Certificate in TCM Assistant TCM Disease Management (中医疾病护理) Lung Diseases 肺系病证 Leong Kwai Yin Course Outline (Planned) Introduction: What is TCM Disease Management 1. History & Basics 10. Cardiac-cerebral Diseases 2. Daily Living 11. Gastrointestinal Diseases 3. Sleep Techniques 12. Hepatobiliary Diseases 4. Qigong & Tuina 13. Kidney-bladder Diseases 5. Guasha & Cupping 14. Qi-blood-body fluid Diseases 6. Bathing & Exercises 15. Meridian and Extremities 7. Acupuncture & Moxibustion 16. Cancer 8. Exogenous Diseases 17. ENT (Otolaryngology) 9. Lung Diseases 18. Revision Cough 咳嗽 咳:Ké denotes coughing with sound but without production of sputum. 嗽:Sòu denotes productive cough with sputum or without sound. 五脏六腑皆令人咳,非独肺也。《素问・咳论篇》 The five zang-organs and six fu-organs could all cause coughing, not only the lung. 六气皆令人咳,风寒为主。《景岳全书・ 咳嗽篇》 All 6 pathogenic factors can cause cough, especially Wind-Cold. Cough 咳嗽 TCM Diagnoses and Treatments Etiology & Pathology: 1. External pathogenic factors 2. Interior reasons • Emotional stress • Improper Diet • Chronic illness Etiology & Pathogenesis Etiology & Pathogenesis Acute & Chronic Cough Acute: a cough that had a sudden onset and may continue for a few days or weeks. Chronic: either a cough that began insidiously without a previous invasion of Wind and persisted for months or years, or one that began with an exterior invasion of Wind and persisted for months or years. Acute cough may be caused by: Chronic cough generally due to: • Invasion of Wind • Chronic retention of Phlegm in the Lungs • Heat or Phlegm in the interior • Deficiency of Qi in the Lungs • Dryness or Heat following an external invasion • Deficiency of Yin in the Lungs • Deficiency of Qi-Yin in the Lungs Clinical Manifestations Exterior cough: • Wind-Cold • Wind-Heat • Wind-Dryness Interior cough (excess): • Lung-Heat • Phlegm-Heat • Damp-Phlegm • Liver Fire attacking the Lung Interior cough (deficiency): • Lung-Qi deficiency • Lung-Yin deficiency • Lung-Qi-Yin deficiency Differentiation Exterior Interior Onset acute chronic Duration Short Long Character Mostly wind-cold Occurred repeatedly; Fullness & emptiness often combined Accompanied symptoms Exterior symptoms Other organs’ symptoms Tongue & pulse Floating or tight pulse … Etiology Invasion of wind-cold Lung-phlegm-dampness Invasion of wind-heat Lung-phlegm-heat Invasion of wind-dryness Liver fire attacking lung Lung Yin deficiency Wind-Cold 风寒咳嗽 Signs & Symptoms: Main Symptoms: Newly-occurred cough, coughing sound being lower and vague, white & thin sputum Concurrent Symptoms: Headache, nasal stuffiness, nasal clear discharge, painful sensation in the joints, aversion to cold & no sweating. Tongue: White body with thin coating Pulse: Floating Treatment Protocol: Expel the Wind Release the Cold Restore the Descending and Dispersing Function of the LU Qi Treatment for Wind-Cold Xing Su San 杏苏散 Almond 杏仁 Perilla Leaf 紫苏 Tangerine Peel 陈皮 Pinellia Tuber 半夏 Fresh Ginger 生姜 Platycodon Root 桔梗 Hogfennel Root 前胡 Poria 茯苓 Licorice 甘草 Chinese Dates 大枣 Bitter Orange 枳壳 Jin Fei Cao San 金沸草散 Inula Flower 旋覆花 White Peony Root 白芍 Licorice 甘草 Roasted Licorice 炙甘草 Hogfennel Root 前胡 Schizonepeta 荆芥 Fresh Ginger 生姜 Chinese Dates 大枣 Ginger Pinellia Tuber Ephedra 麻黄 姜半夏 Modifications: Aversion to Cold Ephedra 麻黄;Saposhnikovia Root 防风; Notopterygium Rhizome 羌活 Headache Lovage Rhizome 川芎;Dahurian Angelica Root 白芷 Cough with sore & dry throat, thirst, severer fever, yellow fur, floating rapid pulse Ma Xing Shi Gan Tang 麻杏石甘汤 Sputum Tangerine Peel 陈皮;Pinellia Tuber 半夏 Wind-Heat 风热咳嗽 Signs & Symptoms: Main Symptoms: Dry cough or cough with loud voice, thick sputum Concurrent Symptoms: Fever & aversion to wind, headache, sweating, sore throat, thirst, runny nose with yellow discharge, sneezing, slight thirst, slightly dark urine. Tongue: Slightly red, thin yellow coating sides Pulse: Floating & rapid