissue—xylem and phloem—can move fluids throughout the plant body, even against the force of gravity.


• Carry water upwards from the roots to every part of the plant


• Transports nutrients and carbohydrates produced by photosynthesis from the leaves down to the roots

Seedless Vascular Plants

Club Mosses



Underground Stem

• Over millions of years, plants with a single trait—the ability to form seeds—became the most dominant group of photosynthetic organisms on land.

• Seed plants are divided into two groups:


• Cone plants

• Bear their seeds directly on the surfaces of cones

Ex.) conifers, pines, spruces, cycads, ancient ginkgoes and gnetophytes


• Flowering plants

• Bear their seeds within a layer of tissue that protects the seed

Ex.) grasses, flowering trees shrubs, wild flowers


• Seed bearing structures of angiosperms

Pollen grain

• Contains the male gamete


• The transfer of pollen from the male sex part to the female sex part

Seed Coat

• Surrounds and protects the embryo and keeps the contents of the seed from drying out

• Can be specialized for dispersal

Flowers and Fruits

• Angiosperms have unique reproductive organs known as flowers.

Q: Why are flowers evolutionary adaptations?

A: they attract animals that pollinate them

• Flowers contain ovaries, which surround and protect the seeds

• After pollination, the ovary develops into a fruit, which protects the seed and aids in its dispersal.


• Ripened ovary, thick wall of tissue that surrounds the seed

• Hard, tart fruit protects developing seed from herbivores

• Ripe, sweet, soft fruit attracts animals to

Which Plants have better adapted to live on land?

• Absorb water and minerals



• Collect light for photosynthesis


• Made of xylem and phloem


• Used for support, connect roots and leaves, carry water between them

Woody and Herbaceous Plants

• Woody plants – Have woody stems

Ex.) trees, shrubs, vines

Herbaceous Plants

• Plant stems that are smooth and nonwoody

Ex.) dandelions, petunias, and sunflowers

Annuals, Biennials, and

