Chapter 10 Nucleophilic Substitution: The SN1 and SN2 Mechanisms WWU -- Chemistry Assignment for Chapter 10 • We will cover all the sections in this chapter, except Sections 10.12 and 10.13 WWU -- Chemistry Problem Assignment for Chapter 10 In-Text Problems 1 - 15 17, 18 19 (SN2 react) 20 (SN1 reaction), 21, 22, 24, 25, 26, 27, 28 End-of-Chapter Problems 30 - 37 39 - 42 44 – 49 51 - 55 WWU -- Chemistry Sect. 10.1: Nomenclature of alkyl halides -- common names methylene chloride chloroform carbon tetrachloride CH2Cl2 CHCl3 CCl4 WWU -- Chemistry More common and IUPAC names isopropyl chloride sec-butyl chloride isobutyl chloride tert-butyl chloride allyl chloride vinyl chloride (2-chloropropane) (2-chlorobutane) (1-chloro-2-methylpropane) (2-chloro-2-methylpropane) (3-chloro-1-propene) (chloroethene) benzyl chloride phenyl chloride (chloromethylbenzene) (chlorobenzene) WWU -- Chemistry Sect. 10.2: Overview of nucleophilic substitution • • • • • The substitution reaction: SN1 and SN2 Primary halides = SN2 Secondary halides = both mechanisms! Tertiary halides = SN1 Leaving groups: halogens most common • There are a number of different nucleophiles!! WWU -- Chemistry Nucleophilic Substitution (SN2) Oxygen Nucleophiles (SN2) _ R-CH2-X substrate + Nu nucleophile _ R-CH2-Nu product + X leaving group _ R-CH2-X + O-H hydroxide _ R-CH2-X + O-R alkoxide R-CH2-X + _ O-C-R O carboxylate R-CH2-O-H + alcohol R-CH2-O-R + ether R-CH2-O-C-R + X _ X _ X _ O ester WWU -- Chemistry Nitrogen as a nucleophile (SN2) _ R-CH2-X + substrate nucleophile product NH3 ammonia X + R-CH2-Nu leaving group _ + R-CH2-X + + Nu _ R-CH2-NH3 X _ R-CH2-NH3 X R-CH2-NH2 primary amine + H-X WWU -- Chemistry Carbon as a nucleophile (SN2) _ R-CH2-X substrate + Nu nucleophile _ C N R-CH2-X + cyanide _ R-CH2-X + C C-H _ R-CH2-X + CH2-C-R O _ R-CH2-Nu product + X leaving group R-CH2 C N + nitrile _ X _ R-CH2- C C-H + alkyne X _ R-CH2 CH2-C-R + X ketone O WWU -- Chemistry H R d- O C H H Br d- energy H .. __ O: .. R H C H Br OH R C H H Br Reaction coordinate WWU -- Chemistry The SN1 Mechanism 1) CH3 CH3 C CH3 CH3 slow CH3 C + : Br: .. CH3 .. _ : Br : .. + carbocation 2) CH3 CH3 C + CH3 CH3 + : Nu _ fast CH3 C CH3 Nu WWU -- Chemistry d+R R C R d+ R Br d- C R R Nu d+R R C R energy intermediate R R R C R Br R C R Nu Reaction coordinate WWU -- Chemistry Sect. 10.3: SN2 Mechanism • • • • • • • reaction and mechanism kinetics stereochemistry substrate structure nucleophiles leaving groups solvents WWU -- Chemistry The SN2 Reaction Sterically accessible compounds react by this mechanism!! CH3 Br _ .. + :O .. H .. CH3 OH .. + .. _ : Br : .. Methyl group is small WWU -- Chemistry SN2 Mechanism: kinetics • The reactions follows second order (bimolecular) kinetics • Rate = k 1 [R-Br] 1 [OH ] WWU -- Chemistry H R d- O C H H Br d- energy H .. __ O: .. R H C H Br OH R C H H Br Reaction coordinate WWU -- Chemistry SN2 Reaction: stereochemistry H .. _ O: .. CH3 CH3 C H Br H dO Et dBr C H Et (R)- enantiomer Inversion of configuration H .. O .. CH3 C _ + H Et Br (S) enantiomer WWU -- Chemistry For an SN2 Reaction: EVERY REACTION EVENT ALWAYS LEADS TO INVERSION OF CONFIGURATION WWU -- Chemistry SN2 Reaction: substrate structure (Table 10-5) krel CH3 Br 150 CH3 CH2 Br 1 CH3 CH Br 0.008 CH3 CH3 CH3 C Br unreactive! KI in Acetone at 25° CH3 WWU -- Chemistry Chloromethane + Iodide as the Nucleophile Fast I- WWU -- Chemistry tert-Butyl Chloride + Iodide as the Nucleophile No reaction I- WWU -- Chemistry SN2 Reaction: substrate structure CH3 CH3-Br > CH3-CH2-Br > CH3 CH Br > CH3 primary secondary CH3 C Br CH3 tertiary Reactivity order---- fastest to slowest! WWU -- Chemistry SN2 Reaction: nucleophilicity Basicity Nucleophilicity WWU -- Chemistry Predict which is more nucleophilic - - CH3-O or CH3-S - CH3-S is more nucleophilic! WWU -- Chemistry Relative Nucleophilicity CH3OH H2O _ OH O CH3 C _ O _ O _ OCH3 _ I _ SH _ N C Increasing Nucleophilicty 1) In general, stronger bases are better nucleophiles 2) However, iodide doesn’t fit that pattern (weak base, but great nucleophile!) 