Treatment Protocol: Release the Exterior Expel the Wind Clear the Heat Restore the Descending Lung Qi stop cough Treatment for Wind-Heat Sang Ju Yin 桑菊饮 Mulberry Leaf 桑叶 Chrysanthemum 菊花 Peppermint 薄荷 Almond 杏仁 Forsythia 连翘 Platycodon Root 桔梗 Reed Root 芦根 Licorice 甘草 Modifications: Aversion to Wind Fineleaf Schizonepeta Herb 荆芥; Saposhnikovia Root 防风 Cough Burdock Fruit 牛蒡子;Hogfennel Root 前胡; Fritillary Bulb 浙贝母;Loquat Leaf 枇杷叶 Severe lung heat Skullcap Root 黄芩;Gypsum 石膏 Sputum being difficult to be expectorated Snakegourd 栝楼 Nosebleed Lalang Root 茅根; Lotus Node 藕节 Restlessness, thirsty, dark urine in summer Patchouli Herb 藿香;Eupatorium Herb 佩兰 Oppressed feeling in the chest, soft pulse Magnolia Bark 厚朴;Job’s Tears 薏苡仁 Sore throat Burdock Fruit 牛蒡子;Lilactic Puffball 马勃; Isatis Root 板蓝根 Throat itching Saposhnikovia Root 防风 Wind-Dryness 风燥咳嗽 Signs & Symptoms: Main Symptoms: Dry and ticklish cough without sputum or sputum being difficult to be expectorated, dry-itchy-sore throat Concurrent Symptoms: Sore sensation in the upper chest, cough with blood sputum, dry lips, dry mouth, stuffed nose, headache, slight aversion to cold and slight shivers. Tongue: Slightly red side & tip of the body, thin yellow dry coating Pulse: Floating or slightly rapid Treatment Protocol: Release the Exterior Promote fluids and stop cough Restore the Descending of the Lung Qi Treatment for Wind-Dryness Sang Xing Tang 桑杏汤 Mulberry Leaf 桑叶 Almond 杏仁 Fourleaf Ladybell Root 沙参 Fermented Soy 淡豆豉 Cape Jasmine Fruit 山栀子 Pear Skin 梨皮 Thunberg Fritillary Bulb 浙贝母 Modifications: Severe cough with itching throat Hogfennel Root 前胡; Cicada Molt 蝉蜕; Platycodon Root桔梗;Licorice 甘草 Dryness Fragrant solomonseal 玉竹;Dwarf Lilyturf Tuber 麦冬;Snakegourd Root 天花粉 Severe lung heat Anemarrhena Rhizome 知母;Gypsum 石膏 Sore throat Lilactic Puffball 马勃;Figwort Root 玄参 Nosebleed or bloody sputum Lalang Root 茅根; Rehmannia Root 生地 Cough Burdock Fruit 牛蒡子; Hogfennel Root 前胡 Dry-cold attack lung Schizonepeta 荆芥;Saposhnikovia 防风; Tatarian Aster 紫菀;Coltsfoot Flower 款冬花 (Reduce jasmine fruit, fritillary bulb, pear skin) Wind-Cold & Wind-Heat Symptoms Wind-Cold Wind-Heat Aversion to wind & cold wind & heat Fever slight high Sweating (Perspiration) none/slight Lots (heavy) Thirst none Big (severe) Nose runny congested Nasal discharge thin, watery thick, yellow Throat itchy bad sore throat Cough slight strong Tongue no change red (heat, fever) Pulse slow (cold) rapid (heat) Headaches usually occipital (Tai-Yang), and not severe can be throbbing, temporal, frontal, more severe Aching/Stiffness upper shoulder muscle aches and stiff neck Body aches especially in upper shoulders and neck Sneezing yes - Chills yes - Phlegm Dampness 痰湿蕴肺 Signs & Symptoms: Main Symptoms: Chronic cough, abundant sputum being white and easy to be expectorated. Concurrent Symptoms: Chest distress, poor appetite, tiredness, weakness and frequent loose stool, cough is aggravated in the morning or after intake of sweet and greasy food. Tongue: Pink, White greasy coating (indicates dampness) Pulse: Slippery Treatment Protocol: Strengthen the spleen Removing dampness Restore the Descending of Lung Qi Treatment for Phlegm-Dampness Er Chen Tang 二陈汤 Tangerine Peel 陈皮 Pinellia Tuber 半夏 Poria 茯苓 Processed Licorice 炙甘草 San Zi Yang Qin Tang 三子养亲汤 Perilla Seed 紫苏子 Mustard Seed 白芥子 Radish Seed 莱菔子 Modifications: Oppressed feeling in the chest Atractylodes Rhizome 苍术;Almond 杏仁; Magnolia Bark 厚朴;Job’s Tears 薏苡仁 Spleen deficiency (weak pulse, diarrhoea) Pilose Asiabell Root 党参;Largehead Atractylodes Rhizome 白术 Severe cough Ephedra 麻黄;Perilla Leaf 紫苏叶; Almond 杏仁 Aversion to Cold Manchurian Wild Ginger 细辛; Dried Ginger 干姜 Phlegm-Heat 痰热郁肺 Signs & Symptoms: Main Symptoms: Cough, shortness of breath, yellow greasy phlegm. Concurrent Symptoms: Distending and painful sensation in the chest when coughing, bitter taste, dry mouth, thirst, stinking phlegm or