Unit 3 Chunk 1 Research Paper

Unit 3 Chunk 1 Research Paper
Below, you will find three writing prompts. Choose one of the prompts and write a 2-3 page research
paper with an annotated bibliography. The research paper alone must be 2-3 pages not including the
bibliography. Use a minimal of three sources; each source must be cited a minimal of two times in your
paper. When turning in your final copy, you must also include a rough draft and 3 index cards for each
source used.
Before you begin; read the prompt, and then underline or highlight the keywords and question words.
Circle the words that help you narrow the scope of the assignment. Read about your topic in an effort to
come up with a list of related terms and ideas. Become familiar with the topic before you begin!
Prompt One
Research the Guelphs dividing into two factions: the White Guelphs, and the Black Guelphs, Compare
and contrast the two factions and what primarily caused the division.
Prompt Two
Research the Holy Roman Emperor Henry VII of Luxemburg and his imperial policies. Analyze the
discontent he aroused in some Florentines.
Prompt Three
Examine and discuss the strongest influences on Dante Alighieri’s early poetry. Explain the impact the
dolce stil novo had on Alighieri.
Be sure to develop a strong thesis statement that makes an argument and topic
sentences for each body paragraph.
Please follow these requirements to ensure yourself of maximum points:
1. Use MLA Format, including headers
2. It is important that you take time to organize your thoughts through
prewriting/shaping. Ultimately, this saves you time in the long run. (Re: organize body
paragraphs first!)
3. Create a clear and argumentative thesis statement and place it at the end of your
introductory paragraph.
4. Organize body paragraphs that contain at least two quotes each; begin each paragraph
with a clear and argumentative topic sentence
5. Provide a smooth lead-in for each quote which gives contextual information
6. Include parenthetical citations with page numbers after each quote
7. Learn from your last essay and strive to provide more insight and analysis as opposed
to merely restating the quote; delve beneath the surface!
8. Make sure your Concluding paragraph is all commentary.
9. Follow all standard conventions for literary
Helpful Research Sources
MLA Formatting
Writing an Outline
Research Guide
Annotated Bibliography
Annotated Bibliography
Annotated Bibliography
Work Cited
Work Cited
Making notecards
How to organize a research paper using notecards power point
Content (worth 50% of your essay score) 6.25
points each
___Research paper states and supports a thesis
___Each body paragraph has a claim
___ Evidence to support your point comes directly
ELACCL9-10RL1: Cite strong and though textual
from sources and supports your thesis and claim for
evidence to support analysis of what the text says
that body paragraph.
explicitly as well as inferences drawn from the text. ___Explains how your evidence supports your
ELACCL9-10RL3: Analyze how complex
characters (e.g., those with multiple or conflicting
___ Depth of your knowledge shown by the
motivations) develop over the course of a text,
inferences you make on your own about your topic
interact with others characters, and advance the plot ___Annotated bibliography includes a summary
or develop the theme.
and/or evaluation of each course
ELACCL9-10RL5: Analyze how an author’s
___Conclusion explains your analysis and its
choices concerning how to structure a text, order
events within it (e.g., parallel plots), and
___ Work Cited with correct MLA citations when
manipulate time (e.g., pacing, flashbacks) create
such effects as mystery, tension, or surprise.
Organization (25% of your essay score) 4.2 points
___Essay consists of an introduction, body
paragraphs, and a conclusion.
___ The essay follows the thesis throughout the
ELACCL9-10W2: Write informative/explanatory
paper with no off-topic discussions.
texts to examine and convey complex ideas,
___Paper flows from sentence to sentence and
concepts, concepts, and information clearly and
point to point by using transition words or phrases.
accurately through the effective selection,
___Similar ideas are grouped in the same
organization, and analysis of content.
ELACCL9-10W9: Draw evidence from literary or
___Ideas are sequenced in a specific order (order of
informational texts to support analysis, reflection,
importance, chronological, or spatial).
and research.
___ 3 note cards for each source used
Style/Conventions (25% of your essay score) 3.1
points each
ELACCL9-10W4: Produce clear and coherent
writing in which the development, organization,
and style are appropriate to task, purpose, and
ELACCL9-10W5: Develop and strengthen writing
as needed by planning, revising, editing, rewriting,
or trying a new approach, focusing on addressing
what is most significant for a specific purpose and
___ Rough draft turned in
_Correct grammar (punctuation is correct,
capitalization is correct, subjects and verbs agree in
number, NO fragments or run-ons, pronouns agree
in number, etc. etc.).
___Paper demonstrates the ability to use
subordinate clauses to create complex and
compound-complex sentences.
___ Sentence length varies.
___Power Words and vocabulary words you learn
in class are used.
___The meaning of each paragraph and the essay
as a whole is clear.
___ Your point of view is consistent throughout the
___Do NOT use any of the following: “you,” “I
think...,””I believe…,” “My paper is about…,” or
any other form of these phrases because they
weaken your point.