3) Cyanide is an excellent nucleophile because of its linear structure 4) Sulfur is better than oxygen as a nucleophile WWU -- Chemistry SN2 Reaction: Leaving Groups • Best leaving groups leave to form weak Lewis bases. • Good leaving groups: – Br, I, Cl, OTs, OH2+ • “Lousy” leaving groups: – OH, OR, NH2,, F WWU -- Chemistry Sulfonate Leaving Groups O R O S CH3 R OTs O para-Toluenesulfonate Tosylate O R O S Br R OBs O para-Bromobenzenesulfonate Brosylate WWU -- Chemistry Tosylate leaving group CH3 H C OH CH3 CH2 CH3 O H S Cl O [Ts-Cl] C O Ts CH2 + H-Cl Retention of configuration (S)-(+)-1-Phenyl-2-propanol (S)-(+)-1-Methyl-2-phenylethyl tosylate CH3 H C O Ts CH2 C2H5O _ CH3 CH2 CH O CH2 CH3 Retention or inversion? 2-Ethoxy-1-phenylpropane Is this ether (R) or (S)? WWU -- Chemistry Inversion of Configuration CH3 CH2 H O_ O CH3 C CH2 O S CH3 O (S) CH3 CH2 O CH3 H C CH2 O + (R) CH3 S O _ O WWU -- Chemistry SN2 Reaction: solvents SN2 reactions are accelerated in polar, aprotic solvents. Consider Na+ -OEt as an example of a nucleophile. Why are reactions accelerated? The Na+ cation is complexed by the negative part of the aprotic solvent molecule pulling it away from –OEt. Now that the sodium ion is complexed, the oxygen in the nucleophile –OEt is more available for attack. WWU -- Chemistry Aprotic solvents • These solvents do not have OH bonds in them. They complex the cation through the lone pairs on oxygen or nitrogen: O Acetone H3 C CH3 Dimethyl sulfoxide (DMSO) H3 C O S CH3 O Dimethylf ormamide (DMF) Acetonitrile H N CH 3 CH 3 H3 C C N WWU -- Chemistry How cations are complexed with aprotic solvents H3C S CH3 O Na H3C O S CH3 WWU -- Chemistry Now that the Na+ is complexed, the –OEt can react more easily Et O H3C Br Et O CH3 Br WWU -- Chemistry SN2 Reaction: solvents SN2 reactions are retarded (slowed) in polar, protic solvents. Protic solvents have O-H groups. Why are reactions retarded? Nucleophile is hydrogen bonded to solvent! Et O H O Et The nucleophile is hydrogen bonded to ethanol - reduces nucleophilicity WWU -- Chemistry Protic solvents Typical protic solvents: Water H O Methanol H Ethanol H Acetic acid Formic acid H H H O CH3 HOMe O CH2 CH3 HOEt O C CH3 O O abbreviations HOAc C H O WWU -- Chemistry Sect. 10.4: SN1 Mechanism • reaction and mechanism • kinetics • stereochemistry • substrate structure • nucleophiles • leaving groups • solvents WWU -- Chemistry Solvolysis of tert-Butyl Bromide Acetone is used to dissolve everything! Water is the solvent and nucleophile (solvolysis). CH3 CH3 CH3 C Br CH3 + H2O acetone CH3 C CH3 + H Br OH + other products WWU -- Chemistry The SN1 Mechanism 1) CH3 CH3 C CH3 CH3 slow CH3 C + : Br: .. CH3 .. _ : Br : .. + carbocation 2) CH3 CH3 C + H CH3 + :O: CH3 fast CH3 C H :O CH3 + H H 3) CH3 CH3 CH3 C :O H CH3 + H fast CH3 C :O .. CH3 + H + H 1935: Hughes & Ingold WWU -- Chemistry d+R R C R Br d- + R R R C R O H intermediate H R C R energy intermediate R R R C R Br R C R OH Reaction coordinate WWU -- Chemistry SN1 Reaction: kinetics • The reactions follows first order (unimolecular) kinetics • Rate = k 1 [R-Br] WWU -- Chemistry SN1 Reaction: stereochemistry With chiral R-X compounds, the product will be racemic (50% of each enantiomer). WWU -- Chemistry Stereochemistry in SN1 reactions – racemic product Slow Pr C CH3-O-H Pr C Br polar H3C protic Et o 3 substrate solvent! (S) enantiomer H3C Et planar carbocation CH3-O-H front side attack Pr C H3C Et CH3-O-H Fast back side attack Pr H3C Et H3C H C O CH3 H Pr H fast Pr H O CH3 Et fast H Et H3C C O CH3 50% (S) Pr O CH3 Et 50% (R) WWU -- Chemistry d+R R C R Br d- + R R R C R O H intermediate H3C R C R energy intermediate R R C R O-CH3 R R C R Br Reaction coordinate WWU -- Chemistry SN1 Reaction: substrate structure krel CH3 Br no reaction CH3 CH2 Br 1.00 CH3 CH Br 11.6 CH3 CH3 CH3 C Br 6 1.2 x 10 CH3 Solvolysis in water at 50°C WWU -- Chemistry SN1 Reaction: substrate structure tertiary>secondary>primary > methyl Primary and methyl halides are very unreactive! They don’t go by SN1 reactions. WWU -- Chemistry CH3 CH3 C Br > CH3 secondary CH3 CH3 C+ Br > CH3-CH2-Br > CH3-Br CH3 CH3 tertiary CH primary + CH3 CH + CH3 CH 2 + CH3 CH3 CH3 tertiary carbocation (very stable) three methyl groups secondary carbocation two methyl groups primary carboc carbocation (unstable) one methyl group very unstable carbocation no methyl groups WWU -- Chemistry Nucleophiles • Usually SN1 reactions are run in polar protic solvents; compounds with O-H groups. • The polar protic solvent acts as BOTH nucleophile as well as the solvent. • Common solvent/nucleophiles include: water, ethanol, methanol, acetic acid, and formic acid. WWU -- Chemistry A protic solvent acts as both a solvent and nucleophile in SN1 reactions - solvolysis: Water H O Methanol H Ethanol H Acetic acid Formic acid abbreviations H H H O CH3 HOMe O CH2 CH3 HOEt O C CH3 O O HOAc C H O WWU -- Chemistry Typical solvolysis reaction Slow Pr C CH3-O-H Pr C Br polar H3C protic Et 3o substrate solvent! (S) enantiomer Solvent is the nucleophileCH -O-H 3 Pr C CH3-O-H Fast H3C Et planar carbocation Pr front side attack H3C Et Polar solvent stabilizes the carbocation! back side attack H3C Et H3C H C O CH3 H Pr H fast Pr H O CH3 Et fast H Et H3C C O CH3 50% (S) Pr O CH3 Et 50% (R) WWU -- Chemistry Leaving groups • Leaving groups are the same as in SN2 reactions: • Cl, Br, I, OTs are the usual ones. WWU -- Chemistry SN1 Reaction: solvent polarity • SN1 solvolysis reactions go much faster in trifluoroacetic acid and water (high ionizing power). • SN1 solvolysis reactions go slower in ethanol and acetic acid (lower ionizing power). • See table 10-9. WWU -- Chemistry SN2 versus SN1 Reactions • A primary alkyl halide or a methyl halide should react by an SN2 process. Look for a good nucleophile, such as hydroxide, methoxide, etc. in an polar aprotic solvent. • A tertiary alkyl halide should react by an SN1 mechanism. Make sure to run the reaction under solvolysis (polar protic solvent) conditions! Don’t use strong base conditions -- it will give you nothing but E2 elimination! • A secondary alkyl halide can go by either mechanism. Look at the solvent/nucleophile conditions!! WWU -- Chemistry SN2 versus SN1 Reactions (continued) • If the reaction medium is KI or NaI in acetone, this demands an SN2 mechanism. • If the reaction medium is AgNO3 in ethanol, this demands an SN1 mechanism. • If the medium is basic, look for SN2. • If the medium is acidic or neutral, expect SN1. WWU -- Chemistry Comparison of SN1 and SN2 Reactions • See Table 10-10 on page 936. Great table!! • Section 10-5: Solvent effects; been there done that!! WWU -- Chemistry Sect. 10.6: classification tests • Sodium iodide and potassium iodide in acetone are typical SN2 reagents!! • Silver nitrate in ethanol is a typical SN1 reagent!! WWU -- Chemistry Sect. 10.7: Special Cases Neopentyl compounds are very unreactive in SN2 reactions. WWU -- Chemistry Effect