bloody phlegm or fever. Tongue: Red side & tip of the body, yellow greasy coating Pulse: Slippery and rapid Treatment Protocol: Strengthen the spleen Removing dampness Restore the Descending of the Lung Qi Treatment for Phlegm-Heat Qing Jin Hua Tan Tang 清金化痰汤 Skullcap Root 黄芩 Cape Jasmine Fruit 山栀子 Platycodon Root 桔梗 Dwarf Lilyturf Tuber 麦冬 Mulberry Root Bark 桑白皮 Fritillary Bulb 贝母 Anemarrhena Rhizome 知母 Snakegourd Fruit 栝楼 Red Tangerine Peel 橘红 Poria 茯苓 Licorice 甘草 Modifications: Sticky phlegm Houttuynia Herb 鱼腥草;Job’s Tears 薏苡仁; Forsythia Capsule 连翘;Wintermelon Seed 冬 瓜仁 Purulent sputum Bile Arisaema 胆南星;Job’s Tears 薏苡仁; Wintermelon Seed 冬瓜仁 Phlegm heat damage fluid: thirsty Ladybell Root 沙参;Snakegourd Root 天花 粉 Feeling of oppression in the chest with severe cough and constipation Pepperweed Seed 葶苈子;Rhubarb Root 大黄 Cough Burdock Fruit 牛蒡子; Hogfennel Root 前胡 Fluids being injured Ladybell Root 沙参;Dwarf Lilyturf Tuber 麦冬; Snakegourd Root 天花粉 Liver-Fire 肝火犯肺 Signs & Symptoms: Main Symptoms: Cough induced pain involving the chest & hypochondrium. Concurrent Symptoms: Flushed face, dry throat & mouth, pain on coughing, bitter taste, dark urine, dry stools, irritability and a dry mouth, symptoms are along with the change of emotional activity. Tongue: Red sides, yellow thin coating with less moisture Pulse: Wiry rapid Treatment Protocol: Smooth the liver qi Clear the lung heat Restore the descending of Lung-Qi and stop cough Treatment for Liver-Fire Huang Qin Xie Bai San 黄芩泻白散 Skullcap Root 黄芩 Mulberry Root Bark 桑白皮 Wolfberry Root-Bark 地骨皮 Licorice 生甘草 Dai Ge San 黛蛤散 Natural Indigo 青黛 Clam Shell 蛤壳 Modifications: Fever Baical Skullcap Root 黄芩;Cape Jasmine Fruit 山栀子;Peony Bark 牡丹皮 Cough Platycodon Root 桔梗;Licorice 甘草 Symptoms of rebellious Qi: Fullness of chest Green Tangerine Peel 青皮;Tangerine Peel 陈 皮;Immature Bitter Orange Fruit 枳实 Chest Pain Tumeric Root 郁金 Sputum & sever cough Fritillary Bulb 贝母;Snakegourd 栝楼; Bamboo Shaving 竹茹; Perilla Seed 紫苏子; Loquat Leaf 枇杷叶 Liver Fire Chinese Gentian Root 龙胆草 Yin Deficiency Ladybell Root 沙参;Dwarf Lilyturf Tuber 麦 冬;Snakegourd Root 天花粉 Lung Yin-Deficiency 肺阴亏耗 Signs & Symptoms: Main Symptoms: Chronic cough, dry cough with less sputum or with bloody sputum, afternoon tidal fever. Concurrent Symptoms: Flushed cheeks, feverish sensation in the palms and soles, insomnia, night sweating, lack of vitality, tiredness and restlessness. Tongue: Red body with little coating Pulse: Thready and rapid Treatment Protocol: Nourish Yin Clear the lung heat Resolving sputum and relieving cough Treatment for Lung Yin-Deficiency Sha Shen Mai Dong Tang 沙参麦冬汤 Fourleaf Ladybell Root 沙参 Dwarf Lilyturf Tuber 麦冬 Solomonseal Rhizome 玉竹 Tendrilleaf Fritillary Bulb 川贝母 White Hyacinth Bean 扁豆 Snakegourd Root 天花粉 Almond 杏仁 Mulberry Leaf 桑叶 Lily Bulb 百合 Licorice 甘草 Modifications: Tidal fever Turtle Shell 鳖甲;Wolfberry Root-Bark 地骨皮; Sweet Wormwood Herb 青蒿;Starwort Root 银柴胡;Swallowwort Root 白薇 Bloody phlegm Lotus Node 藕节;Hairyvein Agrimonia Herb 仙鹤草;Bletilla Tuber 白芨;Donkey Hide Gelatin 阿胶;Notoginseng 三七 Severe cough Chinese Magnoliavine Fruit 五味子;Terminalia Fruit 诃子 Profuse night sweating Smoked Plum 乌梅;Blighted Wheat 浮小麦 Cough with yellow sputum Common Anemarrhena Rhizome 知母;Baical Skullcap Root 黄芩 Wheezing & Panting 哮喘 哮:Xiāo refers to a characteristic lowpitched breathing sound that occurs when there is panting. 喘:Chuǎn refers to laboured or difficult breathing with flaring of the nostrils, gaping of the mouth, raised shoulders, and inability to lie flat. 哮以声响名,喘以气息言。夫喘促喉间 如水鸡声者谓之哮,气促而连续不能卧 息者谓之喘。 《医学正传》 Wheezing 哮病 TCM Diagnoses Wheezing (Xiao) indicates a wheezing sound which may resemble that of whistling, snoring or sawing. It is usually accompanied by breathlessness with an inability to breathe when lying down. Etiology: 1. External pathogenic factors - wind-cold, wind-heat 2. Diet 3. Weak body condition - Lung, Spleen, Kidney Wheezing 哮病 Due to Diet 《医说・卷四》:因食盐虾过多,遂得齁喘之疾。 