Cultural Geography


Cultural Geography

Science or an Art?


► A wide-ranging and comprehensive field that studies spatial aspects of human cultures

► Major components focus on:

 Cultural Landscapes

 Culture Hearths

 Cultural Diffusion

 Cultural Environments

 Culture Regions

7 Cultural Geographical Ideas that

Changed the World


Human adaptation to habitat

Human transformation of the Earth

Sense of Place

Spatial Organization and interdependence

Central Place Theory (later chapter)

Megalopolis (later chapter)


► Definition : Shared patterns of learned behavior

► Components :

 Beliefs

 Institutions

 Technology


► The source areas from which radiated ideas, innovations, and ideologies that change the world beyond



The composite of human imprints on the earth’s surface.

Carl Sauer’s definition:

“the forms superimposed on the physical landscape by the activities of man”

Formal Culture Regions

An area inhabited by people who have one or more cultural traits in common.

Therefore it has cultural homogeneity

No two cultural traits have the same distribution

Cultural geographers attempt to base culture regions on the totality displayed by the culture.

of traits


Functional Culture Regions

Need not be culturally homogeneous

It is an area that has been organized to function politically, socially, or economically

Have a node , or central point where the functions are coordinated and directed

EX: a city, precinct, parish, farm, independent state

Not all functional culture regions have fixed, precise borders. EX: newspaper circulation

Vernacular Culture Regions

One that is perceived to exist by its inhabitants

Some VCR are based on physical environmental features

Others find their basis in economic, political, historical, or promotional characteristics

Generally lack sharp borders

The regions can vary from city neighborhoods to sizable parts of continents.

Often created by publicity campaigns

The VCR grows out of people’s sense of belonging

Two Types of Culture

FOLK CULTURE – a rural, cohesive, conservative, largely self-sufficient group that is homogeneous in custom and race

With a strong family or clan structure and highly developed traits.

POPULAR CULTURE – occurs in large heterogeneous groups of people concentrated mainly in urban centers.

Material goods are mass-produced & a money economy prevails.