of b-substitution on SN2 reactivity (Table 10-11) krel b H CH2 CH2 Br 1.0 b CH3 CH2 CH2 Br 0.65 CH3 CH3 CH CH2 Br b 0.15 CH3 CH3 C b CH3 CH2 Br Neopentyl bromide 0.000026 KI in Acetone at 25° WWU -- Chemistry Neopentyl Transition State Y Y R1 R1 H C C R2 H R3 Nu Nu WWU -- Chemistry Allylic and Benzylic compounds Allylic and benzylic compounds are especially reactive in SN1 reactions. Even though they are primary substrates, they are more reactive most other halides! They form resonance stabilized carbocations. CH2-Br benzyl bromide CH2=CH-CH2-Br allyl bromide WWU -- Chemistry Solvolysis Rates: SN1 Table 10-13 krel Ethyl chloride Isopropyl chloride Allyl chloride Benzyl chloride tert-Butyl chloride very small 1 74 140 12,000 80% Ethanol-water at 50° WWU -- Chemistry Allylic and Benzylic compounds Allylic and benzylic compounds are especially reactive in SN2 reactions. They are more reactive than typical primary compounds! CH2-Br benzyl bromide CH2=CH-CH2-Br allyl bromide WWU -- Chemistry Reaction with KI in Acetone: SN2 Table 10-14 krel Ethyl chloride Allyl chloride Methyl chloride Benzyl chloride 1 33 93 93 60° C WWU -- Chemistry Vinyl and Phenyl Compounds Vinyl and Phenyl compounds are completely inert in both SN1 and SN2 reactions!! Cl H CH2 C Cl vinyl phenyl WWU -- Chemistry Reactivity order for SN1 CH2 R C R R 3o Br Br > > H H C C CH2 Br H Benzyl Allyl R CH Br >> R CH2 Br >> CH3-Br >> Br H C Br R o 2 o 1 methyl R R phenyl vinyl Inert!! No reaction WWU -- Chemistry Reactivity order for SN2 About same reactivity CH2 Br H H C C CH2 Br H Benzyl Allyl = CH3-Br methyl > R CH2 Br R > CH Br R o 1 2o >>> R C R R Br 3o Can not undergo SN2 >>> Br H C Br R R phenyl vinyl Inert!! No reaction!! WWU -- Chemistry Sect. 10.8: Cyclic Systems • Cyclopropyl and cyclobutyl halides are very unreactive in both SN1 and SN2 reactions • Cyclopentyl halides are more reactive than cyclohexyl halides in SN1 and SN2 reactions. WWU -- Chemistry Bicyclic systems: Bredt’s Rule You can’t have p orbitals on a bridgehead position in a rigid bicyclic molecule. -- You cannot form a carbocation at a bridgehead position. bridgehead + bridgehead --You cannot have a double bond at a bridgehead position. WWU -- Chemistry AgNO 3 No reaction! Ethanol Cl WWU -- Chemistry Sect. 10.9: Carbocation Rearrangement 1) CH3 CH3 C CH3 slow CH CH3 CH3 Br CH3 C CH3 CH CH3 + _ + Br a carbocation 2) CH3 C CH3 3) CH3 CH3 CH3 C + CH CH3 + CH3 CH3 CH3 CH3 C + CH CH3 CH CH3 CH3 + ROH CH3 C CH CH3 + + H OR CH3 WWU -- Chemistry A Closer Look... CH3 CH3 C CH3 CH CH3 + CH3 C + CH3 CH CH3 CH3 CH3 CH3 C + CH CH3 CH3 transition state WWU -- Chemistry Carbocation Rearrangement CH3 CH3 C CH CH3 CH3 WWU -- Chemistry Carbocation Rearrangement CH3 CH3 C CH CH3 CH3 WWU -- Chemistry Carbocation Rearrangement CH3 CH3 C CH CH3 CH3 WWU -- Chemistry Carbocation Rearrangement CH3 CH3 C CH CH3 CH3 WWU -- Chemistry Carbocation Rearrangement CH3 CH3 C CH CH3 CH3 WWU -- Chemistry Carbocation Rearrangement CH3 CH3 C CH CH3 CH3 WWU -- Chemistry Carbocation Rearrangement CH3 CH3 C CH CH3 CH3 WWU -- Chemistry Carbocation Rearrangement CH3 CH3 C CH CH3 CH3 WWU -- Chemistry Sir Christopher Ingold Source: Michigan State University, Department of Chemistry WWU -- Chemistry Saul Winstein Source: Michigan State University, Department of Chemistry WWU -- Chemistry Sect. 10.10 Competing Reactions: Elimination -Table 10-16 • Lower temperatures favor substitution; higher temperatures give more elimination. • Highly branched compounds (secondary and tertiary compounds) give mostly elimination with strong bases. Weaker bases give more substitution. A basic medium favors E2; a more nucleophilic medium favors