Taking too much salty fish will lead to asthma due to fish (Houchuan). Due to Weather 《素问・太阴阳明论》:犯贼风虚邪者,…阳受 之则入六腑…入六腑则身热,不时卧,上为喘呼。 When the body is infected by occult evil wind, … yang six FU-organs are affected if yang is involved, … then the patient has a fever and fails to sleep flat, leading to whooping upward. Wheezing 哮病 Due to Emotional Stress 《丹溪心法・喘十五》:六淫七 情之所感伤,饱食动作,脏气不 和,呼吸之息,不得宣畅而为喘 急。亦有脾肾俱虚,体弱之人, 皆能发喘。 Damaged by six exopathogens and seven emotions as well as action after full stomach, the visceral qi will be disharmonized resulting in obstructive respiration and rapid gasping. Anybody whose spleen and kidney are deficient can develop gasping syndrome. Wheezing 哮病 Due to Morbidity or Overwork 《症因脉治・喘》:气虚喘逆之 因,或本元素虚,或大病后,大 劳后,失于调养,元气大伤。 The cause of wheezing conversely with qi deficiency is due to failure of recovery leading to damaging primordial qi after severe disease or exhaustion. Summary wind emotion morbidity cold diet overwork Etiology & Pathogenesis Differentiation & Treatment Acute Phase Cold Phlegm Heat Phlegm Chronic Phase Lung Deficiency Spleen Deficiency Kidney Deficiency Treatment Principle: Treatment principle: Resolve Phlegm Restore the descending Tonify Lung Tonify Spleen Tonify Kidney of Lung Qi Heat & Cold Differentiation of cold & heat Heat type Cold type Sputum Thick, yellow & sticky Thin, while & clear Expectoration Difficult Easy Onset due to Summer-heat Cold-evil, allergy Accompanied by Headache, sore throat, fever, Headache, aversion to cold, slight aversion to cold fever, Tongue Red body with yellow greasy coating White greasy or white slippery coating Pulse Slippery rapid Floating & tight Deficiency & Excess Differentiation of Deficiency & Excess Deficiency type Excess type Pathology Chronic wheezing Newly-occurred Stage Intermission stage During the attack stage Symptoms Spontaneous sweating, aversion to wind, pale face complexion Breathlessness, distended chest, cough, feeling comfortable if having a long expiration Tongue Red body with less coating Red tongue with thin coating Pulse weak strong Cold Phlegm 寒痰 Signs & Symptoms: Main Symptoms: Rapid breathing, wheezing, full & oppress feeling of the chest, cough, scanty phlegm Concurrent symptoms: A blush-white complexion, no thirst, or a desire for warm drinks, feeling cold, worse in cold weather. Tongue: Swollen with a sticky-white coating Pulse: Tight and slippery Treatment Protocol: Warm the lung & expel the cold Resolve phlegm Relieve breathlessness 《金匮要略》:“咳而上气,喉中水鸡声, 射干麻黄汤主之。” Treatment for Cold Phlegm She Gan Ma Huang Tang 射干麻黄汤 Blackberrylily Rhizome 射干 Ephedra 麻黄 Dried Ginger 干姜 Manchurian Wildginger 细辛 Pinellia Tuber 半夏 Tatarian Aster Root 紫菀 Coltsfoot Flower 款冬花 Licorice 甘草 Magnoliavine Fruit 五味子 Chinese Date 大枣 White Hyacinth Bean 扁豆 Modifications: Severe exterior syndrome with internal phlegm 小青龙汤 Abundant phlegm 三子养亲汤; Long illness with Kidney Yang deficiency 苏子降气汤 + Pilose Asiabell 党参;Walnut Pulp 胡桃肉;Fluorite 紫石英;Agarwood 沉香 Kidney Yang deficiency Chinese Aconite 附子;Malaytea Scurfpea Fruit 补骨脂 Formula for Cold Phlegm Xiao Qing Long Tang 小青龙汤 Ephedra 麻黄 White Peony Root 白芍 Manchurian Wild Ginger 细辛 Dried Ginger 干姜 Roasted Licorice 炙甘草 Cinnamon Twig 桂枝 Magnoliavine Fruit 五味子 Pinellia Tuber 半夏 San Zi Yang Qin Tang 三子养亲汤 Perilla Seed 紫苏子 Mustard Seed 白芥子 Radish Seed 莱菔子 Su Zi Jiang Qi Tang 苏子降气汤 Perilla Seed 紫苏子 Pinellia Tuber 半夏 Hogfennel Root 前胡 Magnolia Bark 厚朴 Tangerine Peel 陈皮 Licorice 甘草 Chinese Angelica 当归 Fresh Ginger 生姜 Chinese Dates 大枣 Cinnamon Twig 桂枝 Heat Phlegm 痰热 Signs & Symptoms: Main Symptoms: Wheezing with a loud voice, breathlessness, distended chest, cough, yellow-sticky sputum. Concurrent Symptoms: Irritability, sweating, a red face, bitter taste, thirst, a feeling of heat Tongue: Red with a yellow greasy coating Pulse: Slippery and rapid Treatment Protocol: Clear the heat Resolve phlegm Restore the descending of Lung-Qi & stop wheezing Treatment for Heat Phlegm Ding Chuan Tang 定喘汤 Ephedra 麻黄 Skullcap Root 黄芩 Mulberry Bark 桑白皮 Almond 杏仁 Perilla Seed 苏子 Coltsfoot Flower 款冬花 Gingko Nut 白果 Licorice 甘草 Pinellia Tuber 半夏 Modifications: Cough Inula Herb 金沸草;Hogfennel Root 前胡; Willowleaf Swallowwort Rhizome 白前 Wheezing Inula Flower 旋覆花;Mulberry Bark 桑白皮; Earthworm 地龙 Yin Deficiency Ladybell Root 沙参;Chinese Magnoliavine Fruit 五味子;麦门冬汤 Yellow sticky sputum Anemarrhena Rhizome 知母;Clam shell 海 蛤壳;Blackberrylily Rhizome 射干; Heartleaf Houttuynia Herb 鱼腥草 Abundant sputum Tendrilleaf Fritillary Bulb 川贝母;Tangerine Peel 陈皮;Platycodon Root 桔梗 Fever Gypsum 石膏;Anemarrhena Rhizome 知母 Constipation Rhubarb Root 大黄;Mirabilite 芒硝 Lung Deficiency 肺虚 Signs & Symptoms: Main Symptoms: spontaneous sweating, aversion to wind, sneezing, runny nose, pale complexion, frequent common cold due to abnormal changes of climate. Concurrent Symptoms: Shortness of breath, low voice, slight wheezing with a low sound. Tongue: Pale tongue with thin white coating Pulse: Weak or deficiently large pulse Treatment Protocol: Tonify the lungs Consolidate the Exterior Treatment for Lung Deficiency Yu Ping Feng Shan 玉屏风散 Milkvetch Root 黄芪 Saposhnikovia Root 防风 Atractylodes Rhizome 白术 Modifications: Qi deficiency Falsetarwort Root 太子参;Pilose Asiabell 党参 Yang deficiency Chinese Aconite 附子;Cassia Bark 肉桂 Yin deficiency Dried Rehmannia Root 生地;Ladybell Root 南 沙参;Cordyceps 冬虫夏草 Severe exterior syndrome Cinnamon Twig 桂枝;White Peony Root 白 芍;Chinese Date 大枣 Blood stasis Salvia Root 丹参;Lovage Rhizome 川芎 Spleen deficiency 六君子汤 Cough Tatarian Aster Root 紫菀;Mulberry Bark 桑白 皮 Spleen Deficiency 脾虚 Signs & Symptoms: Main Symptoms: Poor appetite, loosing stools, slight abdominal distension, intolerance to certain foods. Concurrent Symptoms: Tiredness, shortness of breath, dislike of speaking, desire to lie down, weariness. Tongue: Pale tongue with thin white coating Pulse: Weak or deficiently large pulse Treatment Protocol: Tonify the spleen Resolve phlegm Treatment for Spleen Deficiency Liu Jun Zi Tang 六君子糖 Pilose Asiabell 党参 Atractylodes Rhizome 白术 Tangerine Peel 陈皮 Pinellia Tuber 半夏 Modifications: Qi deficiency Falsetarwort Root 太子参;Pilose Asiabell 党参 Poria 茯苓 Licorice 甘草 Kidney Deficiency 肾虚 Signs & Symptoms: Main Symptoms: Shortness of breath, worsening while making exertion, dyspnoea, soreness & weakness of the waist & legs. Concurrent Symptoms: Poor memory, tinnitus. Tongue: Pale Pulse: Deep weak Treatment Protocol: Tonify the kidney Resolve phlegm Treatment for Kidney Deficiency Ding Chuan Tang 定喘汤 Cooked Rehmannia Root 熟地黄 Asiatic Cornelian Cherry Fruit 山茱萸 Common Chinese Yam Rhizome 山药 Chinese Magnoliavine Fruit 五味子 Poria 茯苓 Dwarf Lilyturf Tuber 麦冬 Oriental Waterplantain 泽泻 Malaytea Scurfpea Fruit 补骨脂 Peony Bark 牡丹皮 Walnut Pulp 胡桃肉 Modifications: Cough with sputum Almond 杏仁;Perilla Seed 苏子;Pinellia Tuber 半夏 Yang deficiency Cinnamon Twig 桂枝;Dried Ginger 干姜; Tokay Gecko 蛤蚧 Yin deficiency Glossy Privet Fruit 女贞子;Dendrobium 石斛 Bad appetite Hawthorn Fruit 山楂;Medicated Leaven 神曲 Panting 喘病 TCM Diagnoses Panting syndrome is one of the respiratory disease characterized by rapid breathing even with mouth open and shoulders elevated, flaring of nares, dyspnoea, worsening while making exertion. 肺盛 Etiology: Kidney & Lung Excess Type: obstruction of the lung by exogenous evils Deficiency Type: Hypofunction of Lung & Kidney 喘由外感者治肺,内伤者治肾。 《类证治裁卷二・哮症论治》 肾虚 Panting 喘病 《丹溪心法卷二・哮喘十五》:实喘气实肺盛,虚喘由肾虚。 The excessive wheezing syndrome due to excessive lung qi and deficient wheezing syndrome due to kidney deficiency. 《景岳全书・杂证》:实喘者有邪,邪气实也;虚喘者无邪, 元气虚也。 