SN2. • Primary compounds give mostly substitution with non-bulky nucleophiles. A bulky base (tert-butoxide) gives elimination. • Tertiary compounds should be reacted under solvolysis conditions to give substitution!!! WWU -- Chemistry Sect. 10.11: Neighboring group participation O O CH3 CH C _ O Br _ + CH3O CH3OH inversion > 0.5 M (R)-(+) + Br OCH3 O O Br _ (S)-(-) (R)-(+) CH3 CH C CH3 CH C _ O _ O _ + CH3O < 0.1 M CH3OH retention CH3 CH C _ O _ + Br OCH3 (R)-(+) !!! WWU -- Chemistry Under SN2 Conditions _ .. CH3 O : .. CH3 C H Br C _O CH3 dCH3 O C H O dBr _O C O (R) CH3 Inversion of configuration CH3 O C H + _ Br C _O O (S) WWU -- Chemistry Internal SN2 reaction followed by an external SN2 reaction H CH3 _ .. :O .. C H Br slow C O C C O O (R) CH3 :O: CH3 H CH3 _ + Br C H .. O .. _ .. C :O .. O CH3 + + H (R) Retention of Configuration WWU -- Chemistry Neighboring Group Participation 1) G G: C C slow C C + .. _ :X: .. X 2) C G: G: G C fast C C Nu Nu : X WWU -- Chemistry Neighboring group participation: Summary • Retention of configuration • Enhanced rate of reaction WWU -- Chemistry Mustard gas • Mustard gas is a substance that causes tissue blistering (a vesicant). It is highly reactive compound that combines with proteins and DNA and results in cellular changes immediately after exposure. Mustard gas was used as a chemical warfare agent in World War I by both sides. Cl Cl S Mustard gas Cl Cl S Cl Cl S Neighboring group participation Internal SN2 O-Enzyme External SN2 O-Enzyme Cl Cl S WWU -- Chemistry Sect. 10.13: Ion-pair mechanisms (skip!!) • SN1 reactions are “expected” to give a 50-50 (racemic) mixture of the two enantiomers!! • But, if the leaving group doesn’t get out of the way, you will get more inversion than retention, which makes it “look like” SN2. • In the extreme, you could have a carbocation give only inversion of configuration by an SN1 mechanism!! WWU -- Chemistry In-Class Problem For the following reaction, H2O CH3 CH CH CH2 OTs acetone A) Identify the mechanism of this reaction. B) Predict the product(s) of this reaction, and identify them as major or minor, if appropriate. WWU -- Chemistry The following table may be helpful as a review WWU -- Chemistry Substitution versus Elimination SN1 SN2 E1 E2 Substrate Strong effect; reaction favored by tertiary halide Strong effect; reaction favored by methyl or primary halide Strong effect; reaction favored by tertiary halide Strong effect; reaction favored by tertiary halide Reactivity – primary Does not occur Highly favored Does not occur Occurs with strong base! Reactivity – tertiary Favored when nucleophile is the solvent – solvolysis Does not occur Occurs under solvolysis conditions or with strong acids Highly favored when strong bases (OH-, OR-) are used Reactivity – secondary Can occur in polar, protic solvents Favored by good nucleophile in polar, aprotic solvents Can occur in polar, protic solvents Favored when strong bases are used Solvent Very strong effect; reaction favored by polar, protic solvents Strong effect; reaction favored by polar, aprotic solvents Very strong effect; reaction favored by polar, protic solvents Strong effect; reaction favored by polar, aprotic solvent Nucleophile/Base Weak effect; reaction favored by good nucleophile/weak base Strong effect; reaction favored by good nucleophile/weak base Weak effect; reaction favored by weak base Strong effect; reaction favored by strong base Leaving Group Strong effect; reaction favored by good leaving group Strong effect; reaction favored by good leaving group Strong effect; reaction favored by good leaving group Strong effect; reaction favored by good leaving group WWU -- Chemistry