Excessive gasping syndrome has evil qi in which evil qi is excessive and deficient gasping syndrome has no evil in which vital qi is deficient. Etiology & Pathogenesis Deficiency & Excess Deficiency Type Excess Type Breathing Rapid breathing, dyspnea, comfort if having a deep inspiration, lower voice Deep & long; feeling comfortable when exhaling, coarse respiration Duration Long short Onset Repeated attack Sudden & acute attack Accompanied by Lune or Kid def. sym. Exterior syndromes Tongue Pale Thin white coating Pulse Large, hollow, weak Rapid & forceful Panting & Shortness of breath Panting Syndrome Breathing Shortness of Breath Dyspnoea with mouth open & Feeble breathing shoulder lifting or even being unable to lie flat Type Excess & Def. Def. type only Which is often seen in various acute & chronic disease (Asthma) Onset Repeated attack Usually happened after doing light physical labor Lune or Kid deficiency symptoms Lassitude, being reluctant to speak Accompanied by Panting & Wheezing Panting Syndrome Breathing Type Pathology Etiology Onset Wheezing Rapid breathing without production of louder sound, Loud sound in the throat, Syndromes is short, combined with rattles due to phlegm in the throat Excess & Deficiency Deficiency type only Which is often seen in various acute & chronic disease (Asthma) Qi disorder Obstruction of Qi by phlegm Invasion of evils or chronic of disease but no perennial root Has its perennial root and predisposing causes No this character Paroxysm, repeated attack & stubborn Independence A complication of multiple chronic disease. A dependent disease ( could include panting syndrome) Wind-Cold 风寒壅肺 Signs & Symptoms: Main Symptoms: Rapid breathing, distending feeling in the chest, abundant white thin sputum. Concurrent Symptoms: Headache, aversion to cold, cough, no sweating, not thirsty. Tongue: White, thin and slippery tongue coating Pulse: Floating, tight Treatment Protocol: Expel the Wind Dispersing the Lung Qi Treatment for Wind-Cold Ma Huang Tang 麻黄汤 Ephedra 麻黄 Cinnamon Twig 桂枝 Almond 杏仁 Licorice 甘草 Hua Gai San 华盖散 Ephedra 麻黄 Mulberry Bark 桑白皮 Perilla Seed 紫苏子 Pink Poria 赤茯苓 Tangerine Peel 陈皮 Processed Licorice 炙甘草 Almond 杏仁 Modifications: Headache Lovage Rhizome 川芎;Dahurian Angelica Root 白芷 Distending feeling in the chest Snakegourd 栝楼;Longstamen Onion 薤白 Abundant Sputum Mustard Seed 白芥子;Radish Seed 莱菔子 Cough with sputum Platycodon Root 桔梗;Licorice 甘草 Wind-Heat 表寒肺热 Signs & Symptoms: Main Symptoms: Rapid breathing, flaring of nares, yellow sticky & thick sputum difficult to be expectorated. Concurrent Symptoms: Chest pain, irritability, headache, fever, sweating, constipation, thirsty, dark urine. Tongue: Thin white or yellow tongue coating Pulse: Floating, slippery rapid Treatment Protocol: Clear the exterior-heat Ventilating the Lung & stopping panting Treatment for Wind-Heat Modified Ma Xing Shi Gan Tang 麻杏石甘汤加减 Ephedra 麻黄 Baical Skullcap Root 黄芩 Almond 杏仁 Gypsum 石膏 Licorice 甘草 Snakegourd 栝楼 Forsythia 连翘 Rhaponticum Root 漏芦 Platycodon Root 桔梗 Modifications: Headache Lovage Rhizome 川芎;Chastetree Fruit 蔓荆子 Constipation Rhubarb Root 大黄 Dark urine Talcum 滑石;Rice Paper Plant Pith 通草; Adzuki bean 赤小豆 Yellow Sputum Hogfennel Root 前胡;Snakegourd 栝楼; Fritillary Bulb 贝母 Irritability Cape Jasmine Fruit 山栀子 Phlegm Accumulation 痰浊阻肺 Signs & Symptoms: Main Symptoms: : Panting, cough, profuse, white & sticky phlegm, fullness sensation in the chest. Concurrent Symptoms: Poor appetite, stickiness in the mouth, no thirsty, nausea or vomiting in severe cases. Tongue: Thick, greasy, white tongue coating Pulse: Slippery Treatment Protocol: Resolving sputum Restore the reversed flow of Qi Formula for Phlegm Accumulation Er Chen Tang 二陈汤 Tangerine Peel 陈皮 Pinellia Tuber 半夏 Poria 茯苓 Processed Licorice 炙甘草 San Zi Yang Qin Tang 三子养亲汤 Perilla Seed 紫苏子 Mustard Seed 白芥子 Radish Seed 莱菔子 Modifications: Panting Inula Flower 旋覆花 Fullness sensation in the chest Snakegourd 栝楼;Bitter Orange 枳壳 Dampness Black Atractylodes Rhizome 苍术;Villous Amomum Fruit 砂仁 Nausea or Vomiting Bamboo Shavings 竹茹;FreshGinger 生姜 Poor appetite White Atractylodes Rhizome 白术;Chinese Yam 山药 Phlegm-Heat 痰热郁肺 Signs & Symptoms: Main Symptoms: : Panting, cough, dyspnoea, irritable feverish sensation & distending pain in the chest, yellow sticky sputum. Concurrent Symptoms: Thirsty, like cold drinking, flushed face, dry throat, dark urine, constipation or bloody sputum. Tongue: Yellow greasy coating Pulse: Slippery & rapid Treatment Protocol: Resolving sputum Eliminate lung heat Treatment for Phlegm-Heat Sang Bai Pi Tang 桑白皮汤 Mulberry Bark 桑白皮 Golden Thread 黄连 Fritillary Bulb 贝母 Perilla Seed 紫苏子 Baical Skullcap Root 黄芩 Almond 杏仁 Cape Jasmine Fruit 山栀子 Pinellia Tuber 半夏 Modifications: Fever Gypsum 石膏;Anemarrhena Rhizome 知母 Sticky sputum Clam Shell 海蛤壳 Stinking sputum Heartleaf Houttuynia Herb 鱼腥草;Job’s Tears 薏苡仁;Wintermelon Seed 冬瓜仁;Reed Rhizome 芦根 Abundant sputum + constipation Rhubarb Root 大黄;Mirabilite 芒硝; Pepperweed Seed 葶苈子 Stagnated Qi impairs the Lung肺气郁闭 Signs & Symptoms: Main Symptoms: Panting, short and rapid breathing, a feeling of obstruction in the throat, which are evoked usually by mental stress. Concurrent Symptoms: Frequent insomnia, palpitation, chest stuffiness, chest pain. Tongue: Thin coating Pulse: Thready Treatment Protocol: To deal with the mental depression Descending adverse flow of Lung Qi Treatment for Stagnated Qi Wu Mo Ying Zi 五磨饮子 Agarwood 沉香 Aucklandia Root 木香 Betel Nut 槟榔 Lindera Root 乌药 Bitter Orange 枳壳 Modifications: Palpitation & insomnia Lily Bulb 百合;Sour Jujube Seed 酸枣仁; Silktree Flower 合欢花;Polygala Root 远志 Qi stagnation + Liver fire 丹栀逍遥散 Chest distension & pain Nut-grass Rhizome 香附;Inula Flower 旋覆花 Comparison of Medicinals Aucklandia Root 木香 Nut-grass Rhizome 香附 Lindera Root 乌药 Regulate Qi movement & stop the pain Spleen Stomach Liver Kidney Smoothen Qi Regulate Qi Warm Middle Jiao Qi Stagnation; Digestive problem Hypochondrium pain; dysmenorrhea Hernia; dysmenorrhea; frequent urine Treatment 2) Def.-type a) Qi deficiency (Lung & Spleen) Signs & Symptoms: Main Sym. : dyspnea, tachypnea, short breath, low & weak voice, lower cough sound Concurrent sym.: spontaneous sweating & aversion to wind, pale complexion, lassitude, epigastric distension & loose stool after meal, or defecation soon after meal. Tongue: thin white or white & greasy coating Pulse: thready Treatment Protocol: Formula: Yu Ping Feng San + Liu Jun zi Tang Dang Shen Huang Qi Jie Geng Gan Cao Bai Zhu FuLing Ban Xia Modifications: Thin sputum + aversion to cold -- Gan jiang Loose stools -- Shan Yao, bian dou Chen Pi Treatment 2) Def.-type b) Yin deficiency (Kidney & Lung) Signs & Symptoms: Main Sym. : Panting & short breath worsening on exertion, thirsty, tidal fever, night sweating, sticky sputum with less amount and difficulty to be expectorated Concurrent sym.: flushed face, irritability, feverish sensation in the palm & soles Tongue: red tongue with thin yellow coating Pulse: thready & rapid Treatment Protocol: Formula: Shen Mai San + Liu Wei Di Huang Wan Dang Shen Mai Dong Dan Pi Gan Cao Tian dong Shen di Shan yu rou Ze xie Modifications: Lung Yin Def. -- Bai He, Sha Sheng, Yu Zu Kid Yin Def. -- Long Gu, Mu Li Panting -- Ci Shi ( specify for kid yin def. type panting) Treatment 2) Def.-type c) Yang deficiency (Kidney & Spleen) Signs & Symptoms: Main Sym. : Chronic panting, more expiration & less inspiration, worse while making exertion, shortness of breath Concurrent sym.: sweating, cold limbs, edema of face & legs, profuse, clear thin sputum, soreness of waist, lower back pain, pale or darkish complexion, frequent urination and polyuria during night Tongue: Pale and enlarged tongue Pulse: thready & deep & week ; large and rootless Treatment Protocol: Formula: Jin Gui Shen Qi Wan + Shen Ge san Gui Zhi Fu Zi Ren Sheng Shen di Shan yu rou Ze xie Dan Pi Gan Cao Ge Jie Bai Guo Wu wei zi Zu Ri Modifications: Up-adverse flow of Qi -- Zi Shi yin, Ci Shi, Cheng Xiang Edema -- Ting Li Zi, Fang Ji, Prevention: 1. Fresh air, full sunlight, suitable temperature & humidity in the room 2. No smoking, no drinking 3. Have light food, avoiding too salty, too sore, hot or irritable food 4. In the stage of attack, patient should lie in bed. When necessary, give the patient with oxygen inhalation. 5. In the stage of intermission of panting, courage the patient to do more exercise to strengthen constitution. Formula for Cold Phlegm Xiao Qing Long Tang 小青龙汤 Ephedra 麻黄 White Peony Root 白芍 Manchurian Wild Ginger 细辛 Dried Ginger 干姜 Roasted Licorice 炙甘草 Cinnamon Twig 桂枝 Magnoliavine Fruit 五味子 Pinellia Tuber 半夏 San Zi Yang Qin Tang 三子养亲汤 Perilla Seed 紫苏子 Mustard Seed 白芥子 Radish Seed 莱菔子 Su Zi Jiang Qi Tang 苏子降气汤 Perilla Seed 紫苏子 Pinellia Tuber 半夏 Hogfennel Root 前胡 Magnolia Bark 厚朴 Tangerine Peel 陈皮 Licorice 甘草 Chinese Angelica 当归 Fresh Ginger 生姜 Chinese Dates 大枣 Cinnamon Twig 桂枝 Formula for Cold Phlegm Ma Huang Tang 麻黄汤 Ephedra 麻黄 Cinnamon Twig 桂枝 Almond 杏仁 Licorice 甘草 Su Zi Jiang Qi Tang 苏子降气汤 Ephedra 麻黄 Mulberry Bark 桑白皮 Perilla Seed 紫苏子 Almond 杏仁 Pink Poria 赤茯苓 Tangerine Peel 陈皮 Processed Licorice 炙甘草 Fresh Ginger 生姜 Tangerine Peel 陈皮 Licorice 甘草 Perilla Seed 紫苏子 Pinellia Tuber 半夏 Case History 1. Male 73 years Medical history: Panting & coughing for several years, especially worse in winter. First visiting: Main complain: panting & coughing for several days Got cold several days ago and started coughing. Not stopping cough in the whole day, flaring of nares, yellow sticky & thick sputum difficult to be expectorated. distension feeling in the chest. Panting at night even can not fall in sleep. Fever & aversion to cold in every afternoon. Thirsty, no appetite, constipation, dark urine Tongue: red body less moisture with dry yellow coating slippery & rapid Pulse: floating & TCM diagnose: Wind-cold invasion + phlegm-heat accumulation + Yin Def. + lu. dryness Treatment protocol: Release the cold + clear the lung heat Formula: Ma Xing Shi Gan Tang: Case History 1. Male 73 years Medical history: Panting & coughing for several years, especially worse in winter. Second visiting: Main complain: Panting & coughing Fever is almost gone, no aversion to cold, appetite is getting better, still cough & panting, however, patient could take a half lying position now, sticky sputum with little blood, dark urine Tongue: moisture red body with thin yellow coating TCM diagnose: Lung Dryness & heat Treatment protocol: Clear the lung heat, moisten the lung dryness Formula: Qin Zao Jiu Fei Tang: Pulse: slippery & rapid Case History 1. Male 73 years Medical history: Panting & coughing for several years, especially worse in winter. Third visiting: Main complain: Panting & coughing No fever, cough is getting better, no bloody sputum, still little sticky sputum, panting is getting calm down at night, appetite is better, Still feel tired and exhausted, little dizziness, Tongue: moisture red body with thin yellow coating Pulse: thready rapid TCM diagnose: Yin Def. + Lu. Dryness + Sp Qi Def. Treatment protocol: Nourish Yin, moisten the lung dryness, tonify the Sp Qi Formula: Sha Sheng mai Dong Tang: Lung Distension TCM Diagnoses and Treatments Lung distension results from development of multiple chronic pulmonary disease and is characterized as thoracic bulge & fullness, cough, panting with reversed flow of qi, worsening while making exertion, stuff chest & abundant sputum. Etiology & Pathology: Etiology: 1) Lung def. due to chronic disease ( chronic pulmonary disease: obstruction emphysema, cough, asthma, pneumonectomy, chronic pulmonary heart disease, senile pneumonectomy, etc) 2) Exogenous pathogens affection Main Points for differentiation Lung Qi Def. Lung Qi & Yin Def. Lung & Spleen Def. Lung & Kidney Def. Spleen & Kidney Yang Def. Wheeze, Panting & Lung distension Dao Tan Tang 导痰汤 Orange Peel 陈皮 Pinellia Tuber 半夏 Poria 茯苓 Unripe Bitter Orange 枳实 Jackinthepulpit Tuber 天南星 Fresh Ginger 生姜